In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 242: Change of term in the Constitutional Court

The carriage slowly drove into Bianliang City and stopped outside the north gate of the imperial palace.

Fan Zhongyan and Zhao Jun got off the carriage. Inside the Xuanwu Gate, Zhao Zhen was already standing in the wind and snow waiting.

He was not wearing a military coat, but a scarlet dragon robe inside and a cotton cloak outside with a hood on top, blocking all the wind and snow outside.

But even so, seeing this situation, Fan Zhongyan hurriedly stepped forward quickly, approached Zhao Zhen and bowed, saying: "Your Majesty, I am sorry for your humble servant. How can you wait for me in person? The wind and snow here are too strong. You'd better return to the palace quickly to avoid catching a cold."

Zhao Zhen smiled and grabbed his hand and patted it gently, saying: "You have made great contributions to the Song Dynasty. Not to mention that I will personally welcome you, even if I take the civil and military officials to welcome you outside the city, it is the right thing to do."

He wanted to, but was stopped by the officials.

In fact, the emperors of the Song Dynasty were not forbidden to leave the palace. For example, the brothers Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi often sneaked out, and even went to the homes of military generals and ministers in the middle of the night to drink.

Once, Zhao Guangyi went to drink with a founding general, and drove drunk in the middle of the night. He also had a car accident because there were too many illegal buildings in Bianliang City. As a result, he angrily demanded the rectification of illegal buildings in Kaifeng Prefecture the next day, but it ended in failure due to opposition from the people.

But during the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of Song, this way of sneaking out was no longer acceptable. Either there must be a legitimate reason, or the ministers would carry him to the front line, such as visiting the mausoleum, offering sacrifices, enthroning the gods, or going to the front line in Chanzhou to fight.

And when Emperor Zhenzong of Song went out, the pomp was very large. According to historical records such as "Continued Zizhi Tongjian Changbian" and "History of Song Dynasty", when he went out, there were tens of thousands of ceremonial guards, carriages, and guards, including a large number of officials accompanying him.

Then these people had to pay for food, clothing, housing, transportation, and various expenses. Sometimes they had to meet with meritorious officials and give them rewards, which could be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of strings of cash at a time, and they spent money like water.

So during the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song, due to the persuasion of all officials that the emperor's leaving the palace would cost too much money to the treasury, it was unnecessary to waste such money and deplete the treasury, resulting in Zhao Zhen being the emperor for 41 years, but he never left the palace, which was also a strange thing.

Fan Zhongyan thanked: "The emperor's body is the most important."

"Okay, go in first."

Zhao Zhen waved his hand.

The group went to the Chuigong Hall in a mighty manner.

Today, to welcome Fan Zhongyan's return, all civil and military officials were present, and the Political System Institute took them to the outside of the city to welcome him. Zhao Zhen himself greeted him at the gate of the palace, which can be said to have given Fan Zhongyan a great deal of face.

A large number of 100 or 200 people, including censors, ministers, assistant ministers, ministers, ministers, doctors, secretaries, hall scholars, direct scholars, waiting officials, editors, and cabinets, escorted Zhao Zhen and his men into the palace.

At the front of the team were Zhao Zhen, Fan Zhongyan, Zhao Jun, Lü Yijian, Wang Zeng, Yan Shu, Cai Qi, Song Shou, Sheng Du, and others, followed by ministers from various departments. Everyone lined up in order according to the queue.

Fan Zhongyan took the lead in the team of prime ministers of the Political System Institute. Although his position was the governor of Hebei Road, don't forget that he also had the title of alternate director of the Political System Institute.

So his position was higher than that of the deputy prime minister.

At this moment, Zhao Zhen sat on the dragon throne with great pride. After all the officials entered the line, the ministers below shouted: "Long live your majesty, long live your majesty."

In fact, people in the Song Dynasty did not usually shout like this, although it was from the Song Dynasty that long live became exclusive to the emperor.

When Zhao Kuangyin mutinied at Chenqiaoyi, the soldiers gave him the title of "Long Live the Ancestor": "Some people put yellow clothes on the body of Taizu, and everyone bowed and shouted "Long Live the Ancestor."

So although Zhao Kuangyin did not directly decree that "Long Live the Ancestor" should be exclusive to him, it could only be used by the emperor from then on.

For example, Cao Ne, the nephew of Cao Liyong, a general of the Northern Song Dynasty, got drunk once and asked people to shout "Long Live the Ancestor". He was reported and beaten to death.

"The Biography of Kou Zhun" also records that Kou Zhun was shouted "Long Live the Ancestor" when he went out, so he was immediately removed from the position of Tongzhi Privy Council and demoted to Qingzhou Prefecture.

From then on until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the title of "Long Live the Ancestor" was extremely respected, and the emperor also became "Long Live the Ancestor".

But such cases of shouting "Long Live the Ancestor" were rare.

However, today, all officials can't help shouting like this, but someone takes the lead, and then everyone shouts together, which is really spectacular.

It was because of these two great wars and the diplomatic victory that was the first since the founding of the Northern Song Dynasty. It was a beautiful comeback, which made people feel proud. Except for the officials who were jealous of Fan Zhongyan, everyone was overjoyed.

"Everyone, please stand up!"

Zhao Zhen was very happy when he saw this. He looked around and said, "Although the past few years have been eventful, I am fortunate to have you, including Fan, to defeat Yuan Hao in the west and Zong Zhen in the north, demonstrating the majesty of our Song Dynasty."

"Your Majesty, thank you for your praise. If it weren't for your majesty's planning and arbitrating in the rear, I would not have been able to defeat Yuan Hao and Zong Zhen on the battlefield. This is all thanks to your majesty's wisdom and the protection of Taizu and Taizong."

Fan Zhongyan certainly couldn't take the credit. He pushed all the credit to Zhao Zhen, and by the way, he didn't forget to praise Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi, who had died long ago.

Anyway, no matter whether others believe it or not, the ministers must believe it, and they have to believe it even if they don't believe it.

Just kidding.

Fan Zhongyan's achievements are so great that he is almost at the point where there is no more title to be given. Although he is a civil servant, the civil servant group does not allow such a powerful person to come out, so of course he has to be suppressed.

At that time, the ministers of various departments such as Cheng Lin, Chen Zhizhong, Zhang Dexiang, Du Yan, Li Ruogu, Jia Changchao, Zheng Jian, Ye Qingchen, Hu Su, Han Ju and others came forward one after another.

"Your Majesty sent elite soldiers and strong generals to step on the spearhead and conquer the four directions. It is called the work of heaven and man. It is said that this is why heaven is heaven."

"The barbarians are invading the border, and they are really overestimating their own capabilities. I observe that heaven and man are not tired of Song De, and your majesty has God's blessing."

"Although Fan Xiwen has little merit, he cannot be compared with His Majesty."

Each of these people either blamed the emperor or God, but they did not say that Fan Zhongyan had any great achievements.

Because in addition to suppressing Fan Zhongyan, they also have jealous people.

For example, those guys like Cheng Lin, Zhang Dexiang, and Jia Changchao could make Fan Zhongyan's eyes turn red and he was so jealous that he was almost beyond recognition.

However, no matter how the officials belittled him, Zhao Zhen must still give Fan Zhongyan recognition, otherwise he would chill his officials.

At that moment, Zhao Zhen said: "Fan Qing has made great contributions to Sheji, there is no doubt about it. When he returns to Beijing this time, he must not take on important positions. He will be worshiped as a bachelor of Longtuge, Pingzhang for military and state affairs, and he will be granted the title of Duke of Chu!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Fan Zhongyan was overjoyed. Historically, he was the deputy prime minister, but now he has been directly promoted to prime minister.

But it's actually of no use.

This is because the current post of Prime Minister, such as the Council of Political Affairs and Tong Zhongshu’s Pingzhang Affairs, Pingzhang Military and State Affairs, and Pingzhang Military and State Affairs, which were inherited from the Tang Dynasty, are basically empty duties.

The real actual position is still the prefect of the Constitutional Yuan, or the co-president or alternate co-president of the Constitutional Yuan. Even the deputy co-president of the Constitutional Yuan is not qualified to participate in important court affairs.

Zhao Jun said: "Your Majesty, the purpose of establishing the Constitutional Yuan is to enable Your Majesty to better govern the country, strengthen the concentration of power, and promote policies that are beneficial to the country. Therefore, I advocate that the personnel of the Constitutional Yuan should be fixed regularly and be elected every five years. Now that the king has passed away, I thought it would be time to replace him with a new one."

Zhao Zhen said: "It's accurate!"

"Please nominate me, and the nominee will officially join the Constitutional Yuan as a co-president!"


"I nominate Fan Zhongyan, Li Di, and Li Shen!"

Zhao Jun said immediately.

Li Di could hardly suppress the smile on his face.

It was a rule set before that the members of the Constitutional Yuan should be appointed on a permanent basis and be replaced every five years.

Therefore, no matter how the officials in Kandai try to impeach the people of the Constitutional Yuan, unless they can find evidence of a violation of the law, the Prime Minister of the Constitutional Yuan will remain unmoved by just catching wind and shadow.

It has actually been more than four years since the establishment of the Constitutional Yuan in September of the third year of Jingyou's reign. It should not be until September next year that the new term will be held.

However, with Wang Sui's death from illness and Fan Zhongyan's great contribution, it is a certainty that he will formally join the Constitutional Yuan, so it is natural for him to change the term in advance.

And Zhao Jun naturally wants to appoint his own people to the Constitutional Yuan. After all, although Lao Fan is good, he has his own opinions. For example, the two sides had differences in the Liao-Song peace talks, so the two can only be regarded as allies, not themselves. people.

Li Dina has completely taken refuge with him and has become his younger brother, so why don't he cover him up? Li Shen highly praised Zhao Jun's business reforms and supported Zhao Jun's decision, so he naturally had to mention it.

Lu Yijian immediately said: "I nominate Yan Shu, Cheng Lin, and Zhang Dexiang."

Song Shou said: "I nominate Chen Zhizhong and Jia Changchao."

Cai Qi looked at Wang Zeng, who said solemnly: "I nominate Song Xiang and Zheng Jian."

Lu Yijian smiled and said: "According to the regulations, nominations need to be selected from the candidates for observation. Song Xiang is no longer the same."

Wang Zeng glanced at Lu Yijian angrily, this old man was on his way.

Under the current restructuring of the imperial court, the ministers of all important departments directly under the Constitutional Yuan must be given the title of alternate observation fellow to demonstrate the importance of these departments in the imperial court.

For example, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Police, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Taxation, and the traditional six ministries of Rites, Officials, Soldiers, Punishments, Households, and Industry.

Song Xiang was previously the Youjianyi doctor. As the head of the Jiantai, which was equivalent to that department in later generations, he naturally had a high position of authority. Therefore, like the chief censor Zhongcheng of the Yushitai, he also had the title of alternate observer.

With this title, the rank is basically the second grade, and at the same time, he has the qualifications to enter the Constitutional Yuan.

But Jian Tai always refused to deal with Lu Yijian, and would impeach the Constitutional Yuan or Lu Yijian's younger brother if nothing happened.

The year before last, Han Qi also impeached Chen Yaozuo, Shi Zhongli, and Wang Sui. Although Wang Sui was not demoted because he entered the Constitutional Yuan, Chen Yaozuo was dismissed as the military governor of Huaikang and sentenced to Zhengzhou, causing Lu Yijian to lose another Right arm.

Since Song Xiang was Wang Zeng's younger brother, he naturally chased after Lu Yijian and annoyed Lu Yijian. So last year, Lu Yijian took advantage of Song Xiang's jealousy of Fan Zhongyan to frame him and transfer him to Yangzhou.

The cause of the incident was that Fan Zhongyan corresponded with Xixia many times in the first half of last year. The letters naturally had to be reported to the court. At that time, Zhao Jun was traveling around the world, and Wang Zeng and Cai Qi were both sick. The situation was not very good, and the Constitutional Yuan went smoothly. Lu Yijian took over the power, making his family the only one in power.

Seeing this, Song Xiang frantically impeached Lu Yijian.

Lu Yijian then deliberately read Fan Zhongyan's letter to Xixia in front of Song Xiang, and said, "How can any important official on the border correspond with the rebel enemy?" He also said: "This is written in the memorial, who knows what he actually said to Yuan Hao. What?"

As soon as Song Xiang heard that the matter was of great importance, he went to court the next day and read a copy of Fan Zhongyan's book.

Zhao Zhen was very angry at that time, and Lu Yijian immediately added fuel to the flames, saying, "It is not appropriate to write letters privately, but it is completely wrong to say that Fan Zhongyan has two minds about the emperor."

As a result, Song Xiang became a villain who was jealous of talents and made rumors and slander others out of nothing. He soon left the capital to know Yangzhou Prefecture.

Not to mention that Lu Yijian was a very bad guy, and he was really a good hand when it came to political struggles.

Zhao Jun was also designed by him at first.

In history, both Li Di and Wang Zeng suffered from this old guy.

The year before last, he demoted Fan Xi, the censor Zhongcheng who had impeached him many times, to the rank of marching commander of the Wuchang army, and to know the Linjiang army.

Now Wang Zeng's important younger brother Song Xiang was taken away by Lu Yijian while he was sick, which almost made Wang Zeng angry to death.

But what Lu Yijian said is right. To be nominated to the Constitutional Yuan, one must first have the title of Alternate Fellow and Alternate Observer. Otherwise, one will not be eligible to be nominated at all.

Wang Zeng had no choice but to retreat and do the next best thing: "I nominate Zheng Jian and Han Ju."

This Han Ju is Han Qi's brother. He currently serves as the Minister of Industry. He was promoted to the position for his outstanding political performance as the transfer envoy between Zhejiang and Zhejiang.

He is not Wang Zeng's younger brother, but he himself is Wang Zeng's fanboy and respects Wang Zeng very much. Therefore, if he cannot win over his subordinates, it is naturally better to choose the fanboy.

"I nominate Ye Qingchen and Jiang Tang!"

Cai Qi also said.

Jiang Tang was promoted from Huainan East Road Transfer Envoy and is now the Minister of Rites. Although he has nothing to do with Wang Zeng's party, it is said that he has a good relationship with Zhao Jun, so Wang Zeng simply gave Zhao Jun a favor.

Sheng Du looked around, but there was no movement.

Of course he also has a desire for power, but the Zhao Jun family dominates the Constitutional Yuan, and then Lu Yijian and Wang Zeng are fighting among themselves, and Wang Sui is a do-nothing person. They cannot offend each other, making it difficult for him to support himself and stay together.

As a result, Sheng Du's power in the Constitutional Yuan was not great, and it was difficult to promote his own people to important positions.

For example, the Minister of Finance is the former Third Secretary Cheng Lin, the Minister of Education is Jia Changchao, who was a lecturer at the Imperial College and is also a famous exegesis, writer, and calligrapher, and the Minister of War is Zhang Dexiang, a former Privy Council member and right admonisher. The meeting official is Chen Zhizhong.

These four people are associates of Lu Yijian's party.

Ye Qingchen, the Minister of Household Affairs, and Zheng Jian, the new censor who succeeded Fan Xi, were not of Wang Zeng's faction, but they were close friends with Song Xiang, so they naturally supported Wang Zeng.

The other ministers of the Ministry of Rites, Jiang Tang, Li Ruogu, the Ministry of Personnel, Han Ju, the Minister of Industry, Hu Su, the Minister of Taxation, and Du Yan, the Minister of Police, rose to the position based on their outstanding political achievements.

Du Yan, for example, was famous for being good at managing prisons. He once knew the trial court and was very good at investigating cases. Hu Su is upright and meticulous, and is very suitable for tax inspections.

As for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Justice, one is Li Shen and the other is Li Di, both of whom were promoted by Zhao Jun.

There was not a single Shengdu teammate inside. When he saw this situation, he was literally in tears. If he hadn't had a strong desire for power and was still standing in the court at the age of seventy-two, he would have thought of becoming an official on the spot.

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