In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 243 This man comes from the future

There are a total of fifteen people who are eligible for the election of the Constitutional Council.

In addition to the heads of the Shangshu, Yushitai, and Jiantai of thirteen important departments, there are also former alternate Tongzhi Yan Shu and Fan Zhongyan.

The Lu Party nominated five, Yan Shu, Cheng Lin, Zhang Dexiang, Chen Zhizhong, and Jia Changchao.

The Wang Party nominated four, Zheng Jian, Han Ju, Ye Qingchen, and Jiang Tang.

Zhao Jun nominated three, Fan Zhongyan, Li Di, and Li Zi.

In this way, only the Minister of Personnel Li Ruogu, the Minister of Taxation Hu Su, and the Minister of Police Du Yan, who have no backers, cannot enter the Constitutional Council.

The three people in the audience looked normal. They had already known the result and were not surprised.

Only one person looked at Lu Yijian and Zhao Jun with a resentful look.

This person was Xia Song, the assistant minister of the Ministry of Finance.

Xia Song had a grudge against Lu Yijian, so naturally he could not become the minister of an important department.

But he was also a person with a great desire for power. When he first saw the power of the Constitutional Council, he was extremely shocked, so he set a goal to enter the Constitutional Council in the future.

Unfortunately, after working for several years, he still failed to become the minister of each department first, and then wait until the Constitutional Council changed its term to enter the Council in one fell swoop.

This was naturally due to Lu Yijian's suppression.

However, when the various departments were just beginning to reform, he had a good chance of getting a position of minister.

Just one sentence from Zhao Jun brought him back to his original form.

There was no way.

There was indeed no evidence for Liu Yuanyu's incident, but even if there was no evidence, Zhao Jun suspected that he did it, and naturally he was very dissatisfied with him.

After that incident, Xia Song regretted it so much. Even if he thought it was unreasonable for Zhao Jun to take the position at such a young age, he could obviously do the same as others and look at the situation before making a decision. Why couldn't he change his old habit of jealousy and say that he encouraged the brainless people to charge?

But this kind of thing is hard to say. Who could have expected that a deputy envoy of the three divisions would be dismissed? He was even arrested later, which only highlighted the power of the Constitutional Court. It is really hard to understand.

So it is because Xia Song misjudged the situation and still used the previous unspoken rule of officialdom that saying anything is a crime. He thought that even if Zhao Jun was impeached, nothing would happen.

But he didn't know that the court was narrow-minded. He wanted to leave after offending him when he had a crime that could be found with evidence? It's not that easy.

However, for a sinister person like Xia Song, even if he regretted it, he would only regret it for a while at most. After that, he quickly transferred his resentment to Zhao Jun and Lu Yijian, resenting one for not letting him become a minister and the other for suppressing him.

Today, I saw the change of the Constitutional Court again, which had nothing to do with me, and the resentment in my heart became even stronger. He looked at many colleagues with jealous eyes, and his eyes were almost popping out.

But no matter what, it would be useless even if he was jealous to the point of having red eye disease.

Seeing that the list of nominees had come out, Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "Okay, in that case, let's go back to the Political System Council to vote."

He waved his hand and said, "Dismiss the court. Except for Fan Zhongyan and Yan Shu, the other nominees will stay!"

"Dismiss the court!"

Wang Shouzhong said loudly.

All officials left.

Cheng Lin, Zhang Dexiang, Chen Zhizhong, Jia Changchao, Zheng Jian, Han Ju, Ye Qingchen, Jiang Tang and others stayed in Chuigong Hall with trepidation.

Zhao Zhen, Zhao Jun, Lu Yijian and other people who were originally from the Political System Council went to the back pavilion of Zichen Hall.

There was no way, Chuigong Hall was a little far from Chongzheng Hall, and it was also a little far from the Political System Council office in the back pavilion of Daqing Hall.

Now it was winter, and it was snowing heavily. Everyone didn't want to go so far. Everyone in Chuigong Hall was still waiting for the voting results, so it was better to deal with it as soon as possible.

The group arrived at the back pavilion, and the charcoal fire was lit in the pavilion. Except for a window opened on the side for ventilation, the room was still warm.

Everyone sat down according to their seats.

Zhao Jun did not sit in the main seat this time, but under Zhao Zhen's left hand, and Lü Yijian sat opposite.

After everyone was seated, Zhao Zhen looked at Zhao Jun and said, "Grandson, how do you think the Political System Council should be arranged for this term change?"

"There are too many people. In essence, our political system is that the Political System Council is responsible to the government and handles national affairs, covering all political directions except military affairs."

Zhao Jun spread his hands and said, "Since we have to formulate the general direction, what do we need so many people for? What the court needs is a correct, strong, and concentrated voice, not everyone speaking out for each other, fighting for power and profit, and making the Political System Council a mess."

He also glanced at Lü Yijian. This old Deng excluded dissidents and suppressed political enemies when he was traveling around the world. He was able to insert four of the heads of fifteen important departments. If it weren't for Wang Zeng's help to contain him, and he didn't dare to do too much, I'm afraid all the officials in the court would be his little brothers.

Lü Yijian could naturally feel Zhao Jun's gaze, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, I have thought about this for a long time."


Zhao Zhen asked: "What good ideas does Prime Minister Lü have?"

"I think the current rules can be changed. For example, the only person who can enter the Political System Council and know Han Long's identity is the Tongzhi."

Lü Yijian said: "The alternate Tongzhi only has the right to make suggestions, but not the right to participate. We can cancel the alternate Tongzhi's participation in the meeting in the future, send the meeting content to them, and let them make suggestions."

Zhao Zhen thought: "Does Prime Minister Lü mean to propose a few more alternate Tongzhi?"

"Yes, the same knowledge cannot be granted easily. Fan Zhongyan and Yan Shu have worked hard and made great achievements. It is natural for them to be admitted to the hospital."

Lu Yijian said with a smile: "Cheng Lin's Ministry of Finance is the first department under the Political Yuan, and he used to be the prime minister, so his power is shown by his high position. Jia Changchao is in charge of the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education will be the top priority in the future. Unless he is in a high position, he cannot promote education. Development. This is especially true for the Ministry of War. If you want to reform the military system, you must have a corresponding position to supervise the officials. If the power is small, how to use the power of supervision? "

"As for the rest?"

Lu Yijian said calmly: "For example, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Household Affairs are not currently being vigorously developed by the country. When checking household registration, it is normal for them not to be admitted to the hospital. The Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and the Ministry of Punishments are only symbols, almost empty, but in ancient times Taichang is the head of the Nine Ministers, with low power but high position, so he can be a candidate. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce only deals with commerce, and the Ministry of Punishment deals with law. They are not as important as the previous ones, so they can also be considered as candidates."

What he said makes sense at first glance, because the Ministry of Finance is very important. Although it is only the third echelon in the rankings of later generations, it is in the national rankings. It goes down to the local governments, county and city finance bureaus, and provincial finance departments. That is not appropriate. The bosses of various departments? Various departments are requesting funding from the Finance Bureau.

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of War are indeed the directions for future reform. Education is related to the promotion of mathematics and physics, the Ministry of War wants to change the status quo of redundant troops, and the admonition platform needs to exercise supervisory power.

But aren’t industry, commerce and law important?

Obviously, Lu Yijian's move was to avoid the truth and attack the enemy parties, and to exclude people from Wang Zeng's faction from the political institution. Those mentioned by Zhao Jun were given to alternate colleagues, and all of his own were admitted to the hospital to expand his strength.

Except for Zheng Jian and Chen Zhizhong, who had the same reason that it was difficult to attack, everyone else was blocked by him outside the gate of the Constitutional Yuan.

Even if he knows that he can't do it, he still has to maintain such an attitude. When faced with cross-examination by his younger brothers in the future, he will naturally have an excuse to say that he has tried his best.


Zhao Jun was almost amused. He pointed at Lu Yijian and said, "You old fool, why don't you just become the President of the Constitutional Yuan?"


Lu Yijian waved his hands and said: "Although I have been in charge for many years, how can I compare with Han Long who is young and promising? Of course, if Han Long is willing to give way."

"I'll give you a chance."

Zhao Jun rolled his eyes and said: "Officials, don't listen to this old man's nonsense. This guy doesn't serve the country all day long. He knows about party struggles every day. In this election, I propose to depose Lu Yijian."


Fan Zhongyan became energetic and said loudly: "I support it with both hands!"

"Cough cough cough."

Wang Zeng coughed twice and looked at Lu Yijian with a strange light from the corner of his eyes.


Lu Yijian immediately wilted and said angrily: "That's what I meant. If you don't agree to refute it, then why bother making such a fuss?"

In fact, he didn't really want to install a younger brother in the Constitutional Yuan, but he had to make this gesture, otherwise he would not be able to explain to his subordinates.


It was Yan Shu who smoothed things over: "We are all our own people here, so stop joking and let's talk about business."

As he said that, he looked at Zhao Jun and said, "Hanlong, what do you think?"

Zhao Jun pondered: "One thing Lu Laodeng said is right. First, there can't be too many people admitted to the hospital officially, and there can't be too many people who know my identity. The more people, the greater the risk of exposure. I propose to temporarily The ones who will definitely be selected are Lao Fan, Uncle Lari, and Li Di, and we’ll discuss the rest.”

There was no doubt about this, not even Lu Yijian objected. Fan Zhongyan and Yan Shu had been alternate colleagues for several years, and since Fan had made such great contributions, it was natural for him to officially join.

What's more, although Yan Shu was not Lu Yijian's younger brother, and remained silent during the struggle between King Lu and seemed to be not helping anyone, he was actually more biased toward Lu Yijian, and was considered a half-helper, so Lu Yijian certainly recognized it.

As for Li Di, there was nothing he could do.

Wang Zeng has Cai Qi's support, and Lao Fan will definitely work with Wang Zeng to deal with him after he comes in. He has Song Shou's support, and Yan Shu is vaguely biased toward him. Zhao Jun has never had anyone to help him, but Zhao Jun's energy is too great. One person can stand up to everyone in the Constitutional Yuan, so everyone ignores this point.

But it cannot be denied that Zhao Jun has always been fighting alone in the Constitutional Yuan. Now it is natural for him to ask for multiple helpers. Lu Yijian cannot and does not dare to object.

But there is a problem.

Although Fan Zhongyan is not Wang Zeng's younger brother, he is a staunch anti-Lü faction, and everyone has long agreed that this time Lao Fan returns from the victory, he will launch reforms. If it harms his own interests, he will oppose it and Lao Fan will unite. What if Wang Zeng or even Zhao Jun hammer him?

Yan Shu, who relied solely on himself, Song Shou and half a helper, could not withstand such great pressure, so Lu Yijian said: "I think Jia Changchao and Zhang Dexiang can come in."

Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Zhen first.

Zhao Zhen thought for a moment and said to him: "Dasun, what do you think?"

"Let me analyze it."

Zhao Jun pointed at Lu Yijian and said: "The Constitutional Yuan has great power, but it is centered on our wise officials and guided by the reform plan discussed by everyone. But in addition to these, it has great influence on the personnel and governance below. Power, so someone like Lao Lu wants to put people in. "

Lu Yijian was not happy at that time, and said angrily: "Hanlong, what you said is too much. Although we are all our own people and can speak without worries, I am also for the country, but I am selfless. How can you Can you say that to me?"

"You must have selfish motives, but I believe you are doing it for the country. But I am not blaming you. Didn't Wang Zeng bring people in just to compete with you? Everyone has selfish motives, so we should be honest and open."

Zhao Jun said seriously: "I know that politics requires restraint. If you don't speak clearly, you will leave room for everyone. But I think that in many cases, it is better to speak openly, because it is easy to misunderstand if you hide it, so it is better to talk clearly first. Ming, this way the conversation is more efficient and avoids mutual suspicion and disunity. "

“Young people really are.”

Lu Yijian shook his head with a wry smile. Zhao Jun always did this, breaking many unwritten political rules.

But it is undeniable that Zhao Jun is right.

Once things are discussed, communication costs will be lowered, there will be less worries and suspicions, and efficiency will naturally be accelerated.

Zhao Jun said: "This political reform of the Yuan is essentially about dividing the power cake. Lao Lu wants two more people to support him. Lao Wang wants two more people to check and balance Lao Lu. I am afraid that even Sheng Gong wants to support the two. Come in personally."

Sheng Du smiled sheepishly.

"This is definitely not going to work. You raise one thing, and I raise another, and the Constitutional Yuan becomes like a Western parliament, full of people talking, and full of chaos. How can it work?"

Zhao Jun spread his hands and said: "So there must be a corresponding system."

Zhao Zhen said: "What does Dasun mean to reduce the number of admissions? Only let Mr. Xiwen, Uncle Tong, and Mr. Fuxu come in?"

"That's not true."

Zhao Jun said: "Xi Xia and Liao were defeated, and our internal reforms are imminent. We must recruit more forces and bring more people into the Constitutional Yuan. Through my identity, we can form a complete political alliance, which will help Get together and do big things.”

This identity that has traveled from the future is very useful. If you reveal it to everyone, tell everyone that I am from the future, and do it my way, it will ensure that the country will be prosperous. No matter how they oppose each other, everyone will be forced to follow you.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, because Zhao Zhen, Lu Yijian, Wang Zeng, Fan Zhongyan, and Yan Shu believe it, and the rest of the people who join the Constitutional Yuan naturally have no choice but to follow the big army.

Therefore, the Constitutional Yuan can expand. After the reform begins, a team of more than ten prime ministers will be able to carry out all-round sorting and political changes.

But there can’t be too many people, otherwise it will be too chaotic.

Zhao Zhen asked: "How many people are more suitable?"

"There are eight of us now."

Zhao Jun looked at the crowd and said: "There are nine Li Di coming in, Lao Lu can pull one, Lao Wang can pull one, eleven people are enough, and the rest can join the Constitutional Yuan as alternate colleagues as appropriate."

As he said that, he glanced at the pitiful Sheng Du and hesitated: "How about you invite one, Lao Sheng?"

Sheng Du's eyes lit up and he asked, "Is it okay?"

"Say it."

"Zhang Shixun."

Sheng Du said without hesitation.

Zhang Shixun actually retired from office in May this year. He is seventy-five years old and is really unable to bear it.

However, Sheng Du and he had been friends for many years. In the early years, Zhang Shixun offended Liu E and was dismissed as prime minister. It was only after Sheng Du recommended Zhao Zhen that he was reinstated as prime minister in the first year of Ming Dao.

Although he has become an official, Sheng Du also knows that his old friend is not willing to accept it, so he still hopes that his old friend can help him speak in the Constitutional Yuan.

It doesn't matter that Zhang Shixun is already serving as an official. During the Tang and Song dynasties, officials who were appointed to official positions would often resume their duties once the court needed it.

For example, when Ouyang Xiu became an official in his later years, the court invited him back with a grand ceremony two months later, but he refused.

Therefore, as long as Zhao Zhen orders Zhang Shixun to be resurrected, it will basically be fine.

"That's it, twelve people in total."

Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Zhen and said: "In this way, when I am here, I can make a decision with twelve people. When I am not here, there are eleven of them. It is easy to make a decision with one more odd vote."


Zhao Zhen said: "Okay, let's do it according to Da Sun's wishes."

"Then let me mention Jia Changchao."

Lu Yijian sighed. Compared to others, Jia Changchao had a closer relationship with him. In the early years, Zhao Zhen wanted a teacher to teach scriptures, and he recommended Jia Changchao.

Wang Zeng said: "I propose Zheng Jian."

"Zheng Jian is a headstrong man, no way!"

Lu Yijian objected.

Zhao Jun thought for a moment and said, "Then let's take Jiang Tang."

This is also to consider political balance.

On the Lu Party's side were Cai Qi, Jia Changchao, and Yan Shu, who was inclined to the Lu Party.

Jiang Tang, Zhang Shixun and Sheng Du are definitely the more moderate ones.

Fan Zhongyan and Li Di were at odds with Lao Lutou when they were admitted to the hospital. They would not join Wang Zeng's faction, but they all had a common political enemy.

Then Wang Zeng has Cai Qi's iron core, plus Fan Zhongyan and Li Di fight against Lu Yijian, four votes to four, which is still balanced, but adding Lu Dang will not be able to withstand it.

Therefore, in order to maintain the balance, Wang Zeng cannot be added. In this way, the political stance of the Constitutional Yuan is that Zhao Jun is still the boss, sitting back and watching Wang Lu fight among themselves.

It is an acceptable result for Zhao Jun, Zhao Zhen and everyone.

Political balance is still important.

"Then it's settled."

Zhao Zhen made the final decision.

Although it is a vote, in fact it means that it is for outsiders to listen to.

After all, Zhao Zhen and Zhao Jun have the final say in the Constitutional Yuan.

There are six people officially admitted to the hospital, Yan Shu, Fan Zhongyan, Jia Changchao, Jiang Tang, Li Di and Zhang Shixun.

Next is the alternate Tongzhi. These people must not have as much power as Yan Shu and Fan Zhongyan before, and they will also hide Zhao Jun's identity from them, forming an information gap between the inside and outside of the court.

But no matter what, the alternate Tongzhi of the Political System Court is also the current vice prime minister, with the right to make suggestions, so it is still necessary to be cautious.

After discussion, Cheng Lin of the Ministry of Finance, Zhang Dexiang of the Ministry of War, Han Ju of the Ministry of Works, and Li Zi of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce were finally selected as alternate Tongzhi, with a position equivalent to that of a vice prime minister.

After confirming the list, Zhao Zhen ordered Zhang Shixun to be reinstated and sent someone to his mansion to invite him over.

About half an hour later.

Wang Shouzhong came to the Chuigong Hall again, looked at the many candidates, and announced that Jia Changchao, Jiang Tang, and Li Di would go to the back pavilion of the Zichen Hall!

The others looked disappointed, but Li Di was much calmer, Jia Changchao was jubilant, and Jiang Tang was quite surprised.

But there was nothing to say about this result. After all, the position was given by the government, and no one dared to make a fuss.

The three of them went to the Purple Palace and met Zhang Shixun on the way. The old man was also invited in confusion, so they went into the back pavilion together.

Everyone in the pavilion was still sitting.

The four of them saluted Zhao Zhen first, and then Zhao Zhen said in a deep voice: "After voting and discussion, the four of you will enter the Political System Institute from today!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The four people hurriedly bowed their hands and saluted.

Then Zhao Zhen stood up, looked at the four people and said: "I know that the world is very confused, wondering why Zhao Jun can be in charge of the Political System Institute at such a young age. Since you are in the institute, you are qualified to know the truth!"

He pointed at Zhao Jun who was sitting leisurely on the chair and said softly: "Hanlong, from the future a thousand years later!"

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