In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 244: A little shock for the newcomers with some jokes from the Song Dynasty

He came from the future?



Or what?

The four people were stunned.

This sentence was obviously beyond their understanding.

In the future technological era, if someone said that he came from hundreds of years later, at least everyone would understand what it meant.

But in ancient times, the concept of science and technology was not yet popular, and the so-called future people could only be classified as myths.

It was confusing.

"In short, it was a person from the Song Dynasty who suddenly appeared in the Han Dynasty."

Zhao Jun explained: "I don't know the reason, it may be multidimensional universe, wormhole, quantum mechanics, time travel, etc."

So. What is multidimensional universe, wormhole, quantum mechanics, time travel?

Everyone's face showed a confused expression again.

This question is purely beyond the scope.

Zhang Shixun looked even more demented. He was old and his memory was not very good, and his thinking was sometimes a little confused.

He thought that he had lived for more than seventy years and had seen all kinds of scenes.

But the scene in front of him.

It really made it impossible for him to sort out a logical line of his chaotic thinking.

"Anyway, you don't need to understand these. I have read so many popular science books about the universe, but I still only know a little bit."

Seeing that they were confused, Zhao Zhen said, "You only need to know that the eldest grandson is a descendant of the Zhao Dynasty a thousand years later, and went back a thousand years ago to assist the Song Dynasty. It's like there is a descendant of the Liu family today who went back to the end of the Han Dynasty to support the Han Dynasty."

Now they understood.

Li Di was overjoyed and said, "This must be the appearance of Taizu and Taizong, who brought Zhiyuan to a thousand years ago to strengthen our Song Dynasty!"

"Yes, only Taizu and Taizong can appear, so there will be such a miracle!"

Jia Changchao also flattered immediately.

The rest of Jiang Tang and Zhang Shixun were dumbfounded. They didn't expect Li Di and Jia Changchao to react so quickly.

Because in their minds, the first thing they thought was, what nonsense is the official talking about, how could there be such a thing that goes against common sense?

However, Li Di and Jia Changchao believed it directly without thinking at all.

Hey, hey.

Are you two so stupid?

Shouldn't we first confirm whether the emperor is joking or making up a story to increase Zhao Jun's sanctity and prestige?


Zhao Jun was at a loss whether to laugh or cry: "If you think it's okay, then think so."

Zhang Shixun hesitated: "How can we convince others?"

Lv Yijian said: "We didn't believe it at first, but Han Long appeared out of thin air in the back garden of the palace. Several guards saw it with their own eyes, and he also brought many books and items from later generations, which can be traced."

"Yes, there is no doubt about this, and Han Long also predicted the founding of Yuan Hao and the Song-Xia War. There was no major war between the Liao Kingdom and the Liao Kingdom, but the Liao Kingdom threatened We gave him more money."

"Hanlong invented the hand grenades and artillery. After gunpowder was invented, the Liao people coveted it and started a war. And the Liao people really wanted to increase the money. You saw that even if they lost, they still wanted to increase the money by 200,000 strings."

"All we can tell you is that Hanlong came from the future. We didn't believe it at first, but the facts are in front of us. Now the Song Dynasty can defeat Xixia and Liao, and it is all thanks to him. "

Yan Shu, Song Shou, Cai Qi, Sheng Du and others talked about it.

Even Fan Zhongyan admitted that if it weren't for Zhao Jun, they would still suffer three epic defeats with Xixia, and finally sign humiliating conditions, and they would be blackmailed by Liao to increase the money.

So in the war with Xixia and Liao, two points depended on Fan Zhongyan's normal performance, and eight points were attributed to Zhao Jun's anticipation of the enemy, allowing the Song Dynasty to break the situation calmly.

"What kind of world will the future be like?"

Jiang Tang now believed it to some extent. From the shock and suspicion he felt when he first heard this big secret, to now that he had come to his senses, he hesitated and asked, "And what will be the end of our Song Dynasty?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Wang Zeng coughed and said, "I'll show you the future world later. As for our Song Dynasty, it was supposed to perish in more than 80 years, and then move south. We are in the Northern Song Dynasty, and after moving south, it will be the Southern Song Dynasty."


Several people were shocked, and Zhang Shixun was even more surprised and asked, "Are we defeated by the Liao people in the end?"

In their perception, only the Liao Kingdom could pose a threat to the Song Dynasty.

"No." Fan Zhongyan shook his head: "It was the Jurchens of the Wanyan tribe in the northeast. They rebelled against the Liao Dynasty a few decades later and eventually destroyed the Liao Dynasty, and then invaded the Song Dynasty from the south." There were some things he was still embarrassed to tell Jiang Tang and Zhang Shixun, such as Song Huizong's stupid strategy of allying with Jin to destroy the Liao Dynasty, the Song army's massive siege of the remaining Liao troops but being killed in a ridiculous counterattack, and the shame of countless clan women and civilian women being humiliated when the Jin army besieged Bianliang. It's too embarrassing. "The Jurchens in the northeast?" Zhang Shixun wondered: "Are they capable of destroying the Liao Dynasty?" "Just like no one would have thought that Yelu Abaoji, a chief of a small Khitan tribe, could establish the Liao Dynasty." Zhao Jun said: "Any powerful person or thing starts from a weak place. The Song Dynasty replaced the Later Zhou Dynasty, and the Later Zhou Dynasty replaced the Later Han Dynasty, but didn't the Later Zhou Dynasty's Taizu Guo Wei also rise from a humble beginning and eventually replace the Later Han Dynasty?"

He did not mention Zhao Kuangyin, because Zhao Kuangyin's background was much better. His father and father-in-law were both generals under Guo Wei, equivalent to the sons and sons-in-law of the founding generals of the Later Zhou Dynasty, so they were much stronger than Guo Wei.

"What happened next?"

Although Zhang Shixun was in his seventies, he was very curious. Perhaps it was true that the older he got, the more naughty he became. He asked curiously: "What happened next?"

"Later, the Southern Song Dynasty was divided into the south, and the Jin Kingdom occupied the north. The territory of the Southern Song Dynasty can be understood as the Soochow and Jihan areas during the Three Kingdoms period. More than a hundred years later, the Mongols rose up, and they are now the Mongol people. Their leader Genghis Khan unified the Mongolian tribes and went south to destroy the Jin Kingdom.”

Zhao Jun shrugged and said: "The Mongols are very powerful, and the Southern Song Dynasty was also wiped out by the Mongols. In the Battle of Yashan, Lu Xiufu, the last prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, jumped into the sea and committed suicide with Zhao Bing, the last emperor of the Song Dynasty, who was only eight years old. The Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed. It was two years ago. What happened more than a hundred years later was that the Mongols established the Yuan Dynasty. Another hundred years later, the Yuan Dynasty was destroyed by the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty was replaced by the Qing Dynasty established by the descendants of the Jurchens. How many years did it take before the establishment of our new era country from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the establishment of our new era? The ten-year transitional period of the Republic of China, about a thousand years later, will be our country, the full name of which is the People's Republic of China. Before I came, our country had been in its seventy-fourth year since its founding, and its national power was growing day by day. Among the rankings of countries in the world, it was only the People's Republic of China. The United States, second only to the American continent, is well-deserved number one in Asia!”

Everyone looked at each other. If what the other party said was true, it would be shocking enough. It turned out that this was the history of the next thousand years. This shocking secret was obviously enough for them to digest for a long time.


Seeing some silence in the room, Lu Yijian coughed twice and then said: "Okay, you don't need to know too much about these things. You just need to know that Hanlong is the highest secret to us and to the entire Song Dynasty. , must not be leaked.”

Wang Zeng immediately said: "And now we all must obey Han Long's orders. In the Constitutional Yuan, Han Long has the highest order, because only he can lead us out of our fate, and the officials also trust Han Long very much."

Lu Yijian glanced at Wang Zeng resentfully. He originally wanted to establish authority in front of the newcomer, but in the blink of an eye Wang Zeng gave up his authority to Zhao Jun. Then Jia Changchao wouldn't rebel.

Zhao Zhen made another stab and said: "Yes, the eldest grandson is a descendant of Emperor Zhao, and is my descendant. They are connected by blood and are close relatives of flesh and blood. The eldest grandson's words are my words. From now on, when you are in the Political Academy, your eldest grandson will You must obey everything I say, did you hear me?”

Zhao Jun immediately puffed up his chest. In the past, he had probably sneered at the saying that blood is the closest thing to flesh and blood. Let’s not talk about whether the royal family has this thing. Even if it does, his bloodline will be a thousand years later, and it is incredibly thin.

But he used to sneer at it because he hated the Song Dynasty. In other words, he was not disgusted with it, but was angry at it for not fighting, and hated that iron could not be transformed into steel. It is clear that in the more than three hundred years of the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties, many capable ministers and officials who could govern the country and many good generals who could defeat the enemy were produced, but they were all sacrificed by the pig-brained Emperor of the Song Dynasty.

Needless to say, most of the Northern Song Dynasty were mediocre kings. Zhao Guangyi and Zhao Ji were already disgusting. As a result, the Southern Song Dynasty could also produce something like Zhao Gou, which Zhao Jun saw when he read the history of the Song Dynasty. The bad things my ancestors did were simply humiliating, as if they were burrowing into the ground.

However, now that he has traveled to the Song Dynasty, no matter how angry he is, he can only stay there. What's more important is that the situation is getting better and better now. Zhao Zhen has given a lot of power and has the courage and opportunity to reform, so there is a chance to change everything.

So unless Zhao Zhen disappoints him again, Zhao Jun can firmly believe that the future will get better when everything is developing in a good direction.


Zhang Shixun, Jiang Tang, Jia Changchao, and Li Di quickly bowed their hands to Zhao Jun and said, "We will obey the orders of the Supreme Court in the future!"

"Well, now that you know my secret, even if you are one of your own, you can speak more freely in the Constitutional Yuan from now on. However, you must not talk nonsense in front of outsiders. You must have a sense of confidentiality."

Zhao Jun finally warned: "If the news is leaked, do you know what will happen? The Song Dynasty did not kill scholar-bureaucrats very often, but I am not from the Song Dynasty. I will not tell you about the punishment of officials. I will only tell you that there are The law must be followed, and if the news is leaked, I will only take action against you. "

Everyone's hearts were filled with confusion for a moment.

Zhao Jun had indeed killed civil servants before, but the highest level was to kill Yang Riyan, the transfer envoy of Huainan West Road, and at most two former high-ranking officials, the former prime minister Yang Chongxun and the former transfer envoy of Huainan West Road Huang Wei.

The current senior official, Liu Yuanyu, was arrested by him and sentenced to prison. Therefore, many senior officials in office still think that they have privileges.

Little did he know that Zhao Jun didn't kill them because he couldn't find any evidence of their crimes, otherwise they would have been killed as well.

Especially Zhang Shixun was a little frightened when he saw Zhao Jun's murderous look.

Speaking of which, Zhang Shixun used to be a colleague of Yang Chongxun when they were prime ministers, and they even drank together. But now the grass on the graves of his colleagues is probably three feet high, and he still feels a little intimidated when facing Zhao Jun.

The older you get, the more you fear death.

"Okay, Da Sun doesn't have to scare them."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zhao Zhen tried to smooth things over and said with a smile: "The four ministers are all sensible people, and they must also know the importance of the matter."

He suddenly slapped his head and said, "Look at my memory. Since you have entered the court, you should be able to take a seat."

"Wang Shouzhong!"

He shouted loudly to the outside.

Wang Shouzhong hurried in and said, "Your Majesty!"

"Please take a seat!"


Wang Shouzhong called a few attendants and moved a few chairs in.

The chairs were placed next to Fan Zhongyan and Yan Shu.

The current ranking of the Political System Court is determined by the original position and the time of admission.

For example, Lü Yijian, Wang Zeng and Wang Sui were the three prime ministers in the past. Except for Zhao Jun, they had the highest status.

It's just that Wang Sui is a moderate person, more like a follower, and doesn't get involved in the struggle between Wang and Lü, so Wang and Lü have always been on an equal footing. Later, Song Shou and Cai Qi each supported one side, and Shengdu could not support it alone to maintain the balance of the Political System Court.

Fan Zhongyan and Yan Shu actually supported one each, but after all, they were only alternate Tongzhi, so their status was naturally the lowest, so they always sat at the last seat.

Now that Zhang Shixun and the other four entered the courtyard, their seats could actually be moved forward.

After Wang Shouzhong and the others left and everyone sat down, Zhao Zhen looked around and suddenly smiled: "Now we are all in the same boat, and we should also move forward for the common interests of the Song Dynasty, but I think Zhang Xiang and the others are still half-believing and half-doubting, and can't be sure."

As he said this, he rubbed his hands, looked at Zhao Jun, and said with a bright smile: "Grandson, why don't you take out the notebook and show them a movie to show them the spectacular appearance of the future, I think it will make them believe a lot."

In fact, he just wanted to watch a movie. Although he couldn't watch short movies, he hadn't had much entertainment for almost a year since Zhao Jun confiscated the notebook, and he was really itching.

Zhao Jun rolled his eyes and said: "My suggestion is to do something practical."

"Is there a practical movie?"

"Of course there is."


"Let's do some jokes about the Song Dynasty!"

After he said this, except for Zhang Shixun and the other four newcomers, everyone else's face changed drastically.


Lü Yijian was horrified and was about to stop him, but it was too late.

Then he heard Zhao Jun saying quickly: "Zhao Kuangyin is about to die. Hurry up and call Zhao Guangyi to Funing Palace. I have a few words to tell you before I die: "To be honest, I have a hidden worry."

"Go ahead, my brother." Zhao Guangyi listened attentively.

"Do you think people will follow you?"

"They will definitely follow me." Zhao Guangyi emphasized, "They will!"

"I hope so." Zhao Kuangyin said, "I'm just worried, what if they don't follow you, what will you do?"

"Then let them follow you!"

How about it?

Is this joke funny?"

Zhao Jun looked around at everyone and smiled brightly.

Zhao Zhen held his forehead.

Lü Yijian's mouth twitched slightly.

The rest of the people also had various wonderful expressions.

Only Zhang Shixun and the other four were dumbfounded, sitting on the chairs, already feeling very uncomfortable.

This is a joke of the Song Dynasty.

It seems a bit like hell.

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