In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 255 I'll count to three!

When the court was quarreling, what was Zhao Jun doing?

He's killing people.

Marriage is a big happy event, so Zhao Zhen gave him a holiday just to let him have a good rest.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang are beautiful and prosperous, and Zhao Jun wants to inspect the trade with Japan. He still attaches great importance to the large influx of silver from Japan, so he took advantage of his wedding honeymoon to stop by Jiangsu and Zhejiang to have a look.

Unexpectedly, the volume of trade with Japan was booming. It seemed that it was on the right track, and Japanese silver would soon flow into the Song Dynasty crazily.

However, Dinghai Salt Supervisor Liu Yong reported something to him, telling him that someone was secretly attacking Haiyan and reorganizing the state-owned enterprise that had improved and made the lives of the salt residents a little better, back to the previous state. Under the rule of darkness.

This made Zhao Jun's happy mood suddenly disappear.

In the past, the government controlled salt and iron, and private salt merchants could only obtain goods through salt imports, while officials could send people to do business. In this way, it was difficult for private merchants to compete with government merchants for jobs, leaving the government merchants alone.

Now that the imperial court does not allow officials and merchants to set prices for salt, nor to intervene in the sale and purchase of salt, private traders are booming.

But they also wanted to become exploiters and exploit the salt people, so they began to collude with government and businessmen.

To put it simply, officials used to oppress the salt people, but the court did not allow them to do so anymore, so they colluded with businessmen to oppress the salt people.

Is this okay?

Zhao Jun did not have an attack at that time, but secretly sent people to investigate and asked the Huangcheng Division in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions to pretend to be salt residents and sneak into the salt fields in question to investigate and collect evidence.

They saw with their own eyes that under the pressure of local officials and private traders, many salt farmers could sell salt for seven or eight cents per catty, but now it has begun to drop to three or four cents.

Although it has not reached the point where it was as dark as one or two cents per catty in the previous official period, it is obviously not far away from this step.

After the Imperial City Division collected evidence for several months and handed over many of their criminal evidence to Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun became furious when he saw the evidence and the people involved, and immediately sent the Siwei to start arresting people.

In October, a major earthquake suddenly occurred in the officialdom of Jiangzhe Road.

In fact, there were not many officials involved in the case, only three county magistrates, one was Liu Jinxi, the Shayao salt tax supervisor, Zhang Shi, the Minghe salt tax supervisor, and Wen Zhaocai, the Zhang'an salt tax supervisor.

Like Liu Yong, these people are salt supervisors of the local salt works, at the same level as the county magistrate, plus at most a few deputies and dozens of subordinate officials.

Among the three state capitals involved in the case, only one of the senior officials implicated was promoted to the official position of Salt Supervisor from Liupin Taizhou.

It can be said that it is not a big case at all.

But what Zhao Jun cannot tolerate is that it has only been a short time since the state-owned enterprise was restructured, and the Yan people have only lived a good life for a few days, and then they have returned to the same state.

The good days are over before they even begin.

Therefore, he severely criticized this situation at the meeting of various supervisory departments and state capitals on Jiangzhe Road, and punished the current Jiangzhe Road transportation envoys, shipping envoys, prison envoys, Changping envoys, and censors. Salary processing.

The immediate superiors of the three officials in the salt system, as well as the superiors of these superiors, were all demoted to varying degrees.

Other officials who failed to supervise the situation were also reprimanded.

It can be said that at the meeting where the transfer envoy's yamen and more than 20 or 30 Jiangzhe Road officials were being disciplined, Zhao Jun slapped the table and scolded any dog ​​that passed by.

Officials dare not express their anger.

Regarding Fan Zhongyan's incident, Fan Zhongyan would most likely lead his troops to kill the Xixia and Liao people.

But if anyone dares to confront Zhao Jun, I will keep it for you and check it out. Once it is found out that he is a corrupt official, he will be beheaded without running away.

Even if you are an upright official, don't commit corruption, don't break the law, and don't do anything bad, people will still find ways to punish you.

It would be enough for you to be exiled to Qiongzhou and become the magistrate of the state.

Hundreds of officials have fought in the past.

The emperor supports it, and all the prime ministers in the Constitutional Yuan support it. What can be done to Zhao Jun?

He really kills people.

So in the face of Zhao Jun's angry rebuke, they could only listen.

"Nang Xipi, you are all fat and big-eared. You can tell by your face that you are dishonest. The imperial court gave you the power to buy and sell salt and let you stand in the spotlight to make money. Is this how you repay the imperial court?"

After scolding the officials, Zhao Jun interrogated many salt merchants who had committed crimes in the Yamen. Everyone was wearing shackles, their faces were ashen, and they felt that they were not going to die soon.

How they hoped that they would not fall into the hands of Zhao Jun, even if they fell into the hands of the Prison Department of Jiangzhe Road.

"It is the time of the New Deal and restructuring. We should use heavy codes, collude with officials and businessmen, bully the market, execute all, and confiscate all property. In this situation, you dare to commit crimes against the wind, and you are in the hands of this court. You really don't know how to live or die!"

Zhao Jun waved his hand, and in an instant, there was endless wailing and wailing. Some people were kneeling down to beg for mercy, some were limp, some were speechless, and some even cursed people who knew they were going to die.

But soon Zhao Jun could no longer hear him. The soldiers pulled the man out and took him outside the city of Hangzhou. They summoned many people to complain about the crime and beheaded him on the spot.

For a time, the people clapped their hands and applauded, many officials felt sad, and the salt fields in Jiangsu and Zhejiang quickly restored order.

The common people naturally hope to always be able to buy cheap and affordable salt. These profiteers not only collude with the government to buy salt from salt residents at low prices, but also drive up the market price and raise the price of salt. The common people hate it.

When Zhao Jun came and killed corrupt officials and profiteers, the people suddenly became grateful to him again.

Coupled with the reputation Zhao Jun accumulated from his previous tours across the country, it can be said that the people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang only know about the Zhiyuan, but not about the four supervisory offices, including the transportation envoy, the shipping envoy, the punishment department, and the Changping department.

After Zhao Jun handled the salt case here, he made adjustments to the officials in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, and then went to Yangzhou to inspect the Tongzhou Port.

It was at this juncture that Zhao Zhen's urgent message from 800 miles away reached him.

Zhao Jun was quite surprised to learn what was going on in the court, but soon became angry. In a fit of anger, he discussed with his wife that he would ride back to Bianliang to handle the affairs.

Unexpectedly, his wife was more powerful than him and said that she would take him back on horseback herself.

Then, under the escort of hundreds of cavalry, with his wife riding in front, and he holding her behind, he galloped all night, changing horses without changing people in the counties along the way. He was on the road for more than ten hours a day, and it took five days to run. We traveled more than 600 kilometers from Yangzhou to Kaifeng.

On the morning of October 24th, the court hall was still in a mess. Lu Yijian and Sheng Du had really aged ten years during this period. They were silent every day in the court meeting and the Constitutional Yuan, like clay puppets.

They don't know what will happen if they do this, but of course it won't hurt if their flesh is not cut on others, but if it is cut on themselves, their hearts will bleed.

Trapped in a dilemma.

In fact, they did not really want to oppose Fan Zhongyan's new policy.

But I hope will be open-minded.

However, Zheng Jian did too much and lifted the lid, causing criticism from both the government and the public.

It is impossible for Lao Fan to turn a blind eye to Lu Gongchuo, Lu Gongbi, Sheng Shenfu, Zhang Yuxi and others, otherwise how could the New Deal be launched?


The son of your prime minister can know the law and break it, but you, the leader of the New Deal, are still protecting them?

When officials from all over the country met him, they naturally imitated him.

The New Deal will be formalized immediately.

So under such circumstances, Lao Fan could only resist.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

The morning meeting was still like a vegetable market, with people coming and going, quarreling with each other, and never giving up.

Among the crowd, Xia Song watched indifferently and became a neutral faction.

This time he learned to be smarter.

Historically, he opposed the Qingli New Deal because the main purpose of the Qingli New Deal was to eliminate a large number of officials from different backgrounds.

Xia Song himself was a member of the family, and he had to work for the welfare of his children, so of course he would not do it.

It can be said that even though he and Lu Yi Jian had different political views, they were forced to come together because of their common interests and became one of the main opponents of the New Deal.

But it's different now.

This is because the examination law does not eliminate officials who enter the official service from a low background. It only regulates the behavior of officials in a reasonable, legal and compliant manner.

To put it simply, it is like formulating a law that stipulates that officials are not allowed to take bribes, bend the law, or harm the people. They should work hard and be positive, and then strictly require all officials to abide by this law.

Basically, as long as you work conscientiously every day and don't fish for fish at work, you can basically complete the requirements, and your superiors will not do anything to you, let alone lay off you.

Therefore, the New Deal at this time is actually something that most officials can barely accept.

It's just that the commonality of people is that they want to live a comfortable life and don't want to be so tired, which is why there are so many voices of opposition. But if we are being reasonable, today’s Qingli New Deal is much milder than the Qingli New Deal in history.

This is one of the main reasons why Zhang Juzheng can promote the examination method.

Xia Song's character was not that great, but his work ability was still worthy of recognition, and there were no flaws in his daily work. Therefore, he remained silent in the face of this new policy that did not harm his own interests.

The most important thing is that his relationship with Lu Yijian is not good, and his relationship with Fan Zhongyan is just like that. Seeing them fighting each other, Xia Song naturally feels comfortable, so now he has become a neutral faction.

At this moment, there was a serious partisan dispute between the two factions in the court. There were countless people on both sides impeaching Fan Zhongyan and Lu Yijian, which made Zhao Zhen not want to come to every morning meeting. The court meeting had even been suspended for four days, and it was held again today because there was no other way.

"The entrance examination law is so strict, and the government will eventually lose its vitality if it vigorously warns officials. With everyone in danger, no one in the officialdom dares to do real work, and dealing with errands every day will hurt themselves even more."

"That's better than before when nothing was done well. How about you look at how many people were present in all the ministries and yamen at three or five o'clock in the past? Look at it now? Has the government's governance become better? Bianliang Aren’t all the people applauding?”

"This year, Bingzi, the wind is strong and the day is dark, and the scriptures are carved. That night, there is a black air several feet long that can be seen in the southeast. This is God's foretelling of changes in the country and the appearance of evildoers. Under the new policy, people are frightened, isn't it? Has the weather changed?"

"Yes, disasters have been frequent in recent years, and strange phenomena have continued. In April, there was a fire in the Shenyu Palace of Yanhongqing Palace in Nanjing. In May, there was a drought in Hedong. In August, there was no rain in Xichuan from summer to autumn, and the people were severely hungry. There have been disasters in successive years, and it has not rained for a long time. This is a warning from God, please be careful, Your Majesty.”

The opposition has recently begun to develop in the direction of astronomical phenomena, which is almost the basic routine of the opposition.

For example, Wang Anshi's reforms in the Northern Song Dynasty and Zhang Juzheng's reforms in the Ming Dynasty. They always attack the New Deal first, then attack the rulers when the attack fails, and finally attack with ancestral laws and celestial phenomena.

The most famous one is Wang Anshi's sentence in his political reform: "There is no fear of changes in heaven, no fear of ancestors, and no sympathy for people's words!"

After all, "The Analects of Confucius" says: Confucius said that a gentleman has three fears: fear of destiny, fear of adults, and fear of the words of saints. In ancient Confucian classics, this sentence is regarded as a guideline.

So at that time, the "three deficiencies" were a big political label, and Sima Guang wanted to turn Wang Anshi into a deviant.

Historically, Fan Zhongyan stopped at the second step of his reforms and was punished by the opposition as a "crony". But now that Fan Zhongyan remained unmoved, he naturally started his third move, pushing the problem to the natural disaster phenomenon.

They told the emperor that the reason for the continuous disasters in the world was the implementation of the new law. Now this was God's warning to the Song Dynasty. If the warning was not heeded, the Song Dynasty would be at risk of subjugation.

This corresponds to the fear of destiny among the three fears!

However, at this moment, the door of Chui Gong Hall suddenly made a loud noise, "Bang!"

Immediately afterwards, the cold wind blew in, frightening all the officials in the court.

Everyone turned around quickly and saw Zhao Jun standing there with a tired face outside the door, looking at everyone indifferently.

In an instant, the place fell silent.

"No more royal power? Huh?"

Zhao Jun stepped in and yelled angrily: "What do they look like? They are all officials of the imperial court, and they are swearing in the market?"


On the dragon chair, Zhao Zhen's eyes filled with tears, "Grandson, you are finally back."

"His Majesty!"

Zhao Jun passed through the crowd, walked to the front of the officials first, and bowed to Zhao Zhen.

When he passed by his colleagues in the Constitutional Yuan, he glanced at Lu Yijian and Sheng Du coldly. His cold eyes made the two of them feel cold in an instant.

Lu Yijian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Zhao Jun had already walked down and bowed to Zhao Zhen first.


Zhao Zhen burst into tears. In the days when Zhao Jun was away, who knows how much pressure he endured.

The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, and he would feel uncomfortable if he cut anyone.

Now that he finally saw Zhao Jun come back and be able to take the decision to deal with this matter, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty, please leave this matter to me."

Zhao Jun said in a deep voice.


Zhao Zhen looked solemn and said: "Since Han Long is back, I will leave this matter to you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Jun turned his head, looked at the ministers below, and said coldly: "A hundred officials are like a hundred officials, and the court meeting should have the order of the court meeting. Now I will count to three. If you haven't lined up yet, please follow the order. Anyone who schedules work will be dismissed and investigated!"


Suddenly, there was a commotion among the officials below.

Some people wanted to fight, and some were dismissive at first, but as soon as the first voice came out, everyone swallowed their words of wanting to fight after seeing Zhao Jun's cold eyes.

Because let alone them, even the many prime ministers of the Constitutional Yuan and the ministers of various ministries had immediately adjusted their positions and arranged themselves in order, without even daring to say a single nonsense.

Therefore, due to the herd mentality, all ministers and ministers began to move around one after another, and everyone returned to their positions and stood solemnly.


When the second sound sounded, everyone quickened their pace, and quickly returned to their seats as the crowd gathered.

Almost as soon as the third sound fell, everyone in the court returned to their seats, and order was restored!

Until this moment, Zhao Jun put his hands behind his back and looked around everyone indifferently.

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