In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 256 Zhao Jun angrily rebukes his ministers (one more chapter)

Under Zhao Jun's oppression, the court, which was just like a market, rearranged itself in just a few seconds.

In fact, some officials were also dissatisfied with Zhao Jun's dominance. Even Zhao Jun had never been impeached less in his position as the head of the Political System Council, but he was too lazy to care and just treated it as a fart.

If Zhao Jun had yelled at the officials like this before, it is possible that some thorns would immediately stand up and confront him. In fact, there was no shortage of honest and hard-core party struggles in the Song and Ming dynasties.

For example, Wang Anshi and Sima Guang, both of them were not greedy or occupied, and they were honest and honest. They admired each other's character and morality.

However, the political views were at odds.

This has nothing to do with whether everyone is corrupt or not, or whether they are honest and noble, it is purely a different standpoint. They all have their own cognition, their own ideas, and stubborn opinions, which led to this situation.

The existence of Zhao Jun actually helped many prime ministers of the Political System Council to unify their political views, because he came from later generations, and history has proved many things.

For example, the Qingli New Deal was right, and Wang Anshi's reform was also right. There was nothing wrong with the direction, but there were some mistakes and omissions in the method.

So he was able to get the support of the emperor and the prime ministers and sit in this position only after he had proved many things to the emperor and many prime ministers and achieved their political unity.

But he could unify the opinions of the prime ministers of the Political System Institute, but not the officials.

After all, except for the people of the Political System Institute, the rest of the people did not know that he came from the future and could distinguish the right and wrong of history clearly, so naturally he could not convince all the officials.

It's like the ancients believed in the supremacy of the monarchy, the abnormal celestial phenomena, Confucius' Confucianism, and the belief in ghosts and gods.

In the final analysis, this is a cognitive problem.

Their cognition of everything has deviated, resulting in believing only in their own worldview and values.

Zhao Jun completed the adjustment of the three views of the emperor and the prime ministers, but could not reshape the three views of the officials, so many officials expressed dissatisfaction and disagreement with Zhao Jun's ability to sit in the position of the head of the Political System Institute.

But now no one stands up to oppose him.

There are three reasons.

First, Zhao Jun's prestige is still there. In the past, hundreds of officials in the Salt and Iron Department were dismissed because of a disagreement. The guilty ones were arrested and the innocent ones were dismissed, which shocked the whole court.

Second, the court meeting did have its own order, and the prime minister had the power to maintain the order of the court meeting. There was nothing wrong with Zhao Jun asking everyone to stand up again.

Third, and the most important point, no one from the opposition and the reformists dared to offend Zhao Jun.

Because it was Fan Zhongyan who presided over the new policy.

Everyone naturally focused the contradiction output point on Fan Zhongyan.

Zhao Jun had the highest position and the greatest influence in front of the Political System Council and the emperor. Therefore, before Zhao Jun made his position clear, everyone was afraid to push Zhao Jun to the other camp.

This is the smartest thing about Zhao Jun. He did not preside over the reform himself, but let Lao Fan take over. In this way, everyone shifted the contradictions, and naturally no one would bother him again.

Therefore, considering all these factors, seeing that their boss did not show up, the troublemakers below were naturally obedient under Zhao Jun's authority.

But that was all.

Once everyone discovered Zhao Jun's position, they would probably attack him in groups.

At this moment, everyone arranged their ranks and remained silent.

Zhao Jun turned his back to Zhao Zhen, looked down, bowed to the back, and said in a cold voice: "The court meeting is the place for the morning court meeting, where everyone reports the affairs to His Majesty. It should be solemn and solemn. It is not your backyard. It is not a decent place to make a fuss! Anyone who ignores the discipline and disrupts the meeting will be held accountable!"

Zhao Zhen immediately stood up for him and said: "Han Long is right. The order in Chuigong Hall should be solemn. Even if there is a book to be played, it should be played one by one. Arguing with each other is simply a contempt for the state. Where are the guards of the front of the palace?"


The commander of the guards of the front of the palace stood up and bowed.

"Anyone who disturbs the order again can be arrested and expelled by the order of the court."


The commander of the guards responded sternly.

Instantly, all the officials were in awe and dared not mess up the morning court like before.

"Your Majesty, I have a report!"

Zheng Jian stood up and looked at Zhao Jun first and said, "The court, the censors supervise all officials and rectify the rules and regulations. This is their duty. It doesn't count as disrupting the venue."


Zhao Jun walked aside without saying anything.

Then Zheng Jian said: "I impeach Lü Yijian, Sheng Du, Cheng Lin, and Li Zhang for colluding with Feng Shiyuan, a petty official in Kaifeng Prefecture, for corruption, collection of banned books, and selling official positions and titles."

This is back to the original point. Zheng Jian impeached every day in the past few days, but the officials obviously ignored him and talked about the performance evaluation system, which made Zheng Jian very unhappy. He took this opportunity to stand up and take action again.

But as soon as this sentence came out, the officials were ready to move again, but they were afraid of Zhao Jun's power and did not dare to speak immediately.

Zhao Zhen looked at Zhao Jun and asked, "How does Hanlong think we should deal with it?"

"I have repeatedly said that a country should maintain the rule of law and adhere to the rule of law. If it involves the powerful, it should be handled lightly. Then the law is just a piece of paper, and the world will be in chaos. We should deal with this matter as we should."

Zhao Jun looked at Lu Yijian and Sheng Du and said, "As a prime minister, you won't think of protecting your son and son-in-law, right?"

Lu Yijian and Sheng Du's faces turned pale instantly.

Cheng Lin also opened her eyes wide. After all, it was Lu Yijian and Sheng Du's son who committed the crime and it was none of their business. Moreover, once you enter the Constitutional Yuan, you can often get preferential treatment such as acquittal even if there is no doubt about the crime.

In other words, in the past, the Yushitai and the admonishers could impeach the prime minister after hearing about the incident and impeaching the prime minister with some baseless and unfounded things, such as natural disasters and visions.

If the emperor happens to dislike the prime minister, he can use this excuse to remove the prime minister and replace him with someone else.

But now the Prime Minister of the Constitutional Yuan will no longer be like this. The official position has a fixed five-year term. Unless there is conclusive evidence that a crime has been committed, even if something happens to his son, it will probably not affect Lu Yijian and Sheng Du.

But Cheng Lin was different.

Cheng Lin participated in the collusion with Feng Shiyuan, and was caught with criminal evidence involving himself.

Therefore, during this period, in addition to Lu Yijian and Sheng Du's opposition to the New Deal, he was also the largest opposition.

Doesn't Zhao Jun's words now sentence him to death?

Immediately Cheng Lin stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask, is Zhao Jun the emperor or your Majesty the emperor? Why can Zhao Jun decide the life or death of the prime minister with just one word? If this continues, where is your majesty?"

This is heart-wrenching words.

Cheng Lin would never have dared to say this in the past, but when it comes to his political career, he can only do this.

"Are you deaf?"

Zhao Jun looked at him indifferently and said: "Didn't you hear that Your Majesty has handed over the matter to this court with full power? Your Majesty is of course the Emperor of Heaven, but the Prime Minister also has the power to assist the government. Now that the Emperor has granted an imperial charter, is it possible to govern according to the law? None of your sins are committed?"

Cheng Lin refused to listen and still said to Zhao Zhen: "Your Majesty should have his own decision and his own fairness. You must not let some treacherous people make random mistakes and make your ministers feel chilled."

Lu Yijian opened his mouth and looked at Cheng Lin as if he were looking at a dead person.

Zhao Jun raised his head and looked at Zhao Zhen, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, Cheng Lin said that I am a traitor, how can your Majesty make a decision?"

"Cheng Lin broke the law. The evidence is conclusive and he will be dealt with according to the law!"

Zhao Zhen said without hesitation: "Han Long is the president of the Political Academy, the chief minister and assistant of all officials, and serves the country and the people. I will never let Han Long feel cold!"

"Then let's deal with it according to the law. Where is the chief minister?"

Zhao Jun asked loudly.


Several guards stood up.

"Pull it down!"

Zhao Jun waved his hand: "Let's put him in the Imperial City Prison first and check if he has any other cases. Niang Xipi, when you are an official, you don't want to make decisions for the people and share the worries of the saints. You know how to scheming, taking bribes and bending the law all day long. You deserve it." kill!"

As their grandparents sang and harmonized, Cheng Lin's face turned pale. All the officials were shocked. They had no idea that Zhao Zhen had given Zhao Jun such power.

Although everyone knows that Zhao Zhen favors and trusts Zhao Jun, the decision to arbitrarily decide the life and death of a senior official who is only under the Constitutional Yuan and has also entered the Constitutional Yuan, and is higher than the deputy prime minister in the Chui Gong Palace is completely unreasonable. Something unexpected.

This also made everyone realize with horror that Zhao Jun's power was far greater than they imagined. In the past, if he didn't have an attack, it just didn't touch his interests. Now, even if it doesn't touch his interests, once he attacks, it will be as scary as a tiger descending from the mountain.

Immediately, Li Zhang, who was in charge of Tianzhang Pavilion, also quickly stood up and said: "Your Majesty, this must not be the case. Zhao Jun is so powerful that if he acts recklessly, he will kill the court officials wantonly. If this continues, the people of the world will only I know Zhao Jun, but I don’t know His Majesty!”

"This person must also be an accomplice."

Zhao Jun waved his hand again: "Officials who are accomplices in the crime, regardless of their official position or position, since they have violated the law, they should be dealt with. Where is the Si Wei?"


"Pull it down!"


The guards, who were like wolves and tigers, swarmed in and dragged the people away.

In fact, Zhao Jun directly asked the guards to arrest people in Chui Gong Hall, which was obviously overstepping his authority and was a typical behavior of a powerful minister.

But Zhao Zhen cooperated with him before the attack started and asked Si Wei to follow Zhao Jun's instructions.

In this way, it is not considered that Zhao Jun overstepped the imperial authority and ordered the guards to arrest people, but acted according to the emperor's instructions, which is a privilege of imperial authority!

The procedures are different, and the results are naturally different.

Otherwise, without this procedure, all the officials would be in trouble, and the court would be in chaos again in an instant.

Soon, the dozen or so officials who committed the crime, including Cheng Lin, Li Zhang, and others, were all arrested and sent to the Imperial City Prison, awaiting interrogation and conviction.

The rest of the people were obviously worried about what happened to these people, and they did not dare to speak.

After all, the situation is completely different.

In the past, they could deceive the emperor and win the party war.

But now that the emperor only listens to Zhao Jun's words and has achieved procedural justice, they have nothing to criticize.

The referee, referees, witnesses, organizers, and co-organizers all belong to him, so why should he fight with Zhao Jun?

"If you commit a crime, you should be caught, otherwise the dignity of the country and the prestige of the court will be ruined!"

Zhao Jun watched these people being dragged out wailing, and added insult to injury: "Send me an order to make their crimes public and publish them in newspapers, so that the people can see the court's determination to deal with these criminal officials!"

"Hanlong, why bother?"

Lu Yijian's expression changed greatly, and the expressions of many officials also changed greatly.

Officials care about reputation, and newspapers are now Bianliang's biggest mouthpiece, radiating not only to Bianliang City, but also to the entire Gyeonggi Road. Even businessmen from other places who come to Bianliang often take newspapers with them and leave, spreading them as news anecdotes.

It can be said that if it is published in the newspaper, the reputation of Cheng Lin and others will be ruined in an instant, and it may also affect their descendants. In this case, their family, and even the whole family, will be finished.

"I don't want to kill everyone, but you've let me down so much."

Zhao Jun looked at Lu Yijian and the others, shook his head and said: "What I hope to see is a united country. What I want to see is everyone working together to build this country well and make the Song Dynasty a strong court. But now I see What is it? You are plotting against each other and criticizing each other for your own selfish interests. Can the country be better if this continues? "

This sentence was not only said to the officials, but also to Lu Yijian and Sheng Du. They had already united the front and fought for the common goal of a strong country.

What now?

Just because Lu Yijian's son committed a crime, he was eager to undermine the implementation of the New Deal.

The damage to officialdom caused by the examination law is much lower than that of the Qingli New Deal.

Even so they couldn't accept it.

Do you really think that if the New Deal is cancelled, their crimes will be exposed?

That doesn't make sense.

"Prefecture, when officials see injustice, they should criticize themselves. The new policy is not good government but bad government. How can it continue?"

Seeing this, a Lu Party official immediately stood up to refute.

"Bad government?"

Zhao Jun frowned and said: "Regulating the code of conduct for officials is bad governance? Should we abolish all supervision of officials and let you do whatever you want to do evil? Is this good governance for you?"


The man didn't know what to say for a moment.

"The imperial court spends tens of millions of dollars every year to support you, a group of silverfish, and this is how you repay the imperial court? See for yourselves what you do, which one is worthy of your annual salary, and which one is worthy of the people's support that supports you?"

Zhao Jun angrily rebuked: "Is it because your parents are powerful people who can join the officialdom? Or maybe you have studied poetry and books for many years, and once you become a Jinshi, you think you are a carp leaping over the dragon's gate? I tell you, no one among you can compare with the other." Nobility, just like having a head on your shoulders. Even if you destroy the foundation of the imperial court, the people will rise up and chop your heads off and use them as balls!"

"Zhiyuan, these words are serious!"

Someone immediately retorted: "We are also doing it for the imperial court. Under the New Deal, the officials dare not slack off day and night. If this continues for a long time, it will definitely hurt the hearts of the officials."

"Did I hurt you?"

Zhao Jun roared: "Every day I eat and drink, I hold my concubine at home, I visit brothels in the city, I don't do any business every day, I just use the little power in my hand to show off, who gave you the power, who gave it to you Are you brave? Your Majesty wants officials who can do practical things, and he doesn’t need you bunch of silverfish!”

A heavy word passed by like thunder, making all the officials tremble.

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