In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 287 We don’t have that fate

June 27th, noon.

The emperor held a family banquet in the back garden to celebrate the empress's birthday and invited many prime ministers to the banquet.

In the afternoon, the news of a major treason case spread throughout Bianliang.

Almost within two quarters of an hour after the incident, Fan Zhongyan, with Zhao Zhen's imperial edict and the transfer order of the Privy Council, went to the left and right two-wing forbidden army camps to mobilize more than 20,000 people and control the gates of the entire Bianliang city.

All the gates were closed, and all the streets were patrolled and strictly investigated by soldiers. The news that Zhao Zhen was assassinated also spread quickly.

At the same time, the thousands of guards of the Imperial City Department in Bianliang also immediately took action.

In the Ma Mansion, Ma Zhengju was anxiously waiting for news. The three yamen in the Song Dynasty were often the gathering places for the children of the powerful and wealthy, and they had no real power, so they were often called yamen.

They had no real power, so they naturally could not enter the palace gate. But they had connections, and some relatives, children, and friends in the family held positions in the forbidden army and even the palace guards, so they could influence the guards in the palace.

Zhao Yunrang and his son had been spare tires for two generations. As Zhao Zhen's eldest son and second son were born one after another and grew up healthily, his family's dream of becoming an emperor was completely shattered, and Zhao Yunrang fell into madness.

It happened that the court was dealing with redundant troops, which seriously damaged the interests of these sons of generals and nobles. He found these people and built a terrible and bold plan together.

Those guards were all from the noble families, tied to the interests of the family. Once the family fell, they would also fall into the abyss. Therefore, even if the noble families had no real power, they could only give it a try.

Now is the time to wait for news.

"Why is there no news yet?"

Ma Zhengju walked around the room anxiously, his whole expression was extremely excited, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

Han Yunsheng, who was next to him, was almost dizzy by him, and said: "Sit down first, what's the point of being anxious?"

"How can I not be anxious?"

Ma Zhengju walked quickly to the coffee table, gulped down two sips of tea, glanced at Wang Shilong who was reading leisurely next to him, and frowned: "It's urgent, you are still reading? Are you usually a reader?"

"I still have to read books. If I win, won't it show that I am calm and composed."

Wang Shilong was actually shaking, his hands were shaking uncontrollably, so he had to grab something to relieve his emotions.

"What if I lose?"

"If I lose, I lose everything. Anyway, I'm going to die. Doing something I haven't done before I die is not a regret."

"So you are so ignorant that you start to deceive yourself at this juncture?"

Ma Zhengju said sarcastically.

Zhao Kaiji stood in the hall, looking out the door and muttered to himself: "I really don't know whether we will live or die after today?"

"We have done what we should do, let's see what God will do. Anyway, if we do nothing, we will definitely die."

Yang Rende said lightly.

At this point in time, the rest can only be left to God's will.

If everything goes well, the troops of the palace will raid Zhao Zhen and others, kill them all, and then escape from Gongchen Gate.

There are people there for them to meet.

The news will be delivered as soon as possible, and then they will immediately contact all the sons of generals and nobles to support Zhao Zongshi, the son of Zhao Yunrang, the Grand Master of the Imperial Clan, to ascend the throne as emperor.

Since Zhao Zongshi is only twelve years old this year, it is natural that the Grand Master of the Imperial Clan will be the regent. At that time, he will give an order to pardon everyone's sins.

So no matter what they did in the army, or plotted to assassinate the imperial envoy, or rebelled, in the end, they only need to push out a few scapegoats and kill a few dead men, and the matter will be settled.

Everyone hopes that things will develop in this direction.

However, there is a saying that goes, if everything goes well, our paths will no longer intersect, but it never goes well.

Just as everyone was anxiously waiting for the news, hundreds of soldiers from the Imperial City Guard rushed into the street and blocked the front and back doors of the Ma Mansion.


As the big hammer smashed the gate heavily, more than ten ladders were placed on the wall, and countless soldiers rushed in.

The servants of the Ma Mansion were shocked by the scene and ran to the yard.

"Jia Jun, Jia Jun, the Imperial City Guard is coming in!"

They shouted.

The soldiers of the Imperial City Guard are dressed differently from ordinary imperial guards, and everyone in Bianliang knows them.

Everyone in the yard heard this sentence.

Ma Zhengju's legs softened, and his lower body began to get wet. Yang Rende fell directly to the ground, his face pale.

Han Yunsheng sat on a chair and suddenly burst into tears. Zhao Kaiji was stunned there, without any change.

Only Wang Shilong threw away the book in his hand, drew the knife from his waist, took a deep breath, and walked out the door.

Today is a huge disaster for the generals and nobles of the entire Bianliang.

Outside the Guier Temple on West Street, next to the tea stall.

In recent years, as the court has been bleeding heavily, commercial and agricultural policies have been relaxed, the folk small commodity economy has become more prosperous, and the people have money in their hands, so their spending has naturally increased.

The changes in Bianliang are the biggest. Zhao Jun promotes the development of folk culture, promotes the development of operas, novels, and publications, and takes the printing industry of Bianliang to a higher level.

In addition to drinking tea, the people can read newspapers and publications at tea stalls. In places like Fanlou, Washe, and Goudang, you can also listen to dramas and listen to storytellers telling stories, except for crosstalk and Peking opera.

At this time, several tea drinkers at the tea stall were idle and reading the previous issue of the newspaper and chatting about the news of the court in recent times.

"The angels were assassinated, why is there no movement from the court?"

"What kind of movement do you want?"

"The bigger the movement, the better."

"I heard that many people were arrested in the military camp."

"What's the point of arresting these few people? Even a fool knows that there is someone behind this."

"Oh, I didn't expect that Brother Zhang is still knowledgeable."

"That's right."

"Then tell me, who is behind this?"

"Who could it be?"

One of the young tea drinkers looked across the street corner.

That's the noble Wang family, known as the Nine Courtyard Wang family. In Bianliang, where every inch of land is worth gold, there are nine mansions covering dozens of acres.

"Brother Zhang is very brave, aren't you afraid that someone will find an excuse to put you in jail?"

"Brother Li, we have been friends over tea for half a year, right?"


"But our friendship is as light as water, but I haven't told you one thing."

"What is it?"

"My father is Zhang Erhe."

"So he is the son of the Censor-in-Chief."

The tea drinker surnamed Li stood in awe.

"Ah, they are all false names."

Tea guest Zhang waved his hand.

"Brother Zhang is not afraid of them, but we ordinary people are."

Tea guest Li shook his head.

"If you ask me, the court should strike hard and deal with them severely!"

Tea guest Zhang slammed the table.

"But the news of the assassination of the angel has been spread to Bianliang for two or three days. Maybe there are internal reasons."

"What internal reasons?"

"I dare not say, brother Zhang, guess it yourself."


"What are the eight medicine lives?"

"Alas, I wish I could chop off the heads of these nobles!"

Tea guest Zhang was very angry.

In the past few days, the news that the envoys sent by the court to check the military records were assassinated also spread.

As a result, people found that the court did not make any move.

For a time, various conspiracy theories and insider claims were clamoring, and the people of Bianliang were all indignant.

But it was when the tea guests around were talking about it and telling about the injustice of the court.

Suddenly, countless guards from the Imperial City Division rushed onto the street.

The tea drinkers were all stunned.

Someone slapped his thigh and said, "Oh no, they are here to arrest us."

"I told you to stop saying bad things about the court, now watch out."

"What are you afraid of? I have a clear conscience if they arrest me."

Some of the tea drinkers quickly scattered, while others were still trembling.

Since Zhao Jun started a newspaper, the people often criticized current affairs after dinner, and there were many people who talked about politics.

In the past, it was said that the court was generous and would not arrest people as long as it was not obvious, but no one expected that they would actually arrest them this time.

For a while, the tea stall was in chaos.

However, when many politicians were fleeing in panic, the guards from the Imperial City Division seemed to ignore them and rushed directly to the Wang family's mansion.

"Surround them."

"The magistrate said that no one should be spared."

"Quick, quick, catch them all."

The imperial guards swarmed in and surrounded the palace, then rushed in to arrest people.

Not only the mansions, but also the sons of nobles who were enjoying themselves in brothels and restaurants in Bianliang. The whole city was wanted, and the army was searching along the streets. In an instant, the whole Bianliang was in chaos.

The tea drinkers at the tea stall were stunned.

After a long time, they saw the imperial guards dragging the head of the Wang family out like a dead dog. Many people realized that the court was finally going to take real action this time.

"Who said that the court didn't make any moves just now? Didn't they arrest everyone?"

"Why are they arresting now?"

"Don't you have to find people and evidence? Like you, you just slap your head and say that someone did it. What if you frame a good person?"


The many-mouthed politicians couldn't help but shut up.

Besides the streets of Bianliang and the mansions of various nobles and generals, the Imperial City Guards and the elite soldiers transferred by Fan Zhongyan from the left and right wings were everywhere.

On the east side of Jinglongmen Street in the outer city, the former Ten Kings Palace, now the Muqin House, was flooded with countless soldiers.

Although the Muqin House was in the outer city, it was very prosperous because it was close to the inner city.

The whole place was called a house, but in fact it was like a palace. It was more than 600 meters long from north to south and 1,125 meters wide from east to west, covering almost 800 to 900 acres, covering the area of ​​a whole city.

A large number of close relatives of the royal family within the five mournings lived here, among which the mansion of the Grand Master Zhao Yunrang was the most luxurious, with continuous walls in front and back and palaces standing in rows.

The sudden siege of the army made the royal family of the Muqin House almost piss.

Many royal family members almost instinctively closed the doors and windows, and many people carefully put ladders on the walls and stuck their heads out to see the people outside.

But what made them feel a little relieved was that they were not coming for them.

The guards rushed to the outside of Zhao Yunrang's house. There were at least thousands of them, surrounding the entire house, making it completely airtight.

"What's going on?"

A clan member saw this scene and asked in confusion: "Why are so many bandits running outside our house?"

"Who knows where they are going?"

"Don't they know where this is? We are related to the emperor."

"It seems that they are not coming for us, but for the family of the eldest clan leader."

"Let's take a look."

Many clan members looked at the situation outside.

Zhao Yunrang's house was already in chaos.

Zhao Yun asked himself to sit cross-legged in the backyard. There was a temple in the courtyard. He was holding beads in his hand, and Zhao Zongshi was kneeling next to him.

That was an ignorant young man. He was only twelve years old and didn't understand anything.

I just heard from my father that today is the most important time in his life, so I came over to worship the Bodhisattva with my father.

At this moment, Zhao Zongyi, Zhao Yunrang's eldest son, ran in with a cry in his voice and said, "Father, our home is surrounded by Imperial City Imperial Guard troops outside."


The beads in his hand instantly fell to the ground.


Zhao Zongshi raised his head and looked at Zhao Yunrang.

Zhao Zongyi opened his eyes wide because he actually saw that his father's energy and energy seemed to have been drained out of him at that moment.

A person seems to have become two people from one second to the next, and he has aged twenty years in an instant.

"I see."

Zhao Yunrang didn't say much, just nodded lightly.

"Father, what should I do? There are people outside."

Zhao Zongyi said anxiously.

"I said I got it."

Zhao Yunrang stood up slowly and said: "You just wait in your own house. Life or death depends on your destiny. Zong Shi, come with father."


Zhao Zongshi didn't understand, but he still got up and left with him.

Zhao Yunrang walked into his room staggeringly, almost staggering.

The decoration in the room is very simple, so simple that it is difficult to imagine that this is a large Zongzheng room in charge of the entire Bianliang clan.

Outside is a study room with some books. There are no valuable antique calligraphy and paintings, and no other decorations. There are only a few bookshelves, a table and a chair. On the table are the Four Treasures of the Study.

Zhao Yunrang asked Zhao Zongshi to sit behind the desk, touched his head, and said with a smile: "Zongshi."


"Succeed as king or lose as bandit, our family doesn't have that fate."

"Children don't understand."

“It’s okay if you don’t understand, it’s okay if you don’t understand.”

Zhao Yunrang nodded and said to him: "Just sit here and don't move."


Zhao Zongshi sat there honestly.

Zhao Yunrang walked into the back room.

The furnishings in the back room are equally simple. Zhao Yunrang had three wives, the first two of whom died of illness.

The last one is Zhao Zongshi's biological mother, Ren, who is sitting in the back room at this time.

When she saw Zhao Yunrang coming in, she trembled all over.

"Husband and wife are one."

Zhao Yunrang sighed: "I'll go first, you can come later."

He walked to the table in the room, where there was a small porcelain vase.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Yunrang took the small porcelain bottle, uncovered the red cloth on it, and stuffed it into his mouth.

That's a bottle of poison.

But the toxicity doesn't set in that quickly.

He sat down and looked at Ren with calm and gentle eyes.

Ren laughed sadly and raised her head to look at the beam.

A piece of white silk had long been hung on the beam. The breeze slowly came in from the window, causing the white silk to sway gently...

Currently, 67,000 words have been updated in 10 days, which is 6,700 words per day.

I was in good condition before and could maintain it for two updates. However, it turned out that I was infected with mycoplasma again yesterday. I felt dizzy and coughed again. I was in very bad condition and felt uncomfortable.

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