In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 288 The Emperor is a Tiger After All

When Zhao Jun arrived at the Dazongzheng Mansion in Muqinzhai, he only saw the bodies of Zhao Yunrang and his wife.

The young Zhao Zongshi just sat obediently on the chair outside.

He didn't know.

His parents died quietly in the inner room.

He was still confused, just watching a large number of imperial guards rushing into his family's mansion, and then he was at a loss and sat there awkwardly.

It was not until a large number of imperial guards rushed into the Zongzheng Mansion, took away all his family members, and brought out the bodies of his parents that he realized what had happened.

Zhao Zongshi rushed up crying, and then was pulled away by the soldiers. He seemed to be crazy, and the whole mansion seemed to be able to hear his crying.


Cao Xiu stood aside and saw the wailing in the mansion, and couldn't bear it and said: "What should we do?"

"Catch them first."

"Then what?"

"Then they will be detained."

"Just detained?"

"What can we do, kill them all?"


Cao Xiu had to agree.

Zhao Jun's eyes shuttled between the descendants of Zhao Yunrang who were captured in the mansion.

He actually hadn't thought about how to deal with them.

He was from the lineage of Zhao Kuangyin, and in terms of relationship, he was a super distant ancestor who had nothing to do with Zhao Zongshi.

Anyway, they were not direct relatives. Logically speaking, Zhao Yunrang's family rebellion had nothing to do with him. In ancient times, it was not an exaggeration to execute the whole family.

But Zhao Zongshi was the grandfather of Song Zhezong after all. Zhezong Zhao Jun still liked him very much. He was also the last wise ruler of the Northern Song Dynasty. It was a pity that he was gone like this.

Although the trajectory of history has changed, under the butterfly effect, Zhezong may not exist.

But for Zhezong's sake, he didn't kill him directly.

Let Zhao Zhen worry about it.

Anyway, it's none of his business, and it has nothing to do with him whether to kill or not.

At that moment, he ordered the house of Zhao Zongshi to be raided, and then left and went to the three yamen.

In the afternoon.

The news of Zhao Zhen's assassination spread throughout Bianliang.

Then the army began a sweep.

Arresting nobles everywhere.

Of course, the children of nobles were not only in their own mansions.

This part of people was a minority.

At this point in time, most people were either hanging out on the street, or in brothels, restaurants or gambling houses.

As a result, the major brothels and gambling houses thought that the government was cracking down on pornography and gambling, and there was chaos for a while.

It was not until this time that the people of Bianliang understood why the court suddenly took action.

The palace coup in the back garden also frightened all officials. The civil official group quickly began to take sides and wrote letters to attack the generals and nobles group, which made everyone shout and fight against the generals and nobles group.

The Song Dynasty had been divided between civil and military for too long. Although "the one who sang the top scholar outside Donghua Gate is a good boy" is an isolated evidence and cannot be regarded as official history.

But it is also a fact that the civil official group tried their best to suppress the military general group in history.

Including impeachment of a large number of high-ranking officials of the Privy Council who were born as military generals, such as Ma Zhijie, Wang Deyong, Zhang Qi, and Di Qing.

They could even fabricate false charges, such as the Imperial Censor Kong Daofu, who impeached Wang Deyong for his extraordinary appearance and the possibility of rebellion.

Therefore, this time, the nobles were in trouble and everyone wanted to kill them.

On the contrary, the court began to worry that if they were too harsh on the nobles, everyone in the army would be in danger, so they quickly issued a decree from the Political System Council, stating that only those who committed serious crimes would be punished, and the rest would not be implicated.

So in the next few days, Bianliang was full of arrested nobles. Even if they were lucky enough to escape from Bianliang, they would soon be wanted.

Among the hundreds of nobles, except for more than a dozen who saw the opportunity early and did not commit any serious crimes, and immediately asked the Cao family to convey their willingness to obey the court, more than 10,000 people were arrested in Bianliang alone.

In addition, various places are still investigating the nobles who are serving in local positions.

If the ordinary middle and lower-level officers who are implicated with the nobles are included, I am afraid that at least 30,000 people will be arrested.

This does not count the lackeys of these soldiers in the army.

The prison of the Imperial City Department was overcrowded, so they had to borrow the prison of Kaifeng Prefecture to detain these people.

By July 17.

Almost twenty days had passed since the storm.

Most of the envoys who were sent to investigate the military registration in various places had basically completed their tasks.

Except for the wing troops in some remote places in the south, the rest of the envoys had written the situation in a memorial and submitted it to the Ministry of War.

Fu Bi coordinated the data, summarized it, and rewrote it in a memorial and submitted it to the Political System Institute.

Chongzheng Hall in the afternoon.

It was early July, the beginning of autumn, but the temperature did not drop.

The so-called autumn tiger means that the temperature rises sharply in autumn like a tiger.

The sun was scorching and scorching, and everyone wore cool silk shorts, a bit like the silk Tang suits of later generations.

Zhao Zhen and Zhao Jun simply wore T-shirts and shorts.

Zhao Jun also went to Sichuan in April. It was almost summer, so the clothes he brought in his suitcase were basically T-shirts, linen trousers, beach pants, and jodhpurs.

Eight years have passed, and these clothes have not been worn much. Because they are afraid of wear and tear, they can only be kept as a memory, so the clothes they wear now are all designed by themselves.

The afternoon was the hottest time of the sun, and the sunlight came in through the paper windows, illuminating the entire Chongzheng Hall unusually bright.

Everyone was still the same.

Zhao Zhen sat behind the desk, and there were six chairs on both sides of the desk facing him.

Zhao Jun sat in the first seat below Zhao Zhen's left hand side. Opposite him was Lu Yijian, and next to him were Wang Zeng and Fan Zhongyan.

At this moment, on Zhao Zhen's desk is the note that Fu Bi sent to the Constitutional Yuan this morning.

"The military registration is 1,259,000, and I thought it would be about 200,000 for free pay. I didn't expect it. I didn't expect it."

Zhao Jun shook his head, raised four fingers and said: "Four hundred thousand, one-third. The number of the Forbidden Army is only over 600,000, and the Xiang Army is only over 200,000. There is such a big gap!"

Lu Yijian sighed: "This means that military expenditures are as high as 50 to 60 million yuan every year. In addition to equipment, equipment and food supplies, in terms of salary alone, the generals and nobles have to eat nearly 10 million yuan from the army every year." The military pay is really shocking.”

"Yes, in the past we estimated that five to six million guan was about the same, and thought that the nobles would not go too far. Therefore, in order to appease them, we turned a blind eye to what they did. I never expected that. ”

"Sure enough, there are some things that you can only figure out by yourself, otherwise you will always be kept in the dark."

"After all, it was because we were too tolerant of them in the past. If we strictly checked the military status and punished a group of generals and nobles who went too far every year, they would not be like this."

Everyone did not expect that the army was so corrupt, and they all sighed.

During the Renzong period, the actual amount of money received by the superior imperial guards was one pound per month and twelve dollars a year. But this is pure wages, as well as various subsidies, allowances, food, firewood, cloth, etc.

In total, the upper-class imperial army has about fifty guan per year, the middle-class army has about 30 guan per year, and the lower-class and Xiang army have between 20 and 10 guan per year.

Except for the poor treatment of the lower-level Imperial Guards and the Xiang Army, the treatment of the middle- and upper-class Imperial Guards was pretty good.

Even if we take the average, there is about 400,000 vacancies. Almost every year, almost 10 million yuan of the imperial government's finances are divided up by the major generals and nobles. Each family can get anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands every year.

This does not include greedy arms, reselling supplies, food leftovers, etc.

If all were taken into account, I am afraid that at least one-third of the Song Dynasty's annual military expenditure of 50 to 60 million would fall into their hands.

No wonder they didn't agree to Zhao Jun's conditions.

After all, apart from the fact that they have done a lot of illegal things and are afraid of being found out, compared to the possible risks of doing business overseas, how can they compare with the fixed income of hundreds of thousands of dollars every year without losing any money?

"Alas, in the past, because they were all rewards given by Taizu Taizong to the generals and nobles, neither I nor my father had any involvement in the affairs of the army. Who would have thought of the result."

Zhao Zhen blamed himself and shook his head with a wry smile.

Zhao Jun said: "Fortunately, we have found out, and in the Song-Xia and Song-Liao wars, we relied on firearms to win. Otherwise, if we didn't get the firearms, the consequences would be disastrous. I'm afraid even Lao Fan might not be able to win." ”

Fan Zhongyan said solemnly: "It's not too late now. If this had started before, I am afraid that even with firearms, it would be difficult to resist the Liao and Xia attacks together. Now this is the best result."


Zhao Jun nodded, then looked at Zhao Zhen and said, "Brother, have you seen how much filth is hidden under the prosperous age of Renzong?"

First there are the evil forces such as Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower.

Then there are the corrupt officials all over the Song Dynasty.

Then there is the army that is rotten to the core.

This does not include the powerful landlords across the country who suck the blood of the lower class people.

Zhao Zhen said with shame: "Fortunately, I have a great grandson, otherwise my so-called prosperous age of Renzong would be really embarrassing."

"Brother, there is no need to blame yourself. The market is now small and there are less than 100 million people in the country. The ship is small and can be turned around. If we make corrections, there is still great hope."

Zhao Jun was very satisfied with Zhao Zhen's attitude and hoped that he would be soft and honest and not dare to talk back to him.

"So what should we do now?"

Zhao Zhen asked.

"Let's start large-scale rectification as I said before."

Zhao Jun looked around and said: "All the vacancies have been found out, and the dirty things inside have also been found out. Although it may not be possible to clean them all, as long as more than 90% of them are dealt with, it is already very good."

"After dealing with the vampires that oppress the lower-level soldiers in this way, the lower-level soldiers can finally see hope and their combat effectiveness can be greatly improved."

"There are two problems now. One is that the Ministry of War must handle matters such as military courts, military announcements, promotions, etc. In the future, these matters will no longer be under the control of generals, but will be managed by the Ministry of War. The army can also have permanent generals to ensure that the army train."

He said: "The second problem is the reduction of the army. I didn't expect that there would be so many gaps, so the original plan to retain 800,000 troops is not reliable. New army planning is necessary."

"How to plan?"

Everyone looked at him.

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said: "The army should be streamlined again, and only 500,000 forbidden troops can be retained. The old and weak will be eliminated, and the court will make arrangements. If there are vacancies, recruit troops, and the Xiang army will be converted into construction corps to improve their treatment. In this way That’s a total of 700,000 troops.”

There were 1.25 million soldiers on the list, but there was a gap of 400,000, so the actual number of soldiers was about 850,000. This includes the local troops. If not counted, the number of forbidden troops was only over 600,000.

Zhao Jun intended to eliminate more than 100,000 old and weak men, retain 500,000 elite men and permanent generals, and begin to greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the army and transition to the firearms era.

Currently, only 50,000 people in the entire army have firearms. Within five years, Zhao Jun plans to make most of the army must have a firearms battalion.

For example, if an army consists of five battalions with 2,500 men, then at least 500 men must be in the firearms battalion to fight with the infantry, so that the Xixia and Liao cavalry can be defeated on the frontal battlefield.


Zhao Zhen thinks there is no problem.

Seeing that he agreed, Fan Zhongyan said: "Then I will ask Fu Bi to come up with a charter and calculate how much it will cost the court every year."

"Let Xia Song contact him. In addition to the army, the logistics department also needs to be rectified."

Zhao Jun continued: "The San Yamen and the Ministry of War have merged. This group of noble sons should be dealt with what should be dealt with, the sentences should be pronounced, and the remaining people."

He thought for a while and said: "Just give me a vacant position as a military general and let them take care of themselves in old age."

"Nowadays, people are being arrested all over the country, and many battalions have huge officer vacancies. If we cannot mobilize personnel to replace them within a short period of time, we will be in trouble if the Liao Kingdom and Xixia call us."

Fan Zhongyan asked a question.

Now the imperial court has arrested many people, including imperial envoys from various places. It is estimated that there are more than 20,000 people in prison across the country.

It is still in the stage of collecting evidence. The Dali Temple, the Sentencing Court and the Police Department are very busy, reviewing official documents every day.

The only case that was dealt with was the conspiracy case, which was tried in court the next day. Many participants were sentenced to death, and a large number of family members of those involved were implicated, such as the Ma family, the Yang family, the Han family, the Zhao family, and the Wang family.

I guess the next few months will be very busy.

Moreover, so many people have been arrested, and no one has been able to fill the gap for the time being, which requires the mobilization of a large number of manpower.

"There were so many outstanding and brave soldiers in the Song-Xia and Song-Liao wars. The imperial court appreciated their heroic performance and it was reasonable for them to be promoted to officers."

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said: "Lao Fan, you let the Ministry of War handle this matter. Discuss a charter with Fu Bi and replace it with the outstanding soldiers you trained before."

Zhao Zhen opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it.

It was Lao Fan who noticed this and said quickly: "I won't care about this matter, and I don't think it is suitable for the Ministry of War to handle it. Let the Privy Council draw up it."


When Zhao Jun was wondering, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhao Zhen and suddenly realized: "Oh, let the Privy Council come."

Fu Bi, Minister of War, was an ally of Fan Zhongyan, and Lao Fan already had a high prestige in the army.

If all the middle and lower-level officers of the Forbidden Army are elite soldiers he trained in the northwest, then if he ascends to the top and calls out in the future, won't the entire Song Dynasty army come under his command?

Then what else does Zhao Zhen think of as an emperor?

Leave it to Fan Zhongyan.

So although Zhao Zhen knew not to be suspicious of Fan Zhongyan, this thing was like a hunting instinct. As an emperor, he could not agree to make the whole army full of Fan Zhongyan's people.

"Then let the Privy Council draw up it."

Zhao Zhen was relieved when he heard Fan Zhongyan's words. Privy Councilor Wang Deyong was relatively loyal. Before, he and Lao Fan were just partners and there was no superior or subordinate, so there was no need to worry.

"Let's do this first, arrest people first, sentence those who should be sentenced, exile those who should be exiled, and then immediately recruit officers to train the combat effectiveness of the Song Dynasty Forbidden Army."

Zhao Jun looked around and said: "I am still more worried about the situation in Liao and Xixia. It will be troublesome if they take advantage of this time to send troops. However, our firepower is not what it used to be. They are here to deliver food."

"Still can't take it lightly."

Wang Zeng said: "First of all, we should speed up the domestic military affairs. This issue of redundant troops has been delayed for a long time."


Zhao Zhen and Zhao Jun both responded.

The plan to dismantle redundant troops began last year, but it has been delayed for almost a year.

It's time to start dealing with Sandu according to the original plan.

At the end, Zhao Jun concluded: "Then the task for the second half of this year is to completely rectify the military situation. In February next year, we will launch the third New Deal across the country and completely improve the three redundancies."

"The meeting is over!"

Seeing that nothing happened, Zhao Zhen announced that the meeting was over.

Everyone said goodbye and left.

However, there was no movement from Zhao Jun.

Seeing that he didn't leave, Zhao Zhen glanced at the notebook he had just arrived today and asked: "Dasun, what's wrong?"

"I want to ask you how to deal with the people in Zhao Yunrang's family?"

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "If it is a crime of treason, killing the Nine Clan has nothing to do with me, but you are in it, brother. So just kill his family, it depends on you whether to kill him or not."

In ancient times, the Zhu Jiu Clan actually had the same meaning as the Yi San Clan. The Yi San Clan refers to the father's clan, the mother's clan, and the wife's clan, and everyone within the three clans and five servers.

It was not until the beginning of the Ming Dynasty that the execution of the Nine Tribes changed to killing everyone related to them, including friends, teachers and students.

Zhao Jun and Zhao Yun didn't want to mention the fifth server. They were afraid that the tenth server would be out, so of course it wouldn't matter.

But Zhao Zhen was different. Zhao Yunrang was his grandfather.

Although Zhao Yunrang's father, Zhao Yuanfen, and Zhao Zhen's father, Zhao Heng, are not from the same mother, they can still be regarded as his biological uncles, so Zhao Yunrang and him are within the third server.

If the nine clans were to deal with it, then Zhao Zhen and even the entire Northern Song Dynasty clan would not be able to escape, they would all be destroyed.

Therefore, Zhao Jun's suggestion was to only kill his family and not involve any other clan.

Just deal with all of Zhao Yunrang's son and wife. Don't make the scope too broad. Zhao Zhen will not be able to step down when the time comes.

Zhao Zhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "When did I plan to punish him for treason?"

"Why, are you soft-hearted?"

Zhao Jun asked.

"That's not a big deal, him."

Zhao Zhen looked complicated and said: "After all, he has committed the crime of treason."

"Then what do you say, brother?"

Zhao Jun asked again.

"Family scandals should not be made public"

Zhao Zhen shook his head and said: "Just claim to the outside world that it was done by the noble descendants. As for Da Zongzheng, just say that they died violently and give the couple some dignity."

"I'll do whatever you want, I'm just worried that if you cut the grass without eradicating the root, you'll be in trouble in the future. What if someone in their family grows up and takes revenge?"

Zhao Jun patted his butt and stood up and said, "But I can't make the final decision on this matter. I still like Song Zhezong quite a lot, so I didn't take it upon myself to give up their family. It's up to you."

"Well, don't worry. From this incident on, I will strictly monitor the clan and I will not let them cause any trouble again."

Zhao Zhen's eyes flashed with fierceness.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, the management of the clan was still very strict. Not only were they prohibited from leaving Bianliang, they were also imprisoned.

Now that something like this happened again, he would naturally know what to do.

The emperor is a tiger after all.

Even if Zhao Zhen, a tiger, is usually a vegetarian, he won't be soft-spoken when it's time to eat meat!

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