In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 289 Let Li Yuanhao test the waters

Starting from mid-June of the fourth year of Qingli, the imperial court launched an army inventory in full swing, causing considerable turmoil.

All over the country, some middle and lower-level military officers at the battalion level are being detained, transferred, and arrested. Regardless of whether they have committed crimes or not, they are first isolated from the military and then investigated in depth.

If the harm is not serious and the soldiers love him, such an officer will usually be fine.

There may even be promotions due to officer shortages.

However, if the law is violated, not only those who eat short quotas, drink soldiers' blood, take military supplies and other historical problems, but also those who sell prohibited items, abuse, beat, corporal punishment and even kill soldiers, all must be severely punished.

The result was that a large number of middle and lower-level officers such as commanders, deputy commanders, and Yuhou were dismissed.

None of the cases were directly reported to the court. The imperial envoys jointly enforced the law with the local Imperial City Department and Yushi Department, and the offenders were first detained and dealt with, and then the evidence was handed over to the court for trial.

It was really easy to find evidence. After the middle and lower-level officers were isolated from the lower-level soldiers, it didn't take long for a large number of soldiers to report.

And all kinds of accounts, documents, military records, etc. can be used as evidence, and there is no room for denial.

Not only in ancient times, but also in later generations, when the central government dispatched supervision teams to inspect local areas to crack down on crime and corruption, they often relied on reports from the masses.

This trick can be said to be tried and tested, and it will be difficult for even the most cunning corrupt officials to escape.

After all, whether a local official is greedy or not depends on whether he is doing the right thing. Is an army officer good or not? The local people and soldiers at the bottom know best and understand best.

Therefore, under this situation, many battalion-level officers were arrested and suspended, and many low-level soldiers were implicated.

For a time, soldiers everywhere were panicked.

Some officers who committed crimes on the border even defected to Xixia and Liao to avoid being captured.

During this period, the entire army also reached its lowest point in combat effectiveness.

Because the military system of the Song Dynasty was divided into capitals, camps, armies, and compartments. One hundred people make up one capital, five capitals make up one battalion, five battalions make up one army, and three to five armies make up one wing.

However, the generals of the various armies and compartments above are not permanent and are only dispatched during wars.

Therefore, when there was no war, the highest direct military commander in the Song Dynasty was the battalion-level unit.

The purging of so many battalion-level officers, large and small, will obviously only greatly reduce the basic combat effectiveness of the army.


The basic combat power of the Song Dynasty is just like that. No matter how much you discount it, it won't be much different.

And just as the Song Dynasty began to conduct an inventory of the army in May, a rebellion case broke out in June, and in July and August, the court launched a cleanup of the army across the country.

The Liao Kingdom and Xixia in the north also learned about this situation through their spies in the Song Dynasty.

In mid-July, Dadingfu, Zhongjing Road, Liao Kingdom.

Ever since the Liao army went south in the first year of Kangding and was severely beaten by Fan Zhongyan in Hebei, Emperor Yelu Zongzhen of the Liao Kingdom has often lived in Zhongjing.

In recent years, Yelu Zongzhen, with the assistance of Zhang Jian, worked hard and made many major reforms.

For example, efforts were made to rectify the Pishi Army, which had gradually become corrupt and disorganized by this time. It was stipulated that there would be three days of small training and five days of major training. They would exercise and train on horseback and archery every day.

He also suppressed a group of powerful domestic nobles, appeased the Jurchens in Liaodong, sent troops to attack the rebellious northern tribes, and suppressed uprisings in various places.

At the same time, we vigorously developed domestic industry and commerce and actively conducted trade with the Song Dynasty to promote the prosperity of domestic commerce.

The Liao Kingdom has carried out reform measures to varying degrees in various aspects such as economy and military, which has made the declining Daliao somewhat come back to life and return to its peak.

In fact, to a certain extent, the Liao Kingdom also rode on the rapid economic growth of the Song Dynasty.

If the two sides remove trade barriers, under normal circumstances, the country with the stronger economy will definitely take advantage, and a trade surplus will easily occur.

But in fact, Liao's business was not particularly weak, and it had a certain domestic economic foundation and manual manufacturing capabilities.

In addition, both countries are agricultural countries and not industrial countries, so it is difficult to achieve the purpose of dumping.

Therefore, books, handicrafts, porcelain, tea, rhinoceros horns, and spices from the Song Dynasty were popular in the Liao Kingdom.

Products from the Liao Kingdom such as ginseng, animal skins, gold and silverware, Liao porcelain, cattle and sheep, silk, and woolen clothing (the textile industry in the Liao Kingdom was very developed) were also very popular in the Song Dynasty.

Even many products such as horses and furs were sold by Liao officials.

This brought a lot of income to the Liao Kingdom.

Yelu Zongzhen had money in hand and could carry out drastic reforms in the country. He also bought grenades and cannons from the Song Dynasty army, and purchased sulfur from Song Dynasty merchants to imitate firearms.

In addition to the above, the last and most important point is that Yelu Zongzhen canceled the Four Seasons Nabo.

The four seasons of Nabo are of great political significance. The land area of ​​the Liao Kingdom was too large, and most of it was plain areas, such as the Mongolian grasslands, the Northeast Plains, etc.

For this reason, the emperor of the Liao Kingdom traveled around, firstly to intimidate many tribes, and secondly, to maintain the nomadic people's "avoiding cold in autumn and winter, and avoiding summer heat in spring and summer", and introduced the living customs of aquatic, grass and animal husbandry into political management.

In this way, the Emperor of the Liao Kingdom could personally set an example and educate his people not to forget the true nature of the iron horse and cavalry that was the foundation of the country, and maintain a strong cavalry force that could gallop freely to compete with the Central Plains dynasty.

But although this habit ensures the combat effectiveness of the army, it consumes a lot of national power.

Because the emperor would take all his ministers and 300,000 troops with him wherever he went. These troops would eat wherever they went. Food supplies did not rely on logistics, but on tributes from various local tribes.

As a result, various local tribes continued to weaken. By the middle and late period of the Liao Kingdom, a large number of local tribes were dissatisfied with being exploited by the Liao Kingdom and revolted, causing the collapse of the Liao Kingdom.

So in essence, the Four Seasons Nabo is the political management of the Liao Kingdom to weaken the Jurchen, Mongol, Bohai, Shiwei, Xiren, Zubu and other non-Khitan tribes. At the same time, it can also promote certain military development, which will affect the Khitan tribe. It is of great benefit.

But now, with the defeat of the Liao State, the domestic political situation is very unstable. If the suppression of various tribes in the country continues, there is a high possibility of a backlash, and they may even unite with the Song State to counterattack the Liao State.

Therefore, Yelu Zongzhen had no choice but to follow Zhang Jian's suggestion and change his previous blind extortion and exploitation of various tribes to recuperate, reduce or reduce their taxes, and appease their people's livelihood.

However, this does not mean that the Liao Kingdom will allow other tribes to grow. Yelu Zongzhen is now stationed in Zhongjing. In addition to focusing on the Song Dynasty, more importantly, Zhongjing is closer to Liaoyang Tokyo Prefecture, which provides convenient access to the Bohai Sea and the Northeast. Jurchen and other tribes controlled it.

At this time, Emperor Yelvzong of the Liao Kingdom was actually on the school grounds.

All kinds of messy noises were erupting in the distance on the school field, including the explosion of grenades and the roar of cannons. Mud was flying, dust was flying, and the whole school field was roaring with a loud sound.

Yelu Zongzhen looked to the north, and he did not feel very happy when he saw this. Instead, he said with a heavy face to Xiao Hui, the Prime Minister of the Beifu, Tongzhi Marshal's Office and the Northern Privy Envoy, "I have studied the firearms of Daliao for several times." Years ago, it was never as powerful as the Song people."

Xiao Hui replied: "The firearm formulas of the Song Dynasty are extremely secretive. Our agents risked their lives and only found out that the secret formula is only saltpeter, charcoal and sulfur. But after years of mixing, this is already the best." approved."


Yelu Zongzhen sighed and said: "I don't know when I will be able to possess such firearms from the Song Dynasty."

"Your Majesty, don't be impatient. The internal affairs department will continue to inquire for information."

Xiao Hui smiled and said: "What's more, even if they develop new firearms, the generals of the Song Dynasty will sell them to us. Aren't these grenades and cannons copied by us?"


Speaking of this, Yelv Zong really laughed.

In fact, what he didn't know was that after exploration by Liao's firearms craftsmen, their gunpowder had almost reached the proportion of pure black gunpowder provided by Zhao Jun.

If Zhao Jun's black powder power is 10, then theirs can reach 8-9 points.

However, the finishing touch lies in eggs. Eggs turn the black powder into granular form and multiply its power. This makes the firearms of the Liao Dynasty visually inferior to those of the Song Dynasty.

The reason they didn't understand this was that they only stocked up a lot of granular black gunpowder in the early days and stopped making it after the Song-Xia and Song-Liao wars.

After the two wars were fought, the granular black powder was basically consumed.

When peacetime came, the imperial court stopped purchasing eggs.

It's not that horses are released in Nanshan and weapons are stored in warehouses.

But it really can’t be built.

The price of eggs in Bianliang skyrocketed during that period, even crazier than the price of rice.

If we continue to rebuild, there will be no more eggs in Bianliang.

Therefore, the Song Dynasty court had to stop the production of granular black powder and replaced it with ordinary gunpowder. This was also the case with firearms manufacturing.

It took several years for Liao spies to infiltrate, but in the end they only obtained the ingredients of ordinary black powder.

"I heard that the southerners are checking the army?"

Yelu Zongzhen asked.

"It seems that there is such a thing."

Xiao Hui replied: "I heard from Nei Ying before that the Song Dynasty sent many envoys to the military camp to check the status of soldiers."

"The people of the Song Dynasty have made great moves in recent years, and their national power has become increasingly powerful, which worries me."

Yelu Zongzhen sighed.

The changes in the Song Dynasty are visible to the naked eye. The most obvious one is the increasing number of cannons on the border cities.

According to reports from their informants who infiltrated Fanyang City, more than 20 cannons were deployed at the top of Fanyang City alone, and there were countless other firearms, which was worrying.

"Your Majesty, even if our artillery is not as powerful as theirs, we still have enough defense, so there is no need to worry."

Xiao Hui said: "The most important thing now is the musket. The Song Dynasty mobilized so many people and horses for daily training, I'm afraid the power of this musket will not be small."


Yelu Zongzhen said in deep thought: "Spread the word and ask the generals in the Song army to get some muskets. I will buy them at a high price."


Xiao Hui agreed.

After the Song Dynasty successfully developed the musket, testing alone took more than half a year.

Afterwards, 50,000 elite men were mobilized to form a firearms army, and they trained every day at the shooting range in the suburbs. Naturally, such big news was known to the Liao spies.

However, the firearms army has always been a secret of the Song Dynasty. The imperial court gathered the families of these soldiers together to form an independent internal kingdom. Even the shooting range was designated as a military restricted area and no one was allowed to approach.

Therefore, although Liao spies could often hear the sound of guns and artillery in the periphery, they did not know exactly what the guns were, and there was no way to find out, no matter how much money they spent.

This makes Yelu Zongzhen quite regretful.

But fortunately, the Song army was very bad, and they dared to resell anything. Yelvzong really believed that the muskets would be sold to the Song army in the near future.

However, at this moment, Liu Liufu, who had been promoted to the rank of Third Secretary, came to them with a solemn expression.

"His Majesty!"

Liu Liufu cupped his hands and said.

"What's wrong?"

Yelu Zongzhen asked.

"There's something big going on with the Song people. The Grand Master hopes that His Majesty can go back to discuss it."

Liu Liufu said.

Zhang Jian still lived a relatively long life. He lived to be ninety-one years old in history, and there were still nine years left before his death.

But after all, he was over eighty years old and his health was really not good. He couldn't come to see Yelv Zongzhen, so he could only ask Yelv Zongzhen to go back.

When he heard that Zhang Jian wanted him to go back, Yelv Zongzhen said quickly: "Let's go, talk as we go."

He immediately drove back to the palace.

On the way, Liu Liufu told him the news about the army reorganization in the Song Dynasty.

Yelu Zongzhen's face became equally solemn.

He's not stupid.

The Song people's reorganization of the army was definitely not a good thing for him.

This means that a large number of moths have been eliminated from the army, and it may be difficult to find people who sell his firearms in the future.

The most important thing is that once the Song Dynasty reorganizes its army and produces a large number of elite Song soldiers, the possibility of him going south to invade the Song Dynasty will be slim.

It's hard to say that the entire country is in danger of overturning.

Therefore, Yelu Zongzhen was naturally very anxious when he heard this and hurried back to the palace.

In the emperor's palace in Dading Prefecture, apart from Yelu Chongyuan and Xiao Xiaomu who are currently stationed in Nanjing Prefecture, and Xiao Ying who is stationed in Tokyo Prefecture, Zhang Jian, Yelu Renxian, Xiao Xiaoyou and other important officials are all there.

Yelu Zongzhen walked into the hall quickly. Everyone stood up and bowed their hands in salute. After he asked everyone to sit down, he immediately said to Zhang Jian: "Father, is the news accurate?"

Zhang Jian nodded: "Although people in the Song Dynasty often lie and deceive us with some false news, this time I think it is the truth."

"Emperor Song took advantage of this assassination to completely cleanse the army."

Liu Liufu said: "If this continues, the Song army will be streamlined again, and their combat power will probably be extraordinary."

"But is this also our chance?"

Yelvren first said: "The Song people's purge will definitely cause turmoil in the army, and a large number of battalion commanders and generals have been arrested. The command in the army is out of balance. I thought this was an opportunity to go south."

Time to go south?

Yelu Zongzhen touched his chin and suddenly began to think deeply.

In the past few years, he has initially achieved results in rectifying the country, and the strength of the army has also greatly increased. Although there are no muskets, but with grenades and cannons, it seems that he cannot compete with the Song army.

However, just as he was thinking about this matter, Zhang Jian shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, I think this matter needs to be done with caution."

"Father, please speak."

Yelu Zongzhen said hurriedly that he still attached great importance to Zhang Jian's opinions.

"Your Majesty, don't forget the Song Dynasty's musketeers."

Zhang Jian said: "The Song people transferred 20,000 musketeers to Hebei, which must be their support to cleanse the army. This shows that in the eyes of the Song army, Hebei and 20,000 musketeers alone can resist the Liao attack. "

Yelvren was unconvinced and said: "Grand Master, back then Sun Hao also had a natural barrier on the river, thinking that he could resist the attack of the Jin State, but what happened in the end? You will know something like this once you try it, won't you?"

"But the consequences of trying it are unpredictable."

Zhang Jian shook his head and said: "Think about it, everyone, we have finally fought for peace for several years, the country is getting stronger and stronger, and we also have grenades and cannons. Once we tear up the signed contract without authorization, then according to the treaty, the Song State will start a long-term attack on the Liao State. It would be a good thing if we defeated the Song army, but it would be better if we failed."

"What will happen if we don't win?"

Yelvzong really didn't think about it carefully, he just asked.

Liu Liufu said: "If we lose, the Song Dynasty will cut off trade with us. Although the Liao land is vast and rich in resources, there will not be too many problems due to this little trade, but your majesty, don't forget, brimstone!"

Yelu Zong suddenly realized this.

Once the southward expedition failed to win, even if it was just a bitter return rather than a big defeat, then the Song Dynasty would cut off its commercial ties with the Liao Kingdom.

The Liao Kingdom now has firearms that were resold by the Song Army. Although there are grenades, cannons and other firearms invented by the Song Army in the early years, the problem is that the raw materials for firearms, sulfur, are completely imported from the Song Kingdom.

Without sulfur, the Liao Kingdom's firearms would be gone when they were used up. At that time, they would still have to use swords and guns to fight against the Song Army's firearms.

Therefore, the current Liao Kingdom is actually in the same situation as the Japanese in the late World War II.

If you bite the bullet and fight the Song Army, it's okay to win, but once you lose, there will be no way out.

Therefore, Zhang Jian believed that war should not be started easily.

"Unless we are absolutely sure to capture the Song army in Hebei, the war must not start easily."

Zhang Jian finally said.

"Then just watch the Song Army complete its military reorganization?"

Xiao Xiaoyou was the main combatant. He spread his hands and said: "There is still a chance to fight now. Once they are finished, there will be no chance at all."

"This is our dilemma."

Zhang Jian sighed: "But it's hard to say many things. If this is Song Jun's bluff, we will indeed miss the opportunity in vain."


Yelu Zongzhen also sighed.

"Your Majesty, I do have an idea."

Liu Liufu said suddenly.


Yelu Zongzhen said quickly: "What good advice do you have?"

Liu Liufu smiled and said: "Your Majesty, we really can't provoke war on our own, but Xixia can."


Yelu Zongzhen shook his head and said, "Yuan Hao has been frightened out of his wits. Do you still expect him to attack the Song army again?"

"It's not about attacking the Song army."

"Not attacking the Song Army?"


"That is?"



Everyone suddenly realized.


Xixia can be encouraged to attack Qingtang.

Qingtang and the Song Army are allies. Once Qingtang goes to war with Xixia, the Song Army is likely to intervene.

Even if Yuan Hao is defeated by then, he can still argue that he sent troops to attack because of his old feud with Qingtang.

What they signed was a peace treaty between Song and Xixia, but not a treaty with Qingtang.

In this way, it would not be regarded as Xixia taking the initiative to provoke the war with the Song Dynasty, and there would be room for recovery if they lost.

More importantly, you can try the power of the firearms army. If it is powerful, then the Liao Kingdom will naturally consider the idea of ​​sending troops south.


"It's just that it's not easy for Yuan Hao to send troops."

Yelu Zongzhen shook his head.

Li Yuanhao suffered repeated defeats and suffered heavy losses.

Although after several years of recuperation, he should have regained some strength.

But facing the powerful Song army, he may not dare to risk sending troops.

"Yuan Hao may not necessarily let his troops send troops. In the past few years, he has repeatedly attacked the Western Regions and attacked the Uighurs in Xizhou. He has surrendered many Uighur tribes. You can let the Uighur tribe give it a try."

Liu Liufu said: "Besides, we can also give him some benefits, such as some cattle and horses, rewards, etc. I believe he also wants to test whether the Song army is strong."

"Well, I think this plan is feasible."

Zhang Jian stroked his beard and nodded slightly: "We should be cautious in national affairs, and some testing is still indispensable. We can form an alliance with Yuan Hao and let him try it."

"That's it, I will send an envoy to Xixia immediately!"

Yelu Zongzhen agreed.

Then he ordered the envoy to prepare gifts and immediately went to Xixia to discuss with Li Yuanhao.

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