Xiao Xiaomu was thrown into the muddy water, and he was dazed.

You should know that he is already 64 years old this year. Although the Liao people are about to conquer the world, it is an indisputable fact that his body functions have declined.

Therefore, he almost fell to death. His mouth and nose rubbed against the ground and bled a lot.

Huyan Shouyong lifted him up again. Xiao Xiaomu's eyes were full of stars, but he vaguely saw his rough beard and a grinning face.

He wanted to say something, but his throat was strangled and he couldn't speak.

"Marshal, this man must be a high-ranking official of the Liao Kingdom. The surrounding Liao army dared not come up."

Wang Kui looked around.

The Liao army was in chaos when it was suddenly attacked, but Xiao Xiaomu's tent was surrounded by his personal guards. After Xiao Xiaomu was attacked, many Liao army personal guards instinctively swarmed over.

But at this moment, they saw Xiao Xiaomu being caught by someone. For a moment, they were afraid to use force. Many people were shouting something in Liao language and did not dare to approach.

"The King of Qi of Liao, the Privy Councilor of the Northern Court, is naturally a high-ranking official."

Di Qing said in a deep voice.

"The Privy Councilor of the Northern Court? Is he Xiao Xiaomu?"

Hu Yan Shouyong and Wang Kui looked at each other, and both of them showed ecstasy in their eyes.

The Privy Councilor was a high-ranking official in the Song Dynasty, known as the Prime Minister. It was also the same in the Liao Dynasty. He was the highest military official in the Liao Dynasty, equivalent to the main seat of the military department in later generations.

And Xiao Xiaomu was not just the highest military official in the Liao Dynasty, but also a royal relative, the uncle of Yelu Zongzhen.

In history, after his death, he was posthumously awarded the title of Prime Minister and King of Jin by Yelu Zongzhen, which shows how high his status was.

It can be said that now, apart from the Liao Dynasty Emperor Yelu Zongzhen and the Crown Prince Yelu Chongyuan, the Privy Councilor of the Northern Court Xiao Xiaomu is the most powerful.

In comparison, although Di Qing is the Deputy Privy Councilor and the Chief of the Navy, he is at most the Deputy Minister of National Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Whether in terms of position or status, he is more than one level lower.

Even in terms of actual status, even Fan Zhongyan is not as good as Xiao Xiaomu, so they really caught a big fish this time, and their contribution is very great.

Especially Hu Yan Shouyong and Wang Kui.

The two were only military commanders, with 5,000 soldiers under their command, equivalent to the middle-level officers of the Han Dynasty.

If they caught Xiao Xiaomu and rewarded him for his merits, they would not dare to say that he would rise to prominence, but he would be promoted several levels in a row, and it would be absolutely no problem for him to get a military commander of the first level of the road or even a deputy deployment.

"Okay, catch this man and continue to charge!"

Di Qing shouted.


Someone immediately tied Xiao Xiaomu up.

The surrounding soldiers continued to fight.

The Liao army was already in great chaos at this time.

This time Di Qing assembled almost all of his troops, and the number of troops was not much different from that of the Liao army.

And it was a sudden attack, and the entire Liao army was caught off guard.

In this case, the Song army can be said to be unstoppable.

Just when Xiao Xiaomu's guards and Di Qing's guards were engaged in a bloody battle, less than half an hour later, the Song army came to kill.

Accompanied by a large number of Liao army soldiers fleeing in all directions, some Song soldiers used bayonets with muskets, some used straight knives at their waists, and some used muskets and knives at the same time, with short guns in the left hand and straight knives in the right hand, slashing and killing at will.

The Liao army had almost no power to fight back and soon almost collapsed.


"The commander has ordered that no Liao army should be allowed to escape."

"Oh, this ground is too slippery."

There were frequent situations on the battlefield. Some were fighting hard in the rain, some were still chasing, and some simply fell to the ground.

In less than an hour, the Liao army's camp had already changed.

There were blown-up tents everywhere, the smell of gunpowder was everywhere, and white mist rose from time to time in the heavy rain.

The bodies of the Liao army were randomly placed on the ground, and the blood was washed by the rain and flowed in the mud. There were also a few bodies of the Song army, and various wailing sounds of those who were not dead yet were heard continuously.

Di Qing was also covered in blood, but it was all the blood of the enemy.

In history, he charged into the battle many times with the Western Xia, killed countless powerful enemies without being injured once, and the name of General Mian Nie was naturally not in vain.

The remaining soldiers around were cleaning the battlefield, some were rescuing their own wounded, some were carrying the bodies of their own dead, and some took the opportunity to grope for coins on the bodies of the Liao soldiers, or to plunder the Liao camp for supplies.

The soldiers on the battlefield were busy, and Di Qing did not stop them from looting the Liao army's supplies everywhere - these were all what they deserved.

The unwritten rule on the ancient battlefield was that the seized goods belonged to themselves, and the seized goods were returned to the public not only in ancient times, but also in the battlefields of later generations, only a very small number of armies with faith could do it.

So at this moment, the soldiers have entered a carnival.

About half an hour later, a knight rode in the rain, his horse's hooves splashing mud, looking for people to ask questions, and finally found Di Qing's location.


The knight turned over and dismounted and shouted: "General, the enemy scouts have noticed something strange and know that there is no one on the boat. Now they are building a floating bridge."

"Have the soldiers on Yuguan withdrawn?"

Di Qing asked.

"They have withdrawn."

The knight replied.

"How is Liu Du?"

"I have sent someone to notify him."

"Let's go!"

Di Qing waved his hand and ordered the guards around him: "Pass the order, return to Guangning immediately!"


The guards hurriedly shouted everywhere.

In the heavy rain, the Song army was looting everywhere in the Liao army camps within a few miles around, and it would take a long time to gather the soldiers back.

But Di Qing had no choice. He could not suppress this situation, otherwise the soldiers would definitely be resentful.

And now that the Liao army has noticed something wrong, he must return to defend immediately.

The Liao army did not even release the flood, and directly started to build a floating bridge. They knew that releasing the flood would inevitably waste time, so they simply continued to store water and wanted to cross the river as soon as possible to help Xiao Xiaomu.

But the Song army had already had a countermeasure. If the Liao army did not release the flood, the Song army would help them. Liu Du had already led more than a thousand people to Linyu Mountain, which is Jiaoshan in later generations.

At that time, using the mobility of the Weiyuan cannon, building artillery positions in the mountains, and bombarding the enemy's dam would inevitably cause floods.

However, the flood came quickly and went quickly, not to mention that the Liao army could not build a super-large dam in a hurry, and the water storage would not be too much. At most, it would cause the Yushui River to flood in a short time, but it would not last too long.

So Di Qing could only go back as soon as possible.

After about half an hour, it was already afternoon, and the various Song troops were called back to the team one after another by the whistle blown by the messenger.

Hu Yanshouyong, commander of the Pinghai Army, and Wang Kui, commander of the Dinghai Army, respectively summoned the soldiers of each unit to form neat teams.

With Di Qing's order, the soldiers had to run back to the way they came in the rain.

This was obviously a severe test for the physical strength of the Song army. They had eaten when they set out in the morning, but now they had walked 15 kilometers and had gone through a period of fighting, and many people were seriously lacking in physical strength.

Even though the team did not run when they returned, but walked instead, many people were exhausted and fell behind halfway.

In addition, although the Song army wore straw raincoats, the boots on their feet were easily soaked in water. Many people's feet had been soaked for a day, and now they walked with a limp, and many people needed to rely on others to help them move forward.

They came with high spirits, but when they left, they looked like they had lost a battle.

The only good news was that they had captured a lot of horses from the Liao army. Even though there were few people in the navy who could ride horses, there were still some. Otherwise, the wounded would have had to wait to die on the spot.

After two hours, the sky had darkened, and the rain was not as heavy as during the day. It changed from heavy rain to moderate rain, and now it was light rain.

The occasional roar of lightning, mixed with the whistling wind, made the exhausted Song army even more tired.

Passing those villages along the way, many people in the village saw this army again. Many people were no longer as afraid as they were during the day. They walked out of the house bravely, hiding behind the fences and watching them from afar.

With the daytime vision during the lightning, they could clearly see the magnificent momentum of the Song army when they came. Although they could see them lowering their heads, walking slowly step by step when they left.

But the fierce temperament seemed to be even stronger.

"Why did they come back so soon? They are all in rags. Did they lose the battle?"

"It's not like that after a defeat."

"No, I used to be a village soldier. I saw with my own eyes that the Song people defeated our Liao Dynasty. After losing the battle, they would run around."

"Look, they are riding horses and escorting some prisoners."

In the wilderness, wherever they passed along the way, the Han people in those villages looked at the Song army from afar.

The Song army naturally noticed them, but no one went to contact them.

Because Di Qing wanted to post a notice to reassure the people when he came, but in return, the Han people in Youyan stayed away.

Since the Han people in Youyan no longer regarded themselves as Han people, the Song army naturally would not care about their eyes and thoughts.

The Song army soldiers continued to move forward. After a long journey of nearly three hours, they finally returned to Guangning.

Di Qing rode his horse to the Yushui River outside the city almost immediately. At this time, all the boats of the Song army were on the west bank, and the Liao army on the east bank were cutting down trees and building a floating bridge.

But the Yushui River is not a small river, and it happened to be raining heavily. Even if they stored water upstream, the water flow was still very fast, so it was not easy to build a floating bridge that could accommodate tens of thousands of troops in a short time.

I saw that the Liao army had built many small boats first, and then used the boats to transport about three or four thousand people. They were now connecting the trees and boulders on both sides with ropes.

After the ropes were ready, the next step was to use ropes to fix the wooden boards and build boats. When the wooden boards and boats were connected together, people could pass.

However, this process was very time-consuming. The Liao army only found out that something was wrong at noon. After four or five hours in the afternoon, they were currently in the second stage - using ropes to fix the wooden boards, and even the boats had not been built.

Some Liao troops were even trying to seize Song’s boats on the west bank, but they didn’t know how to operate them, and the troops withdrawn from Yuguan were blocking them.

The two sides had fought bloody battles several times. Due to heavy rain, the Song’s firearms were difficult to use, and the Song army suffered a lot of losses in cold weapon combat.

“General! I am ashamed of my trust in you and let part of the Liao army cross the river. I will die.”

The deputy commander of Dinghai Army, who was responsible for staying behind, came hurriedly and knelt on one knee.

At this moment, his neck was wrapped in a piece of white cloth, and the blood that seeped out dyed the white cloth a few bright red spots; his arm was also cut, and a strip of cloth was wrapped around his forearm. Several blood strips dragged along the forearm to the back of the hand, slowly condensing and dripping along the wrist bone and fingertips.

Obviously, the Song army that stayed behind had done its best.

After all, at this time, the Song army in Yuguan was only about a thousand people. Even if the Liao army was on the east bank and could not come, the heavy rain and the disadvantage in numbers could not stop the Liao army.

"You have tried your best."

Di Qing saw his appearance and did not blame him. As far as he could see, a large number of Liao soldiers on the east bank were ready to go.

The Liao army could not operate large ships, so naturally they could not use the Song army's ships to transport troops. Relying on small boats, not many people could pass through each time. With the Song army blocking them, the large army was still blocked on the east bank of Yushui.

However, looking at the current situation, it is estimated that it will not take long for the Liao army to build a pontoon bridge. In addition to quickly building a pontoon bridge, the Liao army was still transporting troops to the other side.

The Song army had just experienced a desperate battle and traveled a long distance of 30 kilometers a day. It can be said that they were exhausted. They fought a bloody battle with the Liao army on the west bank, which was already waiting seriously in the heavy rain. No one knew what the outcome would be.

But Di Qing was unmoved and shouted: "Let 3,000 people go back to the city to rest, and the rest of you go back to the boat first."

"General, should we take this opportunity now?"

Hu Yanshouyong hurriedly asked.

"No problem."

Di Qing frowned and said: "If Liu Du's side is not going to work, then retreat to the boat. I don't believe that the temporary dam they built can really last that long."

The Liao army did not choose to release the flood but directly cross the river because the Liao army felt that the situation was urgent and they had to risk crossing the river to rescue Xiao Xiaomu.

Otherwise, if Xiao Xiaomu had a problem, Xiao Wanli would definitely be in trouble.

But the Song army didn't have to be so anxious.

They could abandon the boats on the river, and there were still some boats on the sea, at least there was a way to retreat.

And the Zhenhai Army was already on the way.

So they had two preparations.

One was that Liu Du had collapsed the dam, and now he rushed to the flood to block the Liao army. After the flood, the Song army again drove some of the boats on the sea into the Yushui River to cut off the Liao army's passage.

Second, Liu Du failed, and they were forced to return to the sea. After the Zhenhai Army arrived, they could still join the Zhenhai Army to carry out harassment behind the enemy lines. Moreover, if the Liao Army did not release the flood, the water storage would collapse sooner or later.

If the soldiers were allowed to attack again, the worst situation might occur.

Even if Liu Du did not succeed, the Song Army would force their tired bodies to stop the enemy, but they would fail to stop the enemy, and then their Song Army would be completely wiped out.

Therefore, when Di Qing thought of Zhao Jun's teachings, he had to consider the problem of "keeping the green mountains, there is no worry about firewood."

"Let's go back to the city!"

Di Qing waved his hand and knew what decision he should make now.

But just when he was about to rein in his horse and go back.

He heard a terrifying roar from the mountains several kilometers away, like a mountain collapse and the Milky Way pouring back.

Countless raging floods came, roaring and galloping, like rumbling tanks, crushing everything in front of them into powder!

Di Qing turned his head. It was already dark, with only a hint of gray light. But he could still see the waves in the distance.

Liu Du succeeded!

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