In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 380 Xiao Wanli suffers cardiac arrest

The raging flood poured down like the Milky Way, and the distant sky roared like a landslide.

With the last ray of afterglow between heaven and earth, mixed with lightning, it can be vaguely seen that the rolling and turbulent torrent overflowed, and the two sides of the Yushui River were instantly submerged.

The surging flood continued to surge downstream, and soon approached Yuguan, about five kilometers away from Jiaoshan.

At this moment, the Liao army on the opposite bank had already noticed the roar of the mountains in the north. Because it was dark, many people didn't know what was going on. After hearing the noise, they looked into the distance.

When they saw the rolling and surging flood, the Liao army who were building the floating bridge were almost terrified. They jumped up from their original position in fear and ran to the shore crying for their parents.

It was also fortunate that the sound of the dam collapse was too loud, and the overwhelming flood surged over a distance of several kilometers, giving them enough time to flee to both sides.

Otherwise, if they were closer to Jiaoshan, the raging torrent would have quickly submerged them.

But the thousands of Liao soldiers on the west bank suffered. The flood suddenly submerged them and broke their formation. Just then, the Song army arrived. Di Qing immediately ordered to muster up the remaining courage to annihilate the Liao army.

There was a flood behind them, and there were seven or eight thousand Song soldiers blocking the way in front. Not long after, they fell to the ground one by one amid the sound of gunfire, and then ran to other places.

The bad weather and the fact that it was already dark made it impossible for the Song army to really annihilate the Liao army.

In fact, the Song army only fired a few shots from a distance. Except for a few hundred unlucky people who were shot, most of the Liao army fled in panic along the north and south directions of the west bank.

Especially in the south, because the manic flood was fiercely attacking them at this time, if they went north, the flood that had already flooded both banks would likely sweep them into the turbulent waves, so they instinctively ran south.

The Song army did not chase them. To the south was the sea, and to the west was Guangning. There were Song army ships on the sea. Guangning City was now occupied by the Song army. The Liao army had almost nowhere else to go except to flee to Yingzhou City, which was a little further west.

Soon, the Liao army on the west bank was wiped out by the Song army.

Di Qing did not do this before. First, the Song army was almost exhausted, and the Liao army was taking it seriously. In addition, the Liao army on the east bank would continue to support them by boat, and they might not be able to eat them quickly.

Second, Di Qing was also worried that if the dam suddenly collapsed while they were entangled with the Liao army, the flood would spread everywhere, and it would not be easy for them to leave the battlefield.

Now there is no such concern. They stand on the dry shore and shoot in the direction of the Liao army at will. They don't waste too much physical strength. At the same time, the Liao army on the east bank can't beat them, and they are completely easily beaten.

Almost when the Song army was chasing the Liao army on the west bank, Di Qing saw rumbling sounds coming from the surface of the Yushui River.

The surging waves seemed to destroy everything in front of them. The Song army's ships that were originally docked on the west bank of Yushui were overturned in the river by the huge waves in an instant.

At first, there were still ships floating on the river surface that was thirty or forty feet wide, but not long after, they quickly sank into the river, and then only a large amount of wood chips rose and fell in the rolling waves.

"Marshal, our ship"

Hu Yanshou opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the wood chips on the river surface.

Although limited by the width of the river, their large Fuchuan battleships, Flying Tiger frigates and Sea Gull attack ships did not enter Yushui for patrol.

But they concentrated more than 20 assault ships, assault ships, landing ships, and combat ships of the two armies. There were even a lot of supplies and artillery on the ships, which was almost half of the property of the Pinghai Navy and Dinghai Navy.

Moreover, the Song Navy cost a lot of money. The cheapest warship cost thousands of guan, and the most expensive was even tens of thousands of guan. This flood impact was hundreds of thousands of guan. It would be a lie to say that I didn't feel sorry.

"The prefect once said that wars are fought for money."

Di Qing laughed so hard that tears almost came out of his eyes. He patted Hu Yanshouyong's shoulder and pointed at the Liao army on the east bank and laughed: "If we use this money to exchange for our victory, what's wrong with that?"

When the flood came, their boats on the Yushui River were indeed washed away. But these boats were originally baits, in order to trick the Liao army into releasing floods to flood these boats.

If there were thousands of Song troops on the boats, it would be a heavy loss.

But if the living force was preserved and only these boats were destroyed, but the Liao army could not cross the river for at least one or two days, then everything would be worth it.

One or two days is enough for the Song army to re-arrange the defense line on the west bank and wait for the arrival of the Zhenhai Army.

As long as the Liao army on the east bank is firmly embedded to the east of Shanhaiguan, a large number of Liao reinforcements and supplies cannot be sent to Xijin Prefecture, and then when Yelu Zong really has only one end-a landslide!

"Okay, stop looking, General Di has gone back."

Seeing Hu Yan Shouyong still staring blankly at the river, Wang Kui patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "After this battle, we will write to the court with our merits and ask them to build you a tower ship."

"Tower ship?"

Hu Yan Shouyong rolled his eyes at Wang Kui and said: "Can that thing sail on the sea?"

"Inside information."

Wang Kui looked around, then pretended to be mysterious and said: "I heard that the court is building an ironclad ship, which is made of the kind that can pull trains. In the future, there will be no need for manpower. It will be easy to travel a thousand miles a day on the sea, and it is all ironclad."

"Do you need to tell me this news? I knew it a long time ago."

Hu Yan Shouyong said contemptuously: "Besides, these are all hearsay, and it is not certain whether they exist."


Wang Kui smiled and said: "Your Hu Yan family is a noble family, and you can indeed get some gossip, but you don't know it."

"Don't know what?"

Hu Yan Shouyong still looked at the river with heartache, but couldn't help being curious.

Wang Kui said mysteriously: "I have a cousin who is now a supervisor at the Jiangnan Shipyard. He mentioned this matter during the Chinese New Year last year. The Political System Council has approved it. Now it is said that it has entered the manufacturing process. In the future, there will be ironclad ships, which will be better than this wooden boat?"

"Is there really an ironclad ship?"

Hu Yan Shouyong opened his eyes wide.

Although he is a descendant of the Huyan family, the nobles have not had a good time in recent years. It is okay for the promising children in the family, but if there is no successor, the power will naturally plummet.

His grandfather Huyan Zan was actually not a high-ranking official. At his highest point, he was only the deputy commander of a state and the governor of the state. He was a fifth-rank middle-level general and was at the bottom of the nobles.

It was for this reason that the Huyan family could not get anything when the nobles were trying to make money from the army, so they were lucky enough to survive the last purge.

And Huyan Shouyong himself was also very brave, and at that time no high-ranking noble children were willing to go to the navy, which was the lowest in the general concept, so he got a bargain and became the commander of the Pinghai Navy.

So in fact, Huyan Shouyong did not have any backstage, so naturally he did not know some of the more secretive things of the court.

Although Wang Kui was not from a noble family, he had a relative who was directly engaged in the shipbuilding industry, so he actually learned about this major event that was being carried out secretly by the court through this relationship.

"Of course, we are brothers who share life and death. Don't you still believe me?"

Wang Kui pulled Hu Yan Shouyong's shoulder and pulled him to Guangning City in the southwest, smiling: "Our great contribution, not to mention the capture of Xiao Xiaomu, is also a great military achievement. It will be easy to ask the court for a few ironclad ships in the future. What's so important about this wooden boat? The old one will not go away until the new one comes."

Hu Yan Shouyong turned his head and looked at the wood chips that were rising and falling in the waves. At this time, most of the wood chips had been washed away, and there were still some remnants rolling on the river.

He gritted his teeth and said: "If the court has an ironclad ship, I will be the first to write to the court to ask for one!"

As he said this, he raised his head and looked into the distance, muttering to himself: "Our Song Dynasty's warships must be invincible in the world. We must also let those infantry and cavalry see that our navy is not a decoration like before. Now with this Di Shuai, we have done something that even they can't do!"

It was completely dark.

With the protection of the flood, the Song army returned to the camp to rest with confidence.

In addition to arranging some sentries to observe the flood and the movements of the Liao army on the other side, almost all the Song army returned to Guangning or the boats on the Guangning Wharf on the seashore to rest.

The Song army rested well for a night, while the Liao army on the other side of the river was anxious, but they could not cross the Yu River in the face of the rolling waves.

The water level did not slow down much until the next day, but the entire Yu River was almost a swamp.

The water on the ground was more than one foot deep, and the silt was piled up, like a swamp. The horse's hooves would sink into the ankles when they stepped in. In addition, the water flow was very fast. Unless the Liao people could fly, they could not get through at all.

So compared to Di Qing's leisure at this time, Xiao Wanli really had no way out.

Yuguan was their nearest passage. The rest of the passages had to go through Xifengkou, which was unknown how far the detour was, and there were mountains along the way. The road was extremely rugged and difficult to travel, and it was not so easy to deliver supplies to Xijin Prefecture.

Therefore, he could only stay where he was, trying to send a small group of troops from the north of Jiaoshan to Lulong to investigate Xiao Xiaomu's news. While waiting for the river to recede by itself.

The next morning, the rain was much lighter than yesterday. Sometimes it would even stop for a few hours, and then suddenly there would be a drizzle, and then turn to light rain.

But in general, it was no longer as heavy as the previous few days.

The Song army, which had been tired all day yesterday, had a good rest for the night. After breakfast in the morning, a batch of clean clothes were transported from the supply ship, which restored their previous spirit.

Di Qing inspected the river and found that although most of the floods accumulated by the Liao army had been discharged, the surface of the Yushui River had risen a lot due to the rainfall in recent days.

At the lowest point before, the surface of the Yushui River was two or three feet away from the shore, and in some places, a small part of the river beach was even exposed.

Even if the water in the middle of the river was deep enough for the Song army's ships to float and sail on the river, it would still be difficult for the Song army's ships and artillery to reach the shore, and at most they could only reach Yuguan.

But now the river level has risen sharply, so the height of the ships has also risen sharply. If another Song army fleet appears on the river at this time, it will definitely threaten the Liao army on the east bank.

Unfortunately, all their small-tonnage ships were destroyed, and the large-tonnage ships must be used as a retreat, otherwise, if other accidents occur, they will definitely die.

Di Qing was thinking so.

After the army was reorganized, the Song army began to deploy defenses along the Guangning line again.

Two days later, the heavy rain finally stopped. As the mid-winter of November approached, the weather became colder and the wilderness was filled with a humid atmosphere.

After the rain stopped, the Song army's firearms had room to play again. Xiao Wanli tried to organize a fleet to cross the river several times, often at night, but was eventually discovered by the Song army and was hard to repel.

It was indeed very difficult.

Without the bridgehead of Yuguan and the fleet patrolling on the Yushui River, it was difficult for the Song army to detect the movements of the Liao army in advance.

It should be noted that it is a full five kilometers from Jiaoshan in the north to Yuguan City, and six kilometers from Yuguan City to the Bohai Sea in the south, which means that the length of Yushui is at least eleven kilometers.

Such a long line of defense does not have river ships constantly patrolling, so it is necessary to divide a large number of defense areas and station in each area to observe the enemy.

But the number of Song troops was small to begin with. If they were divided, each defense zone would only have a few hundred Song troops. The number of Liao troops on the other side of the river was increasing every day, and now it was eight or nine times that of the Song troops.

Once the Liao troops crossed the river at night by boat, it would be difficult for them to stop them immediately.

There were several times when the Liao troops secretly transported at least thousands of people. If the Song troops had not fired and fired artillery without regard for ammunition, the Liao troops would have secretly established a foothold on the west bank at this time, and both sides would have fought a fierce battle to capture Guangning.

October 26th was the 19th day since the Song troops cut off the Yuguan Corridor. In the early morning, the Song troops and the Liao troops had fought fiercely for a day and night, but the Liao troops on the other side of the river were crossing the river like crazy by boat.

On a small hill on the west bank, Di Qing was staring at the distance with a serious face. Since the Liao troops crossed the river again at night last night, they had been fighting bloody battles with the Liao troops for a long time.

If it was daybreak before, the Liao troops would withdraw quickly. But now the Liao army is still charging, seemingly completely ignoring the artillery fire of the Song army.

Because the Liao army also saw that as time went by, the firepower of the Song army had become lower and lower.

In the past, the Song army would start firing guns and cannons when the Liao army started to sail to the west bank on the other side of the river, but now they would wait until they landed before firing.

This can only explain one reason - the Song army has run out of bullets.

In fact, this is the case.

Di Qing naturally knew that it was a bad idea to wait until the Liao army landed before firing.

After all, even if there were enough bullets, doing so would only increase the number of Liao soldiers on the shore.

No one is a sharpshooter, and sometimes they need a lot of bullets to kill an enemy.

If they can fire while the enemy's ship is sailing, even if they scare them off and make them dare not come over, it will be considered a success, and they must not give the Liao army a chance to land.

But the battles in recent days have almost exhausted the Song army's ammunition, and sometimes the Song army even has to fight the Liao army in close combat.

This is obviously a very bad news.

If the reinforcements had not arrived, the Song army would have had to return to the ship and go back in disgrace.

At this time, bad news came one after another.

A scout came to report: "Report, Marshal, the ammunition of Dinghai Army's C-camp has been used up."

Not long after, another scout came to report: "Report, Marshal, more than a thousand Liao people have landed in the defense area guarded by Pinghai Army's D-camp."

"Report, Dinghai Army's A-camp is now engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy."


Various bad news kept coming, making Di Qing's face more and more calm.

He never expected that the bullets would be consumed so quickly.

It was also because the Liao army was going crazy these days. First of all, Xiao Xiaomu was captured alive, and secondly, if they were not eliminated, the supplies on the front line would not arrive, and Xiao Wanli and other senior Liao army generals on the east coast would definitely die.

In this case, Xiao Wanli and his men could only give death orders to their subordinates. No matter how heavy the casualties were, they had to rush to the other side, even if they had to sacrifice human lives to consume the ammunition of the Song army.

Therefore, under the madness of the Liao army, the result was that the number of bullets consumed by the Song army increased exponentially, and now it was close to exhaustion.

Even if the price paid was extremely high, nearly tens of thousands of Liao soldiers might have died here.

But as long as they could win, they had no worries.


Di Qing let out a long sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "Guards, follow me!"

He planned to rush to the aid of Dinghai Navy's Jiazi Battalion.

All members of the Jiazi Battalion had already started hand-to-hand combat with the Liao army, which meant that they had no bullets left and could only fight hand-to-hand.

Once there was no ammunition suppression, the Liao army would continue to come ashore, and the Jiazi Battalion's defense area was in danger.

Just as Di Qing led his personal guards to the Jiazi Battalion to rush to the aid, some small black dots slowly appeared on the sea level in the south in the distance.

Someone exclaimed and shouted: "There are ships on the sea, there are ships on the sea."

Di Qing quickly took out the telescope and saw that there was indeed a fleet on the sea in the distance. The flags on it were of course the army of the Song Dynasty!

"Finally, we're here."

Even Di Qing, who was as steady as a mountain, breathed a sigh of relief.

Once the reinforcements arrived, everything would be safe.

At this moment, on the east bank, Xiao Wanli was also observing the movements on the other side of the river.

When he found that the sound of the Song army's guns and cannons had decreased a lot since the day before yesterday, he concluded that the Song army's ammunition reserves were running low.

So he made a prompt decision and ordered the soldiers to launch a death charge.

Now it seems that things are indeed as he expected.

Although their soldiers paid a heavy price, at least seven or eight thousand people had crossed Yushui and reached the other side.

This also means that their people will continue to cross the river, and the Song army will undoubtedly be defeated.

Shuluchuiliji saw from the side that Xiao Wanli's expression softened a little because the army had crossed the river a lot, but was still solemn, so he said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. Although we were unable to cross the river a few days ago due to the flood, the Song army We have also lost our support on the river, and it will be a matter of time before we reach the other side of the river."

"Of course I know this. What I'm worried about is King Qi's safety."

Xiao Wanli shook his head bitterly.

The flood washed away Song Jun's boats on the river. When the flood receded and the water flow began to slow down, it seemed that their boat could finally pass.

But Xiao Xiaomu's capture was still a big stone weighing on his heart.

Although he and Xiao Xiaomu were both surnamed Xiao, and both came from descendants with the surname Xiao, they both had the same surname and had different statuses.

Compared with Xiao Xiaomu, his status is far behind.

Xiao Xiaomu was captured this time. Even if he fought to the other side and defeated the Song army, I'm afraid it would be more of a mistake than a merit in the eyes of Yelu Zong. It would be a good thing if he didn't go to jail and be questioned.

Shulu Chuiliji quickly consoled him: "The King of Qi has a noble status, and the Song people will not dare to harm him. As long as we defeat the Song army, we may be able to rescue the King of Qi."

"I hope so."

Xiao Wanli said noncommittally.

At this moment, someone shouted: "Your Majesty, our people have killed us, and the Song army has begun to collapse."


Xiao Wanli quickly looked to the other side.

As expected, the Song army on the other side seemed to have begun to suffer a massive defeat. Many people did not dare to continue defending on the shore, and broke away from the battle and fled towards Guangning.

At this moment, on the entire west side of Yushui, a large number of Liao troops began to land ashore and quickly occupied the defense area on the other side.

Seeing this, Xiao Wanli was overjoyed. He finally used up all the bullets of the Song army, so he immediately said: "Okay, pass my order to the general, and the front army will board the ship immediately and march to the other side to cover the army's crossing of the river!"

He must force all the main forces to cross the river and annihilate Di Qing to satisfy his hatred.


The order was sent to the soldiers.

Soon following Xiao Wanli's order, about 20,000 soldiers from the Liao army's front army began to formally prepare to board the ship.

However, less than two quarters of an hour passed, almost when countless Liao soldiers approached the shore and began to board the boat and prepare to row to the other side.

I don’t know who shouted: “Look, the Song fleet!”

Suddenly there was a commotion.

Many people's eyes are looking in the direction of the southern ocean.

Various ships on the Yushui River began to fall into chaos.

Some want to continue walking, some want to paddle back, and some are at a loss.

Xiao Wanli on the shore was still thinking about annihilating this Song army and rescuing Xiao Xiaomu.

When the time comes that he has made such a great contribution, His Majesty will no longer punish him, but will reward him well.

As Xiao Wanli thought about it, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

After all, Di Qing was also the greatest general in the Song Dynasty, second only to Fan Zhongyan and Zhang Kang. If he could be caught or killed, it would be considered a great achievement.

Just as he was thinking this, the noise nearby quickly attracted his attention, and Xiao Wanli instinctively turned his head to look south.

At this look, the originally happy face was almost dull, and the smile suddenly solidified.

Because he saw a large number of ships emerging on the southern sea.

Although he was far away, that was because he was standing on the shore several kilometers away, and the ships were already heading towards Yushui.

that moment.

Xiao Wanli almost suffered cardiac arrest!

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