In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 404: A people-oriented national system

In the afternoon, there was a regular meeting of Chongzheng Hall.

It's a hot summer day outside and the birds are chirping. The room is cool and comfortable, refreshing.

Especially after Zhao Zhen asked the chef to bring a bowl of sour plum soup with ice cubes to each prime minister, which was refreshing and refreshing, everyone felt more comfortable.

At this moment, Zhao Zhen was sitting behind the desk, putting down the soup bowl in his hand.

The window next to it was opened a crack, and a branch of a willow tree stretched out. The green leaves were swaying gently, and it was full of greenery.

Directly in front, many prime ministers were sitting in seats on the left and right, and precious incense was burning in the middle of the room. It was afternoon, and many old prime ministers were feeling sleepy. Burning incense could refresh their minds.

"Building a modern national system?"

Zhao Zhen looked at the notes written by Zhao Jun, put down the bowl in his left hand, and still held the notes in his right hand. He raised his head and looked at Zhao Jun and said, "Dasun, do you mean like the countries of later generations?"


Zhao Jun nodded and said: "Standardizing the national system and improving the national system are what we should do. This will not only standardize and standardize, but also give the bottom a channel for advancement, so that everyone has the opportunity to move up."

Zhao Zhen asked curiously: "Tell me more specifically?"

"First of all, we need to clarify what is the concept of a modernized national system."

Zhao Jun said: "I believe everyone should have a preliminary understanding. The political systems of later generations are mainly divided into two categories, one is monarchy and the other is republic."

He said: "Everyone knows that a republic is a non-monarchy. The main political systems are also divided into four categories: presidential republics and parliamentary republics. At this point, we only need to understand a little bit, and there is no need to go too deep. "

Zhao Jun looked around again and said with a smile: "After all, it is impossible for a republic to appear in the Song Dynasty now. It may appear a few hundred years later. The Song Dynasty will perish and a republic will appear, but it will never be now."


Although Zhao Zhen knew that Zhao Jun was right, he still sighed: "Can't we let the Song Dynasty go on for a long time?"

"It's difficult."

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "We definitely want to establish a monarchy, but brother, can you guarantee that every emperor will be a wise emperor? Once a foolish emperor appears, you should also know what the result will be."


Zhao Zhen let out a long sigh.

The prime ministers below lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything.

Is this what they should hear?

That is, the Renzong Dynasty.

If there were a slightly bad-tempered emperor, everyone present would probably have to finish the game.

"Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Isn't it the same in Japan? As long as productivity continues to increase, the overall environment of the country will tend to be stable. As long as there are not a few stupid kings in a row and the national power is exhausted, it can still be guaranteed."

Zhao Jun comforted him: "But that must be a few hundred years later. At worst, it will be overthrown by the people like France, leaving Louis XVI holding Head and Shoulders - confused."

"Do you mean what you say? Are you trying to comfort me?"

Zhao Zhen almost peed at that time.

He had seen the video of Tongliao rats and naturally knew what this sentence meant.

"There is no way, this is a fact. If you are good to the people of Li, they will naturally care about your kindness. If you are bad to the people, the people will definitely overthrow you."

Zhao Jun spread his hands and said: "Whether it is in ancient times or later generations. Are there still many kingdoms that were overthrown before and after World War I? Even in the new era, coups are still being staged in Africa every day. If we want long-term peace and stability, unless we can live forever, otherwise There is long-lasting political stability.”

"Guan Jia, Han Long's words are indeed true. Isn't what we are doing now just to extend the life of the Song Dynasty for hundreds of more years? There is no eternal country in this world, and there is no eternal king."

Yan Shu said something fair: "Only when the country is stable and the people live and work in peace and contentment can it last long. Therefore, benevolent government and caring for the people is the right way."

"All right."

Zhao Zhen had no choice but to respond.

He can also be considered a relatively sensible and reasonable emperor.

After all, these words are not lies, and later history has proven this.

Moreover, he has read a lot of historical novels. In addition to those that span the Qin, Han, Three Kingdoms, Jin, Southern, Northern and Southern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, he has also read a lot of novels from the Southern Song Dynasty, Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Naturally, he also has his understanding and thoughts about the change of dynasties and the collapse of empires.

Therefore, he also understood that although the words of Zhao Jun and Yan Shu were not pleasant to hear, they were irrefutable truth. If he truly cares about the longevity of his dynasty, he should accept and understand these truths.

Zhao Jun continued: "Let's not talk about the republic. Let's talk about the monarchy again. I believe you also know that it is mainly divided into autocratic monarchy and constitutional monarchy."

"Our current political system is definitely an autocratic monarchy. It is currently a cabinet system under an autocratic monarchy. The Constitutional Yuan is responsible for helping the emperor lead various ministries, but this system does not last long."

He pointed at himself and said: "Because the reason why everyone can trust each other is that my existence has broken the original situation of mutual distrust and suspicion between monarchs and ministers. Once I die, our group will be gone, and the next generation of monarchs and ministers will be gone." Can we be so intimate?"

Everyone looked at each other without saying a word.

Zhao Jun continued: "At that time, it will return to the previous autocratic monarchy system, and then the imperial power and the political power of the Constitutional Yuan will collide again, and the domestic politics will be unstable. It is okay to have a wise king, but there will be a Song Huizong, If Song Gaozong does something like that, the country may slowly decline, which will trigger another change in imperial power. "

"So I think that the political system of the Song Dynasty should slowly transform from an autocratic monarchy to a dualist constitutional monarchy. Our generation will leave the development direction for the next few hundred years, balance the imperial power and the power of the prime minister, and retain a larger At the same time, the imperial power still maintains the governance system of the prime minister."

"Even if a foolish emperor appears, he will only retain the power to appoint and remove cabinet members, but will not have the power to actually govern the country. After a few hundred years, it will be transitional to a constitutional monarchy, and it is best to slowly hand over the imperial power."

"But if we do it now, the steps are a bit too big, and it is easy to get involved. Therefore, it is still an autocratic monarchy under the cabinet system, under the absolute leadership of the officials."

"But we must promote a certain degree of democracy and have a certain degree of self-governance at the grassroots level. I think farmers' associations can be established in rural areas so that people can slowly get rid of the shackles of feudal parents and clans and no longer be the objects of oppression and enslavement. Let them have their own choices.”

"To sum up, I think the current political system of the Song Dynasty should be a semi-monarchy and a semi-cabinet system. The monarch is the head of state, and the Zhiyuan of the Zhiyuan is the head of the government."

"In the step-by-step process of progress towards publicism, the monarch and the cabinet are only wearing the cloak of autocracy. In fact, our real goal is to be responsible to the people and maintain social stability."

He looked around, his voice firm and steady.

Someone asked: "Why push in the direction of publicism? What is publicism?"

"It is very simple. Whether it is a monarchy or a republic, the vast majority of them are capitalist political frameworks. Its content is the exploitation of the bourgeoisie through the purchase of labor. Its main characteristics are: generalized monopoly, globalized monopoly and economic financialization. "

Zhao Jun explained: "After the emergence of capital, commercial monopoly and exploitation have not stopped. For example, after the French Revolution in 1789, the feudal relations in France were destroyed and the dominance of the bourgeoisie was established."

"However, under the new social system, businessmen desperately squeezed workers and hoarded goods in large quantities, causing prices to skyrocket, making the French economy difficult and the working people impoverished."

"This triggered the third French uprising, which overthrew the Girondins and established the Jacobin dictatorship."

"Publicism is an doctrine that considers the interests of the public. It does not serve a certain emperor or a certain class, but only serves the country and the main people of the country."

"For example, under capitalism, food prices have been manipulated, and food prices in many countries in later generations are appalling. Some countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Ukraine are world-famous food-producing areas, but the food produced by their own farmers is monopolized by foreign capital. Domestic food prices have skyrocketed, making people miserable."

"For example, electricity, under capitalism, electricity is also a commodity. A heavy snowfall in Texas in the United States caused electricity prices to skyrocket hundreds of times. People were completely unable to use electricity and millions of people were without power. The irony is that Texas is a famous energy producer. The most important thing in the region is electricity, oil and other resources.”

"There are also gas, oil, etc. Under the monopoly of foreign energy groups, a Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused energy prices in Europe to soar. Many families cannot afford electricity, gas, or oil at all. Prices have risen and inflation has The people are in dire straits.”

"In comparison, my country's food prices are low, and the average electricity and gas prices are only about half of those abroad. The only oil price problem is that our country is not an oil-producing country and needs to import a large amount to meet the fuel requirements of 1.4 billion people. , so it’s a little more expensive.”

"Therefore, our country's political system is actually to serve the main people. The 1.4 billion people can afford food, clothing, housing and transportation. This is the true people-oriented thinking."

"To be honest, if it weren't for the cheap industrial output in our country, Western people would not even be able to afford daily necessities. From here, you should be able to see the difference between capitalism and publicism."

Zhao Jun spread his hands and said: "The Song Dynasty was essentially an autocratic monarchy. So think about it. If you want social stability and the support of the people, should you take the road of capitalism or the road of publicism? You now understand ?"

"This is what Mencius said, "The people are the most valuable, the country is second, and the king is the least important."

Zhao Zhen said thoughtfully.


Zhao Jun nodded and said: "People-oriented thinking is the true democratic thought. Now that the industrial revolution is coming, capital will definitely grow, so the country must safeguard the interests of workers and farmers. This is the political system we want to establish!"

"So, Dasun, what kind of system do you think should be established?"

Zhao Zhen hesitated.

Although Zhao Jun has made it clear that he will guarantee the imperial power and that the establishment of a constitutional monarchy will be many years away, he is still a little worried.

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "The road of publicism with the characteristics of the Song Dynasty, with the autocratic monarchy as the body and people-oriented thinking as the core."

As he spoke, he looked around and said: "I think the people-centered thinking must always be implemented to the end. This is the true and eternal purpose. All kings and prime ministers are empty and will eventually be submerged in the tide of history. So if you want to think about the Song Dynasty The dynasty will never be destroyed, Chinese civilization will continue, and people-centered thinking will not be discontinued.”

"Brother, you don't want the Song Dynasty to perish like this in the future."

Finally, Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Zhen and said: "Even if the constitutional monarchy system turns the king into a virtual king and a mascot in a few years, it will still be much better than the demise of Zhao and Song Dynasty. At least the royal family can still continue, right? ”


Zhao Zhen was speechless for a moment, and finally said with a wry smile: "Yes, it is naturally the best to continue the royal family."

This touches on the fundamental interests of the royal family.

In the past, what these emperors thought was that I wanted to rule the world and inherit the imperial power forever.

But obviously, history has proven that this is impossible.

Unless you produce wise kings from generation to generation and strong men from generation to generation.

But is this realistic?

Not realistic.

Then you have to consider more realistic things.

That is, if a faint king appears in the future and the country is on the verge of destruction, how to continue the royal family so that things like Louis XVI will not happen.

Therefore, constitutional monarchy is the trend and the only way for the Zhao family to survive, just like Dai Ying and Benzi in later generations.

"I am still very pleased. I am sensible and someone who can clearly see the future trends and general directions."

Zhao Jun said happily: "In fact, whoever sits on the throne does not want his descendants to lose the imperial power, but we should know that if we do not lose the imperial power, we will lose our heads. History has proven that once history occurs, Change, and the emperor will soon become a victim.”

He said: "Of course, it will definitely not happen now. That will happen in the future. So what we have to do now is to maintain the autocratic monarchy and safeguard the interests of the people under the autocratic monarchy system."

This is what Zhao Jun wants to emphasize at this meeting.

Of course he also hopes to move towards a new era.

But this is unrealistic.

Nowadays, despite the first industrial revolution, the Song Dynasty is booming.

However, the bourgeoisie did not immediately replace the aristocracy and become a new and powerful force.

In other words, they are still in the development stage and are not very strong.

Under this situation, if the Song Dynasty did not take measures, it is estimated that it would be possible to replace the nobility and become stronger after several decades.

And capital means oppression and exploitation, and then the people are in dire straits, pointing the finger at the royal family.

Therefore, if no strategy is adopted, under normal circumstances, it may take at least one or two hundred years before the Song Dynasty changes, the royal family is overthrown, and the capital establishes a parliament to replace the government.

But how could Zhao Jun make capital the master of the country?

That would be a nightmare then.

So what to do?

Abandon absolute monarchy directly?

Apparently something almost impossible to do.

Because since the unification of Qin Shihuang, the order and system of autocratic monarchy have been operating for more than a thousand years.

The people who rose up would say, "Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have their own kind."

But their uprising was successful and they became princes and generals, and they would never build a republic.

Therefore, when the autocratic monarchy is deeply rooted, if you want to overthrow the monarchy, it is simply not a step that will break the egg, but a direct split.

Even in the environment of the late Qing Dynasty, there were various royalists and restoration parties. In a dynasty like the Song Dynasty, where the political situation was relatively stable and the imperial power was very stable, overthrowing the monarchy was just a fantasy at best.

Even if Zhao Zhen wanted to kill himself, he would have to ask the officials all over the world if they would agree.

So things can only happen step by step.

First, there is an autocratic monarchy, then a dualist constitutional monarchy, and finally a constitutional monarchy, which gradually limits the power of the king and transitions to a modern monarchy state system such as Daiying and Benzi.

But one thing is absolutely indispensable, and that is people-oriented thinking.

Capital can certainly appear.

But we must not monopolize all kinds of things, turn away from reality and turn to virtuality, and use industrial products, finance and other means to harvest wealth.

But to be a helper to assist the country.

To put it simply, capital can only be a means to maintain the development of the country, but cannot become the main body of the country. The main body of the country is always the people.

Otherwise, like the Bad Emperor and the Bangzi Kingdom in later generations, they will be manipulated by capital, and even the country will become a pawn of capital.

"Well, Grand Sun's words are very popular with me."

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, Zhao Zhen nodded in agreement and said, "I strongly agree with the people-centered thinking. Being kind and caring for the people is the duty of the country."

"In this case, let's establish a national political system that focuses on uniting farmers and workers."

Zhao Jun finally said: "I suggest that the abbreviation of the Song Dynasty is the Song Dynasty Empire, and the full name should be the Chinese Citizen Song Empire."

"This China represents the 5,000-year history of Chinese civilization. The citizens represent all the people. The Song Empire represents the imperial system. Both citizens and emperors are the main bodies of the country."

As he spoke, he lightly knocked on the coffee table next to him and said: "This also laid the foundation for the country. If nothing else happens, as long as the Song Dynasty follows the direction I set, then let alone a thousand-year dynasty, there will be a Eight hundred years shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Eight hundred years?

Zhao Zhen's eyes were fiery.

This is already attractive enough for him.

Again, what the imperial power worries about is always the loss of imperial power, and the emperor falling apart overnight from being a high-ranking emperor.

Therefore, the ancient imperial power has always tried every means to continue its imperial power. Just as Qin Shihuang envisioned, "I am the first emperor, and subsequent generations can be counted. The second and third generations will last forever, and my inheritance will be endless."

But this is obviously something that goes against the laws of social development, so the second generation of the Qin Dynasty died. In all dynasties, there are few people who have been in the country for more than three hundred years.

And if the imperial power cannot be continued forever, then the second best option is to let the royal family continue.

At least the descendants can still enjoy the royal family's preferential treatment, and will not fall into the hands of the common people and lose their political status.


Zhao Zhen made the decision: "Let's do as the eldest grandson wishes!"

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