In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 405 The ironclad ship was built successfully, let the neighbors know first

This meeting in Chongzheng Hall is very important. It not only determines the future direction of the Song Dynasty, but also improves the country's main strategic development.

It can be said that this meeting laid the foundation for the future pattern of the Song Dynasty for hundreds or thousands of years, which is a long-term strategy.

After the meeting, the Political System Institute began to carry out specific national reforms.

The change of the political system is of course not as simple as changing the name of the country, but it must be changed in all aspects.

In the past, Zhao Jun only changed the official system, but now it is the system of the entire country. To cover all aspects, it is naturally necessary to re-layout.

The most basic thing is that the land area of ​​the Song Dynasty is no longer 2.8 million square kilometers, but 3.2 million square kilometers, so administrative planning needs to be carried out again.

Including the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun and the Liaoning Peninsula, about 250,000 square kilometers.

Then there is Qingtang and Xixia Zhuoluo and Nan, about 150,000 square kilometers of land. From last year to this year, the Song Dynasty has obtained a total of about 400,000 square kilometers of territory.

Don't look at this number as not much, it is even 200,000 square kilometers less than the Qin Dynasty, which had 3.4 million square kilometers of land at its peak.

But in fact, it is not that the Song Dynasty does not have the ability to continue to expand its territory, but that it does not want to eat a fat man in one bite.

If it really wants land, the Yue Dynasty alone has more than 300,000 square kilometers of territory. In addition, the destruction of Xixia will add another 400,000 or 500,000 square kilometers. Then there are Dali, Tubo, Western Regions, Liao Dynasty, etc., which is more than enough to get 10 million square kilometers.

But as the saying goes, it is easy to conquer a country but difficult to defend it. So much land at once, and most of it is negative assets that cannot be cultivated, will make it difficult for the Song Dynasty to manage and develop.

At that time, it will slow down the pace of the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, the meal should be eaten bite by bite, and the territory should be increased little by little. First, destroy Xixia and take over the treasure island, and then develop Nanyang and turn Nanyang into the back garden of the Song Dynasty. It will not be too late to expand when there is enough food and a full population.

Therefore, the territory of the Song Dynasty should be fixed at 3 to 4 million square kilometers for a long time in the future. After destroying Xixia and opening up the Hexi Corridor, it will be enough to recover the Western Regions from Jiayuguan to Hami.

Then it is to manage Nanyang. It is estimated that the area will be at most 5 million square kilometers by then. When Zhao Jun was in his later years, he would launch a war thoroughly, and the Chinese autumn-leaf begonia would be unified.

Therefore, on this basis, administrative planning is very important.

It is necessary to provide development guidance for each region, and investigate and study which places are rich in minerals, which places have convenient transportation, which places are suitable for farming, and which places can develop commerce and trade.

However, there is no need to do much fiddling in the overall regional division.

Because the ancestors and later generations have already made a decision on this issue, Qingtang and Zhuoluo were included in Qinfeng Road, the Liao Dynasty's Xijin Prefecture was changed to the Song Dynasty's Beiping Prefecture, and the original Beijing Daming Prefecture was moved to Youzhou City, and Liaoyang was also included.

The only detail is how to develop and utilize those resources.

For example, border cities were set up in Shenyang and Zhangjiakou, trade with Khitan, Mengwu, Jurchen, Bohai and other tribes, develop local mineral resources, and develop wool and other textile industries with Beiping Prefecture as the center.

In addition, it is necessary to design the national flag and national emblem, write a national anthem belonging to the Song Dynasty, and introduce a series of policies to protect farmers and safeguard the interests of workers.

For example, farmers' associations and trade unions were established at the grassroots level to increase the channels for farmers and workers to communicate with the higher authorities, workdays and rest days were stipulated, and labor laws were improved.

Strictly speaking, the employment contracts in the Northern Song Dynasty were relatively complete. The government had clear regulations and protections for employment. Unless there was collusion between officials and businessmen, there would rarely be wage arrears.

But the previous employment was not a labor-intensive industry. It was generally a waiter or waitress in various stores, or a dock worker, a coolie, a carpenter, a bricklayer, and other jobs.

Since the number of workers was small and the amount was generally not huge, it was not worth bribing the government for this little bit of money.

On the contrary, if wages were delayed and the workers reported it to the government, it would be a big trouble.

So under such circumstances, regulations such as the Labor Contract Law of the Northern Song Dynasty could be implemented smoothly, which indirectly promoted the economic prosperity of the Northern Song Dynasty.

However, workers were different.

As a labor-intensive industry, a smaller factory may have a few or dozens of people. A larger factory may have hundreds of people, or even thousands or tens of thousands of people.

The capitalists deduct a little from each worker's wages, or force them to work overtime without conditions, and the profits created by adding them together are very large.

Therefore, the early introduction of policies and laws is also to prevent problems before they happen and avoid making up for the loss.

The Constitutional Court did not plan these things for too long, because they did not have to do it themselves.

Matters such as the national flag, national emblem, and national anthem are widely solicited for opinions. The introduction of laws to protect workers and farmers is handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Land planning still requires the Ministry of Natural Resources to go to the newly conquered land to explore minerals.

The rest is some research work.

Zhao Jun personally went to the factories outside Bianliang City to inspect the working environment of the workers.

He also went to some mines around Bianliang, such as Caocun Town (Pingdingshan), Changsha (Xuchang), Zhengzhou and other coal-producing areas, to understand the environment of mining operations.

Currently, due to the limitations of mining level and capacity, the main mining operations are mainly open-pit mining, and rarely go deep underground.

But it is obvious that with the development of industry, open-pit coal mines and iron ore mines are expected to be rapidly exhausted in the next few decades, and it will be a matter of time before deep underground mining.

Therefore, it is also a top priority to do preventive work in advance and introduce relevant policies to protect the interests of mining workers.

In this way, Zhao Jun was busy for almost two months. By mid-July of the seventh year of Qingli, a relatively mature and modern political system was being completed.

Zhao Jun personally wrote the Constitution of the Song Dynasty. After several discussions and slight modifications by many prime ministers of the Constitutional Yuan, it was ready for publication.

"Prologue, China is one of the countries with the longest history in the world. People of all ethnic groups in China have jointly created a glorious culture and have a glorious revolutionary tradition."

"Since the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, Chinese civilization has become increasingly splendid under the feudal system. In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, hundreds of schools of thought contended, and ideological and cultural brilliance was splendid, with stars twinkling."

"The Qin State unified the world, and the unified pattern of Chinese civilization was born. After the death of Qin II, the Han Dynasty was unified again, and the people of the seven countries merged into one, and there was a unified nation - the Han nationality."

"The powerful Han defeated the Huns, opened up the Silk Road of the Western Regions, established the Western Regions Changshi Mansion, and actively communicated with the world. National consciousness was awakened and established here."

"At the end of the Later Han Dynasty, the three kingdoms stood in power and fought for many years, finally ending in the Jin Dynasty. Then the Eight Kings Rebellion, the Five Husbands disrupted China, and the clothes and clothes moved southward. Since then, the Northern and Southern Dynasties came into being. China could not be unified for more than 200 years."

"Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, established the Sui Dynasty and finally unified the world. However, after the death of his second generation, the country returned to the Tang Dynasty."

"The Tang Dynasty flourished and then declined, and the world fell apart. There were five dynasties and ten kingdoms. Later, Zhao Kuangyin, the founder of the Song Dynasty, rose up in the army, unified China, and established the Song Dynasty."

"The Song Dynasty inherited the Tang Dynasty and ushered in a new era. It proclaimed orthodoxy, established legal etiquette, and made great achievements in unifying and dividing the territory. It is worthy of all people."

"Now that the sixteen states of Yanyun have returned and the Chinese homeland has been unified again, this constitution is established to establish the country!"

"Article 1: Change the full name of the Song Dynasty to the Chinese Citizen Song Empire. All power in the Song Dynasty belongs to all citizens."

"Article 2: The Chinese Citizen Song Empire was a publicist state under the monarchy and dictatorship led by the Zhao and Song royal families, based on all the people of the Song Dynasty, and with workers and farmers as the main body."

"Article 3: The Chinese Citizen Song Empire aims to create a unified multi-ethnic country and establish public ethnic relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance."

"Article 4: All ethnic groups are equal. As long as they join the nationality of the country, they have only one identity - Chinese citizens."

"Article 5: The Chinese citizens of the Song Empire shall govern the country according to law and build a country ruled by law."

"Article 6: Everyone is equal before the law."

"Article 7: Abolish all rankings of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, cancel all preferential treatment for people who are not specially treated, and abolish all slavery systems."

"Article 8: Officials should serve the people and put the interests of the public first. Any officials who harm the interests of the people will be severely punished."

"Article 9: Members of the royal family do not have all privileges and do not enjoy state support. They must study, study, take imperial examinations, and take exams just like the common people before they can hold office."

"Article 10"

On July 6, after the morning dynasty ended, many prime ministers each took a copy of the Constitution of the Song Dynasty in their hands.

There are probably more than a hundred of them, ranging from the legal rituals for the founding of the Song Dynasty to the determination of the main purpose of the country's political system, and then various official systems, national obligations, land resources, legal justice and so on.

Generally speaking, the entire constitution covers all aspects, including political system, system, national defense, economy, education, ethnic relations, social relations, etc.

It also stipulates various provisions for members of the royal family.

When he saw Article 9, Yan Shu turned his head hesitantly and looked at Zhao Jun and said: "Hanlong, if the members of the royal family do not enjoy the support of the state, the clan will probably cause trouble, right?"

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "It's just a restriction on state support. Don't the officials still have internal funds? Besides, they are well-off and enjoy the state support every day. Isn't this inappropriate? In the Southern Song Dynasty, there were also clan members who served as prime ministers. If the clan is freed from restraints, there may be talents in it.”


Yan Shu thought it made sense and nodded.

After a while, Jia Chang looked at Article 19 and said, "Hanlong, this article allows farmers and workers from all over the country to establish farmers' associations and trade unions. Farmers' associations and labor unions can directly contact the local censorship department. Will it cause instability?" ?”

"No, the very existence of these associations is to safeguard the rights and interests of farmers and workers."

Zhao Jun raised his head and said: "Think about it, the disadvantage of feudal society is actually that the people at the bottom lack a channel to express their opinions. Many people in the countryside are bullied and if the county government does not make decisions for them, they can only swallow their anger and even be harmed to the point of being ruined. If How can it create instability if there is an organization that can help them?"

"I'm just afraid that this kind of organization will be taken advantage of by people with ulterior motives."

Fan Zhongyan sighed: "Maybe our original intentions are good, but if the peasant associations and trade unions are controlled by others, they will become tools of oppression."


Zhao Jun thought for a while and said: "Old Fan reminded me, it does make sense. In this way, the situation of the peasant associations and labor unions will be included in the assessment indicators of the Imperial City Department and the Imperial History Department. If there is that kind of landlord bully occupying If the president of the farmers' association and trade union colludes with local officials and businessmen to oppress the people, he will be severely punished. "

Now the only ones in the Song Dynasty that can guarantee integrity and supervise officials are the Yushitai and the Imperial City Department. Not to mention the Imperial City Department as a special agency.

As the highest-level picket department, the Yushitai is not only a very high-level department, one of the sixteen first-level departments second only to the Constitutional Yuan, but it is also an institution independent of the government and the Public Security Bureau.

They are not subject to local government restrictions at the local level. Once a problem is discovered, it is reported directly to the Bianliang Yushitai and the Song Dynasty Political Academy, which can go directly to Tianting.

In addition, the personnel of Yushitai are often newly promoted Jinshi who have just come out of the imperial examination.

These people are young and vigorous, have not been baptized by officialdom, and are very motivated.

In addition, as long as the lower-level censors of the Yushitai catch those who are corrupt and abuse of power, they will not only enjoy certain stolen goods performance, but also receive awards from the Constitutional Yuan, both in terms of material and political achievements.

Therefore, basically, as long as young officials want to make a difference in their official career, they will not give up this opportunity. Naturally, it will be easy to resist the temptation of the outside world and dare to investigate and pursue corruption.

This is also the confidence that Zhao Jun dares to reform and break the privileges of officials.

"Well, if that's the case, that's a lot better."

Fan Zhongyan nodded.

"Hanlong, look at this one again."

Then everyone continued to discuss the content and made minor modifications.

Zhao Jun also took the trouble to study with them.

Basically this is the last modification. If there are no problems, it will be almost the right time for Zhao Zhen to officially announce it.

At this moment, an official from outside came in to report: "Report to the Imperial Academy, an official document has just been sent from Liangzhe Road."


Zhao Jun took the official document in confusion, opened it and said, "Is there something urgent at the local level?"

Under normal circumstances, even if there is an emergency at the local level, official documents will not be sent directly to him. Instead, they will be sent to various ministries based on the specific urgent matter.

For example, if you need to allocate funds, you go to the Ministry of Finance, and if you need to establish local enterprises, you go to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Except for more serious issues such as disasters or attacks by enemy countries, they rarely go directly to the Constitutional Yuan.

"What happened?"

Everyone also put down the constitution in their hands and turned their heads to look over.

Zhao Jun glanced at it first, then his pupils shrank and he laughed: "Great, this is an official document from Jiangnan Shipyard. The iron-clad ship has been built."

"Good news, the Song Dynasty has ironclad ships."

"After all the hard work, the joy comes. After two years of design and construction, it was finally a success."

"In this case, wouldn't my Song Dynasty's fleet also be able to go to Europa?"

Everyone was talking and laughing.

This ironclad ship is not as simple as a wooden ship covered with a layer of iron. It is made of pure steel, coupled with steam engine power, the manufacturing process is very complicated.

Therefore, even if the project has been established for more than a year and the design drawings have been revised again and again, it is still in the exciting construction stage.

Now, almost two years later, it is finally completed.

"I won't go to Europa yet."

Zhao Jun's eyes narrowed, and then he said: "After it is built, immediately equip it to Ning Haijun, and then let Ning Haijun go to Japan!"

After he finished speaking, he whispered: "It's time to let this sinful place know the power of the Song Dynasty!"

China was once poor and weak, and the country was in a state of decline. The Japanese invaders took advantage of the situation and caused tragic massacres one after another.

They even hung babies from bayonets, machine-gunned the crowds, and piled up corpses.

After the establishment of the new era, when the first nuclear test was successful, this so-called "neighbor" was immediately notified.

And now.

The ironclad ship of the Song Dynasty was successful.

It is also time to feel the trembling and fear of the people in this sinful land.

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