In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 418 Sending troops to Japan to hold the Emperor accountable

April 9th, the eighth year of Qingli in the Song Dynasty.

About forty days after the Song Dynasty navy bombarded the Japanese army in the waters near Noto Island.

In Bianliang City, Kaifeng Prefecture, the capital of the Song Dynasty, a flying horse ran into the imperial city.

The messenger rushed eight hundred miles to deliver the news to Tokyo.

The reason why it was forty days later was because Sado Island was too far away from the Hangzhou port, nearly two thousand kilometers.

The message ship alone took more than thirty days at sea, and the news arrived so slowly.

However, in March, the Academy of Sciences conducted a hydropower station experiment on a tributary of the upper reaches of the Bian River and is already studying the issue of power generation.

If a small hydroelectric station was successfully built, research and development of wired telegraph could begin.

In this way, as long as a telegraph line is set up between Bianliang and Hangzhou, telegrams can be sent.

Although Zhao Jun knew that the future direction must be in the direction of wireless telegraphy and even mobile phone communications, he was not a communications engineering major and was really helpless.

Therefore, he can only click on the technology tree step by step. At least he knows how to develop in the future direction, and works hard in this direction, which can greatly shorten the scientific process.

This morning's meeting of the Constitutional Yuan was about the current status of Yellow River management and the patrol system for ministerial-level officials.

The former is because this year is the year in history when the Yellow River flooded and changed its course. It is time for the court to test whether these years of efforts have been in vain and look at the current situation of the Yellow River.

The latter is because since the restructuring of Kaifeng Prefecture, the group of officials with the best political performance in various places have no transitional positions.

At that time, the post of governor of Kaifeng Prefecture became a vacant position. Often, when the imperial court wanted to promote an official, it would be arranged in advance to become the prefect of Kaifeng, leaving the position empty and waiting.

At its peak, there were six prefects in Kaifeng Prefecture. They were all high-ranking officials with outstanding political achievements in various places who were ready to be promoted to ministers of various ministries, but they were temporarily unavailable to take up this temporary position.

But the person who was really in charge was Bao Zheng, the co-prefect of Kaifeng Prefecture, who once caused the government and the public to joke that the prefect was not the prefect, and the co-prefect was not the same prefect.

After the restructuring, the imperial court will first let them serve as bachelors in various cabinets, and then arrange people to join them when the terms of office of ministers and ministers in certain departments are up and it is time to retire.

After all, officialdom is like a pyramid, with one carrot and one pit. The higher you go up, the fewer the pits. Shouldn't those who have good political performance and are young and deserve to be promoted have to be left waiting outside?

But Zhao Jun felt that such a transition was a waste of time. It was better to let them go out, walk around, take a look, and serve as an inspection team to deal with problems in various places.

"In this era, the media is underdeveloped and news spreads slowly. Even if there are newspapers, it is difficult to report everything. Many things are hidden underneath. We can't see or touch anything above. We thought that this world is peaceful and clear. Prosperity."

Zhao Jun looked around at everyone in the room and said to everyone: "Perhaps it's hard to say that rural areas and county towns are full of dirt. Corruption and perversion of the law, oppression of the people, and evil forces are endless. The country is developing rapidly, and various problems will continue. It’s time to take precautions before it happens.”

"Well, I agree with Han Long on this point. These people are idle anyway, so they might as well go out for a walk."

Yan Shu felt there was no problem.

"Well, that's the decision."

"I think it can also be regarded as a political achievement. Whoever finds more problems and solves more difficulties for the people will be given priority."

"This is a good idea. It not only solves the problems of the people, but also solves the problem of who should be filled first."

Everyone also thought it was good and nodded one after another.

Zhao Jun's eyes lit up and he said: "The proposal of Mr. Fu is very good, and the inspection system is also a political achievement."

As he spoke, he mused: "I suddenly thought of something."

"What's the matter?"

Everyone looked at him in confusion.

“It’s time to establish a target responsibility system.”

Zhao Jun raised his head and looked at everyone and said: "Now that the country has entered a period of rapid development, it is obviously inappropriate for officials to continue to do their daily tasks based on the examination method as before."


Everyone is puzzled. It has been eight years since the law was implemented and all the officials have become accustomed to it. Should it be canceled at this time?

"Because times have changed. Although there was a punishment and reward system in the past, it was more about the court forcing officials to do things. Obviously, they are no longer adapted to the times."

Zhao Jun explained.

The original examination method is actually a task system. For example, a county magistrate, if you receive an official document from the court today, you must process it in the morning before the evening, and you must complete it before noon the next day after receiving it in the evening.

In addition, the county work was delivered this morning and had to be completed in the afternoon, and the afternoon work was completed before noon the next day. This can be said to force officials from laziness to diligence.

But the essence of this system is to assign tasks from above, or when certain emergencies arise in the county and must be dealt with. Rather than you taking the initiative to find things to do every day and taking the initiative to solve the difficulties in the county.

Therefore, although officials are given something to do and become diligent, they cannot effectively unleash their subjective initiative.

If you only do the assigned and prescribed tasks every day, you will not be able to effectively solve the county's development problems.

In today's industrial age, all regions and counties should adapt to local conditions and develop in an all-round way.

Zhao Jun continued: "Nowadays, many places report that officials just complete their duties every day. It cannot be said that they are perfunctory and have nothing to do with their bodies. However, not many officials will take the initiative to find and solve problems. This phenomenon is not a good thing."

He went on to point out: "We should let officials take the initiative to complete tasks, such as ensuring that the people in the county have enough to eat and wear warm clothes this year, how many poverty problems are solved, how many people's livelihood problems are solved, etc."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, thinking this was the truth.

"So it is necessary to establish a target responsibility system. During the official's term of office, there will be indicators and tasks every year, and which industries will be developed according to local conditions."

Zhao Jun emphasized: "Even if the local area is barren and there is no industry to develop, agriculture should be actively developed to alleviate the most basic food and clothing, so that the people can have food to eat and clothes to wear."

"Then what is the specific method?"

"I will make arrangements for this aspect when the time comes. If the law is passed, we will not cancel it for the time being. We will gradually reduce the mandatory task arrangements for officials, allowing them more time to use their subjective initiative."


No one had any objections.

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "If the target responsibility system is confirmed and improved, I hope it will become a trend. The Constitutional Yuan should take the lead in signing it and form a good norm from top to bottom so that officials can participate more actively. I hope You should also think about what tasks you should complete this year and what problems you should solve next year. It is even better to involve officials. This can also show that everyone is treated equally and show everyone's determination. "

He added: "In addition, this target responsibility system should be widely promoted in the future. Not only the court and government, but also state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, such as construction units, must ensure the safety, speed and quality of the project. Once there are any problems, There must be accountability.”

"And that's it."

Just as he was about to continue his long speech and make a request in this direction, there was a gentle knock on the door in the conference room.

The regular morning meetings of the Constitutional Yuan are generally not allowed to be interrupted unless there is an emergency.

Zhao Jun stopped speaking. As the host of the meeting, he turned his head to look at the door and said loudly: "Come in."

"Zhiyuan, urgent official document, sent from Japan."

The official on duty outside the door came in cautiously, handed the official document into Zhao Jun's hands, then walked out backwards and closed the door.

Zhao Jun took the official document, opened it and read it.

Everyone just looked at him, waiting quietly for Zhao Jun to tell everyone the contents of the official document.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jun watched for a long time, a full seven or eight minutes.

Just when everyone was impatient and someone wanted to ask, he suddenly laughed, shook his head and said, "This Lu Chao is really a talent."

"Hanlong, what happened?"

Yan Shu asked.

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "The Japanese wanted to take back the Sado Gold Mine, so Ning Haijun fought with the Japanese. In one battle, they destroyed more than 20 Japanese ships and drowned hundreds of Japanese."

"Is there a war?"

Everyone frowned, and Fan Zhongyan asked: "Will it trigger an all-out war between us and Japan?"


Zhao Jun pondered for a moment and said: "I personally think not. Japan is not that bold to go to war with us. This lesson should make them understand the gap between us and them."

"I heard that the soldiers on the Japanese island don't even have weapons or armor. Many of them use wooden sticks as weapons. Putting it this way, the gap between them and us is really big."

"I'm afraid that they don't understand current affairs and think they can provoke us. Then it will be bad to gather a large army to cause trouble."

"There are indeed concerns in this regard. Now that the paper currency reform is imminent, I am afraid that they will disrupt our trade and block the inflow of gold and silver into our Song Dynasty."

"Yes, although it is not a small-denomination banknote, but a few guan of medium-denomination banknotes, it still requires a large amount of gold and silver as an anchor. The banknotes are valuable only if they can be exchanged for gold and silver. Once there is a shortage of gold and silver, It’s hard to issue this banknote.”

Everyone was talking about it.

Last year, Zhao Jun decided to use copper coins and silver dollars with a nominal value for small-value transactions, and use banknotes with face values ​​of 2, 5, and 10 Guan for medium-value transactions, in order to alleviate the current inconvenience problem of medium-value transactions.

Over the years, the imperial court has been more cautious about paper money, including Jiaozi, which can only be used for large transactions until now. Although a large amount of foreign copper mines have flowed in, temporarily solving the money shortage, it is still inconvenient to trade copper coins.

Therefore, it is imperative to issue silver dollars and banknotes.

If you want to issue silver dollars and banknotes, sufficient anchors are the basis. Therefore, the Iwami Silver Mine and the Sado Gold Mine can be said to be in the interests of the entire Song Dynasty's top management. This is a consensus among everyone.

Hearing everyone's concerns, Zhao Jun smiled and said: "That's not a worry. The Iwami Silver Mine and the Sado Gold Mine are not in the interior of Japan, but on the seaside. As long as we maintain sufficient garrison, we will have no problem ensuring our own interests." ”

As he thought about the rampant energy in his childhood, he made up for it by saying: "Of course, I can't say absolutely. In this way, if we send the Zhenhai Navy again, the two fleets can't say they can go ashore and wipe out the entire Japan, but they can kill It shouldn’t be a big problem to capture their emperor alive in Heiankyo.”

An all-out war between Song and Japan would definitely not be fought. The so-called all-out war was to press the country with a large army, wipe out the entire resistance army in Japan, get rid of their upper-class dignitaries, and then turn the Japanese into cattle and horses.

But unfortunately, sending one or two fleets is already the limit.

Excluding unexpected factors such as storms that may be encountered during the voyage, the most important thing is the difficulty of logistical supply.

Food, ammunition, clothing, and medicine. With the current capabilities, it is obviously impossible to attack Japan without going through the Korean Peninsula, unless the navy is now entirely steam-powered.

However, there is no problem in carrying out control on a certain scale. As long as you bring enough ammunition and supplies, Wajima should lead the way, fight to Heian Kyo, and capture Emperor Goreizumi alive. It is a relatively easy thing to think about.

Just like MacArthur, the five-star emperor of later generations.

Therefore, Zhao Jun did not think that he would be able to make waves in his small life. When technology is further enhanced in the future and the cost of capturing Japanese islands is greatly reduced, it will be time to fully capture the island country.

"Let Zhang Jiao summon the Japanese envoy later, give him a scolding, then expel him from the country, rush back to Japan, and let the Japanese envoy take our ideas there."

Zhao Jun said finally.

Zhang Jiao was the former director of the Guoxin Office. His official title was Guoxin Office. He was assigned to Honglu Temple and is currently the Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Nowadays, departments such as Honglu Temple, Guoxin Institute, Dutingxi Station, Concierge House, Huaiyuan Station, and Tongwen Hall are all unified under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and their powers are no longer as multi-departmental and confusing as before.

Although the surrounding international relations belong to the tributary system and there are not many countries communicating with it, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has no place to play. It is currently only a third-level institution and its weight is not very great.

However, as international exchanges deepen in the future, the importance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will become increasingly high.

For example, this time as early as March, the Japanese sent envoys over. Just as Zhao Jun expected, they were extremely flattering, groveling, and extremely flattering to the Song Dynasty.

At that time, everyone was surprised that Zhao Jun analyzed the Japanese so accurately. He did as he told them, which was like the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang.

Only Zhao Jun knew that he did not need to study in depth other ethnic groups, but he must study the Japanese in depth, so that he could accurately calculate the nature of the Japanese and know their thoughts.

Therefore, in the face of Japan's flattery, the Song Dynasty court was not too surprised. It just sent the Minister of Foreign Affairs to give him normal treatment.

After all, the heavenly dynasty still has to have the proper etiquette.

Now, I will take advantage of this opportunity to attack the Japanese envoys, reprimanding and sending troops at the same time. With a two-pronged approach, I should be able to take control of the Japanese country.

"Well, let's do it."

Yan Shu nodded, and then said: "Speaking of which, Hanlong, what did you say about the Lu Dynasty just now?"

“This guy is truly a talent.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Didn't we have a large number of ordnance eliminated? A lot of it has flowed into the market. He is the nephew of the Cao family and the manager of the Cao family in Japan. He used the energy of the Cao family to get a lot of We eliminated the ordnance and then went to Japan to provoke their powerful families to rebel."

"In this way, this kid is indeed interesting."

Yan Shu smiled.

"Wait a minute."

Zhao Jun's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "This kid is not only interesting, not only a talent, he is a fucking genius. I have been a righteous and awe-inspiring magistrate for so many years, and I almost forgot about this kind of operation."

As he spoke, he sighed again: "Oh, I'm used to being a gentleman, but I have forgotten how Dai Ying was so lacking in virtue in the first place."

Everyone was confused for a moment, what kind of madness was going on.

Fan Zhongyan reacted quickly and said, "You want to support the wealthy families in Japan and provoke them to civil strife."

"Old Fan is smart!"

Zhao Jun stood up happily and said: "Okay, it's time to get started, let's go."


Everyone started laughing.

End of the meeting.

Everyone got up and left to start today's official business.

The fate of a country is decided at this meeting.

This is the power of big countries and the sorrow of small countries.

But for the country Japan, no strategy can be overstated.

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