In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 419 The saplings are growing vigorously

There will be countless humanoid countries in later generations.

For example, the bandits who colonized the world, Tokusan who started World War II, the squid who was almost anti-human, the Emperor who scalped Indians and later pursued hegemony, each of them is a cancer of an era.

But later generations of Chinese people felt disgust towards them at best, not to mention unforgettable hatred.

Because people are like this, if the knife does not cut themselves, they will not feel the pain of other suffering countries and nations.

So who has ever struck a Chinese person with a knife, and what is the source of pain for the Chinese people?

It's a little devil!

They invaded our country, burned, killed, looted and carried out massacres everywhere, causing the deaths of more than 30 million soldiers and civilians.

They skinned people alive, gouged out their eyes, cut off their noses, and took out their internal organs. They boiled babies in boiling water, cut open pregnant women alive, and then put the babies on millstones and ground them into meat paste and forced the mothers to eat them.

They took pleasure in killing living people, and took glory in cruelty and bloodthirst. They buried people in the soil and let dogs bite them, while they clapped their hands and laughed.

They even held killing competitions, letting recruits assassinate live people to practice their courage, and experiment with viruses and bacteria.

All kinds of behavior are outrageous.

Therefore, Zhao Jun can not be hostile to any country, but is extremely concerned about the affairs of the island country.

From the moment he took power, he sent the Imperial City Secretary to infiltrate in the name of trade.

Song Cai, as a big businessman of the Song Dynasty in Japan, is actually the chief spy of the Imperial City Division in Japan.

The Imperial City Division investigated intelligence in Japan, collected inside information, and sorted it all out to him, and then Song Cai sent it back to China through commercial channels.

What Zhao Jun did was not to covet Japan's wealth, but simply to hold grudges. It was a hatred engraved in the bones of the Chinese people, lacking a revenge of reckoning.

If future generations cannot liquidate them for the time being, then it would be a bad thing to liquidate their ancestors first to avoid such a situation from happening again in the future.

Some people may say that this is something done by the descendants of Japan. What does it have to do with their ancestors? Doesn’t this bring harm to the family?

However, by sorting out the information, Zhao Jun discovered that their ancestors had the same virtues as the Japanese of later generations.

Bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, cruel and bloodthirsty, he is always thinking about the northern continent.

They have never joined the Chinese tribute system externally, but they have always maintained their aggressive ambitions internally.

Their so-called envoys to the Tang Dynasty only wanted to secretly learn the institutional culture and knowledge. They never thought of truly respecting the country of the Tang Dynasty, and even coveted the treasure land of the Central Plains civilization.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Korea, and the so-called "Three Kingdoms Unification" declaration has proved this.

If Toyotomi Hideyoshi had won the Korean War, there is no doubt that Korea would have been subjected to extremely brutal colonial treatment, and might even have been exterminated.

Therefore, all things considered, it was impossible for Zhao Jun to let the Japanese go.

However, the current national power cannot completely destroy the Japanese islands for the time being. Even if it can be eliminated, it will consume a lot of its own national power.

Therefore, the correct approach is to first threaten them with force, and then stir up trouble within them, leaving Japan in a state of long-term division and civil strife until the country's national strength increases again in the future.

Therefore, Zhao Jun had to resort to leadership tactics that lacked great virtue.

‘There is a long way to go. ’

After the meeting, Zhao Jun thought to himself.

In the morning, Zhao Jun did not deal with official business first, but went to Beigong first.

After all, this is a war abroad, involving all aspects, so it is still necessary to inform Zhao Zhen and ask the Privy Council to send the navy to suppress the navy with his order.

After Zhao Zhen learned of the situation, he didn't worry too much. He wrote an edict directly, stamped it with a seal, and sent it to the Privy Council.

Zhao Jun returned to the Constitutional Yuan and signed his warrant from the Constitutional Yuan, entrusting Song Cai.

There are several points in the warrant.

The first is to ask Song Cai to support the Lu Dynasty's actions to provide weapons, equipment and funds to Japanese wealthy families and rebel forces.

The second is to let Song Cai Maomao and others maintain their firm stance. If necessary, Ning Haijun and Zhen Haijun can go ashore directly, fire the first shot, kill Heianjing and threaten or even capture the emperor alive.

The third and most important point is that Ma Mao acted very well this time and made great achievements. He was promoted to the training envoy of the Runzhou Regiment and was commended to the entire army. A commendation meeting will be held after returning to China.

Why is this important?

The point is to set an example. Even if Ma Mao hesitates, politics is like this. It needs to cover up shortcomings and magnify advantages.

This can tell all the soldiers of the Song Dynasty that if you perform tasks overseas, in order to safeguard national interests, you must not be soft-hearted. Fight when it is time to fight. The imperial court will always be their backing.

But to be honest, this commendation was obviously unfair to Ma Mao. After taking back the minerals in the First World War, he was not promoted to the military position, but was promoted to the post of salary, which was a total of two promotions.

But Zhao Jun can't help it, because the navy currently has seven corps, and above the corps commanders are the navy chief and deputy chief.

The next promotion would be to deputy chief of the navy, which is a senior general. Hu Yanshouyong and Di Qingli had not been promoted despite their great contributions, let alone Ma Mao.

Therefore, I can only upgrade my post to raise my level.

And to be honest, the chaotic official system of the Song Dynasty also gave Zhao Jun a headache.

Nowadays, the civil servants are doing well. They have abolished the salary-paying and dispatching officers, and unified the grades, which solves the problem of confusion.

Only military commanders are related to the Song Dynasty's national policy of emphasizing culture and restraining military force, and their status in all aspects has not been improved for the time being.

It's not that Zhao Jun doesn't want to, it's that he can't.

If this is done, it will inevitably arouse opposition from all civil servants, and the resistance can be said to be considerable.

At the beginning, Lao Fan and Zhao Jun were able to carry out the Qingli New Deal by pulling one faction to fight against another and dividing the civil service group.

For example, a large number of idle middle- and lower-level officials were used to give them actual positions, thereby gaining the support of a large number of middle- and lower-level officials, and many new policies were passed, such as reforming the official system, passing examinations, and apportioning small people into acres.

And if you want to improve the status of military commanders, then those officials who originally supported Zhao Jun may all have to switch camps, and even the prime ministers of the Constitutional Yuan will not agree.

Therefore, Zhao Jun has not touched upon the military general system for the time being. He plans to delineate military regions, reform the military rank system, completely separate military positions from official positions in the future, and transform civil and military positions into two systems. It will not be too late to improve the promotion process.

They can even be awarded major titles at that time, and their merits will be counted in the future.

Several warrants were sent out, and then the Constitutional Yuan condemned Japan in the name of the Song Dynasty. This completed two countermeasures, light and dark.

On the surface, they condemned Japan and threatened them with force, but secretly they stirred up internal conflicts in Japan and divided their strength.

With a two-pronged approach, there should still be no problem if you manage your life for a small period of time.

On April 10th, after the policy towards Japan was determined yesterday and implemented, Zhao Jun no longer paid attention to this aspect, but devoted himself to another matter - the management of the Yellow River.

Early in the morning, Zhao Jun did not go to court, or even to the Constitutional Yuan. Instead, he dressed neatly and prepared to go out.

"Husband, it's a long journey, so you should go early and come back early."

Cao Miaoxin helped Zhao Jun sort out his clothes and sent them to the door to give instructions. Zhao Tan and a little girl were standing beside him.

Zhao Tan was born in August of the second year of Qingli. He is now almost seven years old and is currently in the first grade of Bianliang Primary School.

The little girl is Zhao Jun's daughter, named Zhao Qingyun. She is of the same generation as the eldest princess of the Sui Kingdom, Zhao Qinghan, and the princess of the Deng Kingdom, Zhao Qing'an. She is four years old this year and was given the title of Lord of Changxing County.

"Dad, go early and come back early."

Zhao Qingyun's milky voice was pure and milky.


Zhao Jun smiled and touched his daughter's head, then looked at Zhao Tan and said, "Son, study hard at home, don't cause trouble, and listen to the teacher in school, you know?"

"Yes, father."

Zhao Tan quickly raised his hands and said, like a little adult.

Zhao Jun nodded.

To be honest, he owed it to his family.

Because he deals with official duties all year round and spends very little time with his family, Cao Miaoxin has to worry about his children's education.

Fortunately, Cao Miaoxin was not the daughter of an ordinary family, but a member of the general Cao family. She had a strict upbringing and did not pamper her children. If Zhao Tan was naughty, he would be punished with a stick.

Although education with a stick is too rude, it is not unreasonable to say that "filial sons emerge from under the stick" sometimes.

Many people pamper their children too much in education, develop their children's lawless character, and even let them embark on the path of crime, which ultimately harms their children.

Under the stick education, children can realize that some things cannot be done from an early age, thereby giving them norms and establishing good moral character.

"Well, I may be away for several months this time, so I will leave the family to you."

Zhao Jun smiled, then turned and left.

When he came out of the house, a large group of guards and carriages were waiting for him at the door.

Zhu Xun, the minister of the Ministry of Industry in charge of water conservancy, and Liu Yi, the water conservancy expert and water conservancy supervisor, stepped forward and cupped their hands and said, "Zhiyuan."

"Well, let's go."

Zhao Jun nodded.

The overall person in charge of the entire Yellow River water conservancy project was Jia Changchao, a fellow of the Political Council and Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

But of course, Jia Changchao, as prime minister, could not be in the Yellow River every day. He only made plans to block and dredge the Yellow River, and joined the strategy of condensing water and flushing sand proposed by Zhao Jun.

The actual person in charge below is the Minister of Industry and the expert designer responsible for water conservancy.

This time Zhao Jun will inspect the entire upper and lower reaches of the Yellow River.

Because of the occurrence of Sanyi's return to the river in history, Zhao Zhen and the Constitutional Yuan attached great importance to it. Starting from the year of Jingyou, various governance policies were formulated for the management of the Yellow River.

This includes planting trees in the upper reaches of Guanzhong, digging canals to divert water in midstream areas such as Luoyang, blocking river mouths, washing away sediment, dredging old roads, opening canals, etc. in the lower reaches.

In recent years, more than 10 million yuan has been spent on the Yellow River, and nearly one million manpower has been mobilized.

Now, twelve years later, it is finally time for the Yellow River to change its course for the first time in history. Naturally, we have to look at the effectiveness of current Yellow River management.

Therefore, Zhao Jun went on a patrol as a representative to inspect along the Yellow River to see what the Yellow River looks like now.

Zhao Jun got on the carriage. The carriage used rubber tires and steel spring shock absorbers, making it unique on the street.

The development of Bianliang is a bit strange now.

Five- and six-story high-rise buildings have appeared, but because the hydropower station has not yet been built, there are no electric lights.

The steam engine was already around, but there were no cars or bicycles because of a lack of rubber.

Electricity has appeared, but because some technologies have not yet been conquered, there are no remote sending devices such as telegraphs.

The overall situation is a bit like the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, which was in the primary stage of transforming feudal society into industrial society.

Rubber was shipped back from overseas in the sixth year of Qingli. Rubber trees have been planted in Hainan, Guangxi, Guangdong and other places and have been growing for two years.

Based on the growth cycle of a rubber tree of about eight years, it is estimated that the first batch of rubber will mature in six years, that is, in 1054 AD.

Basically, rubber will be rapidly applied to various fields of industry after 1054, and the bicycle era will begin ten years later.

The electric power era is basically in the initial maturity stage.

Steam engines can be used to generate electricity, but steam engines are relatively precious at present, so they are not used, and hydropower generation is considered instead.

In addition to people's livelihood, the task of the Political System Institute this year is mainly about the development of electricity.

It is expected that by next year or the year after, the Academy of Sciences will be able to complete the technical difficulties such as power transmission and regulation, and let the hydropower station officially start generating electricity.

It is conceivable that in the next ten years or so, the Song Dynasty will be able to move from the first industrial revolution to the second industrial revolution, and the development of the Song Dynasty will lead the world for many years.

After Zhao Jun got on the carriage, his guards slowly took him away.

At this time, the outside of Xihua Gate was already in full swing. Xiangding Tower had been demolished, and half of Qingtai Street was being demolished. Zhao Jun's house was near the end and would be demolished in about a month.

Due to the urban reconstruction plan proposed by Zhao Jun, the original low wooden city was changed into a five- or six-story tube building structure with reinforced concrete, and the area of ​​the imperial city was expanded. The first batch of demolition households in the Song Dynasty who became rich due to demolition were about to be born.

For example, Zhao Zhen spent more than 10,000 guan to buy Zhao Jun's house for him. It was a house covering an area of ​​about 2,000 to 3,000 square meters. Now, according to the land price in Bianliang, it has soared by about four times.

And what he didn't have compared to other demolition households was that he was also allocated a house.

It was a welfare for senior officials. It was still outside the palace, located at the intersection of Xihuamen Street and Qishengyuan Street. The large house covering several acres and the palace-style structure were ordered to be built by Zhao Zhen.

It can be said that even if Qingtai Street where Zhao Jun lives now is demolished, he will still live outside Xihuamen in the future.

Because the current area planning of the imperial city is to annex all the several markets outside the palace, extending about 400 meters to the west to Qishengyuan Street. Extending 500 meters to the east to Maxing Street.

It extends 500 meters to Hengjie in the south and 900 meters to Longde Palace in the north. The original width of the palace is 1050 meters and the length from north to south is 1090 meters.

The entire palace area is 4.8 square kilometers, which is 4 times the original area.

However, Zhao Zhen certainly cannot live in such a large area. The Forbidden City is only 0.72 square kilometers. Therefore, according to the plan, this 4.8 square kilometers will become the area of ​​the imperial city.

Just as the area of ​​the imperial city of the Qing Dynasty is 6.87 square kilometers, a large number of parks, artificial lakes, gardens and other entertainment facilities will be built inside, and the headquarters of dozens of departments of the central court are also here.

So in general, the former palace has only become Zhao Zhen’s living area, which will be a little larger than the Forbidden City, and the imperial city is shared by the emperor and the entire court.

But even so, it is much better than the 1.14 square kilometers shared by the emperor and various departments of the court before.

Crossing this demolished street, you will enter Qishengyuan Street, where the streets are crisscrossed, people come and go, and the previous wooden structure is still preserved.

However, the clothing and travel methods of people have changed dramatically.

In early summer, people wear cool short shirts and long pants. Sedan chairs have become a common way of travel, and in the distance, you can see the high-rise monument of unification that is being built.

Go out of Jinglong Gate and you will reach the outer city.

The outer city is more lively.

Amid the hustle and bustle of traffic, various shouting sounds continue to come, and signs stand in rows, swaying gently in the wind.

In the streets and alleys, the most common ones are coal stoves. Tea shops use coal stoves to boil water, bun shops use coal stoves to steam buns, and families use coal stoves to cook.

Steel kitchen utensils such as kitchen knives, spoons, and pots have also appeared in every household and have become essential utensils.

The carriage slowly went out of the city from the Suanzao Gate.

In the past, after crossing the moat, it was the suburbs, and outside the city was a fertile field with green grass everywhere.

But now what we see are high-rise buildings, reinforced concrete buildings with up to seven floors rising from the ground, and the streets are lined up in an orderly manner, and the business atmosphere is not much worse than that of the outer city.

The urban area of ​​Bianliang is now expanding to the suburbs every day. The original willow bank with the morning breeze and the waning moon has now become a cement embankment with steel and iron bones, full of the power of a modern steel forest.

After walking for about two quarters of an hour, the team finally arrived at the Bianhua Canal.

This canal was originally planned by Zhao Jun and built by Jia Changchao. It runs all the way from Bianliang to Huazhou and connects to the Yellow River.

There are countless ships at the riverside docks. Merchants traveling to and from Hebei finally don’t have to take a long detour or go to Beijing by land. After the opening of the Bianhua Canal, the throughput far exceeds that of the upper Bian River and Huimin River. It is currently the second largest canal after the lower Bian River.

At this moment, there were already large ships waiting by the canal. After Zhao Jun arrived, he got off the carriage and looked around. Because of his travel, the surroundings were controlled and people could only go around other streets.

But seeing the high-rise buildings on both sides of the canal outside the city and the streets in the distance, Zhao Jun was still very emotional.

In just twelve years, Bianliang has undergone such a big change.

The young tree of the Song Dynasty is already growing vigorously and will soon become the most prosperous and greatest tree in the world's forest!

"Let's go!"

Zhao Jun boarded the transport ship and ordered: "Let's set off and see the changes in the world."

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