In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 425 At a glance, there are thousands of lights

"The Great Sun said that this award will be established. What do you think?"

Zhao Zhen felt happy.

Now he is no longer a novice who is ignorant of future generations.

Rather, he already has a good grasp of most of the knowledge of future generations and understands many things very clearly.

Just like this highest level award.

If you ask any future generation who the 40th President of the United States is, most people probably don’t know.

But if you ask who Nobel is, I believe that even if you don’t know about Nobel’s development of explosives, you must know the Nobel Prize.

Its spread and popularity are world-class. Except for remote areas and places like Africa, anyone who has read a book will definitely know about its existence.

Therefore, once this award is established, it will undoubtedly establish Zhao Zhen's lofty status in the scientific community and even the world.

In the future, no matter who is Newton, Maton, Einstein or Epstein, no matter how great the scientific research achievements are, they will not be able to compare with him, and they will still have to be proud of receiving the Zhao Zhen Award.

But although I really want this honor, I still have to be humble.

Zhao Zhen looked at the many prime ministers. If they all agreed, then he would be able to enjoy this honor with peace of mind.

It also seems less boastful.

After hearing what Zhao Zhen said, many of the prime ministers below looked at each other.

I still think Han Long is good at flattering, and with his flattering skills, Qin Chao must be at the level of Zhao, even if he is young.

No wonder he is an aide.

But then again, the officials are really happy when they are blown away, and they are too easily coaxed.

It's just that they only dare to curse this in their stomachs, how can they dare to say it?

"Officials, it's okay to set up this award, but"

Yan Shu hesitated.

"But what?"

"But I'm afraid this name is inappropriate."


Zhao Zhen wondered: "What's wrong?"

Yan Shu said helplessly: "Naming it after an official is a great disrespect to the official."

"Lao Deng's thinking is still a bit too feudal and conservative."

Zhao Jun waved his hands repeatedly, then turned to Zhao Zhen and said: "Brother, it's a new era, you have to be open-minded. From now on, if you talk about the Song Emperor Award or the Song Dynasty Royal Award, who knows who it is? The name is a code name, and it's also Symbol. Only by printing your symbol can you be famous throughout the ages. As everyone knows, when they hear about the Zhao Zhen Award, people immediately think of the great Emperor of the Song Dynasty, a famous physicist, chemist, and biologist. Celebrity, inventor, thinker, philosopher, old man."

He hesitated for a moment, then said: "Anyway, there are many families, so that your greatness can be demonstrated, your name can be resounding, and the long river of history can record your great achievements. Otherwise, how can your reputation be spread? , how can the reputation be imprinted on the minds of future generations?”

The words were so high-sounding that they made sense and made people speechless.

But there was one thing Zhao Jun didn't say.

That is, in ancient times, imperial power was too supreme. Not only did the emperor's name have to be avoided, but even the emperor's name could not be mentioned to demonstrate his authority.

After the establishment of the Zhao Zhen Award, it will not only make Zhao Zhen more friendly to the people, but also slowly unravel the mysterious veil of the royal family.

As long as the fear of the royal family among the people is slowly eliminated, the imperial power will naturally be reduced.

Boiling a frog in warm water, step by step, let the family world become a public world.

This is also Zhao Jun’s lifelong ideal.

Even if the imperial power system is simply transformed into a constitutional monarchy in his lifetime or in the future, it will be better than the emperor holding real power.

after all.

Who can guarantee that a wise king will emerge from generation to generation?

Once someone like Song Huizong or Song Gaozong appears, Zhao Jun's life's hard work will be ruined.

"Hey hey hey hey hey hey."

After hearing his words, Zhao Zhen was so happy that he almost grinned to the back of his head when he thought about his future great status in history. He nodded repeatedly and said, "It makes sense, it makes so much sense."


He said in a deep voice: "Then let me leave this matter to my grandson. I don't want others to say that I set such an award for myself just to leave a name in history."

"Of course."

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Many academicians of the Academy of Sciences felt that the greatness of the Guan family did not need to be elaborated, so they decided to jointly request the creation of the Zhao Zhen Award, the highest award in the scientific community, in the name of the Guan family to encourage scientists to work hard and innovate. The Guan family is indifferent to fame and fortune. Regardless of these false reputations, they refused many times, but the Constitutional Council felt that it could not live up to the good intentions of the academicians, so it decided to allocate funds for support. From then on, any scientific research results from around the world could be sent to Bianliang and selected annually by the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Song Dynasty. Once selected, you will receive huge bonuses and honors.”

‘Is there still such an operation? ’

'I have never seen such a shameless person. ’

‘What has Hanlong experienced in these years? Where has the honest young man gone? ’

‘Awesome! ’

Hearing Zhao Jun's words, many prime ministers were stunned.

Everyone was shocked and cursed in their hearts.

Even Fan Zhongyan was dumbfounded and could only say "awesome".

They never expected that Zhao Jun's speaking skills were so powerful.

His skin is as thick as a city wall.

However, what they don't know is that after many years of ups and downs in officialdom, Zhao Jun is no longer the innocent boy he was before.

He used to sneer at Lu Yijian's tricks, but now he studies them word for word.

Because he discovered that this set of knowledge is not only officialdom, but also a science that studies interpersonal relationships.

Sometimes, even if you have reached a very high position, if you do not have such knowledge, even if you develop your talents and display your extraordinary skills, you will not be able to escape being liquidated after your death.

Like Zhang Juzheng, like his loving father, he was a strong man during his lifetime, but his political and historical status was quickly overthrown after his death.

how so?

It's because their personalities are too strong and they don't deal with things smoothly enough.

Maybe some people say why should we join in the same trend instead of becoming smooth?

But in fact, this is not complicity. If you encounter injustice, you not only do not oppose it, but also participate in it. This is called complicity.

Zhao Jun, on the other hand, is using more clever methods to get things done.

The wine table culture is dregs and can harm the body, but how can it be considered dregs if a few words of flattery are used as compliments?

Therefore, the truly correct philosophy of life is to be more tactful in dealing with things, not to be irritated when you see someone, to make everyone around you feel comfortable, and not to strain the relationship between leaders and colleagues.

"The eldest grandson is still thoughtful."

Zhao Zhen is indeed very happy, and it feels like all he has left recently is happiness and happiness.

"Of course."

Zhao Jun chuckled and said: "Since it is a global scale, it is reasonable for scientists from all over the world to send their research results to the Song Dynasty. I also came to the Song Dynasty, and the research results will stay in the Song Dynasty."

"What the hell is this idea?"

Yan Shu asked curiously.

"It's natural to recruit talents."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "From now on, the Song Dynasty can use this award to cover the entire world's technology. Just like Emperor Mold after World War II, he relied on the war to make a fortune from the war, attracting a large number of people who were forced to go to Emperor Mold because of the war. Scientists took refuge, so that Emperor Mold, whose technological level was not at the top in the world before and after World War I, suddenly became the world's technological overlord after World War II. This can be regarded as a plan for a hundred years later. "

"The Great Sun is full of wisdom and foresight, and will create peace for thousands of generations!"

"My brother is wise and powerful, an emperor for eternity, working for the benefit of the people of Li!"

"Hey, Da Sungao!"

"No, tough brother!"

"Da Sungao."

"Dude is so tall and hard!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The grandfather and grandson complimented each other with bright smiles on their faces.

Only the many prime ministers in the room, listening to their conversations, almost dug their toes out of the large suite with three bedrooms and one living room.

This pair of grandparents is really not ashamed.

However, they didn't know. How could Zhao Zhen not know that Zhao Jun was giving him a high hat?

Zhao Zhen is not a fool.

The problem is that everyone loves to carry the sedan chair, and it is of course a happy thing to be praised.

Secondly, Zhao Zhen actually understands that his role as emperor has been infinitely weakened. Although his real power is still there, he does not want to abuse this power.

After all, he didn't have the ability to manage the Song Dynasty to the level it is today. It was better to leave professional matters to professionals.

Being able to clearly understand his abilities in this way is obviously the most valuable thing about Zhao Zhen.

But compared to being a monarch who rules in the palace every day, Zhao Zhen still wants to do something for the country to reflect the meaning of his existence.

Engaging in scientific research is obviously a good choice.

Everyone hopes that their existence value can be valued and longs for recognition from others.

Otherwise, people all over the world will be singing about Zhao Jun and singing about Fan Zhongyan, as if he has no meaning in existence.

Therefore, Zhao Zhen devoted himself to taking root in science.

And since he has made achievements in science, he naturally needs someone to recognize his achievements to satisfy his sense of honor.

Zhao Jun very politely provided him with such emotional value, satisfying his sense of honor by recognizing his scientific research results and praising his scientific concepts.

Compared with those so-called loyal ministers and admonishers who only know how to persuade him, teach him and even criticize him, isn't Zhao Jun more pleasing to the eye and more comfortable than them?

So in a sense, Zhao Zhen knew that Zhao Jun was flattering him, but he just enjoyed the flattery.

"Then it's settled. I'll say hello to the Academy of Sciences when I get back."

Zhao Jun smiled.


Zhao Zhen nodded, then thought of something, and said, "By the way, what are you doing here today?"

Yan Shu and others looked resentful.

Good guy.

You just remembered it now, right?

Song Shou said: "Guan, the Ministry of Railways came to report this morning, saying that the train tracks have been built."


Zhao Zhen opened his eyes wide and said, "It is indeed a great event."

"Yes, once the railway is opened, it will once again improve the economy and strengthen our national strength."

"Bianliang does not produce coal and iron, and all coal and iron need to be transported by boat from the river. We have already excavated many coal and iron mines in Nanyang, Henan and other places, but we cannot come here because of the long land route. It is regrettable. Now After the train is opened, coal and iron ore can be transported from Lushan, Caocun Town, Jiangdian Town, Wuyang (surrounding Pingdingshan City) and other places, and there is no need to transport it from Hebei.”

"Now our steel production capacity may be the largest in the world, but it cannot even be satisfied domestically. There are many people who use pig iron and wrought iron to make kitchen utensils and agricultural tools. If we want to increase productivity, we must spread steel throughout the country!"

"I will live to see such a grand scene in my lifetime. I really wish I could die without regrets. But now they are just connecting the train, and I don't know when it will actually start running. I really want to take a ride on this train."

"I have asked the Ministry of Railways to complete the trial run as soon as possible. The train carriages have also been produced and completed by Hebei Iron and Steel Plant. The problem now is scheduling."

Zhao Jun said: "We must have remote communication capabilities, otherwise big problems will easily occur."

"what is the problem?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"It's very simple. If trains want to operate efficiently and make full use of it, they must have multiple trains on one track. If there is no remote communication capability, if the vehicle in front breaks down and stops halfway, the vehicle behind will not know about it, which will directly cause a rear-end collision. ACCIDENT."

Zhao Jun reminded: "This kind of thing is very common in the history of train development, so we must take precautions before it happens."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Zhao Zhen thought it made sense and said: "The Academy of Sciences has been studying wired electricity technology and has already developed some ideas. They can send out some command messages through electricity, which should be helpful."

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "It still doesn't work. It's impossible for high-speed trains to drag wires all the time, so we still need to study radio technology."


Zhao Zhen was puzzled: "I actually understand wired electricity technology, which uses the characteristics of electricity to send information. But wireless technology is a blur."

Since the invention of electricity, the Academy of Sciences and Zhao Zhen have been studying it.

Now five or six years have passed, the research technology has been mastered, and the required materials have been prepared, allowing the Song Dynasty to enter the electrification era.

As for radio technology.

It sounds like the principle is very simple, just invent a radio transmitting device and then get a receiving device to implement long-distance communication.

But it was too difficult for them to invent a device that could transmit radio.

Because this is not something that can be made by using a few copper wires and magnets to induce electromagnetic induction. It requires continuous research on electricity.

Unless occasionally a god like Tesla appears, and then occasionally a genius like De Forest appears.

Otherwise, there is no detailed information in this area in Zhao Jun's notebook, and Zhao Jun himself does not understand the relevant technology in this area. Even if he knows the research direction, it will be difficult to reach the sky.

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to work hard. The relevant technology must be related to electricity, and it may be related to materials. When the time comes, let the Academy of Sciences do more experiments."

Zhao Jun said: "No matter how much money is spent, it must be realized. This is the path for future technological development."


Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "I will give my full support, as for the issue of train dispatching"

He looked at Zhao Jun and said, "Is there anything that Dasun can do?"

"Then reduce the schedule first. For example, in the future our high-speed rails, trains, and planes may run every ten minutes, then we will run every six hours."

Zhao Jun said: "In this way, if there is a problem with the vehicle in front, there will be enough time to warn the vehicle behind. For example, setting up dispatch stations along the railway line, using wires to make communication devices, maybe developing telephones."


Zhao Zhen responded again.

Then they discussed many other plans and matters regarding the railway sector.

Many prime ministers were left aside.

Although it was already afternoon, which was originally the time for the Chongzheng Hall meeting, they really couldn't get a word in when talking about such high technology.

Time passed like this, until almost three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

In autumn and winter, it is rainy again. Unexpectedly, just in the afternoon, the sky outside is getting darker and darker, and the house is almost dark.

"Why is it dark?"

Zhao Zhenzheng and Zhao Jun were chatting happily. Seeing that the sky was getting gloomier, he called Wang Shouzhong outside the door and said, "Shou Zhong, what time is it now?"

"It's three o'clock in the morning."

"Is it so dark just now?"

"It's raining heavily outside."

Wang Shouzhong glanced at the crackling rain outside the house and said, "The rain seems to be getting heavier."


Zhao Zhen looked around and said, "Gentlemen, you haven't seen the lights yet."

"Is this what the officials are saying?"

Everyone looked up.

At this time, wires and electric lights were installed up and down the Chenhui Building, and there were several hanging from the ceiling in the room.

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "I am talking about prosperity and prosperity. Today I want to talk about state affairs. Although God is not good at it, I am not helpless, so let's light these lamps."

After troubleshooting, he originally wanted to conduct a power generation test tonight.

After all, although the lights have been arranged, there is no point in lighting them during the day. They are only interesting at night.

But I didn't expect that it was only 3:40 in the afternoon, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier, causing the sky to get dark earlier.

Then simply open the eyes of many friends.

"Let's go upstairs."

Zhao Zhen waved his hand.

Everyone immediately followed Zhao Zhen to Chenhui Tower.

Chenhui Building is a hexagonal pagoda-shaped tall building. Under the leadership of Zhao Zhen, everyone came to the fourth floor railing.

From here, you can see the rolling waves of the Jinshui River downstairs. The water is turbulent due to the flooding of the rain.

"It's a good time to generate electricity."

Zhao Zhen said, and then said to Wang Shouzhong: "Let them start the steam engine."


Wang Shouzhong responded.

The order was passed on, and then the attendants below entered the factory, added coal to the steam engine, and started running the DC generator.

A DC generator can use a steam engine as power to generate electricity, or it can use water power to generate electricity.

Zhao Zhen placed the factory next to the Jinshui River in order to install a water wheel in the river in the future to drive the generator on the bank.

But what can be realized now is steam power. Only after steam power is successful will he start research and development of hydropower.

This is also to accumulate enough experience for the future opening of thermal power plants and hydropower stations throughout the Song Dynasty.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The roaring sound of the steam engine came out loudly in the heavy rain, and then the wheels in the generator began to rotate rapidly, driving the generation of electricity.

The current passed through the wires and began to spread rapidly outwards. In an instant, the lights in Chenhui Tower lit up.


Above everyone's heads, a yellow incandescent lamp shone brightly.

The entire Chenhui Tower is as brilliant as a lighthouse in this darkness.

Zhao Jun raised his head and looked at the lamp, slightly lost in thought.

I still remember that when I was a child in the countryside, my home had this kind of hanging lamp.

There were still power outages from time to time.

Sometimes summer stops for a whole day, and people can only go to the yard to enjoy the shade.

In a small village, people gather in various courtyards in the evening, cracking melon seeds and chatting, which is the only form of entertainment.

And today.

He saw the light again.

At that moment, Zhao Jun felt as if he had returned to that summer evening many years ago.

He was silent for a long time, and then whispered to Zhao Zhen: "Brother, your merits are immeasurable this time!"

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that his mood was not right, Zhao Zhen couldn't help but ask: "Is the merit so great?"

"It's big."

Zhao Jun raised his head and looked into the distance.

Bianliang City in the distance was shrouded in mist and rain, and it was pitch black.

However, he said softly: "The moment this light came on, I thought of thousands of lights! From then on, we lit up the light in the dark night."

Zhao Zhen followed his gaze.

It was dark and nothing could be seen clearly.

But when he heard Zhao Jun say this, he seemed to see it.

The darkness outside the city now may be filled with bright stars in the next few years.

Perhaps it won't be long before they can shine like stars, echoing the bright moon in the sky.

This is a quick look.

The future is brightly lit.

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