In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 426: Once we leave, Xixia will never return

In the eighth year of the Qingli Period of the Song Dynasty, the country's strength has steadily improved.

At this time, the Song Dynasty had built its first railway, the Jingxiang Railway, which had not yet been officially put into operation and was in the trial operation stage.

The steam engine power plant was completed on September 23 and completed power generation on the 24th.

Steel mills, cement plants, and brick factories were built in various places.

The output of various grains increased rapidly, and the price of grain on the market was kept very low. After the land tax was distributed, the population entered a period of rapid growth.

There were all kinds of glass shops, eyeglass shops, and grain shops in the streets and alleys.

Merchants came and went in an endless stream in Bianliang.

Although in the vast rural areas, many people still lived a poor and hard life.

Under the extremely low tax situation, they still worked hard to farm and barely supported their families and did not starve to death.

The huge gap between the rich and the poor still existed.

But the thousands of miles of land of the rich had been broken, and the court kept attacking the landlords, collecting their land, so that the poor had their own land.

As construction continued to deepen, wages for labor employment continued to rise, and many people lived a well-off life.

This was the era of the Song Dynasty, and it was also the best era of all feudal dynasties. Even the Kaiyuan prosperity of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang could not compare with the spectacular scenery today.

Time quickly came to the end of October in the eighth year of the Qingli period. Although it did not snow after the winter, the weather became colder.

Everyone in the streets and alleys wore cotton clothes and wrapped themselves tightly. They were not affected by the cold air at all. They continued to do what they should do. People came and went, full of vitality.

After the morning court on the 26th, Zhao Jun and Fan Zhongyan did not go to the Political System Institute to work, but got on a carriage and went to the west gate.

In addition to Zhao Jun and Fan Zhongyan, there were also Privy Councilor Zhang Kang and Minister of War Fu Bi in the carriage.

This time out was actually to mobilize the imperial guards.

Fan Zhongyan lifted the curtain of the carriage, and a cold air suddenly blew in, making people shiver.

He looked at the crowded streets and couldn't help but sigh and said, "What a peaceful and prosperous time! There's not even a beggar on the road."

"It's not that there aren't beggars, but they've all been cleared out by Lao Bao."

Zhao Jun laughed and said, "There are lazy people everywhere. They have healthy limbs but still go out to beg. They're all caught by Lao Bao and sent to factories to screw screws."

Fan Zhongyan was stunned, then said, "Are there really no people with family difficulties?"

"Of course there are, and there are a lot of them."

Zhao Jun turned his head and looked at the street outside the window. There were crowds of people, and people who were struggling to make a living with patched clothes were everywhere.

He whispered, "But unless they really can't make a living, orphans and widows, or people with diseases, disabilities, etc., who would be willing to be a beggar?"

"Don't the government care about these people?"

"Of course they do."

"How do they care?"

"The court allocates funds for management. You usually deal with the official documents about military or reform achievements from the Ministry of War, the Privy Council, the Censorate, and various roads, but you pay less attention to people's livelihood."

Zhao Jun said, "I think there will be more official documents in this regard, and Kaifeng Prefecture and local government offices also send more to me. People with family difficulties like you mentioned are often the focus of Kaifeng Prefecture and local government offices. I have established a five-guarantee system, and every month, rice, oil, and subsidies are It will be distributed on time, and the lives of these needy people must be guaranteed. Although the annual fiscal budget will have to spend a lot more, this is also the country's benefit to the people and the meaning of the country's existence. "

"That's good."

Fan Zhongyan nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and said with great emotion: "Hanlong is still thoughtful."

"It's also because the current prefect of Kaifeng Prefecture is Lao Bao."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "I am still very satisfied with his ability. He is very concerned about the care of these needy households. In the past, there were people who bullied these weak and even embezzled the subsidies for the five-guarantee households, and they were severely punished by him."

"Well, Bao Zheng is indeed a good material for this. I hope he can continue to work well in Kaifeng Prefecture."

Fan Zhongyan was also quite pleased.

Bao Zheng was promoted from the magistrate of Kaifeng Prefecture to the judge, then the magistrate, and finally to the prefect of Kaifeng. It has been nearly ten years. He has a high reputation in Kaifeng Prefecture and can be said to be well-deserved.

No matter whether they were royal nobles or high-ranking officials, they would definitely not have a good ending if they fell into his hands. Even Zhao Jun was scolded by him in the street.

In the eyes of many officials in later generations, such subordinates were at most hardworking and willing to work hard, and they were asked to do all the dirty and tiring work. As for promotion, it was probably impossible.

But in Zhao Jun's eyes, they were the best subordinates.

What he needed was such an official who could do practical things and seek the welfare of the people.

Therefore, even though Bao Zheng encountered great pressure in the court and many dignitaries had opinions about him, Zhao Jun still stood behind him like a pillar.

There was still a lot of traffic outside the car window, and their team slowly passed through the inner city street.

"Cooked pancakes, freshly baked ones!"

"Give me a bowl of delicious wontons, give me a bowl."

"Today's newspaper headlines are interesting, condemning the Western bandits for repeatedly invading the border for so many years. Is there any movement from the court?"

"What movement can there be? Since the recovery of Yanyun, the court has been silent, I am so angry."

"Look at the Great Wall, winding through the mountains; the Yellow River, nine bends, sweeping to the east. The Five Mountains are majestic, the Three Rivers are magnificent, and the blue sea and blue sky reflect the bright sun. The land of China is prosperous and all industries are thriving."

"Good lyrics, this song "Qin Yuan Chun" should have the style of my powerful Song Dynasty."

The tea stalls on the street were still crowded, and many people, even those who were not scholars, would read newspapers to see what new news the court had recently.

Some people were talking loudly in the nearby restaurant, either poetry or current affairs. Even the workers on the street could sing two songs of "Lang Tao Sha".

All kinds of messy sounds came in, composing a song about the various aspects of life in Kaifeng City.

In fact, the literacy rate in Bianliang is not bad. Due to the strong commercial atmosphere and the printing technology that has lowered the threshold for literacy since the Tang Dynasty, many traffickers and lackeys are literate.

In addition, factories opened by the imperial court would set up literacy classes to popularize literacy among workers.

Under such influence, various poems were sung everywhere. Zhao Jun copied the poems under the pseudonym of Lu Xun, but he could not even keep up with the new poetry writing speed.

Not only did some later generations of literati emerge, but even poets who had never been heard of in history appeared and wrote very wonderful poems.

Last month, a famous cement factory worker wrote a poem called "The Bodhisattva Man" and published it in Bianliang Daily, which shocked everyone.

It can be seen from this that perhaps some people in history had the talent to write poetry, but because their families were poor and could not afford to read, they eventually disappeared from the public.

In today's prosperous age, with no worries about food and clothing, and free opportunities to study, it is natural that some people will take advantage of the trend.

It is foreseeable that various talents will appear in the future.

Not only scientific research talents in mathematics, physics and chemistry, but also writers, novelists, dramatists, singers and so on.

Times create heroes.

The same era will also create those ordinary people who were once ordinary.

Just like many operas, novels, singing and other art forms, they originally came from the folk.

The horse-drawn carriage convoy left Liangmen, and there were countless pavilions and pavilions on West Street, which was still crowded with people.

Occasionally there are noisy sounds, and quarrels and even fights are inevitable in the market.

But he was soon stopped and arrested by the Kaifeng Prefecture's yamen who were working in the street.

Nowadays, the population of Bianliang City is increasing, and the urban area is getting larger and larger. The inflow of foreign population has greatly increased the pressure on public security.

In recent years, evil forces have emerged, but they were quickly suppressed.

Zhao Jun has always shown no mercy to corrupt officials and evil gangs.

The weeds are being beaten every year, and the moisturizing work usually seems to be silent, but in fact the Imperial City Division never slacks off.

After leaving the outer city, it was a different scene outside the city.

Since large-scale demolitions have not yet been carried out in the inner and outer cities, bungalows and wooden buildings are everywhere, but in the outer city, buildings have been built one after another.

Five or six-story high-rise buildings made of reinforced concrete can be seen everywhere, with people coming and going, mostly lower-class people passing through them.

Who would have thought that the inner city and the outer city look like feudal urban areas with a very small amount of cement buildings. Compared with the houses in the outer city that are closer to the 1970s and 1980s, the land in the inner city and the outer city is more valuable, and the rich are more How much?

However, I believe this situation will not last long.

Because the imperial court has already started the inner city and outer city renovation plan, even though the land in the inner city and the outer city is expensive, the land prices have soared even before real estate development has begun.

The only good news is that as out-of-city expansion occurs, land price appreciation in both inner and outer cities has slowed.

Therefore, once the expansion continues outside the city and land prices stabilize or fall, the court can acquire large areas of land for transformation.

After leaving the city gate, there are no factories outside the city, only some handicraft workshops. The large factories and workshops have been moved outside the east city. The city is now extremely commercialized.

Goods were transported from outside the city to the city for circulation. Not to mention merchants from various places, there were even Arab merchants from Central Asia in the city. Just like Chang'an during the Tang Dynasty, foreign faces were not uncommon.

"Now the outside of the city is full of vitality. The high-rise buildings remind me of Du Gongbu's saying that there are tens of millions of vast buildings, which can shelter the poor people all over the world. These buildings have truly achieved weatherproofing. The movement is as safe as a mountain, and Du Gongbu can rest in peace."

Fan Zhongyan looked at the changes in Bianliang and sighed.

Zhao Jun heard him mention Du Fu and said, "Actually, I quite like Du Fu. What a pity. I wish I had been born hundreds of years earlier, in the Tang Dynasty."

Fan Zhongyan understood what he meant, and said with a sneer: "It would be good to be born a few hundred years later. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was a coward in his later years. Even if you are a great talent, Hanlong, how can you compare with today's ignorant couple?"


Zhao Jun smiled and said nothing.

Fu Bi smiled and said, "Yes, the current great world is also the result of many years of hard work by the magistrate and my husband."

"It would not be possible without everyone's efforts."

Zhao Jun smiled.

After the convoy left the west of the city, it walked along the official road for several kilometers, and could already see a vast military camp in the distance.

There are about 100,000 Bianliang Forbidden Army, and these 100,000 people can certainly not be stationed in the city. In the past, the Song Dynasty army was organized into one battalion of 500 people, five battalions to one army, and ten armies to one wing, that is, two wings each in the east and west. Twenty-five thousand people.

The rest of the army was stationed outside the city. When it was most crowded, there were more than 600 grain camps in Bianliang and its surrounding areas, with about 300,000 people. You can know how chaotic the Song army was in the past.

However, after the restructuring of the Forbidden Army at this time, not only were the personnel streamlined and well-trained, but they were also moved outside the city and no longer mixed with civilians as before.

Although some imperial guards were still stationed in the city, only the imperial palace guards, the imperial city guards, and the gate and patrol guards were left, totaling only more than 10,000 people, half of which were still in Zhao Jun's hands.

At this moment, outside the West City military camp, the densely packed 20,000 troops were ready. They had already come out of their own military camps when the sun rose, had breakfast, and brought their camp tents and carriages and supplies.

Almost when Zhao Jun and his men arrived, rows of soldiers wearing Song Dynasty military uniforms, wearing big hats, and carrying long spears came out of the camp.

The soldiers had not yet distributed ammunition, and the guns in their hands could not be fired.

But they were heroic, standing straight one by one, and slowly walked to a high platform outside the camp and lined up in a neat queue.

Zhao Jun's motorcade was also guarded by hundreds of people in front and behind.

The leading general Ge Huaimin came with Zhe Jimin, Wang Xin, Zhou Mei and other military commanders on horseback, and said with a bow: "I meet the governor, Prime Minister Fan, Prime Minister Zhang, and Minister Fu."


Zhao Jun nodded and said: "Originally, the matter of mobilizing troops only requires the imperial edict of your majesty and the order of the Privy Council, but this time I came here in person to say a few words to you."


Many generals stood up in awe and listened to Zhao Jun's instructions.

"Receive the imperial edict first."

Zhao Jun took out the imperial edict.

The method of mobilizing the army of the Song Dynasty has not changed. It requires the order of the emperor and the Privy Council.

So today they came here to convey this military order.

But Zhao Jun had some instructions to give in person, and secondly, he also wanted to stand up for Di Qing.

Like Ge Huaimin and Zhao Zhen, Xu Huaide, Gao Jixuan, Liu Ping and others who are currently in the northwest.

Each of them is a veteran general in the army, born in a noble family, with only slightly less seniority than Wang Deyong and older than Zhang Kang.

On the other hand, Di Qing is a younger generation among younger generations. He only emerged in the Song-Xia War ten years ago, and his background is still very humble. As the supreme commander, it is very likely that the generals will be dissatisfied.

Therefore, in order to prevent such a thing from happening, Zhao Jun must take precautions in advance.

He read out the decree.

Then Zhang Kang took out the hand order of the Privy Council, and the entire procedure for mobilizing troops was completed.

Ge Huaimin received the edict and hand order, and said respectfully: "I obey the order."


Zhao Jun said: "The edict and hand order have been given to you. This time you lead the army to the northwest, and I only give you one task."

Ge Huaimin looked happy, thinking that he would take up an important position this time.

However, Zhao Jun said, "The court has decided to let Di Qing be the governor of Shaanxi Road, in charge of military affairs. You must obey his command and do not neglect it!"

Ge Huaimin's face froze, and he looked stunned and surprised.

According to convention, the commander of the Northwest military must be a civil official. Even if it is not Wang Yan or Fan Xiang, it should be Jingtai. How could it be Di Qing's turn?

Even if Di Qing was promoted to the deputy envoy of the Privy Council because of his previous military achievements, it could not be him.

"Zhiyuan, follow the rules."


Zhao Jun interrupted him and said, "I know what you are going to say, but the general's duty is to follow orders. The court has already told Di Qing what to do. All you have to do is obey the military orders."

Fan Zhongyan also said seriously, "The selection of Di Qing is something that Zhiyuan, Zhang Xiang, and Fu Shangshu all agree on. Do you think you know more about military affairs than me and Zhang Xiang?"

"I dare not."

Ge Huaimin was shocked. He did not expect Fan Zhongyan and Zhang Kang to come to the platform in person. Now he could only say obediently, "I will definitely follow the lead of Di Xiang."

"Well, this time you must obey the dispatch. If Di Qing makes a mistake, I will punish him, but if the Shaanxi generals do not obey his orders and cause the strategy set by the court to fail, then you can only be held responsible."

Zhao Jun said seriously.


Ge Huaimin responded solemnly.

"Okay, let's go. I hope you will win this battle!"

Zhao Jun waved his hand and said.


Ge Huaimin took a few steps back and bowed to their direction with the other generals.

Then he waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the northwest!"


The generals shouted.

Then everyone got on their horses and horns blew.

The vast army walked onto the official road in an orderly manner and headed northwest.

Everyone stood in the morning sun and looked at the mighty army from afar.

Fan Zhongyan put his hands behind his back and said softly, "I hope the Han minister will not let us down."

"Don't worry, he won't let us down."

Zhao Jun nodded.

Di Qing had gone to the northwest secretly before, and his transfer order had not been issued yet.

But soon he will become the governor of Shaanxi Road.

This has never happened before.

However, this represents the trust of the court in him.

Di Qing will not live up to this trust.

"After this battle, Xixia will no longer exist."

Zhao Jun looked at the northwest sky indifferently and said, "Next year, I hope to see that both inside and outside Yumen Pass are already Han territory!"

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