In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 435 Turn on the lights and illuminate the prosperous Song Dynasty

On the 30th day of the 8th year of the Qingli reign, the Political System Council summarized the development of the day in the morning, and everyone went home temporarily in the afternoon.

There was no need to go to the Chongzheng Hall for meetings, nor to work anymore, and one had to go home to accompany the family.

Because the time at night did not belong to the officials, but to participate in activities.

In the evening, the streets of Bianliang were already bustling.

The lights were lit and the sound of firecrackers was heard.

The night market outside Donghuamen was extremely prosperous, and many vendors lived on the street. They would set up stalls after dinner with their families.

Along Donghuamen all the way to Ma Xing Street, there were crowds of people coming and going.

The crowds were not simply walking around on the street, but there were parades, dragon dances, lion dances, flower boats, and colorful sedan chairs.

From the early morning, the crimson glow of the early morning reflected the streets, and people were already preparing for the Spring Festival on the morning of the 30th day of the 10th year.

On both sides of the street, colorful lanterns were hung high, dancing like flying dragons, ribbons fluttering in the breeze, and colorful decorations dotted the streets.

There are a wide variety of goods, including crowns, combs, pearls, headwear, clothes, flowers, scarves, boots, shoes, and toys.

The various acrobatic performances in the streets and alleys, such as "flag-fluttering", "firecrackers", "holding gongs", "hard ghosts", "dancing judges", "mute dramas", "seven holy knives", and "resting tents", are overwhelming.

The Song people were busy shuttling between the restaurants, teahouses, and markets decorated with lights and colors, wrapped in the festive atmosphere of the New Year.

In the evening, the sun gradually sank to the west, and the streets became even more lively.

The women of the noble and prominent families watched Guanpu at will, or sat in a circle, or raised their glasses to drink.

The smoke from the cooking rose, and every household prepared food and drinks. Relatives and friends gathered together, drinking and talking, and celebrating the beginning of the New Year together.

Ordinary people took to the streets, and the adults lifted the children above their heads and followed the parade along the streets, or bought some candied haws and tiger-head hats for their children, or followed the crowd to enjoy the acrobatic performances.

The most anticipated are the royal parade of floats and the grand event outside Donghua Gate, because sometimes the royal family would scatter copper coins.

This custom started in the Tang Dynasty.

Gu Kuang's poem "Palace Poems" describes Li Longji, who loved to throw red envelopes during the New Year during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang: "The noisy sound of bells and drums stopped, and thousands of people picked up gold coins downstairs."

In the Northern Song Dynasty, "Zizhi Tongjian" also recorded the scene of scattering money during the reigns of Emperor Taizong of Song Zhao Kuangyi, Emperor Zhenzong of Song Zhao Heng, and Emperor Renzong of Song Zhao Zhen.

Although Zhao Zhen was dissuaded from this habit by Zhao Jun in recent years, it was not because the court was short of money, but because it was easy to cause stampedes.

The court has not thrown money for several years.

But ordinary people don't know, and even if they know, they are looking forward to it again this year.

And even if you don't throw money, you can still have a festive mood by following the floats.

So every New Year, when the floats parade, it is the happiest time for people. Often looking down from a high altitude, there are thousands of people in the streets.

Zhao Jun's home was just outside Xihua Gate. After leaving home, he took his wife and children on a carriage and headed towards the palace.

After walking less than 200 meters, he entered the palace along the newly built Xihua Gate.

Now that the palace has been expanded, it has become much wider.

His carriage continued to move forward, with a palace plaque hanging on it, and was specially allowed to drive in the palace. Otherwise, the expanded palace would have to be walked, which would have taken a long way.

After entering from Xihua Gate, the expanded Yanfu Palace is to the north.

This place has been built into a palace complex, with tall buildings and flowers inside the palace walls, gardens, ponds, artificial lakes and groves, as well as five- or six-story cement buildings.

The tube buildings outside the city are not very beautiful, just like the five- or six-story rectangular buildings in later generations.

But the palace buildings are magnificent, with the internal structure built of cement and steel bars, and the exterior still has wooden structures, brackets and flying eaves, showing a unique Chinese style.

The carriage went east along the palace road until it stopped at Zuochengtian Gate. Originally, the south side of this place was not a palace, but a huge parade ground, where nearly 10,000 soldiers, including the Imperial City Division, were stationed.

Now the appearance has changed greatly. The previous military camps have all been demolished, some palaces have been built, and a large square has been preserved outside.

The reason for this is that various celebrations of the Northern Song Dynasty palace were held in the Daqing Hall and the square south of the Daqing Hall, including various sacrificial ceremonies, receiving foreign envoys, and the New Year's Day grand court meeting.

As a result, Zhao Jun waved his hand and used the Daqing Hall as the Political System Court, and the square in the south became the office space of the Political System Court, so the court lacked a venue for major events.

Therefore, the location was changed to the square inside Zuochengtian Gate.

At this time, the main hall inside Zuocheng Gate and the nearby palaces were bustling with people. Officials of all sizes in Bianliang entered from Zuoye Gate and arrived at the square palace of the front hall.

The halls were overcrowded, and the officials talked loudly. The chaotic voices penetrated the inner hall and reached the back door.

Zhao Jun got off the carriage first, and then Zhao Qingyun got out of the carriage. He hugged her and said happily: "Slow down, be careful not to fall."

Cao Miaoxin and Zhao Tan also got off the carriage. The eight-year-old Zhao Tan said with a bitter face: "Father, can't I not go?"

"I still have to go. It's New Year's Day, and I want to have fun."

Zhao Jun advised.

"But I just think they are noisy. I am not a three or four-year-old child anymore. There is nothing fun with those kids."

Zhao Tan was very unhappy.

"In the past, your dad and I were as socially anxious as you."

"What about now?"

"I am still as socially anxious now."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "But I am already a social terrorist."

Zhao Tan scratched his head. He didn't understand what his father said.


Cao Miaoxin took Zhao Qingyun from Zhao Jun and said, "Husband, we'll go first."


Zhao Jun nodded and said, "Keep an eye on Qingyun. This child is very impetuous. She follows you to wield swords and sticks at the age of four. Be careful not to hurt people in the palace."

"Got it."

Cao Miaoxin took her children to the north Xuanyou Gate.

The officials had a banquet in the South Palace, hosted by Emperor Zhao Zhen. The family members were in the North Palace, hosted by Empress Cao.

Zhao Qingyun was different from her brother. Zhao Tan's personality was more like Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun saw at a glance that this kid was a sultry and narcissistic type. He was well-read and always felt that he was very powerful. He liked to stand on a high place and point out the world. When he was angry, he would be very aggressive. He was too similar to him when he was in junior high school and high school. If Zhao Tan traveled to the third year of Jingyou, he would probably be fooled by Yan Shu and others.

Zhao Qingyun is just like her mother. She is only five years old and has no scheming at all. She is carefree like a girl from Northeast China. She also likes to play with swords and sticks. She will beat people if she makes her angry.

The only good news is that Cao Miaoxin's family education is very strict, and Zhao Jun has been teaching them the correct three views and shaping their kind nature.

Once Zhao Qingyun bullied a classmate in kindergarten.

Although she certainly did not realize that this was bullying, Cao Miaoxin still taught her a lesson severely. Zhao Jun did not indulge her. He let Cao Miaoxin beat her with a bamboo stick and took her to apologize to others.

Therefore, the two children have been well managed by the couple in terms of being human. At least they did not indulge two little yamen. Otherwise, where would Zhao Jun put his face?

After watching his wife and children enter Xuanyou Gate, Zhao Jun turned his head and walked into Zuo Chengtian Gate.

The little eunuch at the door saw him and hurried forward and said, "Zhiyuan."

"Well, has the emperor arrived?"

"Not yet."

"When will the banquet start?"



Zhao Jun nodded.

Led by the eunuch, they went all the way to the main hall inside Chengtian Gate.

There were not many people in the main hall at this moment, only Jia Changchao, Xia Song, Zheng Jian and Du Yan.

They were relatively inexperienced and still young, so they naturally arrived first.

Others such as Zhang Shixun and Li Di, who were older, arrived later.


Seeing Zhao Jun coming, the four people stood up to greet him.

In the Political System Institute, only a few people were qualified to call him by his name.

With the death of Lü Yijian, Wang Zeng, Wang Sui, Sheng Du and others, there are only Yan Shu, Fan Zhongyan, Cai Qi and Song Shou.

The rest of the people need to respect him.

"You all came early."

Zhao Jun smiled and said, "I live outside Xihua Gate, and I thought I was the first to come."

Xia Song smiled and said, "I heard that the government will show lights today, so of course we have to arrive early."

He pointed to the light bulb above his head.

Although the power plant has been built, it does not supply electricity to the public, but first supplies it to the palace.

This is not because Zhao Zhen is selfish, but it is easy to take the lead.

Showing the role of electric lights to officials and people will make it easy for people to see that there is something that can change darkness and change the world.

"This electric light is a good thing. From now on, our Song Dynasty will say goodbye to the night."

Zhao Jun looked at the light bulb hanging in the room, and under the guidance of the eunuch, he took the first position under Zhao Zhen, and then smiled and said: "The official has great merits. From now on, our Song Dynasty will enter the era of electrification."

"As soon as I came in, I heard Hanlong flattering the official."

Yan Shu almost stepped into the hall one after another, and said with a smile: "You two grandparents, you really feel uncomfortable if you don't flatter each other for a day, right?"

"How can that be considered flattery? "

Zhao Jun rolled his eyes at the old man and said, "The emperor praises me because his descendants are promising. I praise the emperor because I feel proud and gratified to see that the ancestors worked so hard under my spur and lived up to my expectations. "

"Well said."

Fan Zhongyan also walked in and said with a smile, "We have seen the emperor's efforts over the years. If your majesty does not do well, the ministers should advise you. If your majesty does well, the ministers should of course encourage you. "

"Hahaha, old Fan is still sensible. "

Zhao Jun laughed.

Yan Shu rolled his eyes and sat down and said, "You are a bunch of flatterers."

A few people talked and laughed, and the outside became more and more lively.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will see that the palaces are connected and the gardens and pavilions are countless during the expansion of the Great Song Dynasty Palace.

The inner and outer palaces are connected, and the Zuoye Gate in the south is wide open. Countless officials enter one after another.

They enter the palace in groups and in an orderly manner according to their ranks.

Many officials in blue and green clothes only had this one chance to enter the palace every year, and they all looked around curiously.

In addition, Zhao Zhen also invited all the elderly over 80 years old in the city, regardless of their wealth, to sit down and have a feast.

He also ordered that the money from the inner treasury be used to send oil, grain, salt and coins to the five-guarantee households and poor families in the city.

This can be regarded as extra care during the four major festivals of the New Year, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival every year, bringing warmth to the poor people in Kaifeng.

Not long after, the rest of the prime ministers arrived one after another, and the sky gradually darkened, and it was gradually three quarters of the evening.

"Your Majesty is here!"

At this time, Wang Shouzhong came out from the back hall and shouted loudly.

"Your Majesty!"

Everyone stood up and saluted Zhao Zhen.

This hall is the highest-level hall, and even the second-rank ministers of various ministries and first-level institutions are not qualified to enter.

Only the prime ministers like them could enter. More than ten people in the scene faced Zhao Zhen and held their hands.

Zhao Zhen walked into the palace, his face full of joy and said: "Your Majesty, please excuse me! Sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Everyone sat down.

Usually, Zhao Zhen has to say some scene words, opening remarks and the like.

Unexpectedly, he said directly today: "The banquet begins!"

"The party begins!"

Wang Shouzhong shouted loudly again.

Someone knocked on a gong outside, and the sound of gongs and drums spread quickly.

Immediately afterwards, in the palaces and squares to the south, the sounds of various firecrackers rang out, followed by various dance performances such as gongs and drums, dragon dances, and lion dances.

There were also geisha dancers who entered various palaces and squares and started dancing and playing musical instruments, which suddenly brought the banquet to a climax.

"What's wrong with the officials today? They haven't even started to say some happy and auspicious words yet."

Fan Zhongyan was puzzled and asked Zhao Jun at the next table.

Zhao Jun saw that a dancer had entered the hall, a colorful feather dance, and moving music sounded, and he whispered: "The official family is waiting to go to Donghua Gate."

"I see."

Fan Zhongyan suddenly realized.

Of course, the New Year’s Eve program is not about eating, singing and dancing.

After dinner, I went to Donghua Gate to have fun with the people.

It was now a quarter past three o'clock in the afternoon, which was six o'clock. According to the procedure, I went upstairs at three quarters past four o'clock, which was eight o'clock in the evening.

But eating and drinking takes time. If you talk a few more nonsense, what if the time is delayed?

Singing and dancing began.

Countless chambermaids and maids served the dishes on trays.

It’s not just delicacies from the mountains and seas, but it’s dishes from all over the world, including glutinous rice meat dumplings, pork knuckles, soy sauce beef, eight-treasure chicken, grilled fish, stir-fried dried bacon, etc.

There are also some of Zhao Jun’s favorite chili dishes, which are just left in the stomach, so it’s time to feast.

Then came various repertoires.

The officials in front wrote poems and then selected the best ones to present to Zhao Zhen.

At that time, Song Xiang's younger brother Song Qi came to present poems and even wrote corresponding poems. As a result, Zhao Jun copied Wang Anshi's "Yuan Ri", which frightened Song Qi and ran away in confusion.

This year, no one had the courage to challenge Zhao Jun again. The person who presented the poem was quickly rewarded by Zhao Zhen and left happily.

Soon the banquet gradually came to an end.

As the time came, Zhao Zhen waved his hand and said: "Move to Donghua Gate!"

"Move to Donghua Gate!"

Wang Shouzhong shouted in a high voice.

Everyone walked out of the hall.

The officials also got the news and came out from the palaces and squares one after another.

Zhao Zhen got on his palace dragon chariot and arrived at the Donghua Gate surrounded by hundreds of officials.

At this time, there was a sea of ​​people outside Donghua Gate, and the streets outside were full of people.

There was an endless stream of sounds of firecrackers, crowds of people, and fireworks.

As the emperor and officials arrived at Donghua Gate, the people outside the palace city immediately roared with excitement when they saw them.

"It's the official family, the official family has come out."

"Where is the official family?"

"Over there!"

"It's so dark, I can't see very clearly."

"Long live the official family, long live the official family!"

The people shouted.

Zhao Zhen is very popular.

The harsh taxation of the Song Dynasty for many years was relieved in his hands.

The country's national power increased in his hands.

Xixia and Liao were defeated and even destroyed in his hands.

Zhao Zhen's reputation reached its peak.

He walked to the Donghua Gate, looked around and saw the sea of ​​people below, and was filled with emotion for a moment.

"These are all my people!"

he said.

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Those who win the hearts of the people win the world. The hearts of the people of the Song Dynasty are in the official body. The prestige of the official family should be known to the world!"

"My name will one day spread throughout the world! Let everyone in the world know it!"

Zhao Zhen couldn't help but feel heroic, and immediately said: "Wang Shouzhong."

"His Majesty!"

"Turn on the lights and illuminate the prosperous age of the Song Dynasty!"


Wang Shouzhong responded.

He raised a firework and released it into the sky.

This is a special firework.

Next to Chenhui Building, by the Jinshui River, the technicians who received the information immediately started the steam engine.

The initial two units have been added to eight units, connecting more than 10,000 electric lights in the palace.

As the steam engine roared, electricity also began to be generated during rotation.

Immediately afterwards, someone pulled the main switch upstairs in Chenhui.

The next second.

I saw countless lights on the entire Donghua Gate lighting up in an instant, illuminating the tower and the surrounding area like daylight.

It was at this moment that everyone could clearly see the countless figures in the originally dark upstairs.

People saw a middle-aged man wearing a red robe standing upstairs, and saw officials surrounding him behind him.

"The official family is the official family!"

"I saw it, it was an official's house!"

"So it turns out that the official family is like this!"

"Kowtow to the officials!"

Countless people below are roaring again, their voices piercing the sky, as if the whole world can hear their voices!

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