Lu Kong's demonized wolf mount is twice as fast as the player's own movement speed. Lu Kong is now extremely agile and his movement speed is not slow, so the demonized wolf is naturally faster.

Lu Kong rushed out of the area near Dawu City at lightning speed.

The distribution of monsters around Dawu City is similar to that of the Novice Village.

The closer to Dawu City, the lower the level of the monsters, only about level 10.

The hatred range of monsters of level 10 is not too high, and Lu Kong is walking on the main road, so he did not attract the attention of monsters along the way.

However, as he continued to move away from Dawu City, the level of the monsters became higher and higher, and even monsters of level 20 appeared.

In addition, in order to get to the Novice Village as quickly as possible, Lu Kong chose to cross the mountains and walk in a straight line.

In this way, he basically had to pass through the area where monsters were rampant.

So, this situation occurred.

Lu Kong rode the demonized wolf in front, and a group of various wild monsters chased him from behind.

However, Lu Kong is a king template after all, with high agility and speed, and he is riding a demonized wild wolf.

Even wild monsters of level 20 or so can only eat dust behind Lu Kong.

He ran for more than ten hours.

More than half an hour ago, the system sent another prompt that several novice villages were attacked.

This means that the demon invasion did not take place at the same time, but there was a difference between before and after.

Lu Kong asked Wang Bing to continue to tell him the coordinates of the novice village.

He wanted to see if there was any closer. If it was closer, Lu Kong would turn to the closer novice village.

Unfortunately, Anka Village was still the closest.

At the same time, Wang Bing, Liu Qiang and Lin Yingying have been reporting the situation of each novice village to Lu Kong in the trading group.

Since Lu Kong notified the official about the possible information of the demon invasion, the Xuanniao Army and the Player Management Bureau of each novice village have consciously looked for signs of demon invasion.

At the same time, they will also actively mobilize ordinary players to search together, or report in time when they find signs of demon invasion.

This matter concerns the fate of the entire Novice Village, so even ordinary players are very active.

However, the mainstream players in the Novice Village are only about level 6.

Even among high-end players, there are very few who can reach level 8, and even fewer who can reach level 9.

This results in these players being unable to explore the entire Novice Village area.

At the very least, it is difficult for them to investigate the level 10 monster area.

Although these Novice Villages that have been notified have found signs of demon invasion.

But the number of Novice Villages that can find demon nests is actually very small.

The main reason is that the locations of these demon nests are all in the area of ​​level 10 monsters!

This means that low-level players are basically useless in finding demon nests.

For ordinary level 6 or 7 players to go to the area of ​​level 10 monsters is basically tantamount to seeking death.

Those who can find demon nests are basically level 8 or even level 9 players.

This means that only a few players can search such a large area as the level 10 area of ​​the Novice Village.

They even need to clear the level 10 monsters with difficulty. It is conceivable how difficult it is to find the demon's nest.

If the location of the demon's nest cannot be found, let alone dealing with it.

All the players in the novice village rely on the fortifications of each novice village for protection.

The novice village that finds the location of the demon's nest can do targeted defense, and the defense pressure will be less.

But for the novice village that has not even found the demon's nest, the defense is difficult.

After all, they don't even know which direction to deploy defenses, and if they deploy defenses in all directions, it is obvious that the resources and distribution of combat power are not enough.

They can only wait until the invasion of the little demon begins before they move hastily.

In this way, the defense situation is naturally not optimistic.

In the past ten hours, there are very few novice villages that can be regarded as optimistic.

Other novice villages even have the death of indigenous people.

The battle is extremely fierce.

Although the player will not die directly if he dies, the resurrection time is still there.

This means that players cannot use unlimited resurrection to carry out human wave tactics.

Dead players can only exit the game and wait for the battle outside!

Fortunately, Lu Kong and Wang Bing had supported various equipment, scrolls and other items before, otherwise, I am afraid that some novice villages have been breached by now.

According to Wang Bing, it is not only Daxia's novice villages that have been invaded by demons.

Novice villages in other countries have also been invaded by demons.

The novice villages of some weak countries are not strong enough, and now they are facing the demon tide and are simply unable to resist!

Almost all of them rely on the indigenous people.

Some novice villages have even been breached, all the indigenous people have been massacred, and the players have naturally died.

When the players are resurrected again, the entire novice village may only be a ruin, and there will even be demon patrols.

By that time, it will even be difficult for them to level up normally!

This news is heavy for Wang Bing and others, and even Lu Kong feels heavy.

It turns out that the invasion of demonic energy is not just aimed at reality!

It will also be targeted in the game!

It is conceivable how difficult the road will be for these players who have lost their novice villages.

This also made Daxia more concerned about the situation in Daxia Novice Village.

Lu Kong traveled for more than ten hours without sleep, but with his powerful attributes, he was not tired at all.

Soon, he found that the level of the monsters was getting lower and lower.

Soon, as Lu Kong kept approaching the Novice Village, the monster level became more than ten levels.

When Lu Kong came to a mountain peak, he saw a wisp of black magic in the distance, spreading over a large area, and even the sky turned gray.

Demon invasion!

Lu Kong continued to approach, and soon the level of the monsters in his area became single digits.

And with his hearing, he could already hear the roar and fighting from afar.

The concentration of the magic energy was also increasing.

A sharp look flashed in Lu Kong's eyes.

Anka Village is coming soon.


Anka Village, north of the village.

Behind the temporary fortifications, a group of mages and archers were attacking hard.

They all looked exhausted at the moment.

They had been fighting for more than ten hours in a row. Such combat pressure made them extremely tense and tired.

In front of them was the first line of defense, which was resisted by the warriors and assassins composed of players and the guard team composed of indigenous people.

In front of the defensive team composed of these warriors, assassins and natives, there are dense little demons.

There are so many that they are overwhelming.

However, because there are priests behind the players and natives to add blood, and there are various defensive fortifications, they can barely resist even in the face of dense demons.

Players and natives whose blood volume is at the bottom will retreat immediately to let others take over.

As for the priests, they are constantly using blue potions.

Even the mage's blue potion must be supplied to the priest first.

If the priest has no blue, then all the front row will fall to the ground and there is no way to fight.

The situation seems to be somewhat stable, but Li Yunwei, the captain of the second team of the third legion of the Xuanniao Army, who is standing on the height of the fortifications and watching the overall battle situation, as well as the village chief of Anka Village and several old men, are all worried at this moment.

Li Yunwei looked at the deputy captain beside him and asked, "Old Zhang, how is the situation? How many potions are left?"

Zhang Wang's expression was a little bitter: "Not much, at most two hours."

The face of the village chief of Anka Village next to him also changed: "Can we only hold on for two hours?"

Another old man next to him shook his head: "This is under the premise that there are no high-level leaders and lords attacking. If they attack, then I'm afraid we will be unable to hold on even faster."

In fact, before, there was already an attack by the lord with several high-level leaders.

That time, a large number of players were killed instantly when they were caught off guard.

The indigenous soldiers were better because they were all level 10, but some died.

It was the village chief who led several professional mentors from Anka Village to kill the lord.

Even so, both the players and the indigenous people suffered great losses.

After killing the lord, no other lords attacked again.

Li Yunwei and the village chief understood that this was not because the demon lord was afraid.

Instead, these demons hope to use a large number of little demons to exhaust the players and natives and make them unable to fight again.

At that time, other demon lords can easily take down Anka Village!

Li Yunwei didn't know this originally, but as a former old player, the village chief naturally knows about demons.

The class of demons is very clear.

The little demon group is the lowest level race in the entire demon group and is the cannon fodder of the entire demon group.

And within the little demon group, ordinary elite little demons are also cannon fodder.

The meaning of their existence is to consume the enemy's vitality!

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