In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 158: Killing an Intermediate Lord with One Sword

Just then, a roar sounded.

Then, a strong and tall little demon rushed out from the army of little demons.

Holding a huge sword, he rushed towards a player, and the next moment, the sword was swung.

Thousands of high damage floated out from the heads of players one by one.

All nearby players and natives were killed in one blow.

"Go in!"

The tall little demon roared and commanded the little demons to rush into the fortifications.

"It's the lord!"

The village chief immediately rushed to the tall little demon.

Li Yunwei also reacted immediately: "Stop them! Block the gap!"

The players who were still resting and recovering had no time to think about it, and rushed to the gap area.

Along with the tall little demon came several high-level leaders of the little demons.

Their strength was also extremely strong, and all the players who rushed over were defeated and unable to resist.

Fortunately, high-level leaders such as professional mentors among the natives soon stood up, which stopped the army of little demons from going deeper.

At this moment, a roar of anger and pain sounded: "Damn demon!"

Everyone's face changed. This was the voice of the village chief!

Everyone looked in the direction of the village chief.

Then they saw a short little demon rushing out from nowhere holding two daggers and stabbing the village chief in the back.

The village chief's health suddenly dropped sharply.

Another lord!

Facing the siege of two lords, the village chief was defeated again and again.

Li Yunwei hurriedly said: "Add blood to the village chief!"

However, the next moment, one after another little demons suddenly appeared next to the priest player in the back.

High invisibility damage floated out from these priest players.

They were killed immediately.

This change made Li Yunwei's face freeze.

There is actually a team of invisible units among the little demons!

Yes, since there is a lord who can be invisible, it is normal for the lord to have such a team under his command.

Li Yunwei secretly hated himself for being careless.

More than ten hours of high-intensity fighting made him nervous and tired, and he could no longer concentrate on thinking about problems.

A large number of priests died, causing many front-line players to be unable to recover their health. At the same time, a large number of players died.

This led to more and more demons rushing across the front line and rushing towards the mages and archers who were causing damage to them.

Mages and archers are fragile. How could they withstand a large number of experience demons?

Soon, the players and the natives had to open the battle line in the hope of stabilizing.

Even Li Yunwei joined the battle.

The players of the Xuanniao Army all had green equipment and blue equipment supported by other Xuanniao Army players.

They had good equipment, so they could deal with the level 10 elite demons.

However, the number of Xuanniao Army players was still small compared to the total number of players.

They could only block them for a while, but could not completely stop the demons from advancing.

In addition, the strongest village chief was besieged by two lords, and the situation became very bad.

A bitter look appeared on Li Yunwei's face.

The battle line collapsed, and it was difficult to hold on.

At this moment, a figure rushed over from the back of the Novice Village like an afterimage.

This figure hit the short little demon lord hard.


The huge power gap caused the little demon lord to be knocked back.

It was Lu Kong.

Lu Kong didn't expect that he would arrive at such a coincidence.

It just so happened that the front line collapsed. If it continued, they would have to fight street battles with the little demons.

In this case, it would be more troublesome for Lu Kong to deal with it himself.

The appearance of Lu Kong startled the village chief and the tall little demons beside him.

The village chief stared at the little demon lord who was knocked away, and looked at Lu Kong in disbelief: "... Such a powerful force, are you a player?"

The village chief then seemed to have guessed something and said in surprise: "Are you Lu Kong?"

Among the players, the only one who has the power to knock the lord away with a charge is Lu Kong, who has completed the advanced task and obtained the king template.

"You are worthy of being the young king!" The village chief exclaimed.

When Lu Kong heard this title, he always felt a little bit second-year, and it was quite embarrassing.

But is this really his title?

Lu Kong kicked another tall little demon away.

He smiled at the village chief: "Hello, I'm here to help you."

The village chief smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your help, Lu Kong."

Lu Kong turned his head and looked at the two lords. He used his current high attributes to select the items in the drop list at a glance.

Sure enough, as the first kill, these two lords have good things.

Among them, the short little demon is still a mid-level lord, and there are three epic items dropped!

The tall little demon only has one.

Lu Kong naturally selected them all.

After selecting the drops, Lu Kong swung the sword in his hand, and a thunderbolt hit the short little demon lord who rushed up again.

-329484! (Thunderbolt Critical Hit)

The damage was over 300,000, causing the health bar of this short demon lord to go from full to empty.

The short demon stared with his eyes wide open, still confused, and slowly fell to the ground.

Not only this little devil was confused, the village chief beside him, Li Yunwei and other players behind him, and a group of natives were also confused.

What the hell?

What happened?

What happened to such a big lord?

How could it just disappear? !

What the hell is this damage? !

320,000? !

Can I still play the game? ?

Players can now deal 320,000 damage? !

And it’s a level 10 lord? !

Other players have also tried to attack, and the highest damage is only in the single digits, and some players can’t even break the defense.

No, we are all players, why is your damage more than 10,000 times more than ours? !

And the natives were also confused.

The village chief widened his eyes, and he still didn’t recover.

King template... is it so strong?

As an old player in the past, the village chief of Anka Village is also knowledgeable.

But in his impression, even if it is a king template, it is impossible to kill a lower-level lord with one knife!

It's only level 11 and can deal 320,000 damage. What kind of monster is this?

Is this really a King template?

Not to mention the village chief of Anka Village, even Lu Kong himself was a little confused.

This short little demon is a mid-level lord, and his health is over 200,000.

He killed him in one second?

When I was not yet advanced, I died the first time I fought against the Black Tooth Chief Man Liao.

The difference seems a bit big?

However, Lu Kong thought about it carefully. The damage increase brought by the King template is as much as 150%, plus the newly acquired scarlet battle spirit has increased all attributes by 60%, and his current basic attributes are more than doubled compared to before.

In addition to various miscellaneous increases, Lu Kong used the epic skill Thunder Fury, and the damage increase was as much as 1700%.

In the end, it was still a critical damage.

With this damage, it seems... quite normal?

Lu Kong thought about it and accepted it a little.

The tall little demon next to him is a low-level lord.

Seeing his patriarch dead, the little demon lord was horrified.

After all, this little demon was not a monster in the dungeon built by the universe game itself, and he still had some intelligence.

However, as a demon, he did not run away, but rushed towards Lu Kong.

Lu Kong counterattacked with a savage attack.


The savage attack just hit a critical hit. The special effect of the full-level savage attack is that the damage is doubled after a critical hit.

As a low-level lord, this guy's defense is not as good as the short little demon.

This attack directly hit more than 100,000 damage, and his blood volume was just over 100,000.

And after the previous battle with the village chief, he was not even full of blood!

This attack directly killed the tall little demon.

Two lords, two attacks, all ascended to heaven on the spot.

This not only killed the two demon lords, but also silenced all the natives and players present.

What kind of monster is this?

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