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Chapter 687: The Corrupted Claw Demon Chief is sweating profusely

Riding on his beloved Red Flame Eagle, Lu Kong did not choose to hide his whereabouts. After all, there were only a few demons, which posed no threat to him.

The group of Corrupted Claw Demons who had received the news from the sixth-level demons were evacuating. When they saw the flames falling from the sky, all the Corrupted Claw Demons were startled.

Only a few powerful demons above the demigod level widened their eyes, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

They felt an extremely powerful aura!

The Corrupted Claw Demons of the two Godly Templates immediately soared into the air and blocked the flames.

"Who are you?!"

When they saw Lu Kong's appearance clearly, their pupils changed slightly.

"It's you?! Lu Kong?!"

According to the news obtained from the sixth-level demon commander, they knew that it was because Lu Kong had cleared three demon nests that they had to evacuate the nests at this time!

They didn't expect to meet this guy on the road!

The Corrupted Claw Demons of the two lower-level Godly Templates were heartbroken.

The repeated warnings from those sixth-level commanders were enough to show how powerful Lu Kong was.

Although their tribe is not weak, it depends on who they are facing!

Lu Kong smiled: "Where are you going?"

The faces of the two lower-level god templates of the Corrupted Claw Demons were extremely ugly.

They looked at each other, and the next moment, they both shot out to the distance at the same time.

They want to escape from here!

As for the tribe members?

How important are the lives of the tribe members?

In the demon tribe, the low-level demons live for the high-level demons.

However, not long after they flew out, a space crack suddenly appeared on the chest of one of the Corrupted Claw Demons, and the sword flashed, and his body was directly cut into two pieces.

Directly killed!

The body of the other Corrupted Claw Demon was surrounded by countless chains, and the whole demon couldn't even move.

There was a look of horror in his pupils.

He knew that Lu Kong was very strong, but how could he be so strong?

He is a lower-level god at the peak of the fifth level!

He was controlled by a control skill and couldn't even move his soul?

What kind of monster is this?

The faces of the Corrupted Claw Demons below changed when they saw the changes in the sky.

In just a short moment, one of their clan leader and deputy clan leader died, and the other was completely controlled?

What happened?

Their minds were full of question marks.

However, the next moment, their confusion disappeared, and the scarlet sword light tilted like the sky, falling on the Corrupted Claw Demons.

With the divine body and skills such as the Hand of War, Lu Kong's current attack range is very large.

In one blow, half of the entire Corrupted Claw Demon clan was gone, whether it was the Demigod template or the King template, in Lu Kong's eyes, they were all the same.

With the death of these Corrupted Claw Demons, a golden light flashed, and Lu Kong's level was raised again to level 47.

He showed a satisfied smile.

Sure enough, the Demon Realm is still good!

There are still sixth-level demons in the core area of ​​this Demon Realm.

Even if he reaches level 50 or above, he can stay here for a while, which should be enough to upgrade to the sixth level here, right?

When he reaches the sixth level, he can find a larger Demon Realm.

Isn't this upgrade speed wonderful?

The remaining demons were frightened by Lu Kong's sword, and they wanted to escape frantically.

However, the second sword had already fallen again, and all the rot claw demons were killed without a single one.

Although the rot claw demon leader in the air was imprisoned, he was not blind. Seeing that Lu Kong had killed his entire tribe with two swords, the rot claw demon leader's mentality had exploded.

Damn, why are they so unlucky?

How could they encounter such a monster? !

Lu Kong picked up all the things on the ground casually.

It's good to have a big backpack. Even if he picked up three nests, he still kept all the other equipment except some epic and legendary equipment.

After all, if the epic and legendary equipment were also kept, the backpack would not be enough.

The remaining backpack grids he had now were enough to pack all these things, and he would slowly decompose them later.

What Lu Kong was more curious about now was why this demon tribe suddenly appeared outside?

Lu Kong looked at the rot claw demon leader in the air and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the war chain disappeared.

The Corrupted Claw Demon Chieftain was about to leave again without a second thought.

However, at this moment, scarlet light gushed out, covering the area of ​​hundreds of kilometers nearby.

Blood Battle Domain!

Although the Blood Battle Domain is only a demigod-level skill, Lu Kong's attributes are too strong. Under the domain, the Corrupted Claw Demon Chieftain was still suppressed, as if there was a mountain on his chest.

Lu Kong appeared in front of the Corrupted Claw Demon, looked at him calmly, and smiled: "Look at you, why are you so anxious? You haven't answered my question yet, and you want to leave now?"

The Corrupted Claw Demon Chieftain was extremely horrified.

Damn it, he is a fifth-level lower-level god template, and he was suppressed by a fourth-level guy who hasn't even reached the peak yet! ?

Is this world crazy?

He was shaking inwardly, his eyes involuntarily swept around, and then he said: "What do you want to ask?"

Lu Kong smiled and said: "Why are you here? Judging from your appearance, you should be in the same nest, right? All of you are out from the same nest? Did something big happen?"

The Corrupted Claw Demon Chief sneered: "Our tribe has been discovered and we plan to migrate. Is there any problem?"

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows: "This is a lie."

His mental power was so strong that he could naturally feel the abnormal fluctuations of the mental power when the Corrupted Claw Demon Chief spoke. It was obvious that he was lying.

The Corrupted Claw Demon Chief's expression froze.

This damn monster could even tell if he was lying? !

The Corrupted Claw Demon Chief felt sweat pouring down his back.

He racked his brains to find a reasonable explanation.

At this moment, the Corrupted Claw Demon Chief suddenly thought of something, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "You should be cleaning our nest recently?! To be honest, we left the nest to avoid you."

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows, and he found that this guy was telling the truth.

"How did you know that I was cleaning the demon nest? I killed all the demons in those nests before." Lu Kong was a little confused.

The Corrupted Claw Demon Chief smiled coldly: "We naturally have our own news channels."

Lu Kong was thoughtful when he heard the Corrupted Claw Demon's words.

Come to think of it, the demons got the news just after he came out of the Demon Suppression City. It's impossible that the people in the Demon Suppression City ran out to inform the demons before, right?

It seems that the demons in this demon domain have communication items.

Similar to the Corrupted Claw Demon Communication Crystal he found in Dawu City before?

It seems that other demons may have received this news.

Lu Kong thought of a lot. Even if those sixth-level demons didn't go to the small demon domain, they knew that he must have survived the siege.

Maybe those sixth-level demons are even looking for him now.

Lu Kong looked at the Corrupted Claw Demon and smiled: "So where are you going to escape?"

The Corrupted Claw Demon sneered in his heart. Can I tell you this kind of question?

Just when the Corrupted Claw Demon Chief was about to say a place casually, he suddenly thought of something.

The commanders had said before that after they went to the lair of the Eclipse Shadow Demon, they would find a way to attract Lu Kong there and then hold him.

As long as he was held for a while, when the demon commanders arrived, that would be the death of this damn bastard.

Isn't it the right time now?

But I can't tell him so directly, I have to think of a way to say it tactfully.

He said expressionlessly: "Of course, find a hidden place to build a nest!"

Lu Kong looked at the Corrupted Claw Demon: "You are lying."

He felt a little weird. He didn't know what this guy was thinking just now. Why was his mental fluctuation so intense?

His mental fluctuation was very negative at one moment, and it seemed to be positive at another moment.

In this situation, what happy things could he think of?

Lu Kong said that he couldn't really understand the devil's mind.

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