The rotten claw demon looked at Lu Kong and did not continue to speak.

Lu Kong felt helpless when he saw that the rot-clawed demon was willing to die rather than surrender. It was not like he didn't have any ways to torture the demon.

Sure enough, I still couldn't find anything.

He shook his head: "Forget it."

Lu Kong raised the heavy sword in his hand, intending to give the rotten claw demon a good blow.

Seeing Lu Kong pick up the heavy sword, the Rotten Claw Demon's mind was filled with questions.

No, damn it, why don’t you ask again? !

I have already thought about it. If you ask me a few more times, I will tell you.

Seeing that Lu Kong was really planning to attack, the Rotten Claw Demon quickly said, "Wait! As long as you promise to let me go, I will!"

Lu Kong was stunned and glanced at the Rotten Claw Demon with a strange expression: "Are you afraid of death? After death, won't your soul return to the demon world?"

The rotten claw demon's expression twitched, and he said dullly: "Although the soul imprint is in the demon world, dying here will have a certain impact on my soul imprint. Of course it is best not to die. As long as you promise me, I will say it!"

"I reject."

"Okay, let me tell you...huh?! You refuse?!"

Seeing the scarlet sword light surging on the heavy sword in the sky, the rotten claw demon's mind was filled with questions.

I already planned to say it, why did you refuse? !

How can anyone play like this? ! If you play like this, how can I tell you where we are gathering? How can I hold you back and ask the commanders to come and clean you up? !

Although Lu Kong didn't know what the rotten claw demon was thinking, he could clearly feel that this guy's mental fluctuations were full of malice.

Lu Kong guessed that there should be an ambush at the location where this guy wanted to talk, and he must have bad intentions anyway.

Although he is not afraid of ambush, there is no need to run over by himself, right?

Watching the heavy sword fall, the Rot Claw Demon roared: "We plan to gather in the Northern Rift Valley area! You can find a lot of demons there!"

The heavy sword fell, and the high damage caused the rotten claw demon to be killed instantly.

Lu Kong rubbed his forehead as he listened to the rotten claw demon's roar before his death.

You want to tell this news before you die, obviously you just want him to come over?

Are you kidding? You know there is a trap but you still go there?

Isn’t that a great injustice?

How could I, Lu Kong, be so resentful?

Lukong picked up the fallen items on the ground and continued to the remaining demon lairs.

However, when he came to the next demon lair, he frowned.

He found that the demon's lair was deserted, and there was not a single demon left.

He took a look around and found that the demonic energy was very weak, not much stronger than outside. He had probably been gone for a while.

He thought of the demon group he met before. Did the demons in this demon lair also leave?

If that's the case...

Lu Kong's heart sank, and he rode on his beloved Red Flame Eagle again, heading to the next demon's lair provided by Ye Lan as quickly as possible.

As he expected, this demon lair was also empty.

Lu Kong let out a breath and didn't bother to go to the last location of the demon's lair.

They should all be gone.

The most troublesome thing is that not only is the demon lair provided by Yelan and Pace no longer valid this time, he originally wanted to use Yelan and Pace to let some other indigenous people and players provide other demon lair locations.

Now it seems that this method no longer works.

I'm afraid these demon lairs are no longer effective.

He narrowed his eyes, lost in thought.

Isn't it?

Do I really want to go to the northern rift area that the rotten claw demon just mentioned?

Damn it, am I, Lu Kong, really going to be the wronged person?

He was troubled.


Deep in the wilderness.

A scout covered in blood and wearing a demon-suppressing army armor staggered to the ground. His face was pale and he glanced behind him.

In the very distance, several powerful demonic energies approached quickly.

He shook his head and took out a communication crystal. The crystal flashed with white light.

"Something big happened... Damn it! We must get through quickly!"

At this moment, white light flashed past, and a voice appeared above the crystal.

"Any information?"

The scout's eyes lit up, and he relied on his own willpower to hold on and said: "The 13th Scout Regiment of the Sixth Army of the Demon Suppressing Army has an urgent military intelligence report! There are several demon gatherings in the outer areas of the Demon Realm. They are suspected to be from The demons are coming out of the lair and gathering somewhere!"

The voice on Crystal's side fell silent for a moment, leaving only some heavy breathing.

Just a few breaths later, another sharp voice sounded: "Is the news accurate?"

"Accurate! All members of the Thirteen Scouts died, and I was the only one left alive to break out of the siege."

He glanced at the sky in the distance. The demonic energy was turbulent, and those breaths were already very close.

He wanted to fly up and continue to escape, but his strength was almost exhausted and his body was badly damaged.

He staggered a few steps and fell to the ground, a look of helpless relief on his face.

"I've been discovered by the devil, and I'm afraid I won't be able to bring the evidence back."

The voice on the other end of the communication crystal was silent again.

They naturally understand what this means.

The demon-suppressing army includes both players and aboriginals, but the majority are aboriginals.

After all, players cannot be in the game world all the time.

However, the Demon Suppressing City must be guarded at all times. If the demon attacks the city and the players are not in the game world due to real-life problems, huge losses may occur.

Aboriginal people obviously do better than players at this point.

The death of the natives means that they can no longer be resurrected.

"Scout Minglige, I am Ye Da, deputy commander of the Demon Guard. We have received the information that your scout group has exchanged for their lives. I promise you that the Demon City will never be lost, and the Eighth Demon Realm will definitely disappear."

The scout smiled when he heard this: "Yes, Deputy Commander Ye Da."

The communication crystal was not closed, but both sides fell into silence.

Soon, several blade demons appeared.

Looking at the scout lying on the ground, the leading blade demon showed a grim smile: "Hehehe, little bug, where do you want to run?"

The scout raised his hand with all his strength and raised his middle finger to several blade demons.

The expressions of several blade demons suddenly became more ferocious.

"I will make your death less painful."

At this moment, a figure appeared between the two sides in a form that all the demons and scouts present did not notice.

Lu Kong glanced at the seriously injured and dying scout on the ground, and then looked at the Blade Demons with a slightly strange expression.

"You seem to be having fun?"

When the Blade Demons saw Lu Kong, their faces changed drastically: "You are... Lu Kong?!"

Their Blade Demon tribe also received orders to leave the demon nest and gather at another demon nest.

As a result, they met the scouts of the Demon Suppression Army on the way.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they naturally chose to surround and kill.

As a result, the scout ran away, so they came to chase and kill.

When they saw the communication crystal in the scout's hand, they understood that they might have been discovered by the Demon Suppression City.

But the Blade Demons were not too nervous.

After all, they didn't want to attack the city in the first place, and their target was only Lu Kong.

But they never expected that Lu Kong would appear here?

That was a monster that several sixth-level demon commanders had instructed that they must gather together to delay it and wait for them to come and kill it!

With just a few of them, won’t they die?

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