The black shadow obviously didn't expect someone to save the person from his hands, and couldn't help but look sideways towards Jin Wudi.

Only then did Ao Kun see the true face of the thing under the cloak.

A pair of red bloodthirsty eyes, black pointed hair all over the body, and a mouth full of protruding fangs, looking from a distance like a wild boar.

"Ha ha ha... You can actually save people from my hands, you are still a bit of a brush."

The thing said in a hoarse voice.

Jin Wudi rolled his eyes and said coldly.

"I have some other tricks, do you want to see them?"

The black-haired creature seemed to have heard some funny jokes, and laughed so hard that its whole body shook.

"Ha ha ha ha ~ I haven't heard such a funny joke for a long time..."

"When you meet me, Kaliaro, you don't want to run away as soon as possible, but you even want to show off your skills to me. You two-legged sheep are really cute."

Kaliaro licked his cheek with a tongue more than one meter long, which looked extremely disgusting.

Jin Wudi laughed, a small demon in the realm of heavenly gods, but he was so confident.

"Ha ha ~ well, it just so happens that their soul power is too weak. With your joining, I think it should be no problem to awaken the demon lord."

Kaliaro was full of confidence;

It was because the mean Jin Wudi only exposed the aura of the immortal saint, and Ye Cangtian was only in the entry stage.

So Kaliaro didn't take the two of them seriously at all.

I saw Caliaro took off his cloak to reveal a huge head similar to a wild boar.

After seeing Caliaro's true appearance, the savages knelt on the ground, shouting a magic word in their mouths, and were particularly pious.

And Caliaro also enjoyed the savages bowing to him like this.

A smile appeared on Ye Cangtian's mouth.

In his eyes, it was obvious that a trace of faith power was transmitted from these believers to Caliaro.

"To be the enemy of my great Caliaro, today I will dedicate your blood to my Lord, and I hope my Lord will wake up soon."

Caliaro flew into the sky, and the sky was instantly covered by a dark cloud, and countless thunders exploded from the air, which seemed particularly terrifying.

Xie Bo, Ao Kun and Qiao Shuangshuang all looked at the wonderful performance of the great Caliaro in front of them with an expression of watching a play.

Because Ye Cangtian was there, they felt very relieved.

"Are you done~"

Jin Wudi asked helplessly.

"Look at my Thunder Demon Flash..."

I saw Kaliaro transformed into a stream of light and attacked Ye Cangtian not far away.

Kaliaro knew that this golden-haired guy was not easy to deal with, so he simply went to deal with the boy in the Entry Stage over there, which would at least make the golden-haired guy sad for a while.

However, he found that the golden-haired boy did not chase him, but let him attack the unarmed boy in the Entry Stage.

Kaliaro sneered, thinking that it might not be that he didn't want to stop it, but that he was simply unable to do it, after all, he was just a little immortal.

However, seeing that the boy was close at hand, a terrible scene happened.


A crisp and loud ear scraping sound resounded throughout the island.

The air solidified instantly, and time seemed to stand still. The savages stared with wide eyes, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

I saw that Kaliaro was in a sprinting posture, and his target Ye Cangtian was right in front of him;

But he was fixed by a force, and his terrified expression told us that something terrible must have happened just now.

"Hahaha~ Attacking the old boss, you are so desperate~"

"Hahaha~ I am laughing to death..."

Xie Bo on the side laughed like a big lobster, rolling on the ground with his belly in his hands.

Ye Cangtian slowly squatted down, looked at Kaliaro with a shocked face, and asked softly.

"Your name is Kaliaro? Do you have a brother named...what's his name?"

"Oh, right, it's Kaliana, right?"

Kaliaro nodded woodenly when Kaliana was mentioned.

It was because of the blood arrow sent by Kaliana before his death that aroused the great interest of the Demon Lord, so he ordered him to wake up his clone left in the Zixiao Realm in preparation for seizing the Heavenly Dao.

Seeing Kaliaro nod, Ye Cangtian stood up silently.

He had only taken two steps when he turned back and slapped Caliaro on the other side of his face.



The sound resounded throughout the island again.

"Well~ This is beautiful, symmetrical..."

Ye Cangtian's words made everyone speechless, and it was a great insult to Kaliaro;

"Ah...Ah...Don't force me~Otherwise...Otherwise...Otherwise I can do anything."

Kaliaro roared, his self-esteem was very strong, and he couldn't stand the slightest grievance. What Ye Cangtian did just now was even more painful than killing him.

Ye Cangtian turned his head and smiled contemptuously.


Another slap...

What's wrong with me forcing you;


You bite me~

Ye Cangtian slapped Kaliaro's self-esteem again and again, trampling on his dignity again and again.

At this time, Kaliaro closed his eyes tightly, and spoke in a long spell.

Then a group of strange purple light enveloped his whole body.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, glaring, staring at Ye Cangtian and roaring.

"Hahaha~ I'm so cruel that I even sacrifice myself..."

Caliaro's laugh was very scary. At this moment, he seemed to be tied up and dragged by the purple aura to fly to the altar.

Ye Cangtian shuddered and quickly stepped back.

"This guy is a cruel man. He even sacrificed himself when he was cruel."

The body of Caliaro on the altar was gradually decomposed, and the purple blood containing huge magic power filled the altar in an instant.

And his soul was gradually extracted and slowly swallowed up by the altar.

The souls here can never transcend after being sacrificed, which is no different from disappearing into smoke.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Poor brothers, both died..."

Ye Cangtian shook his head and sighed.

Looking back at this group of dumbfounded savages, Ye Cangtian also shook his head helplessly.

These people are obviously the descendants of these demons and humans. They are extremely brutal by nature and are difficult to educate. They are a sinful race that should not exist.

"Ao Kun, deal with them all!"

Ye Cangtian shook his head and was about to leave.

However, at this moment, a boundless demonic energy suddenly burst out from the altar. This demonic energy was several times stronger than the brothers Kaliana and Kaliaro. It was the most powerful magic power Ye Cangtian had ever seen in the Zixiao Realm.

"Heh~ It seems that things are far from over..."

Ye Cangtian waved his hand to protect Xie Bo, Ao Kun and Qiao Shuangshuang by his side.

I saw that this demonic power was divided into countless black thick lines and inserted into the bodies of those half-demons.

They didn't have time to scream. Their bodies were sucked into shrunken bodies in just an instant.

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