The fresh meat is still so delicious.

"Ka-ka-ka~ Fresh flesh and fresh soul, still so delicious."

A sharp voice came from the bottom of the altar.

Then, the altar began to tremble wildly;


There were bursts of huge roars.

"Yo! It's still a big guy!"

Ye Cangtian looked at the altar with interest;

Sure enough, not long after, a huge canyon cracked in the altar, and a horn more than three meters long poked out from the ground.

"Who is talking? Why don't you kneel down to greet me when you see me."

Then a huge bull head came out, with a delicate closed ring hanging on his nose.

A stream of white mist sprayed out from his nose between breaths.

"Fuck, whose old cow is released~ What is this?"

Xie Bo looked at the Demon Lord's clone with a look of surprise.

"How dare you, I am the Demon Lord's clone Qu Zun, you not only refused to bow to me, but also spoke rudely, damn it!"

The majestic magic power condensed into a huge sickle and was about to chop Xie Bo.

Seeing this, Xie Bo shrank his neck and hid directly behind Jin Wudi.

"Look at your achievements, why did I accept you as my apprentice in the first place."

Jin Wudi looked disappointed.

With a wave of his hand, he smashed the sickle condensed by magic power into ashes.

"Well~ You can actually withstand my attack, you still have some tricks!"

Seeing someone break his attack, Qu Zun was not anxious, but continued to speak with a proud face.

"Human, I see that you have a good cultivation. If you are willing to follow me, I can spare your life and allow you to be the king of this world."

Jin Wudi's mouth twitched. Did this guy have a crazy brain after being underground for too long?

This guy is just a troll in the ancient god realm. It is very powerful for Xie Bo and others, but for Jin Wudi, he used to be able to kill a bunch of this kind of people with just a fart.

However, this kind of people is now arrogant in front of him.

"Boss... I want to pinch him to death, do you think it's okay?"

Jin Wudi was so angry that his teeth were itching.

It's really a tiger in a plain being bullied by a dog. If a tiger doesn't show its power, you really think I'm Hello Kitty;

Seeing Ye Cangtian nodded in agreement.

Jin Wudi flew up and confronted the Quzun troll from a distance.

"Ugly monster, you are pretty cool!"

"You are so cool, do your parents know?"

Jin Wudi pointed at the Quzun troll and said.

Seeing that the blond boy dared to challenge him, Qu Zun snorted coldly.

"Boy, I value your talent, so I won't argue with you. It's not too late to turn back now. Kill the man behind you, and I will forgive your disrespect."

Qu Zun pointed his huge finger at Ye Cangtian behind Jin Wudi.

At this time, Ye Cangtian narrowed his eyes, rubbed the ring on his left hand with his fingers, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Jin Wudi looked back at Ye Cangtian with a smile on his face, and shuddered unconsciously.

After following Ye Cangtian for so long, he knew that Ye Cangtian hated others pointing at his head the most;

As long as you pointed at his head, and he showed this harmless look, it means one thing, 'You... are in big trouble'.

"Didn't your mother tell you not to point at other people's heads casually... That's very impolite behavior."

Ye Cangtian smiled and walked closer to Qu Zun step by step.


Before Qu Zun could finish the second half of his sentence, Ye Cangtian grabbed his finger and lifted it up and threw it to the ground.


I told you to be impolite...


I told you to point your finger at someone's head...


I told look so ugly...


Half an hour later, Qu Zun, who was dizzy and dazed by the fall, looked at the thin boy in front of him with fear. He couldn't understand why a small boy had so much strength to fall eighteen times, and each time he fell, he would create a huge deep pit.

But fortunately, he was just stronger.

Just after thinking this, Ye Cangtian spoke again.

"This is just a small warm-up exercise. Next...I want to let you feel what weightlessness feels like."


Before Qu Zun could react, Ye Cangtian lifted his feet and flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Although Qu Zun was surprised at Ye Cangtian's great strength, he felt that this guy's head seemed a little


As a troll in the realm of ancient gods, how could he be killed by falling, and feel weightless!

[Come a few more times, I'm so scared~]

Qu Zun thought in his heart.

However, the next second, he completely regretted it.

Because he found that his divine power had disappeared inexplicably. Now, let alone flying, he felt extremely difficult to breathe at an altitude of 10,000 meters, just like a mortal.


Ye Cangtian threw Qu Zun down from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Qu Zun's body fell vertically from an altitude of 10,000 meters like a cannonball.



Qu Zun, who had lost his divine power, screamed desperately. This was the first time he had tried this strange feeling after becoming a god. He was completely helpless and terrified.

When he came to the ground, Ye Cangtian caught him accurately, and then took him to a high altitude, and threw objects from a high altitude again, and so on;

Finally, the great ancient god realm troll had developed a deep fear of high altitudes. As long as it was half a meter higher, it would feel severe dizziness.


"I will never fly again in this life...vomit..."

Qu Zun's face was twisted together in pain, and there was a pool of black vomit on the ground.

However, because Qu Zun was the clone of Demon Lord Wu, the clone's feelings were also the same as the original body.

Demon Lord Wu, who was at a critical moment of retreat in the Nine Nether Realm, suddenly felt a strange sense of weightlessness in his heart, and it was more intense and unbearable each time.

"What's going on?"

This was the first time that Demon Lord Wu had experienced this feeling in his life;

Resisting the feeling of nausea and vomiting, Demon Lord Wu began to explore the source of this feeling.

Following a nearly transparent thread, he traced the source and finally found the root.

"It turned out to be Qu Zun from Zixiao Realm, but how could he have such a feeling."

Demon Lord Wu suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Demon Lord Wu, who had always been cautious, actually cut off his connection with Qu Zun at that moment;

As a clone, being cut off by the master was equivalent to having his soul killed, and the eyes of Qu Zun from Zixiao Realm dimmed;

The huge body still maintained a vomiting posture, but his eyes became extremely empty, becoming a body without a soul.

Ye Cangtian shook his hand under his eyes and found that there was no reaction at all, so he walked away with a disappointed look.

"His master is really cruel, he killed him just as he said, it's a pity for this clone of the ancient god realm."

Ye Cangtian muttered.

"Xiao Jinzi, take this big guy with you, let's go home."

Ye Cangtian said.

"Ah~ He has no soul, what do we need him for?"

Jin Wudi looked at Qu Zun's body and asked in confusion.

"Hey~ This is the body of an ancient god anyway. We have so many soul bodies, it would be nice to use it as a mecha for them to play with."

Ye Cangtian glanced at Jin Wudi and said.

Only then did Jin Wudi excitedly put the huge body of Qu Zun into his own small world, and then followed Ye Cangtian and left the island.

However, not long after Ye Cangtian left, the island sank to the bottom of the sea with a loud bang and disappeared.

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