Chapter 396 Bai Yan’s speed is too fast

"Is this...a failure?"

Lian, Selita and the others immediately went up to help the five people up.

"Shiyi, Shiyi, are you okay?" Dong Manyan helped Li Shiyi up.

"Thank you, it's okay. We seemed to have missed a step at the end." Li Shiyi stood up.

Qin Feifei yelled the loudest but was not hurt at all.

Shen Ling also felt: "We couldn't get along at the last moment."

Ice Crow: "It's different from when we were three in one. How about we try again?"

Mu Chen shook his head: "That's it for today. Fifth Layer integration is more difficult than we thought. Let's get along for a while and try again when the situation is stable."

Everyone nodded, today was just the first time they tried it.

The next day Ice Crow and Selita left for Dafei.

This is the task given to them by Mu Chen. Although Amina does not need help, Mu Chen likes saturated security, so the two of them have been helping out when they have nothing to do recently.

Rita is better at chopping people up, and Ice Crow is infallible.

Wei Xing and Lord Charming Soul disappeared somewhere the next day.

But Mu Chen has their contact information.

Qin Feifei didn't like to walk around, so she stayed in the guild and asked You Luo to accompany her.

There are Ren and Kimijima Orimi here who can give orders, and now Yu Juan and Ma Yeli are also here.

It is convenient if you have enough manpower to get things done.

Li Shiyi returned to the lighthouse with the design drawings of the 11th-generation S Level spacecraft, activated her connections, and started making big moves.

She planned to unite two or three lighthouses to take charge of the artificial air fleet.

It is her style to never sit still and wait for death.

She thinks about what to do when she has free time, which is completely different from the lazy Qin Feifei.

On the third day, Mu Chen took two beauties and set out for Beixiong.

Shen Ling was so happy with Bai Yan's arrival that she kicked Mu Chen away to sleep with Bai Yan these two nights.

This also resulted in serious injuries to Qin Feifei and Kimijima Omi.

Domojedo Airport in Northern Bear Country.

Although the weather in Beixiong is below freezing, Mu Chen still doesn't wear much.

Shen Ling is wearing a domineering black cloak, while Bai Yan is wearing snow-melted white.

One on the left and one on the right following Mu Chen.

Just came out.

"Mu Chen!"

The windows of the off-road jeep were rolled down, and Utana waved to them: "This way, this way."


"Utana didn't keep you waiting long, did I? I told you to fly over here myself, Xiaobai is still embarrassed." Shen Ling said as she got into the car.

"What Teacher Shen Ling said, our Beixiong Flight Maiden is quite on time, and we are not afraid of heavy fog and snowstorms. You still need to go through some procedures if you haven't registered cross-border." Utana didn't realize that Shen Ling meant them The human form flies over.

"The eldest lady heard that you guys are going to Blue Eagle, so I might as well wait in Blue Eagle before coming over." Utana drove to her home.

Utana's parents are both in Red Dragon, and she has younger brothers and sisters at home.

They are the fans of Mu Chen and Shen Ling, and they spend all the best things at home to entertain them.

"You see, sister, I'm not bragging, Mu Chen, I'm a member of Juechen, right?" Utana said this in front of her younger siblings before, but they didn't believe it.

To put it simply, how could my sister join Juechen with such little strength?

"Utana is a cornerstone member of Juechen."

Hearing what Mu Chen said, Utana was embarrassed to wipe the tip of her nose.

She knew she was weak.

But Juechen didn't just focus on strength, Zhou Xia and Bai Xiaoxi also did very well.

“I’m very good at snow operations, I’ve been climbing the Brussels Range since I was a kid.”

According to the location stated by the Wind King, the Fire King is in the Brushi Mountains.

"There is another person with us this afternoon."

Utana had already prepared food and tents, and originally prepared some tools, but Mu Chen indicated that they were not needed at all.

Utana didn't know how strong the three people in front of her were.

If they are looking for enemies, they can directly transform into warriors and kill them, and the wind and snow will not affect them at all.

However, Mu Chen is here to gain recognition from the Fire King.

The five kings are all kings of nature. Damage to nature or malicious behavior cannot be recognized.

After lunch, Bai Yan's junior sister from the Northern Bear Country, Arsheitlin, arrived.

Bai Yan is her savior and also her senior sister.

As Arsheitlin was an expert in the volcanic area of ​​the mountain range, Bai Yan asked her to help.

"Let's set off and try to reach the camp at an altitude of 4,000 meters at night."

"Ah? President Mu Chen, it takes 6 hours to drive from here to the foot of the Brussels Mountains. Now because of the heavy snow, except for Flight Maiden at the military hub, that area is prohibited from flying." Alchet Lin explained immediately.

"If we can't fly, we'll just drive there."

Utana's jeep is not very fast, and Alsheitlin is a gunner and drives a mechanical car.

A normal mechanical car can run at a normal speed of 150.

"In this case, Bai Yan, you can take Utana and Arsheitlin, and Shen Ling and I will follow you."

Utana didn't understand.

Alsheterin was also confused: "Isn't Senior Sister Bai Yan a gunner?"

Bai Yan smiled: "Who told you that I'm just a gunner?"

Bai Yan transformed, click, click, click—the Temple Starlight Sports Car fell: "Get in, I'm a double-transforming machine girl."

"So... so awesome, senior sister."

The sports cars are two-seater, Utana and Arsheitlin.

"What about Mu Chen and Teacher Shen Ling?"

Bai Yan's voice: "Don't worry about them, they will definitely be able to keep up."

hold head high--! ! !

Terrifying power acceleration, Bai Yan instantly accelerated to 300 just after leaving the city.

"Senior sister, you're so fast...too fast!" Arsheitlin looked at Che Ji who was being overtaken on both sides. She was a little scared because of her speed.

"I haven't exerted my strength yet." Bai Yan said.

"Ula! Hahaha, can sister Bai Yan be faster?" Utana was happy, it was so cool to be so fast.

Instantly accelerating, with blue flames, Bai Yan easily ran 400 meters.

Alsheitlin sat in the back and was frightened: "Sister, it's too fast... too fast..."

Bai Yan heard: "You still want to hurry up? Then sit tight."

As the speed continued to increase, the blue flames frightened all the other car girls and screamed.

The speed directly reached 550 kilometers per hour.

"Ah!" Alsheterin exclaimed from behind.

But Utana cheered happily.

A passenger plane in the sky on the right is about to fly to the airport ahead.

It seems that the vertical height is higher than Bai Yan.

The rear propeller of her car opened, and the seats restrained Utana and the two.

Dashboard panel transitions, one minute countdown - bam! ! !

A flash of blue lightning.

The Temple Starlight Sports Car soared to a speed of 1050, which was directly on par with the Flight Maiden in the sky, and it also dodged all the vehicles on the road at lightning speed.

The Flight Maiden man above was dumbfounded: "Huh? Huh! That Che Ji is faster than me?"

Flight Maiden's screams almost scared the passengers, who thought there was something wrong.

It wasn't until the fork ahead and sixty seconds of propeller time passed that her speed dropped back to four or five hundred.

This speed does not take six hours at all and can reach the foot of the Bruce Mountains in one hour.

"It's so exciting, so exciting. Sister Bai Yan just scared the Flight Maiden in the sky. Miss Alsheterin, look..."

Utana turned around excitedly and saw Arsheitlin lying on the seat behind, foaming at the mouth, and fainted from fright.

(End of chapter)

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