Chapter 397 Crisis in Bruce Snow Mountain

"What's wrong with Arsheitlin?"

Bai Yan returned to her human form and saw Utana pinching her awake.

"Ah? Stop it, it's too fast." Arsheitlin woke up and was still screaming, but she didn't know she had arrived at the Commercial Town at the foot of the Brus Mountains: "It scared me to death, Senior Sister Bai Yan, you are too fast."

Bai Yan put her hands on her hips: "Isn't it just the speed of Flight Maiden? I haven't used my full strength yet. I thought you were telling me to go faster."

"Senior sister...I'm telling you to slow down. I'm afraid."

Utana praised Bai Yan's skills and looked back: "Mu Chen and Teacher Shen Ling haven't come yet? We can wait for them over there. Huh?"

She'd been here many times and pointed to the seating area out front.

Who knew... Mu Chen and Shen Ling were sitting there waiting for them, holding some Beixiong specialties in their hands.

"Huh? Huh! When did Mu Chen and you guys arrive?" Utana couldn't believe it. They were both here eating casserole rice noodles!

This will take a while to cook.

"It's been a while, let's get going."

The Brussels Mountains have many active volcanoes and are the most dangerous volcanic group for northern bears.

Someone joked that if so many volcanoes erupted at once, one-third of the polar bears would be covered.

Of course this is a joke.

The North Bear has deployed a defense hub near here to prevent anyone from trying to destroy the mountains.

At the same time, foreigners like to seek excitement, even more so in this era.

The North Bear Hub also issued a survey bounty, resulting in an unusually large number of people in the small town under the mountain range.

There will be security checkpoints on the mountain, and high-explosive weapons cannot be carried in the watch.

At the same time, not everyone can climb mountains.

When Mu Chen and others went to scan.

"Hello! Are you two coming to climb too?" The people who registered immediately saluted Mu Chen and Shen Ling.

"You're welcome, let's try it out." Mu Chen returned the gift with a smile. If it weren't for the queue, I'm afraid the people from Beixiong Hub would have asked Mu Chen for his autograph.

Only when you land at an altitude of 4,000 meters can you enter the depths of the Brussels Mountains. For example, Utana used to wander around the 4,000-meter campsite, but Utana was still young at that time.

There are many people climbing the Bruce Mountains.

"I see very few organic girls turning into mechanical units."

Mu Chen observed easily, and the general climbing team would only let the machine girl transform to block the wind and snow when taking a break.

"Mr. Mu Chen, this is an unwritten rule for long-term climbers. Only by climbing in a human posture can you exercise yourself and improve your level. If the mechanical form misfires, it will cause damage to the snow-capped mountains."

Alsheitlin said proudly: "I often climb the Brussels Mountains to hone my will. Even if you look at me like this, my level is very high, reaching Level 29."

Utana said enviously: "It's so awesome, I'm only Level 14."

Alsheitlin patted her shoulder: "You are still young, Level 14 is already pretty good. Senior sister, what level are you at?"

Bai Yan: "I'm relatively low thirty-five."

"Thirty-five? That's very high. Where is Mr. Mu Chen?"

Mu Chen: "Not bad, sixty-three."

"Huh? Huh? Six...sixty-three?"

Finally she looked at Shen Ling, not even daring to pronounce the question.

Shen Ling: "I'm a little taller than Mu Chen, seventy."


Alsheterin almost screamed. It is basically difficult to improve after level 30!

She seemed to have realized a serious mistake. Shen Ling and Mu Chen were Red Dragon heroes and had fought against countless alien beasts and Transcendent Level experts.

She almost forgot about it.

Now think about these two Transcendent Level experts, why did they come to the Bruce Mountains? I found her as a volcano expert again... could it be...

"Don't think so much, just lead the way. There's no danger as long as we are here."

Mu Chen saw through her inner thoughts: "I will open the way while Utana changes form."

"Change form?" Utana was picked up by Mu Chen before she could react.

Then he swung it around and put it on his back.

Mu Chen carried Utana on his back and said: "Combined transformation! Snow mountain navigator! I'm responsible for walking, you just show the way."



Shen Ling and Bai Yan both laughed. Mu Chen, is this also called changing form?

After Bai Yan followed Mu Chen, her smile became several times bigger.

"Ah? Mu Chen, I can go by myself."

"You are too slow." Shen Ling went even further and directly clamped Alsheterin on her waist. It was going to be dark soon, so it would be better to arrive at the four-thousand-meter camp as early as possible.

Running all the way, others are climbing, but Mu Chen and others are running wildly.

It originally took at least four hours of climbing, but they arrived at the 4,000-meter camp in less than an hour.

There are a large number of climber camps here, the blizzard is getting heavier and heavier, and many people are strengthening the stability of the alloy tents.

Alsheterin took out the instrument and started testing: "It's strange. At this time of year, the temperature shouldn't be so low. Not only that..."

Pricking the ley line probe: "The temperature is fifteen degrees lower than in previous years, but the volcano's activity remains the same as in the past. This shouldn't be the case."

"Shen Ling? Did you sense anything?" Mu Chen had sensed a burst of energy, but only for a moment.

"I feel that. Maybe when we climb the snow mountain, the Fire King is observing us." Shen Ling's perception is farther than Mu Chen.

"Have a night's rest and we'll set off again tomorrow morning."

Tonight's snowstorm is particularly heavy. Fortunately, with today's advanced technology, portable alloy camping tents are not only cold-resistant but also stable. In the past, tonight would have been an even more sleepless night.

Arsheitlin leaned against Bai Yan, Utana leaned against Shen Ling, and as for Mu Chen...he was standing outside in the snowstorm.

eyes closed.

It was as if I could hear voices.

The wind in the blizzard spoke to him of danger, and he laid his hands on the earth.

The hill elf sensed his presence and said with a faint brown light: "The King of Fire is in crisis. Please be careful of the ice dragons deep in the mountains. They are very scary."

Mu Chen has always been curious about why the Fire King is in the snowy mountains. When he asked the Wind King, he commented that the Fire King has a straightforward and irritable personality, and often does unexpected things. Bathing in volcanic hot springs is also one of his hobbies.

Mu Chen touched the elf, and the light disappeared.

"It seems that this trip is not as easy as imagined."

Mu Chen walked back to rest and gave Shen Ling a look.

The beautiful teacher immediately understood that tomorrow might not be easy.

Adequate rest is the preparation before a big battle.

The snowstorm got even worse the next day, and many climbers cursed the weather and prepared to go down the mountain.

"Mu Chen, this blizzard is very Anomaly, I have never seen it in so many years." Alsheitlin held the instrument.

"The more this happens, the more we must go. Let's go."

Alsheitlin led them deep into the Brus Mountains and around the caves.

There are several forks in the hot magma area, many of which are dead ends and even risk collapse and falling into the lava.

Passing by the external magma area, we have already entered the mountains. Almost no one except the scientific expedition team enters this area.

You can see the restricted area sign in the distance.

"The area in front is already prohibited for individual scientific expedition groups. Life may be in danger at any time."

Alsheterin swallowed: "It's strange. The front of that area should be the magma area in the middle. Why are there all icicles?"

Mu Chen suddenly spoke: "The guest is coming, be careful!"

The left and right ice walls exploded, and two five-meter giant ice wolves roared out.

Directly in front of them, the roof of the cave collapsed and a ten-meter-long ice dragon appeared, spraying out a hundred-meter icicle of purple light at them.

"I'll do it head on!"

Shen Ling's bold voice, her long hair turned burgundy, her body burned with flames, she took out a giant mechanical glove and punched the icicle.

(End of chapter)

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