Chapter 67 Cheng Rong rebelled?

Cheng Rong and three other motorcycle girls rushed over directly.

Stop laterally at the exit of the abandoned station.

It's early in the morning, Mu Chen and the others didn't sleep well last night, and there will be another gunfight tonight.

"Look for cover and counterattack, this Zhao Pengfei is from two teams!" Utana shouted.

The battle is about to break out.

Zhao Pengfei got out of the car and opened fire with the pulse paralysis gun.

There were three armored vehicles lying sideways. Not counting Zhao Pengfei, their combined team had six drivers and six robot girls.

Both teams of sixteen people all have pulse paralysis guns in their hands.

"Zhao Pengfei, where did you get so many guns?"

Cheng Rong laughed wildly. Her armored car form was not afraid of the pulse paralysis gun: "Hahahaha, you don't have to worry about this. The temporary team formation is in compliance with the rules. Oh, you are only one team, hahaha."

"Cheng Rong's face is thicker than the city wall." Bernadette gathered the flames and blasted away.


It didn't knock her over, just a violent jolt.

"Damn it, Bernadette got such a weapon. If you dare to blast me directly, you'll be out." Cheng Rong wiped the oil on the ground and now started to curse.

In practical training, direct attacks can only be made by collision and pulse paralysis gun.

Bernadette could only blast the ground.

Snap, snap, snap—the pulse bullet hit her barrel, and Bernadette was angry.

I really want to blast Cheng Rong into the sky with one shot of the main gun.

Zhao Pengfei waved to the people next to him: "Pinch attack! Action!"

Calmly command and lead the charge.

Zhao Pengfei demonstrated in all aspects what the heirs of a large family have learned.

His team includes Cheng Rong, a tough guy, and there are two good drivers among the drivers, who are on the same team as Cheng Rong's best friends Ru Xiaocui and Yu Qiyu.

A car of four people slowly surrounded them from the right.

On the left, there was a car of five robot girls coming over to kill them. These robot girls yelled loudly: "For Pengfei, charge!"

Zhao Pengfei's bodyguard group, some nymphomaniacs.

Zhao Pengfei had plenty of pulse paralysis guns here. Except for the two he grabbed, the others were sent by the Guards.

Attack from three angles with numerical superiority.

Qin Feifei was hiding in the building, lying at the window and shooting. She had already killed someone next to Zhao Pengfei remotely.

"This shooting technique? Huh, Qin Feifei!" He snorted coldly and fired back from another angle.

Don't dare to confront Qin Feifei in the middle.

Mu Chen rolled to the other side: "I'll take the six on the left!"

Utana and Bernadette nodded.

"Ah——" Amila fell to the ground and was hit, paralyzed and convulsing.

The attack on the right is powerful.

Both sides were anxious, and Utana and Qin Feifei took advantage of the terrain to cause trouble.

"What's going on? You haven't captured them yet? What are the people on the left doing?"

The four on the right shot Bernadette, as did two others shot by Utana.

There are six people on the left, so it is easy to take down the opponent when surrounded.

Labelle rushed out in his motorcycle form, but was immediately hit by Zhao Pengfei's robot girl transformation.

One person fell to the ground in front of Zhao Pengfei, two people fell to the side, and twice as many people were on the opposite side.

"Where's the person on the left?" Zhao Pengfei was surprised.

Now the only other opponent left is Qin Feifei hiding in the building.

Although Utana was hiding on the side of the building, she was hit by the paralysis gun and unable to move.

And... I didn’t see Mu Chen.

"On the left, is it this way?"

Mu Chen walked out, and six robot girls behind him were twitching on the ground. They were all shot, including the transformed robot girls.

When Mu Chen got into the car and pointed the lightsaber at her dashboard, she immediately returned to crying in fear.

"How is that possible?" Cheng Rong exclaimed. Six people were killed by Mu Chen alone?

"A bunch of losers! Six people and five guns didn't hit them?"

Zhao Pengfei cursed a bunch of idiots.

But at this moment, their advantage is still huge.

Qin Feifei's pulse paralysis gun was overheated, and she posed no threat in the building. Utana and the others were unable to move for an hour, and could only move their arms slightly. Apart from sending out distress flares, they had no combat effectiveness.

But sending a flare would be tantamount to surrender.

The only remaining fighting force is Mu Chen.

On Zhao Pengfei's side, Cheng Rong returned to human form and got the pulse paralysis gun in her hand, with a driver beside her.

On the right, Ru Xiaocui and Yu Qiyu approached with a driver who was not paralyzed.

Now it's equivalent to saying it's one to six.

Anyone who fell on the ground could look over here.

The advantage in numbers is too obvious, and they have more weapons.

Zhao Pengfei walked out with a sneer and stretched out his hand handsomely: "Don't even make a move, let me take care of him!"

The paralyzed escort girls on the ground all trembled with excitement when they saw this handsome scene.

Commonly known as female ghost scream.

Zhao Pengfei shook his hair and clenched his fists: "Mu Chen, I'll give you a chance to fight, but you are like an ant in front of me."

Labelle, who was being slapped in his motorcycle form, made a squeaking sound.

She snickered.

Utana and the others who fell on the ground were also laughing.

They know how strong Mu Chen is.

After sheathing the lightsaber, Mu Chen didn't say anything nonsense and just hooked his hand.

"Hmph, look at the punch!"

Zhao Pengfei broke through the sand and rushed towards Mu Chen like a dragon out of the sea. He clenched his fists in a domineering manner, carried wind with his fists, and punched the front.

Mu Chen appeared half a meter away from where he was just now, easily grabbed Zhao Pengfei's wrist with one hand, and pulled.

Swish, swish, Zhao Pengfei instantly somersaulted three times in front of a height of one meter, and his back hit the ground hard.

"Ah——" This was a hard pain, and the pain was strong in an instant.

what's the situation?

Cheng Rong and the other five didn't see Mu Chen's movements clearly, they just saw Zhao Pengfei spinning and hitting the ground.

Mu Chen took advantage of the situation and jumped back a little: "Classmate Zhao's rolling move, most people can't learn it."


Qin Feifei's gun has cooled down, now let's watch Mu Chen perform.

Zhao Pengfei flipped the carp up and down, biting it. After the strength was over, it didn't hurt so much: "Humph, there is no sneak attack, you kid is still interesting."

He first patted the dust on his shoulders and said, "I just put some water in because I was afraid you would be too seriously injured. Be careful, I'm going to use all my strength."

Zhao Pengfei's hands turned into wolf claws.

Or Xingyiquan.

"Langfang Fengfeng, right?"

Mu Chen's steps were like taking a moonwalk, and he easily dodged Zhao Pengfei's attacks from left to right, gaining strength in an instant.

An action that no one else could see clearly.

"Ah, it hurts!"

Zhao Pengfei didn't see anything clearly, but he saw Mu Chen's hand moving casually.

His hands were in severe pain, and the wolf's claws were almost shattered.

Mu Chen downplayed it and even turned his palms, quite like Tai Chi movements.


Zhao Pengfei's fighting skills are definitely not bad, but only in person did he discover that Mu Chen was very strong!

Damn it! This guy is a master.

He thought of a word that he often used before - pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Zhao Pengfei lost all his pride.

But now he is riding a tiger and cannot get off, so he shouts for a duel.

This time, Zhao Pengfei took advantage of the fist squeeze.

Mu Chen gave him five hands.

A palm in the middle, with a visual sensation like white smoke, Zhao Pengfei took ten steps back before stopping, as if his whole body was paralyzed.

Internal control?

Zhao Pengfei felt that the gap was large, not ordinary.

Not a match at all.

Mu Chen had already put his left hand on his waist, ready to fight the other five people. Zhao Pengfei was a little unsteady on his feet.


The sound of a pulse paralysis gun.

Cheng Rong suddenly opened fire.

Mu Chen was already ready to dodge, but who knew...

Zhao Pengfei stuck his butt out and twitched on the ground. Cheng Rong was targeting Zhao Pengfei!

(End of chapter)

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