Chapter 68 Gao Yancan appears behind Cheng Rong

What's happening here?

Mu Chen and Zhao Pengfei are not on the same page at all.

The pulse paralysis gun has little recoil, so it was given to these students for combat training.

How could it be possible to shoot so far away?

Bernadette and Utana were shocked, as were the people in Zhao Pengfei's personal guard group.

Bahbaba—the sound of electric shock paralysis.

Zhao Pengfei was twitching on the ground.

"Oops, I accidentally shot it wrong!" Cheng Rong said deliberately.

"Cheng Rong! What are you doing!"

The two drivers standing on the right were about to move.


Ru Xiaocui and Yu Qiyu fired at the same time, shooting at their teammates.

The two of them were twitching on the ground numbly.

"What's going on?" Labelle and the others' eyes widened.

Not only one shot was fired, but two shots were fired at them, and the two companions were stunned.

Being shot three times in a row would kill someone.

"I advise you two not to change back, otherwise you will end up with two shots." Yu Qiyu pointed at the three motorcycle girls. The two of them were stunned. Labelle glanced at Mu Chen, but she did not move for the time being.

"Cheng...Cheng! What are you doing..." Zhao Pengfei stared at Cheng Rong tremblingly.

"Oh, my brother Pengfei, he is devoted to you, but you treat him like a toy."

Cheng Rong looked at Zhao Pengfei with a dark expression: "Hahahaha."

Smiling evilly, he fired again.


Zhao Pengfei was so miserable that he was twitching and shaking on the ground with his butt sticking out of Lao Gao. The image was extremely abstract and ugly.

Zhao Pengfei was in good health and he didn't faint even after being shot a second time.

He was just speechless in that paralyzed rage, and his eyes were bloodshot.

This bitch actually attacked me from behind.

Mu Chen never expected such a wonderful scene.

Okay, Cheng Rong did it this way.

He applauded: "Classmate Cheng Rong, you are very good at using this trick to hide the truth."

The gun was pointed at Mu Chen: "Student Mu Chen, you still have the nerve to applaud? Otherwise, if you kneel down and beg me, I will let the people in your team go."

Mu Chen smiled: "With your dirty personality, you can keep your word? Ridiculous."

"What did you say?"

She kicked Zhao Pengfei on the butt and kicked him away: "Do you think you can block three guns?"

Mu Chen took out the lightsaber in his hand and activated it.

Yu Qiyu and Ru Xiaocui looked at each other and fired.

Sword dance, bang bang——

The sound of electromagnetic ripples breaking.

It was like a picture of an egg being chopped open and shattered, and the electromagnetic ripples dispersed.

Two paralysis bullets were blocked by Mu Chen's lightsaber.

"Damn - he's so handsome! Larson, can we stop being friends? I want to chase Mu Chen." Biker girl Labelle was so handsome by Mu Chen.

Zhao Pengfei, who was twitching on the ground, widened his eyes.

This reaction speed.

This action.

"How is this possible! A lightsaber can stop a bullet?"

"This is impossible!"

Cheng Rong and Yu Qiyu didn't believe it and fired continuously.

There was a sound of smashing and cracking. Mu Chen chopped off two shots first and immediately rolled to the left. The three people's marksmanship was already poor. Mu Chen turned over and picked up one of the opponent's pulse guns.

Qin Feifei and Mu Chen fired at the same time.

Directly hitting Ru Xiaocui and Yu Qiyu.

They convulsed and fell to the ground.

Only Cheng Rong was left.

Not just one-on-one, Qin Feifei can shoot from a distance.

Now it's two against one.

Mu Chen suddenly stretched out his left hand to signal Qin Feifei.

She understood and didn't fire. Is there still a good show?


Cheng Rong pointed the gun at Mu Chen. She had no confidence at the moment because Mu Chen also had one in his hand.

"Do you think it's you who is faster, or me?"

Cheng Rong's hands were shaking.

Mu Chen smiled and looked at the sandy slope not far away: "That's about it. Eight people have been watching there for a long time. Isn't Cheng Rong with you? Won't you come out to rescue?"

It has long been felt that there is a new team.

Anyone else?

I saw eight figures walking out of the sandy slope. The young man in the lead had his hands in his pockets. The team of four machine girls and four drivers had six pulse paralysis guns in their hands.

"I didn't expect that classmate Mu Chen became popular on the college forum yesterday. I thought it was fake, but I didn't expect that he is really a master who hides his secrets."

See the face clearly.

Gao Yancan is still in the same class, band B level, talent 1 is A level, he usually keeps a low profile in the class, but he is actually from the Gao family.

The family is no worse than the Zhao Family.

"Brother Gao, you're finally here." Cheng Rong immediately trotted over with a charming voice.

Cheng Rong and her two best friends had already privately negotiated with Gao Yancan's team.

The eight people had treacherous expressions.

Cheng Rong and the others no longer cared about the results of the training, and Gao Yancan promised to provide arrangements for the three of them.

"Gao... Yan... Can." Zhao Pengfei gritted his teeth. This guy had a very low-key personality in the class for two years.

"Zhao Pengfei, you can do this! Hahahaha!"



Everyone in Gao Yancan was laughing, Zhao Pengfei was sticking his butt out now, not to mention how abstract it was.

Zhao Pengfei now wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Oh, Zhao Pengfei, I'm not as arrogant as you. All I hid is to wait until today. Now all the materials for the first, second, and third teams belong to me, and the photos of your disastrous defeat will be spread to the discussion group, and the whole school will Everyone will see it.”

Gao Yancan pointed to his head: "You have to use your brain, not brute force."

The guns were pointed at Mu Chen.

"Student Mu Chen, I give you two choices. One, join us and I can leave you four boxes of guaranteed supplies. Two, lie down on the ground like a dog and twitch here with Zhao Pengfei."

Mu Chen rotated the pulse paralysis gun with one hand: "Gao Yancan, you seem to have forgotten something."


Qin Feifei jumped down and transformed in mid-air, and the Heavenly Whale Transporter appeared above Mu Chen.

"No, shoot, paralyze him!" Gao Yancan thought of something.

In this regard, he, like Zhao Pengfei, did not believe that Tianjing Zhanji was the transformation of Mu Chen and Qin Feifei.

What is posted on the college forum is definitely false!

Chatting, chatting, several people were shooting wildly on the sandy slope.

But Mu Chen ran as fast as the wind and grass, dodging a series of shots behind him.

Bounce off the wall and jump, grab Qin Feifei's landing gear, and flip up with one hand, all his movements are smooth and smooth.

The pulse paralysis gun hit Qin Feifei's penis and it tickled her.

It is stipulated that the aircraft cannot take off under normal circumstances and will be reminded at an altitude of 100 meters.

But Qin Feifei is close to the ground.

The light shines and merges to transform.

Bernadette and Utana were envious. Zhao Pengfei stared with his butt stuck out, while Cheng Rong and the others had their mouths wide open.

Gao Yancan didn't believe it either.


The domineering sound of landing shook up a large number of rocks, causing several people on Gao Yancan's side to fall.

Qin Feifei's landing action, Ultraman Gaia wanted to like it after seeing it.

The Sky Whale Scythe appeared in his hand and slashed at Gao Yancan's side.


The nine people were blown away directly, and the dog's shit hit the ground. The wind and waves were enough.

Zhan Ji, they can really fuse Zhan Ji!

Isn’t it luck that you can do it at any time?


Gao Yancan never expected that the rumor was true, which completely went against common sense.

Mu Chen, the school's driver who was joking behind the scenes, actually freely transformed into a warrior princess with the school beauty Qin Feifei.

Cheng Rong and the others all fell to the ground: "How to fight? How to fight?"

"Brother Gao, what should I do?"

Gao Yancan was about to curse, but what the hell, even sixth-generation A-level weapons might not be able to break Tianjing Zhanji's defense.

Carrying the giant scythe, Tianjing Zhanji tilted her head: "Now I will give you two options. Option 1, Cheng Rong shoots at the other eight people, option 2, Gao Yancan shoots at the other eight people, Ten seconds to choose, or it will be me..."

Qin Feifei hasn't finished speaking yet.

Gao Yancan shot directly at his own people, without hesitation at all. This man was really capable of ruthlessness.

Mu Chen squinted his eyes. This Gao Yancan was more troublesome than Zhao Pengfei. If there was a convenient opportunity, he would consider doing something bloody.

The last shot is for Cheng Rong.

Gao Yancan turned around ferociously: "I choose second, can you let me go now?"

After the transformation was released, Mu Chen landed and shot Gao Yancan.

Gao Yancan fell to the ground and twitched: "You..."

"I forgot to mention it. The person who made the request just now was Qin Feifei. I haven't said my request yet. You are the only one. Just numb everything."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Let me think about how to play."

(End of chapter)

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