"Bang, bang!" Chen Mo chewed the mirage in his mouth. The mirage had a strange shape and a very different taste.

Some are very soft, and when they enter, they turn into extremely pure blood power.

Some are hard or quite chewy and have to be eaten slowly.

Chen Mo picked up the porridge bowl on the side and drank two mouthfuls of the thin rice porridge before letting the mirage in his mouth enter his stomach.

Fortunately, no matter what the specific shape of the mirage is, as long as it is put into the belly, it will only turn into qi and blood and be absorbed by him.

As a piece of mirage was digested, Chen Mo took out another piece from the wooden box in front of him.

In addition to the Dutian Dao Sutra, the Qi Blood Stones and Mirages he had accumulated before were also placed in the box.

As for the bottles of blood-nourishing pills that he had exchanged before, they had already been swallowed by Chen Mo.

He had accumulated these things before, intending to use them to make weapons.

Now that there is no shortage of weapons, he should use these things.

As pieces of mirage were swallowed by him, the amount of blood in the Ordinary Transformation Pearl also continued to increase.

By the time all the accumulated Blood Essence Stones and Mirage Spirits were absorbed, the energy and blood accumulated by Chen Mo's Mortal Orbs in his Dantian had reached more than 20%.

At this rate, if you enter the mirage three times a month, it will only take half a year at most before you can undergo the next transformation.

This time is not relatively long. The main reason is that I now have a stable way to obtain mirages, which greatly shortens the time required to accumulate energy and blood.

Otherwise, if you only rely on your own accumulation slowly, the time required will be too long, at least five or six years.

And during these five or six years, in addition to daily meat, I had to take a lot of soups and medicines.

Chen Mo put the only remaining Yuan Zhen Stone into the box and took out the Dutian Dao Sutra.

Take a deep breath to mobilize your own energy and blood to avoid unexpected situations during reading.

He slowly opened the pages of a book that looked like human skin. The preface of this book was still quite easy to understand.

"Dutian Dao, passed down by my grandfather, this Dao is true, don't lie..."

These words still flowed as before, like moths gathering into a ball, trying to invade Chen Mo's body.

However, the energy and blood flowing around his body was like a bright sun, frightening away these evil spells.

Chen Mo confirmed that his qi and blood strength was enough to continue browsing this technique safely.

Only then did he dare to turn to the next page. The third page finally no longer contained those simple and straightforward scriptures used to confuse people's hearts and preach, but began to talk about the method of cultivation in the true sense.

By visualizing the wonders of heaven and earth, and drawing Qi into the body, you can mobilize the power of heaven and earth for your own use. In this way, you can enter the realm of refining Qi.

In the realm of Qi refining, you can train your own organs into magic weapons. You can use your arms, fingers, ears, eyes, teeth, etc.

After being refined into a magical weapon, in addition to being extremely tough and capable of controlling and killing enemies, it also has many wonderful uses.

The ears can be used to detect distant sounds, and the eyes can be sent to an area. Even if it is several miles away, the eyes sent there can be used to clearly see what is happening there.

The best quality for making these magical instruments is the monk's own body, because it is the most suitable for himself.

The slightly inferior one is the body of the same Qi Refiner, and the third one is the body of the warrior.

As for the torso of an ordinary person, it is not even qualified to be made of materials and cannot bear the power of heaven and earth.

Of course, the materials used to make magical artifacts are not limited to humans. They can also be monsters with successful practices, extremely rare spiritual beings from heaven and earth, or even mirages.

But these things are hard to find.

For the vast majority of Qi practitioners, the best choice is themselves.

Using one's own body as a magical weapon is not something that is difficult to accept for most Qi refiners.

Qi masters visualize and control the power of heaven and earth to condense their spiritual consciousness. For them, the physical body is something that they have to give up.

According to the Dutian Dao Sutra, the world is a sea of ​​suffering, and the human body is a small boat drifting in the sea of ​​suffering.

As long as this boat remains, people will never be able to cross the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore.

Only by abandoning the physical body and living with spiritual thoughts can we reach the other shore.

The physical body is just a temporary container for a Qi practitioner.

Therefore, they don't care much about their physical body and can use it as a magical weapon as they wish.

This is not the view of the Dutian Daomen family, basically all the Qi refiners in this world think this way.

For them, it is their highest pursuit to abandon their physical body and use their soul to survive the sea of ​​suffering and ascend.

Because I don’t care about the physical body, and it’s easier to make materials myself.

Therefore, most of the magic tools used by Qi Refiners are strange and weird. Some arms are even passed down from predecessors. They have been painstakingly refined by two or three generations, and their power is extremely terrifying.

Only when they reach the foundation-building realm can the Qi Refiners be able to use other magical weapons, but they will not abandon the magical weapons they have refined themselves.

Chen Mo continued to flip through this book of exercises. It not only contained methods for refining qi, but also methods for using the power of heaven and earth.

The most important thing is that this technique mentions using the power of ghosts and gods.

The ghosts and gods mentioned in this technique must be closer to the ghosts and gods in one's imagination, rather than those weird monsters in the mirage.

But after seeing the comments written below, he immediately understood.

The so-called borrowing the power of ghosts and gods can also be said to be borrowing the power of the ruins and ruins monsters.

Compared with Mirage, the Ruins Realm is undoubtedly much more stable. As long as the rules are followed, the Ruins Realm can be regarded as an alternative kind of paradise.

As long as you hide in it, you will not be affected by the mirage.

Although the market monsters are also very strange and weird, their formal logic is completely impossible to figure out with ordinary people's thinking.

But there are still a few who have intelligence and can communicate with them.

The Qi Refiner uses secret techniques to draw on the power of the Ruins Realm to a certain extent, or can control Ruins Monsters.

In addition, the annotation also mentioned that there are normal ghosts in this world.

Ghosts can also be called resentful spirits. They are people who die with resentment and their souls cannot be reincarnated. They wander in the world and can become spirits by being nourished by the energy of heaven and earth.

This type of resentful spirit can be called a real ghost.

However, the quantity is extremely rare and cannot be obtained easily.

And they, no matter how strong or weak they are.

Being around it can offset part of the mirage erosion. If the Qi Refiner can keep a resentful spirit by his side, then it will be much more convenient to walk outside the Paradise of Cave Heaven.

Chen Mo read the entire Dutian Dao Sutra, especially the annotations, and he specially recorded them.

This is actually nothing to the Qi Refiner, but to him it is very precious information.

While browsing this technique, the energy and blood throughout my body vibrated, constantly counteracting the effects of this technique.

There is actually no evil method in this technique, but there are some means to prevent it from being read by others.

If someone who lacks strength is forced to read this book, they will be killed by the above-mentioned methods.

Chen Mo is strong enough to ignore these.

Putting this skill book into the box again, Chen Mo planned to take time to visit Xiaqi Valley in a while to sell it and exchange it for the Blood Essence Stone.

After putting the box away, Chen Mo sat cross-legged and began to practice in the secret room.

The inner Qi in the Dantian circulates and continues to surge in the body. Through practice again and again, the inner Qi in the Dantian becomes more solid.

Only after reaching a certain level can you try to open the door to heaven and earth.

Fortunately, if you want to enter the acquired realm, you don't have to open the mysterious orifice and sea of ​​consciousness at once.

You can do it step by step, first open up the mysterious orifice, and then you can enter the acquired realm.

It can initially draw part of the power from the world and transform it into its own inner energy.

With this as the foundation for further practice, and the combination of essence and Qi to open up the sea of ​​consciousness, it can be regarded as a successful practice in the acquired realm.

Then the three treasures of essence, energy, and spirit are condensed and unified in the body, and the practice of the acquired realm is considered complete.

After the acquired realm, it is called innate, but for the situation of this realm.

Chen Mo just knew that this realm existed, even his adoptive father did the same.

I know that this realm exists, and I have heard about powerful people in this realm, but I have no chance to see it in person.

But as long as you wait for your acquired breakthrough, or even reach acquired perfection, then someone will answer these questions for you.

The inner Qi continues to circulate in the Dantian meridians, and they begin to condense step by step with practice.

Chen Mo has never fought against other warriors who have reached the realm of Tongmai, so he doesn't know what level his inner energy belongs to.

However, as he practiced, the energy in his Dantian became thicker and more solid.

If they were like torrential rivers when they were running through the body before, then they are now like transforming towards bursting lava.

Not only is the speed faster, but the quality is also improving step by step.

The day passed by in a daze, until late at night, Chen Mo quietly woke up from his sleep.

Looking at Zhao Yu who was sleeping soundly on the bed, he tiptoed, put on some clothes and left.

The Dutian Dao Sutra mentions that there are ghosts in this world. Not only that, they also have the ability to resist mirages.

Chen Mozhu had lived in Niuji for a long time and knew that there were rumors of hauntings in several places in the Jiji.

So I wanted to take a look at it this night. If I could find ghosts, that would be a good thing. If I couldn't find them, that would be fine.

He has a strong body and walks in the dark as if there is no one around.

Not long after, I came to a dilapidated courtyard. This was the residence of the big family Wang. Chen Mo had once found a sum of silver in this courtyard.

Looking inside the courtyard, spring has passed and autumn has come, but no one has been here yet.

The courtyard looked even more dilapidated, and a few of Chen Mo's original footprints even remained in place.

The eyes of blood flow, and there is nothing abnormal here.

Chen Mo took out the incense he had prepared from his arms and lit it. This was a method noted by the Qi practitioner who practiced Dutian Dao Gong.

The ghosts feed on incense, light the incense, and call softly. If the other party exists and is willing to come out and see it, then it can find its existence.

And if they don't want to, it will be extremely difficult for the Qi Master to restrain the opponent by force.

Therefore, when dealing with resentful spirits, Qi Refiners have always adopted a gentle approach.

Since the resentful spirits exist in the world for a long time, they often have unresolved obsessions. By talking to them and guiding their obsessions, you can turn the resentful spirits into your own use.

Of course, even if the resentful spirit exists, most of the time the other party will not show up when lighting incense for the first few times.

Only by trying a few more times will the other party gradually trust you and be willing to come out and meet.

Chen Mo was not a Qi practitioner, and his Blood and Qi Eyes could not detect the existence of ghosts. He could only try a few more times, but it didn't take much effort anyway.

Lighting the incense, Chen Mo called softly, but as expected, there was no response.

Chen Mo climbed over the wall and left, preparing to visit other places.

As for this, according to the Qi Refiner's comment, just wait seven days and light the incense again.

In the following days, Chen Mo continued to practice diligently every day, lighting incense once every seven days and hunting in the mirage sea once every ten days.

To ensure safety, the number of people in the mirage he went to would not exceed one hundred.

Don't seek speed, just pursue stability.

More than a month passed by in a flash. On this day, Chen Mo was practicing in a secret room when Zhao Yu knocked on the door.

The adoptive father sent someone to deliver an official document, not a letter from home but an official document, a very strange official document.

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