Chen Mo looked at the official document in his hand. This official document was quite strange, so strange that he didn't understand it.

In a few days, a group of prisoners will be sent from Anyang Mansion, and these prisoners will pass through the area under their jurisdiction.

This was not a big deal, but the official document asked him to be more vigilant and go to escort these prisoners.

There is something wrong with this. Logically speaking, there is no need for him to escort a group of prisoners for no reason.

Unless this group of prisoners is very important and someone wants to attack them, security must be stepped up.

However, this official document did not specify this, and it did not even say where these prisoners were to be sent, but only asked him to escort them all the way.

Chen Mo really couldn't figure out what extremely important prisoners there would be in Anyang Mansion.

Even if there are Du Tiandao reasons, Du Tiandao is almost done killing them.

Even the nine clans of Zhou Cheng were executed. Could it be possible that this group of prisoners would involve higher-level figures.

Otherwise, we wouldn't have issued an official document asking myself to escort him.

Chen Mo put away the official document. The description in the official document was unclear. You can know the specific situation by taking a look at it.

But I have to make some preparations. My adoptive father also specifically mentioned a sentence in the official document to prepare myself, so this shows that this matter is quite risky.

Fortunately, I was only helping to escort, and it was only an official document issued by my adoptive father, not the Ministry of War.

Even if something goes wrong, the main responsibility cannot be traced to myself.

Chen Mo put away the official documents, stood up and walked outside the house and said, "There are some things in the army. I have to leave the day after tomorrow."

Zhao Yu was basking in the warm winter sun and mending clothes. When he heard the sound, he immediately stopped what he was doing.

"Okay, then I'll help you prepare some dry food." She put away her needlework and said.

Chen Mo went to check it himself, then turned around to prepare the light armor he was wearing.

This time it was an escort, and it was an escort with certain risks. It was not a military battle, and the heavy armor could not play a big role.

On the contrary, it is better to wear light armor, the movement will be more convenient and flexible, and if you really encounter a strong enemy, you can run faster.

After all, they were just escorting a group of prisoners. Once the prisoners died, they would be dead, and he couldn't risk his life there.

As for the weapon transformed by the mirage, Chen Mo decided to take it with him.

Heavy armor affects mobility and you don't need to wear it, but it's better to bring a handy weapon.

After getting ready and resting at home for another day, Chen Mo officially set off early the next morning.

He did not drive a horse, but wore armor, held a sword, and carried dry food prepared by Zhao Yu.

Chen Mo walked along the street, stopped and turned around. Zhao Yuguo was still standing in front of the door looking at him.

He didn't say much, smiled slightly, and waved goodbye to her.

All the way away from Zhu Niu Ji, Chen Mo walked along the official road. His speed was not very fast, but always maintained at a stable and uniform speed.

We walked for more than an hour and covered more than 150 miles.

Chen Mo just arrived at Shuangma Store. The difference between this place and Zhu Niuji is actually not very big.

They are all cattle and horse trading markets established for the purpose of digging and transporting salt.

When the salt transport envoy stationed here learned that Chen Mo was coming, he hurriedly ordered people to prepare a banquet and found a quiet courtyard for Chen Mo to rest.

We waited here for a day and two nights until noon the day after tomorrow before a large number of people arrived.

Chen Mo didn't know exactly how many prisoners he had to escort. So far, he had seen more than 400 soldiers.

Everyone wears armor, is well-trained, and moves uniformly. They are all extremely rare and elite soldiers.

Using these people to escort prisoners shows the importance of those prisoners.

Chen Mo even saw the guards at Anyang Mansion. It was obvious that he personally escorted and cared for these prisoners.

"Thirteenth brother." A loud and friendly call sounded.

Looking along the sound, Chen Mo saw Mo Hu walking towards him with a smile.

"Fifth brother." Chen Mo greeted with a smile, not surprised to see him.

Since his adoptive father sent him an official document and asked him to escort him, it was normal for him to ask Mo Hu to go with him.

"What is the origin of this escorted prisoner, and why does the court pay so much attention to it?" Chen Mo asked in a confused tone, lowering his voice.

Mo Hu frowned slightly and shook his head slowly, "I can't figure it out either. I only know that there are eighty prisoners, but looking at this situation, let alone eighty prisoners, I guess even eighty carts of gold wouldn't require so much. Escort."

Monk Mo Hu was also confused. Five hundred elite soldiers in full armor may not be enough to attack a prefectural city, but they are definitely more than enough to attack an ordinary county town.

Even if all the bandits in Dingzhou come together, they may not be able to defeat these five hundred elite soldiers.

What's more, there are no robbers who can't think of anything and suddenly want to rob the prison car.

However, in this case, the fact that the court still arranged so many aspects can only prove that these prisoners are extremely important.

And someone might want to take action against these prisoners, so the court arranged such precautions.

"Did you just see Mr. Yang, the Anyang Mansion guard? He was not in charge of escorting the prisoners, but General Zhou Dongzhou personally led the team.

In addition to Mr. Yang's elite soldiers, there are also a hundred patrol guards accompanying him. "

Mo Hu's tone was still a little surprised, and he spoke in a low voice.

If the soldiers are the elite of a general, then the patrol guards are the elite of the elite.

Almost all those who can be selected into the Sky Patrol Guards are martial arts scholars.

It doesn't matter that these Wu Xiucai can't find a way, they can only rely on themselves to fight.

If you join the Sky Patrol and stay there for two or three years, you'll have a chance to get an official position.

It can be said that almost every patrolling guard is an elite warrior. At least being able to obtain the title of scholar is enough to prove that they are not bad at all.

"Then it seems that this matter is very unusual!" Chen Mo heard this and understood even more how deep the water in this matter was.

A strong man from the day after tomorrow can lead the most elite soldiers in Dingzhou to escort these prisoners.

Chen Mo is now curious as to who these prisoners colluded with is so important.

In other words, their identities are also very important. Even if they are relatives of the emperor who commit the crime of treason, they must be sent to the capital for trial by the emperor. I am afraid this is the standard.

"Who says it's not the case? I can only hope that everything will be safe and sound and nothing will happen to me." Mo Hu also agreed.

"But Fifth Brother, how effective is your spirit-enhancing blood-nourishing pill?" Chen Mo looked at Mo Hu again and asked.

The Soul-Yunxing Nourishing Pill can help warriors condense their inner energy, and is a reward from the imperial court.

It has been more than a month since Mo Hu got this pill, and it is not known whether he has taken it.

"The effect is not bad. I have cultivated a ray of inner energy, but I haven't told my colleagues yet." Mo Hu smiled and was in a good mood when talking about this.

"This is a good thing! I will arrange a banquet for us brothers to have a few drinks today."

Chen Mo was very happy for Mo Hu. He could cultivate his inner energy and his strength would definitely increase.

At his age, as long as he practices hard in the future, he may still have a chance to become a Jinshi.

You can't get first-class or second-class, but third-class is always possible.

"It's better to drink less and drink more in the evening." Mo Hu did not refuse, but he was not sure how long the army would be stationed here.

If we are going to be stationed until tomorrow, we can really have a few drinks.

"I have a temporary residence here. Fifth brother, you go there and rest."

Chen Mo took out a key from his arms, although he only lived here temporarily.

However, the salt transport envoy here still bought this house and gave it to Chen Mo, and also found two maids to take care of him.

"I'm going to pay a visit to General Zhou first, and we two brothers can catch up with each other later."

Chen Mo handed him the key and turned to look for General Zhou.

He came to protect this time, not only to protect, but also to lead the way.

Although there are finely drawn maps, it is even better to have a guide who is familiar with the local conditions.

In addition, with him accompanying him, he can mobilize all Xiang troops within the jurisdiction of the entire Salt Transport Department.

Although the weapons of the Xiang army are lax, they can be used as auxiliary soldiers and can help with some chores.

And if he didn't come forward, even Zhou Dong wouldn't be able to mobilize these Xiang troops at will.

It's not that his official position isn't high enough or his power isn't powerful enough, it's because it's against the rules.

It is impossible for the imperial court to allow him to be the commander-in-chief of the Tiantian Guard and mobilize all the Xiang troops at will.

The so-called Xuntian Guard is derived from the four characters Daitianxunshou. It is an intelligence organization that only serves the emperor today.

They have the responsibility of supervising hundreds of officials and powerful families in Jianghu sects.

They have great power, but before the emperor's will, they do not have much military power and only have a small number of elite soldiers.

Only after receiving orders or orders can they mobilize the soldiers of the imperial court.

In order to escort a group of prisoners, Zhou Dong actually led the patrol soldiers to come, which shows that the emperor of today attaches great importance to this.

"I'll go with you to save you the trouble of reporting." Mo Hu accepted the key. Although he had already visited General Zhou, there was no harm in accompanying Chen Mo now.

The two of them walked side by side, heading towards the center of many soldiers.

With Mo Hu accompanying them, many soldiers would naturally not do much to stop them, and all made way for them.

Chen Mo also saw the prison car in the center, which was guarded by many soldiers. The prison car was one foot long and seven feet wide. The whole body was wrapped in black cloth, so the inside could not be seen clearly.

There are fourteen or five such prison cars, each of which is pulled by two horses.

After crossing the prison car, we came to a small courtyard.

The local government had received an official document a few days ago, asking them to prepare places to eat and rest for the soldiers who came here.

Many soldiers had just arrived, and they were led to various places to rest.

The soldiers who are still here are mainly there to look after the prison cars.

Entering the courtyard, Zhou Dong was dressed in a fourth-grade embroidered military attaché robe and sat in the main hall to rest.

"I'm here to pay my respects to the envoy." Chen Mo stepped forward and bowed down to pay homage.

"There is no need to be so unfamiliar. Your adoptive father and I are of the same age. Just call me Uncle Zhou."

Zhou Dong saw him coming and said with a smile.

His attitude towards Chen Mo was quite kind, firstly because he had a good relationship with Sun Shouren, and secondly because Chen Mo was very talented.

"Your adoptive father has told me before that you are quite strong. I can feel at ease with you as my escort this time."

What he was telling the truth was that there were very few foreign warriors in the entire Xingyuan Mansion with a strength of three thousand kilograms.

Even if you take the Jinshi exam, you can pass it.

Although there were already two martial arts masters guarding him and Anyang Mansion this time, it was undoubtedly safer to have one more person.

"Uncle Zhou, my nephew has a question. I hope you can answer it." Chen Mo asked in a deep voice.

Zhou Dong nodded lightly, waved his hand and retreated to the left and right, and even Mo Hu stepped back.

He knew that he shouldn't know these things, not because his official position was not high enough, but because he was not strong enough.

He can go a step further with inner energy cultivation, but even if he practices for a while, his energy strength is estimated to be 1,600 kilograms, which is considered to be the peak.

There is still a big gap between him and Chen Mo. There are some things that he shouldn't know if he is not strong enough.

Knowing too much is not a good thing.

It wasn't until Zhou Dong and Chen Mo were the only two people left in the small courtyard that he said, "If you have anything to ask, just ask. I will tell you whatever I need to tell you."

As the strongest person in the escort team second only to himself and Anyang Mansion Guards, Chen Mo is already qualified to know many things.

"Uncle Zhou, what is the origin and identity of the prisoner being escorted this time, so that he is worthy of using such a force."

Chen Mo asked in a deep voice with confusion on his face.

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