"Do you know that there has been a severe drought in Qingzhou in the past few years? There has been no rain for several years, the rivers have dried up and the trees have died. Now there is not even a living person in Qingzhou."

Zhou Dong did not answer Chen Mo's question immediately, but asked instead.

"It's clear." Chen Mo nodded and then added, "It's very clear."

He had fled all the way from Qingzhou to beg for his life, so how could he not know these things?

"Then you have discovered that the drought in Qingzhou is a bit strange, why is it only drought in Qingzhou?

The neighboring Xingyuan and Anyang Prefectures, even though they are only a few miles apart, still have abundant rainfall and strong seedlings. There is no sign of disaster. Even the past two years have been good years. "

Zhou Dong asked in succession with a deep tone.

Extreme droughts lasting several years are indeed rare, but they are not impossible.

However, the drought in Qingzhou seemed a bit too weird because the affected areas were very distinct.

"My nephew really doesn't know this." Chen Mo frowned slightly and shook his head gently.

When he was fleeing all the way, he didn't have the energy to pay attention to these things, but later on when he visited Qingzhou, he discovered this abnormality.

But the specific reason is not something he can know.

But now that Uncle Zhou is saying this, there must be something hidden in it.

The drought in Qingzhou is by no means a simple natural disaster.

"You already know about the ruins and mirage, so there is no need to hide these things from you.

A drought demon appeared in Qingzhou. When the drought demon emerged, the land was red for three thousand miles.

However, the scope of its power is limited. As long as it is outside its power, it will never be affected by drought. "Zhou Dong spoke slowly, describing the real cause of the drought to Chen Mo.

"What does that have to do with escorting these prisoners? Could it be that they were responsible for the Hanban?"

Chen Mo still asked in confusion. In fact, he had another guess in his mind, but he thought it was unlikely.

"Of course not, how could they possibly bring out Han Bao. Among these death row prisoners are Qi Refiners from the Dutian Dao Sect and many warriors. They are the best candidates for sacrifices. We need to use them to perform rituals to seal Han Bao."

Chen Mo looked a little surprised. He didn't expect that he guessed correctly. These people were indeed used as sacrifices.

"Then since they are regarded as sacrifices, why do we prepare so many people to guard them and ask Uncle Zhou to come in person.

Since these Qi refiners and warriors from Tiandao Sect can be captured, they should have little ability to resist. "

Chen Mo was even more puzzled. Since these warriors and Qi refiners had been captured, there were many ways to make them lose their ability to resist.

To deal with warriors, you can shatter their Dantian and pass an iron ring through their Pipa bones.

In addition to the above methods to deal with Qi Refiners, there is also the spirit-sealing talisman made by Supervisor Tiansi, which can seal the movement of spiritual power in the body.

If that doesn't work, piercing the sea of ​​consciousness with a golden needle can also make it lose the ability to resist.

Even if they escort eighty Qi refiners and warriors, there is no need to use such a formation. Even if the number of escorts is reduced by half, they will not have a chance to escape.

"Yes, they really have no ability to resist. But some people are unwilling to let them be sacrifices and want to kill them halfway."

When Zhou Dong said this, he couldn't help but frown slightly, obviously having a headache.

Chen Mo was really confused as to who had nothing to do and wanted to rob and kill the condemned prisoners who were about to die.

Even if the Dutiandao disciples did not completely encircle and suppress them, not only did they not lie dormant, they even dared to rob the prison car.

But that should be to save people, not to kill.

"Since you know the Ruins Realm, you know that you will not be affected by mirages in the Ruins Realm.

Therefore, this ruins realm, from another perspective, is a relatively special paradise.

The Drought Demon is also a type of Ruins Monster, and the area it can affect is the Ruins Realm. And there are no strange laws in this ruins environment, it's just a simple drought. "

As he finished speaking, Chen Mo suddenly understood. He finally understood why he had never encountered a mirage when he was fleeing.

You must know that when he first fled, he was not alone, but sometimes there were many people.

It's just that he was close to starving to death at that time and was in no mood to count how many people were around him.

When he heard his adoptive father explain the secret of Mirage before, he just thought it was his luck that there were never more than fifty people around him.

But now all the doubts have finally been answered, not because of my luck, but because from the first moment of my escape.

Qingzhou is already covered by the Drought Demon Ruins Realm. No matter how many people gather together, they will not be affected by the mirage.

"If that's the case, why didn't the imperial court seal Hanba before? Now that it suddenly needs to be sealed, it's better to keep it." Chen Mo asked again.

It would be normal if the imperial court immediately organized manpower to seal it when the Drought Demon first appeared.

But now there is not even a living person in the entire Qingzhou, and everything that should be lost has been lost, so sealing it again is a bit of an afterthought.

Instead, it would be better to leave it as it might be more valuable as an area exempt from the influence of mirage.

"The imperial court thought so at the beginning, but it is still expanding, so it must be sealed." Zhou Dong slowly explained.

If the drought area affected by this drought demon does not continue to expand, then the court may still hesitate to seal it.

After all, everything that should be lost has already been lost, so sealing it now is of little significance.

But since it will continue to expand, it must be sealed, otherwise when the scope of drought continues to expand, the problem will become increasingly difficult to solve.

"As for why it was delayed until now to seal it, there are many reasons, mainly because there are no sacrifices.

If Tiandao hadn't gathered a lot of sacrifices during this siege, and if a Jindan Zhiqiang who had awakened from his slumber learned about this and was willing to sacrifice himself at the expense, then this matter would probably have to be delayed further. . "

Zhou Dong sighed softly as he spoke. Many people died in Qingzhou, which was indeed very miserable.

But it's easy for everyone to express sympathy. If they really want to sacrifice themselves and save the people of Qingzhou with their lives, then I'm afraid not many people are willing.

Not everyone has the courage to sacrifice one person to save the world.

In particular, the sacrifice required is not an ordinary strong man, but a Golden Elixir Ancestor, which is even more difficult to find.

You must know that every Jindan ancestor is the most important foundation of a force, and the death of every one may trigger a turmoil.

Even if such a person is nearing the end of his life, he will fall into a deep sleep using secret methods, and will only wake him up when the most dangerous time comes.

For example, the golden elixir that was about to be sacrificed this time fell into a deep sleep near the end of its life.

As for the people from the Dutian Dao Sect, they can only be regarded as an extra in this matter, mainly because of the golden elixir monk.

If he hadn't been willing to sacrifice himself this time, the matter of sealing the Han Demon would have been delayed for who knows how long.

"Then who is it? Who wants to stop this seal? Could it be some Qi Refiner who comes from evil heretics?" Chen Mo asked softly.

If someone really has the motive to do this, then this person is probably a Qi Refiner.

The reason is simple, because as long as the Qi Refiner has a little attainment, he can already live well. They don't need to eat, they can live well as long as they absorb the power of heaven and earth.

Even if the whole world is dry, they will not die of hunger or thirst.

And an area not affected by mirages is undoubtedly very good for them.

So if there is anyone who really doesn't want to see Han Bao being sealed, then it can only be the Qi Refiner.

"You guessed it right, there is a small group of Qi Refiners who want to continue to expand this ruined realm, but they may not be evil heretics.

Because Dongtian Paradise will not be affected by the ruins, even if other places are dry, there will still be plenty of rain in Dongtian Paradise and food can be grown.

So of course they want to let this ruins continue to spread, which is of great benefit to them. "

Zhou Dong nodded slightly, confirming Chen Mo's guess.

There is a paradise in the cave, and these Qi practitioners don't have to worry about their children and grandchildren starving to death due to lack of food.

So they don't care that the drought will continue to expand, they only care about whether the mirage can be dispelled, making it easier for them to move and practice.

It is true that the vast majority of Qi Refiners understand that once there are no ordinary people and they only rely on their own family for reproduction, the sect's inheritance will be cut off sooner or later.

Therefore, Drought Demon must be sealed.

There is even a strong Jindan who is willing to sacrifice for this and solve this problem at his own expense.

But there are always some Qi practitioners who don't care about this. They may not even care about their own relatives, but only care about the convenience of their own practice.

In order to pursue their own selfish desires, they don't care even if they sacrifice the world.

In their eyes, ordinary people are just as lowly as ants, and they will die when they die.

Of course they want to prevent Hanbao from being sealed, so that the ruins can be further expanded, so that they can practice better and walk better between heaven and earth.

The warriors and the imperial court must seal Han Bao away.

Because most warriors have to eat and are not much affected by mirage.

As for the imperial court, if the people are gone, what kind of imperial court will there be?

"Then how many Qi Refiners do we have to guard against?" Chen Mo thought for a moment and asked in a solemn voice.

"It won't be too much. Even if some Qi Refiners don't want to see Hanbao being sealed, at most they will only make small moves in private and don't dare to do it in a big way.

Now every Cave Heaven Paradise in Qingzhou is guarded by strong men from the Tiantian Division to prevent them from causing trouble at this time.

In addition, there may be some demons and heretics who want to prevent this, but the number will not be too many.

I estimate that at most there will be some Qi Refining Realm monks, but there will be no Foundation Establishment monks. "

Zhou Dong didn't look very nervous.

Sealing Hanba is the consensus of most people, even if some people don't want it to be sealed.

It is also impossible to oppose it blatantly, at most, it can use some small tricks secretly.

"But you must also remember that you must not relax about this matter and take it seriously." Zhou Dong then warned.

Although there may not be much danger along the way, you must not be too relaxed, and you still need to take the basic precautions.

"Junior understands." Chen Mo bowed down and stepped out.

Mo Hu stood waiting outside the door and put his arm around his shoulder with a smile, "Your fifth brother and I have come to your territory today, you have to entertain me well."

He smiled happily. As for what Chen Mo and Zhou Dong talked about in detail, he didn't ask any more questions.

He knew that based on his relationship with Chen Mo, if he could tell himself these things, he would definitely not hide them.

On the contrary, if he couldn't, he wouldn't tell him even if he asked.

Chen Mo took Mo Hu to the best restaurant in the city, and the two brothers drank happily.

It wasn't until Mo Hu was lying under the table talking nonsense that Chen Mo stopped drinking.

The soldiers of Anyang Prefecture who escorted the prisoners rested here for a day and continued their journey the next day.

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