"Thank you, foster father." Chen Mo bowed and thanked him.

Let’s not mention what happened after he was admitted as a scholar. Just allowing himself to study and learn to ride horses now is a very rare opportunity for ordinary people.

"Xiucai takes the test once a year. I will be your guarantee. You don't have to take the boy test again. Until May of this year, you can go directly to Fucheng for reference." General Sun explained.

According to the rules of Daqian, a scholar is elected once a year, a candidate is elected for two years, and a Jinshi is elected for three years.

As for Tongsheng, it is not considered a formal imperial title, it can only be regarded as a qualification. People selected by each county can formally take the examination for the title of scholar.

With Chen Mo as his guarantor, he no longer has to take the boy student exam, but can go directly to the scholar exam, saving some troublesome back and forth.

"Thank you, foster father." Chen Mo thanked him again.

"In addition to reading, literacy and riding skills, you will officially practice archery from tomorrow, practice with arrows, and then go to the mansion in May to see if you can pass the exam.

Although you are in a hurry, with your talent and hard work, you might be able to pass the exam this year. If not, just wait until next year. "Sun Shouren continued to make arrangements.

He didn't think that Chen Mo would be able to pass the exam this year. Even if he had good martial arts talent, the exam was not just about whether he could fight.

Moreover, even if his talent is good, his training time is still too short, and he may not be able to compete with the many old boys in the house.

However, he still planned to let Chen Mo try it first. Even if it didn't work this year, he could still gain some experience first.

"It all follows the orders of my adoptive father." Chen Mo had no objection to this, but he still secretly made a decision in his heart to try his best to get the honor this year.

Once you have achieved fame, you can find an official position and receive much better treatment.

It is not easy for a military scholar to fill his official position. He must either have connections through connections, or start as a junior official with no rank and rank and work his way up.

This is also because the number of Wu Xiucai is smaller than that of Wen Xiucai. Wen Xiucai do not even have the opportunity to endure hardship.

With Chen Mo's identity, as long as he can pass the examination, it is not a big problem to find an official position as a school lieutenant under General Sun.

Whoever does this school lieutenant's job, let him, the adopted son, do it, it will definitely be better than others.

As long as he becomes a captain, he can start to earn free wages. With that income, he can not only eat, but also drink some extra decoctions to speed up the accumulation of Qi and blood in the Mortal Pearl.

Chen Mo has now achieved a breakthrough in cultivation and is completely transformed again. The amount of energy and blood he consumes every day is more than twice as much as before.

And the amount of Qi and blood required for the next rebirth is also greatly increased.

So even if he eats more now than before, apart from his own consumption, the amount of energy and blood he can accumulate is very small.

At this rate, he estimated that he would have to wait another year and a half at the earliest before he could undergo another transformation.

If his Greedy Wolf Seven Killing Fist breaks through during this process, it will take even longer.

If you want to speed up this process, you can only solve it by eating better and taking decoctions that increase blood energy.

No matter what it is, enough money is needed. The treatment provided by the Guards Camp is good, which is enough for the vast majority of Guardsmen.

Their current food is definitely better than many small and medium-sized landowners who only have a few hundred acres of land.

But for Chen Mo, there are still some shortcomings. If he can achieve fame, these will no longer be a problem.

"You will practice hard next and don't slack off. If your Qi and blood flow is blocked while practicing the Tanlang Seven Killing Fist, then come to me and I will teach you an internal skill to help you recuperate your body." Sun Shouren still remembered his last words. .

"Father, I have something to ask you for help." Chen Mo bowed and said seriously.

He had thought about this matter before, but he was not General Sun's adopted son before, so it was difficult for him to speak up, so he could only figure out a solution on his own.

Originally, he planned to expose his strength and show his value in order to gain status improvement, and then do this.

And now that he has General Sun as his adoptive father, he can ask him for help in this matter.

Admittedly, this would result in a considerable debt of gratitude, but he already owed a lot to General Sun, so it didn't matter if he had one more debt, he could pay it back slowly later on.

After all, an adopted son is an adopted son, not a biological son.

General Sun didn't help him for no reason, but because he was interested in the rewards he would bring in the future.

Even so, Chen Mo was very grateful to General Sun in his heart. He was not his biological father or mother, so it was only natural for him to ask for something in return.

No matter what the reason is, as long as you are willing to help yourself, you must remember this feeling.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Sun Shouren raised his hand to let Chen Mo continue.

"Back to my foster father, I was not alone when I fled. My foolish wife fled here with me, and she had no choice but to sell herself to others in order to survive. It was only with the money from selling myself that I was able to survive and enter the military camp. Surrender to the army.”

Chen Mo did not reveal the true relationship between Zhao Yu and himself to General Sun. This matter cannot be said yet.

If he wants to redeem Zhao Yu, he must have a relationship with her. If it doesn't matter, he couldn't sell Zhao Yu in the first place.

If he denies this relationship and goes to redeem Zhao Yu, even if he can redeem him for the sake of General Sun, it will undoubtedly be a lot of trouble, and it may cost more of General Sun's favor.

But now that he maintains this relationship and has the deed in his hand, it is absolutely not difficult to redeem her body.

It’s hard enough to ask for help, so don’t make it too much trouble for those who help you.

"If this is the case, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Sun Shouren's tone was slightly surprised, which seemed to indicate some blame.

"Back to my foster father, I didn't dare to tell you about this before, but today I dare to ask my foster father for help to redeem my foolish wife." Chen Mo bowed down and begged.

Sun Shouren's eyes showed admiration. Chen Mo was now his adopted son, and he would become a court official in the future if he got the title.

However, even so, he still refuses to give up his former wife, which is really rare.

It is easy to say that friends of the poor and the humble should not forget each other, and that the wife of the poor should not leave the house. But not everyone can do it.

Ever since he taught Chen Mo Tanlang Seven Killing Fist and found that his cultivation progress was significantly faster than the others, he secretly sent someone to conduct a general investigation on Chen Mo.

Knowing that he had been favored by the horse officer when he was still feeding horses, and after being selected into the personal barracks, there was a high probability that he would never interact with that horse officer again in his life.

However, he still bought a gift before leaving to thank the old horse officer for his care. This shows that he is indeed a grateful person.

If not, how could he have accepted Chen Mo as his adopted son so easily? It wasn't because he repaid his kindness.

Looking at what happened today, he was even more certain of this.

Chen Mo not only repays kindness, but also values ​​friendship.

Such a person will definitely be rewarded for helping him, and even if he is in a high position, he will not forget his kindness to him.

"Where is the original selling contract?" Sun Shouren asked.

Since Chen Mo is selling on the side, he must have the sale contract in his hand. As long as he has this contract document and the money, he can redeem the person.

"Go back to my adoptive father, here is the contract of sale." Chen Mo took out the contract of sale that had been prepared from his arms, held it up with both hands and handed it to the table.

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