"The county captain of Beihe County has some friendship with me. I will edit a letter. Just call your fourth brother to accompany you and go to him for help." Sun Shouren took the deed of betrayal and scanned the brief words on it.

He was originally from Xingyuan Prefecture. Although he had been fighting in the frontier army for many years, he also had many acquaintances in Xingyuan Prefecture.

What's more, now that he has reached the fifth rank, he is in charge of all military affairs in Xingyuan Mansion.

When you are poor in the busy city, no one cares about you, but when you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives. Nowadays, there are many people who want to have this relationship with him.

Even acquaintances and old friends who had known each other before but had not been in contact for many years came to visit him some time ago.

"Thank you, foster father." Chen Mo was deeply moved and hurriedly bowed to thank him.

Even though this might only be a small thing to him, it did help him a lot.

Sun Shouren took the paper and pen on the desk, splashed ink, and wrote a letter in a moment. He sealed it tightly with beeswax, stamped his own seal on the outside of the envelope, and handed it to Chen Mo.

"Since you are going to redeem yourself, I will take some money with you." Sun Shouren took out three more 12-denomination silver notes from his arms.

These banknotes are of small denominations. No matter who you are, you can get money as long as you go to the bank with the corresponding banknotes.

Larger banknotes usually have corresponding cipher text, and some even require the depositor to go to the banknote number where the money was deposited at that time in order to withdraw the money.

"This..." Chen Mo didn't dare to accept the bank note for a moment. Even if he wanted to redeem his life, he would only need twenty taels at most, and these were obviously much more in front of him.

"You now have no room and no land. You can live alone in the military camp and eat in the military camp. You can't let my daughter-in-law accompany you.

With this money in hand, I can find a place to settle down later.

Furthermore, even though there is a letter from me, when you are looking for help, you cannot go empty-handed. You must bring some kind of courtesy. "

Sun Shouren carefully explained that if he went to see the Beihe County Lieutenant, he would naturally not prepare anything, and the Beihe County Lieutenant and even the county magistrate would come out of the city to meet him.

But as Chen Mo, as his adopted son, wanted to visit him, it was somewhat of a breach of etiquette to go empty-handed. Others don’t say it with their mouths, but they will remember it in their hearts.

"My child understands!" Chen Mo said this sincerely. Although he worshiped his adoptive father before, he still regarded his adoptive father as a general.

Now that the other party has helped him so much, he is not a hard-hearted person, so he cannot be ungrateful, and he is naturally closer to him in his heart.

"Go quickly, don't forget to call your fourth brother with you." Sun Shouren smiled upon hearing this.

Chen Mo saluted again and then trotted away.

Mo Dao is not difficult to find. He is responsible for patrolling the entire military camp. He usually stays on the tower carrying a strong seven-stone bow.

"Fourth brother." Chen Mo climbed all the way to the highest point of the tower. Mo Dao was the only one here, and the rest of the soldiers were on the lower level.

It was more spacious and warmer.

Mo Dao didn't say much when he saw him coming, and just nodded.

“I didn’t just flee from Qingzhou alone. My wife also came to Xingyuan Prefecture with me. In order to keep me alive, she sold herself to the Liu family in Beihe County as a slave.

I just asked my adoptive father for help. He wrote a handwritten letter to the captain of Beihe County and asked you to accompany me. "

Chen Mo knew that Mo Dao didn't like to hear nonsense, so he kept it short and gave an overview of the whole thing.

Mo Dao's expression did not fluctuate much as usual, and this incident did not seem to be enough to surprise him.

"Okay, you go make some other preparations first and wait for me at the camp gate in two-quarters of an hour." He nodded and agreed to get up and walk down the tower.

Chen Mo followed closely and walked down the tower and went straight to his barracks. The decoration and layout of the barracks were very simple. Except for some snacks, there wasn't much.

Chen Mo thought for a while, then took two boxes of snacks and clean clothes, as well as the reward from Jia Ping and the red envelope from his adoptive father, which added up to two taels of silver.

He had been in the military camp during this period, and the food was very good. He didn't have time to spend the money, so he just happened to have it with him now.

The adoptive father did give him thirty taels of silver, but he should try not to break the money if he could.

After all, an adopted father is an adopted father, not a biological father.

If you can't use the money, try not to use it. If you can't use it up, it's best to return the rest to your adoptive father.

Chen Mo knew that the money was not for him to spend, but to help him redeem Zhao Yu's life.

If there is anything left, then he has to return it to his adoptive father.

With these things, Chen Mo rushed to the gate of the military camp again.

Mo Dao had already hitched a carriage, and he himself was riding a horse to follow.

Unlike Mo Hu, the soldiers responsible for guarding the camp gate just opened the door silently when they saw Mo Dao coming. No one dared to say a word.

Chen Mo drove the carriage carefully. He had fed the horses for a while. Although he couldn't ride a horse now, it was not difficult to drive the carriage.

The old horse knows the way and will avoid the potholes and ravines on the road.

They were taking the official road again, so Chen Mo only had to adjust his direction occasionally and keep up with Mo Dao.

"Beihe County is nearly a hundred miles away from our military camp. We can't get there today. There is a big car shop ahead. Let's go there." Mo Dao explained as evening approached.

"Okay." Chen Mo nodded and agreed, and everyone rushed to the big car shop not far away.

This kind of large car shop is not an inn in the city. It is used by people on the road or caravan escorts to rest.

Of course, the comfort is not comparable to that of an inn. The advantage is that it is cheap.

There are no dishes to order in the store, only some fixed meals.

"There are two single rooms. The horses that pull the carts are fed with food, and those who are not pulling the carts are fed with the ingredients. Take more of whatever meals are available in the store today." Mo Dao drove his horse into the store and explained to the waiter who greeted him.

"Hello, sir, today we have steamed buns, mutton soup and pickles in our store." The waiter was quite enthusiastic and tied a knot on the horse's rein with the thatch in his hand.

Looking back at the number of knots in the thatch, you can tell what kind of food the horse should be fed.

There were not many people in the big car shop. It was still the first month of the year, and although it was already the fifteenth day, there were still not many caravan escorts available compared to the past.

Two large bowls of mutton soup with a lot of pepper powder were served on the table, along with two large plates of mutton buns and a small portion of pickles.

"This is an old store, don't worry." Mo Dao lowered his voice and spoke.

This store can be opened near the official road and has not had many problems for many years, so the vegetables in this store can be eaten with confidence.

Chen Mo didn't dare to eat completely. In the end, he only ate thirty-three steamed buns and drank two bowls of mutton soup. Mo Dao had slightly less, but he still ate twenty-five.

The two people ate so much that everyone in the store couldn't help but stare at them. Good food means good strength, which shows that the two of them are strong enough.

After the two of them had eaten and drank enough, the shopkeeper came over with his abacus in his hands.

In this type of shop, the check is done after eating and before going to bed. Customers can just leave tomorrow morning, in order to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to sneak away tomorrow morning.

"Two guests, the total is two hundred and twelve cents. You can just give me two cents." The shopkeeper seemed a little surprised after calculating the price carefully, but after thinking about it, it was normal.

The mutton buns in their store are bigger than an adult's fist. The average person can eat five or six at most, but eight or nine is considered a big deal.

Chen Mo and Mo Dao ate food for ten people, so the price was considered normal.

"Okay." Chen Mo said and wanted to get the money. This time Mo Dao went out to help him, so he couldn't let him pay for the meal.

When Mo Dao saw this, he stretched out his hand to stop him and took out another silver from his pocket to pay the bill.

"Since you call me Fourth Brother, how can I ask you to spend money when I go out to eat?"

When he said this, there was a rare smile on his face.

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