"Fifth brother." Chen Mo rode his horse and shouted and waved to Mo Hu in the distance.

Since joining Zhao Yuncheng, they have two carriages and two horses.

One of them was ridden by him to explore the way ahead, while Zhao Yuncheng and other recruits followed behind with supplies.

Mo Hu was also quite happy to see him and hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and ran towards Chen Mo.

"Is there something wrong with you?" He walked up to Chen Mo and asked immediately.

There is no doubt that he must have encountered some unexpected situations.

"That's right. Have you met some monsters with weird tricks over there?" Chen Mo turned over and dismounted and asked.

"Well, I did meet a demon whose strength is no worse than mine. The key is that he is invulnerable. No weapon can do anything to him. Even those warriors who practice hard skills have no such indestructible body. "

Mo Hu frowned slightly, obviously it was difficult for him to deal with such an invulnerable person.

"Thanks to the large number of us and the fact that we brought some ropes, we managed to capture the other party." He pointed to the carriage that was driving towards them. The layers of hemp rope on the carriage tied one person tightly.

Although the man was invulnerable, he was still a human being, not a monster.

The knot that tied him was very tight, and it was difficult to break free. A forced struggle would even break his bones.

"Then the situation you encountered is much better than that of Brother Qi and me." Chen Mo sighed softly and briefly described the situation he encountered with Zhao Yuncheng.

Mo Hu listened very carefully, and his expression became more and more horrified. Although he was only listening to the narrative, he could also imagine how terrifying that situation was.

Compared to Chen Mo and the others, the opponents he encountered were too weak.

Although his opponent is a bit weird, it is still within the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

What Chen Mo and the others encountered was obviously beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

"Haha, you know how powerful the Immortal Master is. Let me go quickly. I will plead with the Immortal Master and leave a whole body for you." The man who was tied up by Mo Hu suddenly burst out laughing. , the tone is quite arrogant.

"They met an immortal master, so who are you?" Mo Hu looked at the other party with a smile and tried to make a conversation.

The reason why he didn't directly block the other party's mouth was because he wanted to get more information from the other party and understand the specific situation.

"Of course I am a member of the Dutian Sect..." The man wanted to speak, but then he realized what he said was wrong and hurriedly kept silent.

"Didn't you force him to question him?" Chen Mo asked in a low voice.

"There is no way. This man is invulnerable, and he doesn't feel anything no matter how hard he is hit. I think it doesn't work, so I will go out and try to make some black dog blood." Mo Hu shook his head and replied in a low voice.

There are rumors among the people that children peeing black and dog blood can break the evil spell. Now there is no way to use it. We can only go out first and find a way to find it.

"I've heard that warriors' energy and blood are far superior to ordinary people's, and they can also break evil spells. I wonder if it will be useful?" Chen Mo looked at the man and asked.

The qi and blood in his body can repel the words that want to get into his mind, and may also be able to break through the invulnerability of this person.

"Is this possible?" Mo Hu's tone was slightly doubtful, but Chen Mo had already opened his palm.

Even if it doesn't work, I just lost some blood. With my recovery speed, I'm afraid the wound will be healed tonight.

The man was not aware of the blood splattering before, but then Chen Mo's blood splattered on him.

It was like water droplets falling on a hot iron plate, making a sizzling sound.

The man's originally strong figure was slowly fading away, and the blood-red color on his body due to the flow of qi and blood was now changing into the color of a normal person's skin.

The smile on his face stopped suddenly, and he finally showed a panicked expression.

"Tell me, who is your name? Why do you come here? What does it have to do with those monsters? Who are they and what are they going to do!" Chen Mo asked sharply.

The man was still stubborn and refused to speak. When Mo Hu saw this, without hesitation, he dragged him out of the car and threw him to the ground.

"Don't tell me!" After saying that, he turned his gun into a stick and smashed it directly into the man's palm.

But in just one move, the entire palm twisted instantly, and countless phalanges were broken.

With their fingers connected to their hearts, even though the man was tightly tied, he still screamed and struggled uncontrollably.

Fortunately, his strength is far less than before, so there is no need to worry about him breaking his bones.

Mo Hu's questioning method was quite simple and crude. He didn't say any unnecessary nonsense and just typed every word.

Not long after, the man's palms had turned into a pile of rotten flesh.

It has to be said that this method is indeed effective. Under severe torture, Mo Hu got most of the information Chen Mo wanted to know in just two quarters of an hour.

This group of monsters all come from the Dutian Dao Sect. Those who are invulnerable after his surgery are called strong men, while those who can use their tongues and arms to hurt people are called immortal masters.

And they call their tongues and arms flying swords, and all immortal masters use swords to kill enemies.

They were not from Xingyuan Prefecture, but came here from Anyang Prefecture. The reason why they came was because the immortal masters said that there was something ripe here and they wanted to come and get it.

The reason why he was separated from those immortal masters was because he was not qualified to touch these things, so he could only wait where he was. This was why Mo Hu was able to capture him.

According to what he said, there were five immortal masters coming with him this time, all going to different places.

That was all he knew, and beyond that he knew nothing.

His status in the Dutian Dao Sect is very low, only slightly better than ordinary believers, and he can be regarded as an insider.

However, according to what he shouted, if Chen Mo and the others dared to take action against the Immortal Master, the Tiandao Sect would definitely not let Chen Mo and the others go.

Naturally, Chen Mo couldn't take this threat seriously.

If you don't kill the other party at that time, the other party will kill you.

It is said that it is better to see the county magistrate than to see a coward.

The danger in the future is something in the future. If he hadn't killed the other party before, he wouldn't be alive now.

"Take him, ride on two horses, and go back quickly to inform your adoptive father of what happened here. I'll go find the other brothers. Find them first, and then we'll go together." Mo Hu took off the reins of his horse and ordered.

Although they don't know exactly what the people of Dutian Dao Sect want to do, one thing is clear now.

That is, there are four demons alive in this area. Even if one of them is seriously injured, the other three cannot be underestimated.

In this case, whoever leaves this area first will undoubtedly be safer. Staying here will inevitably be risky.

"You guys push a cart to escort Brother Seven to Qingmu County first. You guys follow me to find the others."

Mo Hu thought for a moment and quickly gave the order.

Chen Mo was young, and as his elder brother, he had to take care of him, so he let him do the relatively safe thing of asking for help.

The seventh brother, Zhao Yuncheng, now has a broken arm and is just a burden. They arranged for someone to send him to Qingmu County to recuperate.

As for himself, he had to find other people and let them leave quickly.

From the way those monsters faced Zhao Yuncheng, they immediately took action without saying a word. It could be seen that they were definitely not easy to get along with, and he had to tell others to leave quickly.

"Fifth brother, you must be careful." Chen Mo warned Mo Hu carefully.

He nodded, didn't say much, and hurriedly left with a group of people to find Mo Dao.

Chen Mo also quickly rode away and went to the military camp to ask for help.

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