"Change horses, I have urgent military information to convey." Chen Moliang took out the letter and handed it to the postmaster.

They went out this time under military orders, and they had military letters with them so that they could use the post horses to convey military information in emergencies.

Yi Cheng did not dare to neglect and hurriedly brought in a horse. Chen Mo turned over and changed the horse, then picked up the person tied behind the horse and put him behind the saddle.

He has changed several horses along the way. At this speed, he can reach the military camp in most of the day.

Of course, this speed is considered slow, but there is no way around it. The horses in Xingyuanfu Station are not fast horses specially used to convey military information.

Most of them are just bad horses that can't run very fast.

He rode on horseback again, and after changing horses on the way, he saw the military camp.

At least from the current point of view, nothing has happened in Xingyuan Mansion. Most of the Dutiandao disciples seem to be in Anyang Mansion. It is just a coincidence that they came to the vicinity of Xingyuan Mansion this time.

But this was just Chen Mo's speculation. The information they forced out was too little. The warrior was at the bottom of the Dutiandao Sect and knew very little.

Even if there is something big to do, it will definitely be hidden from him first.

So no matter what, I had to report the news first.

In this way, no matter what the people from the Tiandao Sect want to do, they are at least prepared.

The soldiers on duty couldn't help but look puzzled when they saw him running all the way.

"I have something urgent to see the general." Chen Mo shouted loudly and rode his horse into the military camp.

He hurried to the study and got off his horse. Before he could wait for anyone to tell him, Chen Mo carried the strong man and rushed straight into the study.

"Father, something big happened." Chen Mo threw Lux aside and said hurriedly.

"Yeah!" Sun Shouren stood up suddenly, with a look of surprise and confusion on his face, but he was a veteran on the battlefield after all, and it was a habit to not be afraid of danger.

He waved and screened away to prevent any uncontrollable news from leaking out, and then asked Chen Mo, "What exactly happened?"

"Returning to his adoptive father, the boy and many brothers went to Qingzhou to explore the bandits. Unexpectedly, they encountered a demon who claimed to be Dutian Daomen on the way.

Those demons have weird tricks. They can use their arms and tongues to turn into weapons to hurt people. They are also very hostile to us and will kill anyone they see. Fifth Brother also captured a strongman from the Dutian Dao Sect, and now he is also brought by me. "Chen Mo said briefly, describing the general process of what happened.

The more Sun Shouren listened, the darker his face became. Chen Mo didn't know many things, but he knew some.

"Those people you met are not demons, they are Qi refiners." Sun Shouren spoke in a quiet voice with a slightly solemn tone.

"Qi Refiner?" Chen Mo asked, although he knew that those so-called immortal masters could practice Qi Refining before when he browsed the Dutian Dao Jing.

But what he learned was only superficial, because he could not continue reading the book of exercises.

"The so-called Qi Refiners are different from warriors like us. Warriors torture the physical body to cultivate internal Qi, while Qi Refiners draw the Qi of heaven and earth into their bodies and use the Qi of heaven and earth to perform many methods.

Their methods are strange and varied. One of them is to sacrifice their own bodies and use them as flying swords to kill enemies.

But when it comes to close combat, these Qi refiners are far from being the match of warriors like us. "

Sun Shouren slowly opened his mouth to explain to Chen Mo and told what he learned about the situation.

A fifth-grade official is nothing in the imperial capital. At most, he is a sixth-grade minister.

But a fifth-grade guard general can definitely be regarded as a high-ranking official in his place.

Many secrets are not secrets to him, and the things he can understand and come into contact with are far beyond those of private soldiers like Chen Mo.

Just like the internal martial arts, the reason why he dared to say that after Chen Mo succeeded in practicing, he could ask for a copy of the internal martial arts from him.

It is because of his status and position that these things are not difficult for him to obtain.

"Then why do these Qigong practitioners from the Tiandao Sect have to use their tongues and arms as weapons? It would be more concealed and more effective if they used carefully crafted steel needles."

Chen Mo raised his own question. When fighting Dou, he had to take off his arm to see. Using a steel needle to plot against him was undoubtedly more secretive.

"Ordinary steel needles have no spirituality, but human bodies are born with spirituality, especially the bodies of those who practice Qi Refining. They are washed by the Qi of heaven and earth, and become even more powerful after being refined.

The reason why the Qi Refiners of Du Tiandao Sect attacked you was probably because they took a fancy to your bodies.

Although the torsos of our warriors are no better than their own, they are still much stronger than ordinary people. When used for sacrifice, it is not only more convenient, but also more powerful. "

Sun Shouren slowly opened his mouth to answer Chen Mo's doubts. When discussed, these things are not really that secretive.

It's just that Chen Mo's status is not high enough and he doesn't have access to these things.

Chen Mo originally thought he was from Dutian Dao Sect. Maybe he was practicing evil, so he used his torso as a weapon.

Now it seems that most, if not all, of the Qigong practitioners in this world do this.

"Does the foster father know that we have encountered someone who cannot be killed?" Chen Mo spoke again. Since someone can answer his questions today, he will seize the opportunity to ask more questions.

Now I will give a rough account of what happened before and after I entered Qingzhou and encountered the strange disaster victim.

After hearing Chen Mo's narration, Sun Shouren's face turned extremely ugly. He motioned to Chen Mo to close the doors and windows tightly to prevent anyone from listening behind the wall, and then he spoke.

"The things you encountered are called xu monsters. No matter how many times you kill them, they will never die.

The place where the ruin monsters live is called the ruins realm. The ruins realm you encounter is not too bad. Although there is an unkillable person, it is not too weird.

The Ruins Realm will continue to expand slowly over time, and warriors like us are helpless against it, so the status of Qi Refiners in my Daqian is high. "

What Sun Shouren said was not very detailed, but Chen Mo was able to glean more information from this passage.

That is, there is not only one Ruins Realm, the one I encountered is not that weird, there are more and weirder Ruins Realms.

"Then why has the child never heard of such a thing in our Xingyuan Mansion? Could it be that this ruin monster only exists in Qingzhou?" Chen Mo asked curiously. He was indeed quite confused about this.

According to the meaning of the words of the adoptive father, there is more than one ruin realm, and only the Qi Refiner can suppress it.

If the Ruins Realm had ever appeared in Xingyuan Mansion, then I should have heard some rumors about it.

"Of course not, it exists in Qingzhou, and of course it exists in Xingyuan Prefecture. I don't know much about it, I just heard about it from several senior officials from the Supervisory Division.

The monsters in the Ruins Realm are all illusory reality, and people's minds will affect them.

The more people know about a ruined realm, even if they haven't seen it with their own eyes, just heard rumors or just talked about it, the stronger that ruined realm will be.

The seal that has been laid may even be broken open, and if you want to seal it again, the price you pay will be much higher. "

Sun Shouren gave an overview of what he knew. After all, he was only a warrior, not a Qi refiner.

If he had not assisted several Qi Refiners in dealing with such matters, he might not have had the opportunity to learn about these things.

Normally, he would not tell anyone about these things, but since Chen Mo had already encountered the Ruins Realm, he had to tell him the pros and cons.

"You must not spread any news about this matter to the outside world. How many people besides you know, and where are they now?" Sun Shouren asked.

Chen Mo reported the names of the recruits one by one. Except that they had met them together with him, Chen Mo did not specifically mention this matter when he contacted others.

And he also specifically warned a few people not to tell others about this.

At that time, I just didn't want to meddle in this nosy matter, but I didn't expect that it would be a mistake to ensure that the matter would not spread widely.

Sun Shouren breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He knew that the Ruins Realm was terrifying. Compared with others, once this matter was leaked, it would have the most serious consequences.

But then he thought about something again, why were the people from Dutian Dao Sect so impartial and unbiased that they appeared near the ruins.

What's more important is that there is one person among them who can draw on the power of the ruin monster. Obviously, this group of people is by no means ordinary Qi Refiners.

They were heading to the Qingzhou area at this time. Although they didn't know what their specific purpose was, they probably had no good intentions.

"Take my warrant and lead a group of troops to attack Qingzhou at full speed. Do not come into contact with the Nadu Tiandao disciples. Take your fourth brother and others out of Qingzhou first." Sun Shouren took out the seal and wrote the order immediately.

He was not sure what the Dutiandao disciples had planned, but he knew that he had to get his adopted son and nephew out first.

These people are his cronies, and each one of them can lead a battalion of troops. Without them, he will never think about going to the battlefield again in his life.

Losing Zhao Yuncheng now is enough to make him feel distressed, but he must not suffer any other losses.

"Child, take the order!" Chen Mo took the military order, hurriedly ordered a group of elite troops, and rushed to Qingzhou.

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