In this weird world, I use my body to control all things

Chapter 49 The Effect of Red Blood Stone

In the early morning, the sun rises in the east, and the sunlight squeezes into the house through the window.

Chen Mo stepped into the house, inspected himself first, and then took out the red blood stone after making preparations.

Yesterday, he did not rush to input inner energy into it. The red blood stone was obtained from the gray fog. If there was an accident and he was dragged into the gray fog, the risk would be too great.

This should not happen during the day, so you can give it a try.

The most important thing is that there are gongs and drums during the day. Chen Mo just went out and followed the gongs and drums back. If he encounters problems when inputting internal energy, he can beat the gongs to save himself.

It is true that my preparations may be redundant now, and it will most likely be in vain.

But if you don't use this kind of thing, it will save your life when you do use it.

Compared with wasting time and energy, Chen Mo still cherishes his own life more.

After making all preparations, he guided a trace of inner energy from his Dantian and injected it into the red blood stone in the palm of his right hand.

In an instant, the red blood stone that had dimmed became translucent again, bursts of bloody light were released, and the red blood stone instantly turned into powder.

And a ball of blood flowed into Chen Mo's body continuously along his arm, almost in just one breath.

Chen Mo's face turned red instantly, his whole body became hot, and his whole body turned red.

The amount of blood that poured in in this short period of time was too much, and even with his current strength, it was quite difficult to digest and absorb it.

Chen Mo decisively took off all the clothes on his body, stood naked in the room, picked up a towel on the side, dipped it in water, and wiped it back and forth on himself.

Under the influence of his body surface temperature, the clear water continued to turn into smoke, and that mass of blood poured into his body. The Transformation Pearl immediately took effect and began to quickly absorb the excess blood.

Chen Mo felt in his heart and immediately began to practice Tanlang Seven Killing Fist. The blood in his body was so full that it was almost overflowing.

Therefore, the effect of this practice is extremely good. Just one punch is worth dozens of times in the past.

However, after completing a set of boxing exercises, all the blood and energy in Chen Mo's body was absorbed and transformed by him.

A considerable part of it has been absorbed by the Transformation Pearl. Originally, the Transformation Pearl only had 30% Qi and blood, but now the Qi and blood accumulated inside has reached nearly 60%.

The amount of Qi and blood increased this time is equivalent to two months of accumulation.

If there were two or three more stones like this, he could be reborn for the third time now.

In addition, the improvement of internal energy is not much, and at most it can only be worth six or seven days of hard training.

This is normal, after all, most of the blood energy is absorbed by the Transformation Pearl, and Chen Mo did not convert it into inner energy.

If all of them are transformed into internal Qi, then the internal Qi in one's Dantian will definitely make great progress.

It's just that compared to internal Qi cultivation, rebirth will bring greater improvement to oneself.

Therefore, Chen Mo's priority is to improve his physical body and inner Qi cultivation, which is currently just the icing on the cake.

If I could have two or three more red blood stones like this, I would be able to accumulate enough energy and blood now, and I wouldn't have to waste time waiting.

But Chen Mo knew that it was not easy to obtain such a red blood stone.

The situation in the gray mist is too complicated. He can indeed easily defeat the blood monkeys now. Even if there are two or three of them, they are definitely no match for him.

But who can guarantee that besides the blood monkey, there are no other more powerful and weird creatures in the gray mist.

And I was lucky last time. When I fell into the gray fog, I didn't encounter the blood monkey immediately.

Chen Mo didn't dare to gamble, as he would be lucky next time.

What's more, until now, he knew too little about the gray fog. Beating the gongs and drums could dispel the gray fog. This was his guess, and it has not been truly verified so far.

If he beat the gongs and drums in the gray fog, he was not sure whether the gray fog could be dispersed.

Even if the above issues are not considered too much, Chen Mo still has a more important problem to solve.

That's how to enter the gray fog!

When considering how to get out, you must base it on how to get in.

Compared with how to get out of the gray fog, Chen Mo was even more unclear about how to get in and how to ensure his own safety in it.

In fact, until now, the information he could learn based on his status did not have any description of Gray Mist, it could even be said that there was not even a few words.

He once asked his adoptive father in a circumstantial manner, wanting to know why people had to arrange for people to ring gongs to tell the time in the military camp, a completely meaningless thing.

Even if you want to tell the time, it is enough to tell the time once in the morning and at night. There is no need to waste manpower doing this at other times.

However, the adoptive father did not have any explanation for this matter. He only said that this was a military order, there was no reason, and it must be carried out.

The imperial court has always done this, so he just needs to follow it honestly and don't try to be clever. He has been warned repeatedly that if he leads an army alone in the future, he can relax on other things, but he must not relax on this matter.

Not saying why, but sternly warning him that he must definitely do it, would have exposed a lot of things.

Or he doesn't know about it, but he just knows that this matter is extremely serious and he has to do it.

Or he knew it, but couldn't tell Chen Mo for some reason, and he could never tell anyone who didn't know about it.

Combined with the fact that there is such a thing as the Ruins Realm in this world, many things become clear.

The gray mist is most likely a ruin realm covering the entire world, and the more people know about a ruin realm, the weirder and stronger the ruin realm will be.

Therefore, the imperial court is trying its best to suppress the news and try not to let anyone know about the existence of gray fog.

Of course, this is just Chen Mo's guess, or maybe it's because the ruins realm of Gray Mist is special.

Otherwise, according to the situation that the more people knew about the Ruins Realm, the stronger it became, it was obviously impossible for him to survive the gray fog in the first place.

No matter which one it is, Chen Mo doesn't plan to explore in the gray mist in the short term. He is not strong enough and there is no need to take this risk now.

But the rewards of exploring in the gray fog are indeed quite high. If you have the opportunity to learn more about the gray fog, you can consider exploring it again.

After all, the gains gained in this way are much faster than accumulating slowly over time.

After carefully putting away the powder formed by the red blood stone, Chen Mo put on his clothes and returned the gongs and drums, then hurried to the kitchen to have breakfast.

He came neither early nor late today, and there were already many soldiers gathered in the kitchen.

Chen Mo first took eight large plates of steamed buns and two plates of pickles to eat. After he was full, he drank five bowls of millet porridge.

This simple and rustic breakfast is the end.

The next time was still endless training and cultivation. Time passed by nearly a month, and Chen Mo was finally leaving for Fucheng to take the exam for scholar status.

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