"Here are some street vegetables I have prepared for you to take with you. There is also a pair of newly made clothes for you to wear during the exam." Zhao Yu whispered softly and explained carefully.

"Okay." Chen Mo nodded and accepted the package she handed over, as well as the four earthen jars wrapped in straw paper.

This time, Chen Mo was not the only one who went to take the exam to become a scholar. Everyone had a day of rest before going so that they could go home and tell their relatives and friends the news.

After Zhao Yu learned about it, he hurriedly prepared some street food for him.

The so-called road vegetables are eaten when you are on the road. Each dish is heavy in oil and salt, so it can be stored for a long time.

Although there was a big car shop on Chen Mo's way to rest, most of the food provided in the big car shop could only be used to satisfy his hunger.

With these street vegetables, you can improve your meals on the road.

"I will be gone for at least half a month. You don't have to worry about anything else. Just continue to do business safely. If something happens to you, go to the military camp and report my name to Ma Cai. He will bring someone to help." Chen Mo asked before leaving. .

"Well, be careful on the road." Zhao Yu gave the final warning, looking at Chen Mo's retreating figure, and sighed softly.

Riding all the way back to the military camp, it was already close to the curfew. After a restful night's rest, Chen Mo got up early to prepare for the next day.

He didn't have much to bring, and he wasn't going alone this time.

In addition to his adopted son, there are also General Sun's distant nephews and close nephews.

In addition, General Sun himself will accompany them.

Although Chen Mo and the three of them were taking the exam, according to the rules, he had to avoid suspicion.

But to avoid suspicion, he just can't be an examiner.

He accompanied Chen Mo and others to show his attitude.

Let the officials who are the examiners know that these people are his people and that he values ​​them more, so they will accompany them.

In this way, in some more subjective evaluations, such as sword dancing and policy theory, Chen Mo and the others would get relatively better results.

After all, General Sun came here in person, and the officials in charge of the evaluation, as long as they did not want to offend him, would make the results of Chen Mo and others look better as appropriate.

Of course, there is no first place in literature and no second place in military power.

Martial arts examinations are not civil examinations. If you are not good at it, you are not good at it. Even with the help of General Sun, Chen Mo and the others can only take advantage of one or two examinations. If they really want to get fame, they must have hard power.

"Brother Mo." Xu Dabao was sitting on the carriage and saw Chen Mo approaching and hurriedly waved to him.

"When are we leaving?" Chen Mo carried his things and boarded the carriage, found a comfortable position, sat down and asked.

Xu Dabao is General Sun's nephew, and he went to participate in the martial arts competition with him this time.

"I don't know, let's wait until my uncle comes." Xu Dabao shook his head. He is one year younger than Chen Mo, but he has sword skills passed down from his family and has been practicing martial arts since he was a child.

When he takes the martial arts exam this time, he has a high chance of passing it.

Not long after, Sun Shouren walked over and boarded the carriage to chat with them.

Xingyuan Prefecture is more than five hundred miles away from the military camp. Although riding a horse is faster, getting there will inevitably lead to a bad state due to the fatigue of traveling and traveling.

Since Chen Mo and the others have exams to take, of course they should try their best to rest before that and not be too tired.

Not only them, but the horses they usually ride must also go with them at this time.

Although horses are provided during martial arts competitions, compared with horses provided temporarily, the ones you ride on a daily basis are naturally more cooperative.

Therefore, their team was quite large, with four carriages and three tall horses accompanying them.

After walking for a day, Chen Mo found a large car shop to rest. Chen Mo took out the street vegetables that Zhao Yu had asked him to bring before and shared them with a few people.

This dish was heavy in oil and salt. They were all warriors and they had traveled for a whole day, so it naturally tasted quite good.

They were still on the road the next day, and it was not until five days later that Chen Mo and his group finally saw Fucheng.

Xingyuan City, the capital of Xingyuan Prefecture, has a population of nearly 300,000 and is the most prosperous place in the entire prefecture.

There are many merchants coming and going, selling goods from other provinces and even other states here, and then buying Xingyuan Prefecture's specialties and selling them elsewhere to make a lot of profits.

The city walls of Fucheng finally no longer have too many decayed and damaged areas like other county towns.

Although the ancient city wall has gone through hundreds of years of wind and rain, it has left countless spots, but at a glance, it appears that the entire city is still solid.

The main gate of Xingyuan City was built to be extremely wide, probably six or seven feet wide. Even though there were countless cars and horses passing by, it didn't feel crowded.

There are bluestone pavements everywhere in the city. Every bluestone is quite smooth and there are no holes or cracks.

It can be seen from this that the magistrate of Xingyuan Prefecture is probably a fairly honest official.

At least with the money used to build roads, even if he was greedy, he probably wasn't greedy too much.

"I have a mansion in this city, let's go there first." Sun Shouren ordered to his adopted son, nephew and others.

Although he doesn't usually live here, his family doesn't even live here.

But the house in the city, along with the maids and servants used in the house, as well as the manor and property tenants outside the city, had already been given to him.

When the imperial court announced that he would be transferred to Xingyuan Prefecture to take up the post of guard, some people were already thinking about ways to come and give him gifts.

Before he even took office, gifts and congratulations were already being sent from everywhere, and everyone was afraid that he would be slower than others in sending them.

He dare not say that he can remember the person who gave him a gift, but if he didn't give it to him, he would definitely remember it very clearly.

The driver drove his horse and rushed to a rather grand mansion. This mansion had five entrances and five exits, covering an area of ​​two or three acres.

There were not many servants in the mansion, only a few dozen. Sun Shouren immediately ordered people to tidy up the house and prepare meals.

But he didn't stay here long. As soon as his carriage and horse entered the city gate, someone sent a greeting invitation to invite him to the banquet.

The prefect of Xingyuan personally invited him, so he had no choice but to give him the honor, not to mention that he was still in charge of the examination of the martial arts examination in the current department.

Chen Mo and others each found a clean wing to live in temporarily, and the servants brought various vegetables one after another.

"Brother Mo, do we want to fight?" After eating, Xu Dabao became interested and took the weapon.

"Forget it, if I don't attack with all my strength, I won't be your opponent. If I attack with all my strength, it won't be good if you get injured again."

Chen Mo shook his head gently and refused. It was obviously impossible for them to give their best in their mutual discussion.

Relying solely on his skills, Chen Mo was far inferior to Xu Dabao. His gun training time was too short, only half a year.

And Xu Dabao has been practicing swordsmanship for twelve years. Even if Chen Mo has some talent, it can't compare to his twelve years of practicing Sanjiu in winter and Sanfu in summer.

But Chen Moruo used all his strength to shoot him with his strength. Xu Dabao couldn't even hold the weapon steady, and there was no way he could fight back.

Skills are important, but when the speed and strength are far superior, no matter how sophisticated the skills are, they are of little use.

"It makes sense." Xu Dabao pondered for a moment and nodded in agreement.

He knew that Chen Mo had 1,200 kilograms of strength, which was more than enough to take the Juren Examination.

And I only weigh 700 kilograms, so there is indeed a certain gap between me and him.

This is not a difference of a hundred pounds, but a difference of nearly double.

This is really too big, so big that skills cannot make up for it.

"I'll fight you." General Sun's distant nephew said. There was not much difference in strength between the two of them.

In the next few days, Chen Mo and others continued to cultivate in this mansion, and it was not until three days later that the day for the martial arts examination finally arrived.

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