On the school ground paved with bluestone, various stone wheels, bows, arrows, and weapons are arranged neatly, and a high platform has been set up behind these instruments.

The magistrate of Xingyuan Prefecture, wearing a red horse robe, sat in the middle, and the officials of the prefecture, including judge, academic, inspection, etc. also took their seats on the left and right sides one by one.

The materials and even the embroidery styles of the official robes of officials of different grades are very different, so as long as you see what kind of clothes you are wearing, you can understand its specific grade.

These official robes were all sewn by imperial embroidery workers. Any private tailor who dared to privately make official robes would be executed.

"It seems that there are more children coming today than in previous years!" Xia Wuqi, the prefect of Xingyuan, said with a smile while stroking his beard.

Unlike scholars, there is a quota limit for children's students. All the martial arts students in all counties in the prefecture and Xingyuan City, as long as they meet the standards and are recommended, can come to take the martial arts scholar examination.

"There are indeed many more people taking the martial arts examination today than in the previous two years." Tong San agreed.

Under the high platform, more than 300 children were divided into groups. Some did not say a word, while some whispered.

"Send the order to start the exam. Let the candidates enter the venue and lift stones to test their strength." Xia Wuqi waved his hand and ordered, and immediately a sergeant got the order and beat the gongs and drums.

"The exam begins!" The guard who was staying next to the candidates also quickly moved.

There are three days before and after the government examination, with a total of six school examinations.

Only those who rank among the top 30 candidates in comprehensive evaluation can obtain scholar status, while the rest can only wait until the next year to take the exam again.

Chen Mo looked at the wooden sign he had just received, with Yi seventy-three engraved on it.

This showed that there were more than 170 people in front of him, and he would have to wait for a while before it was his turn.

Today's test is on rock-lifting, horseback riding and archery, tomorrow's test on dancing and military skills, and on the last day there is a test on policy theory.

Rows of martial arts students walked into the school grounds, lifted stones to test their strength, and began to take exams.

"Brother Mo, Brother Sun, I'll go first." Xu Dabao is in the 73rd class and wants to enter the venue earlier than Chen Mo and the others.

After saying hello to the two of them, he hurried into the school grounds without stopping.

Candidates entered and exited one after another. After a long time, it was finally Chen Mo's turn.

He and several other candidates walked into the school grounds to conduct a stone lifting test.

There are various stone wheels placed in the school grounds, the lightest of which weighs 400 kilograms. This is one of the criteria for obtaining the status of a child. You must lift a stone wheel of 400 kilograms to be eligible to take the exam.

It is indeed difficult to lift a 400-pound stone wheel relying on natural strength, but in this world of martial arts, most warriors can reach this standard in their prime after practicing hard for several years.

Chen Mo directly moved his gaze to the heaviest stone wheel in the field. It was the heaviest stone wheel of 1,000 kilograms. No one had ever lifted it in the exam so far.

Even the eight hundred kilogram stone wheel can only be lifted by two or three people.

Chen Mo turned his gaze and looked directly at the heaviest square stone wheel on the teaching field.

Until now in this examination, no one has been able to lift it.

In the past, only a handful of hundreds of people could lift a stone wheel of 800 kilograms, and the best person could only lift a stone wheel of 900 kilograms.

However, Chen Mo knew that the Thousand Jin Stone Wheel was the limit for this examination, but it was far from the limit of his strength.

Walk to the thousand-pound stone wheel, adjust your breath, and let your strength rise from the ground and form roots under your feet.

With a sudden grab, he lifted the thousand-jin stone wheel effortlessly.

Seeing this scene, the originally noisy school grounds fell into a deafening silence.

From the children in the examination school to the officials in charge of invigilating the examination, everyone looked stunned and stared at this scene.

There are people in Xingyuan Mansion who can lift a thousand-jin stone wheel. There are even people who can lift two or three thousand kilograms.

But all such people are all accomplished warriors who have achieved fame early on, either as a candidate or as a Jinshi.

They are able to lift a thousand-jin stone wheel because they have achieved success in martial arts after years of hard training and hard training after gaining the reputation of being a scholar.

But there are very few people at Chen Mo's age who can directly lift a thousand-jin stone wheel.

After raising his arms over the thousand-jin stone wheel for fifteen breaths, Chen Mo put it down easily and let out a long breath.

The silence on the campus was broken like a flat lake.

"Who is this person? Which county is the candidate from?" Xia Wuqi looked surprised and asked in a solemn voice.

"Huifu Zun, he is the adopted son of General Sun." Someone on the side handed over the roster, which recorded Chen Mo's information, height and general appearance in detail.

"Yes. I once heard General Sun talk about this person, and now it seems that he is indeed good." Xia Wuqi nodded lightly and closed the roster, but said no more.

"The person who could lift a thousand-jin stone wheel in our last imperial examination was General Sun. If nothing else, I think Chen Mo should be among the top three, even if he is not the best in this subject." Jiaoyu spoke at the right time.

"Let's see how he performs next. General Sun's adopted son should be pretty good." Xia Wuqi said with a smile.

The other officials heard Xian's elegance and agreed one after another.

There were several candidates who performed well before, but the Master never mentioned them individually, but now he only mentions Chen Mo. The meaning is obvious.

Fraud in the imperial examination is indeed a serious crime, but if it is a serious crime, it must be found out before it is a crime.

What's more, Chen Mo's performance was already good, so they were naturally happy to be a favor and sell General Sun a favor.

"B, seventy-three, Chen Mo, lifting a thousand catties of stone, A is the top judge!" The examiner in charge of lifting the stone gave the result, and then the officer on the side shouted loudly.

After testing the strength, the next step is riding skills.

Chen Mo's riding skills are not very good, but fortunately he is riding a horse that he often rides on, so his coordination is quite familiar.

In the end, I got a grade from B Middle School.

According to his inner estimation, this was mostly for the sake of his adoptive father's face. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to get this evaluation based on his riding skills that he had only practiced for a few months.

After the riding test, there is the archery test. In addition to shooting at the target, it also depends on the bow drawing posture and how many stones the bow can draw.

Chen Mo's foot shooting is acceptable, but his riding shooting is slightly worse, but he is the only one among many candidates who can draw a ten-stone bow.

He still achieved a rating of under A.

After three consecutive assessments, it was already evening and Chen Mo took a carriage back home to rest.

"Back." Sun Shouren smiled and waved to Chen Mo.

"Father." Chen Mo walked forward and bowed his hands in greeting.

"I already know your evaluation results today. With your results, it is not difficult to get into the top three. It is difficult to get to the top." Sun Shouren said slowly.

Although there is a word for martial arts in martial arts, it is not just about whether you can fight. Chen Mo has good strength and is definitely strong enough in actual combat. He can come out on top in both tests.

But other items are not so outstanding among many candidates.

It is not difficult to obtain fame, but the difficult thing is to get the rank.

"Read the military manual I gave you a few days ago." Sun Shouren warned carefully.

"My child understands." Chen Mo bowed his hands.

He could also guess that, if nothing unexpected happened, the questions for this strategy test would come from that martial arts book.

It's just that the specific section of the test is not marked in detail, and there is no way to mark it in detail.

During the policy theory test, there will be dozens of completely different test questions for candidates to randomly select, and whichever question they draw will be tested.

Granted, even so, there's still plenty of room for cheating.

But generally no one would do this because the risk of being found out is too high.

On the contrary, if you reveal the general title, the risk will undoubtedly be much smaller, because this kind of thing is difficult to find out.

After a day's rest in the mansion, the school exams continued the next day.

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