In this weird world, I use my body to control all things

Chapter 60 Taking office, wishing Niuji

Zhu Niu Ji should actually be called Zhu Niu Ji.

Because there are salt mines nearby, a large amount of salt needs to be transported. Many merchants with their cattle and horses rest here, and many merchants sell young cattle and horses here, so it is called the cattle market.

But for some unknown reason, it gradually became known as Zhu Niuji. The local people also thought this sounded better, so it became fixed.

Because there are a large number of cattle and horses to transport salt, Zhu Niuji often falls to death from exhaustion, or the cattle and horses are too old and have no strength to kill.

And extracting salt from the mines also requires a large number of oxen and horses.

Because of these reasons, the price of local beef and horse meat is very low, cheaper than pork.

The local beef noodle soup and horse meat sesame seed cakes are outstanding, and are quite famous throughout Xingyuan Prefecture.

Firstly, it tastes good, and secondly, because all the salt dealers in Xingyuan Prefecture will pass by this place, so this reputation is brought out.

"Let's go to Zhu Niuji first, buy a house and settle down first." Chen Mo asked the horses and carriages to keep parallel, turned to Zhao Yu and said.

The military camp he wanted to go to was not within Zhuniuji, but ten miles away.

There was no rush to go to the military camp. He was not alone. Zhao Yu was also accompanying him. He had to go to Zhu Niuji to settle down first.

"Okay, I will listen to you." She nodded obediently.

Before entering Zhuniuji, Chen Mo could already see several clouds of white smoke floating away from a distance. They were the smoke from the beef soup pot in Jishang.

"Fifth Uncle, you see that man must be riding a war horse. I think he is probably the new salt transport envoy we are waiting for."

A young man wearing a coarse mandarin jacket and a melon-pipe hat, with a slightly plump appearance and a sense of humor hurriedly greeted him.

The man he called Fifth Uncle had dark skin, a rough face, and a beard.

He was originally sitting with his eyes narrowed, but when he heard the noise, he sat up from his chair and looked ahead at the official road, constantly searching.

It wasn't until he saw Chen Mo that he let out a long sigh of relief.

"You're right, kid. That person should be the new Salt Transport Envoy. Let's welcome him here." He Luoyun turned his face and said to his nephew.

"I'm not talking about Fifth Uncle. Didn't you often say that you know Liu Mingqiao, the salt transportation director of our government, and you often go to brothels with him?

With his relationship, why do we have to come in person to welcome a ninth-grade salt transport envoy, and we have to wear Liba's clothes? It's really uncomfortable for me. "

With a puzzled look on his face, Hecai adjusted the clothes around his neck, trying not to let them stick to his skin.

He Luoyun's dark face showed embarrassment at first, and then scolded him.

"You know your stuff, the county magistrate is better off taking charge now. If they can't cure my crime, why can't they investigate us? Once we are investigated, we have to stop work, and if we are investigated several times in a row, we have to pay money."

Besides, although this Salt Transport Envoy is only a ninth-grade man, his adoptive father is actually a fifth-grade official guarding our mansion. "

After saying this, he paused and showed a preaching look, "And you remember, they are officials or soldiers, and we are the people. Of course we can wear silk clothes in front of others, but if they look at it, What to do if you are unhappy?"

As a private salt dealer who has been around for many years, He Luoyun has dealt with countless officials.

Some officials are cheerful and don't care about this, but some people feel unhappy when they see a businessman wearing better clothes than him.

Not to mention torturing myself, just moving my fingers a little is enough to make me uncomfortable.

After all, not all officials are capable, and a large part of it is because of good reincarnation.

As Chen Mo's horse gradually approached Zhu Niuji, He Luoyun hurriedly greeted him.

"Dare I ask this, is this the newly appointed envoy of Zhu Niuji Salt Transport, Chen Mo, Master Chen?" He bowed down and bowed very low.

It's not strange to be polite to many people. Before you know what kind of temper this adult is, it's better to be respectful.

"Exactly, what, you have something to do with me?" Chen Mo stared at him and asked.

"Young man He Luoyun, thanks to the care of the former salt transport envoy, I have a bit of property here at Zhu Niuji. I heard that you took office, so I came here to greet you." He Luoyun accompanied him with a smile.

"Oh!" Chen Mo suddenly became interested. He is a salt transport envoy with a military position and does not care about Zhu Niuji's affairs.

If the other party is doing serious business in Zhu Niuji, he should not come to greet him.

If you want to do business in this market, you should go to the market owner appointed by the court to manage the market or the head catcher who is responsible for the security of the market.

And the other party came to greet me specially, and it was still like this, so his identity was obvious. His so-called industry, which was taken care of by the previous salt transport envoy, was probably secretly mining and selling salt in the salt mine near Zhuniuji.

"Why don't you, sir, get off your horse first? I'll show you around the place. I've also prepared some extra gifts for you." He Luoyun smiled very flatteringly, and with his big black face, he had to say Very joyful.

"Then let me take a look first?" Chen Mo did not refuse this. He was definitely not the only one in the entire Salt Transportation Department to accept bribes from private salt dealers.

To be more precise, all salt transport envoys include the salt transport envoy and the salt transport department chief, who collect money from all levels.

It would be inappropriate not to accept it yourself.

Moreover, the salary given to officials by the imperial court was not very large. As a ninth-grade official, Chen Mo had a monthly salary of two taels of silver.

The salary is not too small, but it is not too much. It is enough to eat, but if you want to eat better and want your family to live a better life, you need to find ways to generate more income.

With bribes constantly being offered, few officials could resist the temptation.

What's more, everyone at the top and bottom accepts it. If you don't accept it, you will be squeezed out by your colleagues.

"Hurry up and get the horse stool for Mr. Chen!" He turned around and yelled at his nephew.

"No need." As Chen Mo spoke, he turned over and dismounted from his horse. The horse stool was something only used by literati who did not practice martial arts.

As a warrior, he has no need for such a thing.

He Luoyun was relieved when he heard this. At least now, the newly appointed salt transport envoy is not too difficult to get along with.

As a private salt dealer, he has encountered officials who are difficult to get along with over the years. Some of them even have to step on his shoulders to dismount, not to mention using a horse stool.

But he had nothing to do about it. Since ancient times, the poor have not fought with the rich, and the people have not fought with the officials.

For the sake of the family's livelihood, even if someone stepped on his shoulder and dismounted, he had to endure it.

"Who's the one behind you?" He Luoyun took the initiative to help Chen Mo lead the horse, looked at Zhao Yu again, and asked tentatively.

"My wife." Chen Mo said calmly.

"Oh, it turns out to be Ling Zheng." He Luoyun nodded repeatedly, winked at his nephew, and asked him to hold the carriage.

Zhuniuji is quite lively, with people coming and going on the bluestone road. Merchant merchants holding cattle and horses are temporarily resting here, and the waiters at several beef soup pots are shouting to attract customers.

After passing through the market and walking towards the center of the town, the surrounding area became much quieter. There were bluestone houses or thatched houses scattered at random.

This is where most local people live. Compared to the busy market outside, it is quite quiet.

"The villain learned that you had just taken office, and thought that there was no house in the collection yet, so he boldly prepared one for you, sir." He Luoyun led Chen Mo's horse all the way to a bluestone courtyard road. .

Pushing open the courtyard door, the entire courtyard has been cleaned quite cleanly. A well has been drilled in the courtyard and a small pavilion has been built where you can cool off in the summer.

The entire courtyard is made of bluestone. You can clearly see the bluestone slabs on the ground, which must have been replaced a few days ago.

He Luoyun began to introduce this small courtyard to Chen Mo in detail. The courtyard was not small, with seven or eight rooms, which was much larger than the thatched house that Zhao Yu lived in before.

The main hall, bedrooms on the left and right sides, kitchen, dining room, servants' room, and latrines are all available.

There is a large open space in the backyard. In addition to the stables that can park two carriages, there is also a small garden, but no flowers and plants have been planted yet.

Chen Mo pushed open the lacquered wooden hall door and walked into the main hall. The table in the main hall was covered with a red cloth. When he opened the red cloth, there were twenty shining silver coins inside.

Judging from their weight and fineness, each one should be twelve taels of official silver, and these in front of me are a full two hundred taels.

Chen Mo covered himself with red cloth again and turned to look at He Luoyun. He had already walked into the house and closed the door.

Although everyone is bribing officials, it is not a good thing after all, so naturally it cannot be promoted loudly.

"Tell me, what do you want to see me for?" Chen Mo actually knew the other party's purpose. The reason why he asked this was to see how much the other party could offer.

The risk of corruption and bribery is not high, because many officials in the imperial court do it, and it would be weird not to do it.

But even if you want to accept a bribe, you still have to see whether the price given by the other party is worth it. You can't just put a little money and let yourself take risks, even if it's only a little risk.

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