"My lord, I and a few other companions are doing a small business near Zhuniuji. Thanks to the care of the previous salt transport envoy, we can do this business safely."

He Luoyun cupped his hands to apologize and smiled slightly flatteringly.

"After learning that your Excellency has taken office, several of my colleagues and I have prepared a small gift, and please accept it. Please rest assured that we will be filial to you every month from now on."

The two hundred taels of silver were not contributed by him alone. There were two other groups of private salt dealers like him who also contributed a lot of money.

It's just that among the three groups, his family has the largest business and the strongest strength, so he was pushed out to contact Chen Mo, the newly appointed salt transport envoy.

"Besides you, how many other people are there around here? How much money can you get every month to make me turn a blind eye?"

Chen Mo didn't waste any time in making any confrontation with the other party, and asked straight to the point.

"Sir, there are two groups of people besides me." Having said this, he gritted his teeth and said cruelly, "I can give you one hundred taels per month, my lord."

Seeing that Chen Mo didn't respond for a while, he hurriedly added, "Sir, it's not that I don't want to show more filial piety to you. It's just that in addition to you, we also have to show filial piety to the General Envoy of Salt Transport and the Chief of the Salt Transport Department. We really don't have any extra." I will honor you with my money.”

Selling private salt is indeed a huge profit among huge profits. It can be said that you can make money faster than being a bandit.

And if you want to sell salt safely, there are too many people who need to be filial.

Chen Mo must be filial to his boss and his boss's boss, and there must be no omissions.

After transporting the salt to the place where it is to be sold, the local county magistrate and various officials have to take care of it.

He Luoyun went back and forth, through wind and rain, and worked hard to get the business done, but 80% of the profits had to be used as tribute, and he could only keep 20%.

No wonder people in the world want to be officials. Since ancient times, being an official has been too leisurely. You can sit peacefully in a high house and a bright hall, and your beloved man of gold and jade flies into your arms.

Chen Mo nodded slightly and thought for a moment. It was impossible for him to know everything when he came to take office here.

His adoptive father told him about the situation here in private. There were indeed only three private salt dealers near Zhuniuji.

When I took up the post of salt transport envoy, I could get about eighty taels of silver per month.

When it came to him, it became a hundred taels, of which 20 taels were probably for the sake of his adoptive father.

"Listen to what you said, are you familiar with the head of our Salt Transportation Department?" Chen Mo asked with a faint smile on his face.

But he remembered that he had other things to do when he came to take office this time. If the head of the salt transport department was smart, he would not do anything. If he was not smart, then he would have to do his best.

"Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously. I just met that adult a few times." He Luoyun shook his head quickly. Naturally, he didn't dare to brag anymore in front of Chen Mo.

"I'll disappear for the others. As long as you guys stay safe and don't cause trouble, I won't care about you."

Chen Mo spoke slowly, accepting bribes was an unspoken rule that everyone knew well.

But it is definitely not a good thing if too many people know about it. Since He Luoyun takes the lead, there is no need for others to see more.

"You can give me ninety taels of silver per month, not one hundred taels. But remember, there can only be three groups of people in this place. If anything else happens, I will only ask you."

Chen Mo did not take all of the one hundred taels of silver per month, but spared ten taels.

But these 10 taels of silver were not for nothing. If He Luoyun didn't pay this money, if there were any other private salt dealers in this world to cause trouble, he would have to deal with it before Chen Mo found out.

Chen Mo has no intention of managing these things if he can keep himself clean with so little money.

For him, martial arts training is the right path.

As for money, he has needs, but not too much desire.

When his cultivation improves and he gets a bigger official position, more people will inevitably give him more money.

There is no need to waste time on these little money now, the right way is to improve your own strength.

"Young man understands." He Luoyun looked happy. Ten taels of silver was not a small amount of money for him.

He has the largest business and has the most money to pay. Originally, he had to pay out five taels of the ten taels of silver.

Now that you don't have to take this part of the money, it is equivalent to saving. Five taels a month, which is a full sixty taels a year.

With these few extra taels, my life at home can be more relaxed.

The younger son has wanted to practice martial arts for a long time, so he can save more money so that he can learn from a famous teacher.

I have never been able to get ahead in my life, and I am still a citizen but not an official. My sons cannot follow this path again.

As for ensuring that there are only three groups of private salt dealers in this area, Chen Mo need not say more, He Luoyun will also do it.

There are enough of them in this area, and if anyone else comes in, they will violate their interests.

"Then Sir, please rest. I will take my leave first. I live in Sanjiao Lane, West Town. If you can use my place, please let me know."

He Luoyun did not dare to stay here any longer. He bowed and slowly withdrew.

It wasn't until he left the main hall that he finally breathed a sigh of relief and dared to straighten up slowly.

In any case, judging from today's contact, the newly appointed salt transport envoy is relatively easy to talk to.

He Luoyun is not afraid of giving money, but he is afraid that he will not be able to do anything after giving money. As long as he can do business stably, the silver coins given will be worth it.

Chen Mo looked at the silver coins wrapped in red cloth. He had to find a way to deposit the money into the bank account later.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome to carry it with you, and it may be stolen by thieves.

This amount of money is not a small amount, it is enough to make many people go crazy and even risk their lives.

"I'll clean up the house first and put all our things away." Zhao Yu stepped into the main hall and said softly.

The courtyard is very clean, with beds, desks, dining tables, wardrobes, water tanks and other furniture in place.

Even the two buckets needed to draw water from the well were placed in the kitchen water tank.

But it's not enough to live like this. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, and seven things are required to open the door.

Not to mention that she had to help Chen Mo make the bed so that he could have a good sleep at night. The clean clothes had to be folded and put in the closet, and the dirty clothes changed on the way had to be washed and dried.

These are all things she has to do, not tiring, but very messy.

"Well. I have to go to the military camp." Chen Mo got up from the chair. Since he has settled down, he has to rush to the military camp early to see what the situation is like there.

He first wrapped the silver on the table in red cloth, then took out an ingot and handed it to Zhao Yu.

"Take these, we will move here temporarily, and you can buy whatever is needed at home. If anyone asks you about your identity, just say that you are the wife of the new salt transport envoy."

They have recently moved here and it is normal for the local people to inquire about them.

As the new salt transport envoy, Chen Mo did not need to hide his identity. Speaking out proactively could avoid some trouble.

After all, he doesn't have any background. If he just bought such a big house here, it's inevitable that some people will have some inappropriate thoughts.

Take the initiative to reveal your identity to prevent others from making unintended ideas on him.

Chen Mo is not afraid of trouble, but he doesn't want to cause meaningless trouble.

"I know this. I don't need the money anymore. I still have a lot of it." Zhao Yu took out a coarse cloth purse from his arms, opened it and showed it to Chen Mo.

Inside was the money she had accumulated from doing business some time ago. The amount was about three or four taels.

"How can these be enough? There are a lot of things to buy. Take them first. If you don't have enough, tell me."

Chen Mo smiled and forced the silver into her hand.

"Then I'll keep it first." Zhao Yu did not refuse anymore and took over the rather heavy silver ingot.

After all, we are all a family, so if you take the money, you can take it. Anyway, it will be spent on your own family in the end.

Chen Mo helped Zhao Yu fill a tank of water and told her not to rush to cook. They went back to try the famous local beef soup noodles and horse meat sesame cakes.

Now that you’ve come here, there’s no reason not to try it.

After explaining this, he just set off for the military camp.

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