Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 76: Stacked Forging, Clip Steel, Jiafu Forging

The best of both worlds?

Or how many?

Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, Huye was stunned.

"Sir, are this true?


Zhao Tuo picked up a piece of wood and began to briefly explain it to Tuo on the ground.

"One of the methods is to put two kinds of steel together, and then continue to fold and forge."5

"After reaching a certain number of layers, these two steels can complement each other.

"Although neither toughness nor hardness can reach the limit of a single material, the overall performance is better than that of a single material."

Toye shuddered.

"What the son said seems to be really feasible!

"The old man is going..."

"Master Hu, is there a better way that you don't want to hear?"

With a word, Zhao Tuo called Master Hu back and squatted beside Zhao Tuo.

"The following methods can not only make the blade perfectly have the hardness of one material, but also have the toughness of another at the same time."

"It's just that the process will be more complicated, and the success rate is not high.

Saying that, Zhao Tuo continued to draw on the ground while holding the branch.

"The first one is clip steel, also known as three-piece joint, with good toughness steel on both sides to sandwich the high-hardness steel in the middle.

"In this way, the edge of the blade is hard and sharp, but the blade is extremely flexible.

"!!!" Toye was shocked.

Before he could speak, Zhao Tuo continued: "There is another method, called steel embedding.

"Even if the high-hardness steel is embedded in the high-toughness steel, this effect can be achieved.

"In addition, if you make a single-edged weapon, there is another method called Jiafu forging, which is to use high-hardness steel as a coat and wrap it in high-toughness steel. 99

"In this way, the entire blade is indestructible, but the high-toughness steel core ensures that it will not be too brittle and break."

"It's just that this method is only suitable for forging single-edged knives, not for double-edged swords. 35

Throwing out three solutions in a row, Huye was completely dumbfounded.

Mouth has been muttering.

"Three pieces of steel...soft and hard...inlaid steel...jiafu forging...hard and soft..."

"Master Hu?"

Huye was shocked and was called back to his senses by Zhao Tuo.

Immediately before Zhao Tuo could say anything, he rushed into the workshop.

Don't even bother with the delicious meal you just had a few bites of.

In this regard, Zhao Tuo not only did not blame, but showed a gratified smile.

"If he succeeds this time, I'm afraid there will be a second Ou Yezi in history."

"I'm really looking forward to seeing the performance of the weapons made with these techniques and metals like dragon scale gold. 35

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past two weeks, Zhao Tuo has had a lot of free time.

Because Ying Zheng was on a tour, there were so many things that the DPRK and China needed to share, so that Meng Yi had to stay in the palace all day, helping Feng Quji and Fu Su to share the government affairs.

It was convenient for him to run to Huye all day long, and it was also convenient for him to personally guide these unskilled craftsmen to build the world's first brick-concrete house.

"The foundation must be solid, and the foundation is the most important."

"These rebars are bundled, and the ring beams and vertical beams are sealed with wooden boards to prevent the cement from overflowing when pouring."

"The cement over there is not completely dry yet, and we will continue working tomorrow. 95

"No, no, the ratio of cement ash and fine sand is wrong.

"Go back and tell the lady that the next batch of steel bars will speed up the progress.

On the construction site of the new house, Zhao Tuo ran around for a while, and it was already sunset.

At this time, the foundation of the new house has been consolidated, and the casting of ring beams and vertical beams has been completed today.

Although the progress was a little slow, he was not in a hurry.

After all, it is the key to the whole brick-concrete structure house.

It is also the first time that Daqin craftsmen have come into contact with this type of construction, and it is always right to be slower.

After a long day of work, Zhao Tuo returned to Mengfu.

Since this time, the new house here and the Wangyi Palace in the palace have been repaired.

Therefore, he can only borrow and live in Meng Yi's mansion for the time being.

In this regard, Meng Yi naturally raised his hands in approval.

Not to mention anything else, just the few chefs who got the true inheritance from Zhao Tuo's family, they are all baby bumps that even His Majesty is envious of.

With them there, at least three meals a day are full of expectations.

First, I cleaned the dust from the construction site, and then changed into clean clothes.

Zhao Tuo called a few cooks.

"You are working hard today, cook a few more dishes, and I will ask Feng Xiang and my brother to come over for dinner in the evening.


After instructing the cook, Zhao Tuo asked his servants to go to the Chamber of Commerce and took a jar of good wine that he had hidden.

Immediately, he ordered someone to enter the palace with a message.

In the past few days, Ying Zheng has not been here, and the drought in Qianzhong County has just recovered, so there are many things to be busy with.

The three in the palace are probably too busy to hit the back of the head with their feet.

If you don't relax properly, if you are too tired, Ying Zheng won't be able to explain it when he comes back.

"Hahaha, even if it's busy, you can't miss the delicious food and wine of the fifteen young masters for dinner.

"Feng Xiang walk slowly, no one will rob you."

"Sir Emotion Meng, you can eat and drink every day, so don't be in a hurry.

"Master Feng is right, I was fortunate enough to have tasted the craftsmanship of the fifteenth brother Pao Ding once before, which is truly a unique skill in the Qin Dynasty.

Leaving Xianyang Palace on the way to Mengfu, the three of them already seemed impatient.

"I said Feng Xiang, if you hurry up, I will have to ride a horse to catch up."

"Master Meng, you should hurry up. 35

"I'm coming.

The three of them trotted almost all the way, and finally came to the alley where Mengfu was located.

As soon as they turned around, Feng Quji and Fusu were stunned.

"The fifteenth son's mansion is..."

Meng Yi slapped his forehead: "Look at our memory, I forgot to tell the two of you about this."6

"The fifteenth son's mansion has been rebuilt, so he has been living in the old man's mansion recently, so he only entertained at the old man's mansion today.

Feng Quji suddenly realized: "No wonder."

On the other hand, Fu Su, looking at the strange frame of the house under the moonlight, couldn't help but feel curious and walked into the construction site without a courtyard wall.

"It's strange, the fifteenth brother actually built the house out of stone?"

Meng Yi followed up and explained: "The fifteenth son's mansion has a peculiar structure, but it is not something that ordinary people like me can save.

"Besides the stone, the fifteenth son also used steel bars in it, saying that it can strengthen the structure, but the old man doesn't understand it very well.


Fusu looked at the steel bars piled up in the distance, and was even more puzzled.

"The steel bar? Could it be forged from Hundred Steel? No, this matter is very important, I have to ask the fifteenth brother."

In the Meng Mansion, Zhao Tuo had just set up the banquet with his front feet, and the three of them walked in.

"Master Feng, brother, you came in time, please take a seat.

"Master, the structure of your new house is really eye-opening. Feng Quji laughed.

"I just don't know, where did the young master find such a huge stone and chisel it into such a shape?


Zhao Tuo was taken aback by Feng Quji's question.

"What? The old man just saw that the frame of the son's house is made of solid stone, but there is no trace of splicing.""

"Isn't it carved out of a single block of stone?

Hearing this, Zhao Tuo reacted and began to explain to Feng Quji: "Feng Xiang, this is not a whole stone, but cement. 39

"This cement is made of fired cement ash..."

After Zhao Tuo's explanation, Feng Quji and Fusu understood completely.

Also amazed.

This soft muddy mud can be turned into a stone that cannot be chopped by a knife, cannot be shot through by an arrow, and cannot be ignited by fire just by putting it on for one night?

"Hahaha, Feng Xiang and the eldest son don't need to be surprised. When the old man saw cement for the first time, he was amazed."

"It can only be said that the fifteenth son is extremely intelligent and can always come up with some good things that ordinary people like me can't imagine.

Meng Yi stroked his beard lightly, pretending to be inscrutable and said: "And you know, the fifteenth son's cement is still very useful?

"Lord Meng elaborate."

"Lord Feng, look, first of all, the price of cement is extremely low, far cheaper than boiled rice soup."

"The speed of construction is far from comparable to that of a rammed earth wall.

"The most important thing is that it is indestructible after it is built!

While speaking, everyone had already taken their seats.

After the servant poured the wine, Meng Yi drank it all in one go, and then continued to talk.

"If this is used to build a city wall, pave the road, and even build the Great Wall, it will not only reduce the cost of various projects in our Daqin, but also greatly shorten the construction period!"

"Master, is what Lord Meng said true?" Feng Quji and Fusu looked at Zhao Tuo in surprise.

Zhao Tuo smiled and nodded.

"Although I only made this cement not long ago, it is exactly like what Mr. Meng said.

"So I'm going to wait for the royal father to come back and tell him about the cement.

Feng Quji nodded again and again after hearing the words.

On the other hand, Fu Su looked thoughtful.

Seeing this, Zhao Tuo asked, "Brother, what are your doubts? 55

After hesitating for a while, Fusu still said: "Fifteenth brother, it's really strange to build a house with bluestone cement, but my Daqin hundred steelmaking is scarce, and the annual output is only a few thousand kilograms."

"Hundreds of steel-making performances are excellent, and they are needed everywhere in Daqin."

"To build a house...isn't it a bit too wasteful."

For Fusu's question, Zhao Tuo just smiled back.

"Brother, what if I said that a workshop of my Chamber of Commerce can produce thousands of kilograms of steel per day?"


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