Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 77 Ying Zheng's fate! Yulong to the rescue!

"Da... 1000 jin per day!?"

Fu Suso stood up immediately.

As the eldest son of Da Qin, he is very familiar with many affairs of Da Qin.

He couldn't be more clear about the concept of a workshop producing thousands of pounds per day.

Today, Daqin's steel can only be obtained by relying on craftsmen to repeatedly temper iron ore over and over again.

Even if all the workshops of the entire temple workers are added together, they can only produce a few thousand catties of steel a year.

"Could it be that... the steel used by the fifteenth brother is half-finished?"

"That's why it's so productive?"

In addition to this, Fusu could not find any other reason why Zhao Tuo's Chamber of Commerce could have such a terrifying dry vegetable production.

However, Zhao Tuo heard that

"My brother is surprised. The steel bars are indeed made of steel, but the manufacturing method is much more convenient than Hundred Steelmaking, and the performance is not bad at all."

Then, Zhao Tuo explained the main points of the steel pouring method to the three people in detail.

“This method is also practiced for the first time by the Chamber of Commerce, and some operational procedures are currently being refined. 39

"As long as the process is perfect and the craftsmen are skilled, a workshop can produce 1,800 catties per day, which is definitely not a problem."

Feng Quji and Fu Su were silent for a while.

Meng Yi pretended to be drinking wine calmly, but in fact his hand holding the wine glass was shaking slightly.

He had really forgotten about this before.

Now it can't be seen that they don't know about it.

Otherwise, Feng Quji would not be laughed at to death.

"Fifteenth brother.

Fusu suddenly picked up the wine glass: "My brother knows that this is a bit difficult for a strong man, but he still has the cheek to make a ruthless request."

Before Fusu could finish speaking, Zhao Tuo smiled.

"I know what my brother is going to say, after this method of pouring steel is perfected, how can I hide it? 39

"Don't worry, after the steel filling method is perfected, I will naturally send people to the temple workers.

With Zhao Tuo's promise, all three were delighted.

And the truth is exactly as Zhao Tuo said.

A few days later, the temple workers received the detailed operation process of the steel pouring method.

The Chamber of Commerce even sent people over to help.

However, after a few days, the first batch of steel produced by the pouring method was successfully produced.

Its performance is excellent, even better than the current hundred steel made by Daqin!

Fusu immediately informed Ying Zheng of the matter in a letter.

"Your Majesty, Xianyang City is here to report."

In the team on the tour, Zhao Yan trotted to catch up with Ying Zheng's Luan Jia.

"Cough cough... Who is it?" After a dry cough, Ying Zheng asked as he lifted the curtain of the car.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is from Master Fusu. 35


Ying Zheng raised his eyebrows,

Is it possible...

The letter was opened, and Fusu's handwriting came into view.

"Sure enough... Sure enough! Hahaha...cough cough cough.

"Your Majesty, the imperial doctor said that you should not make any noise and please take care of your health. Zhao Yan looked at Ying Zheng with some worry.

Ying Zheng waved his hand: "It's okay, but it's just a little cold.

"It's such a good thing, even if I cough a few more times, I will still shout a few times `々!"

Li Si, who was accompanying him, couldn't help but asked curiously: "Your Majesty, the suitable news sent by the eldest son can make you so happy?

Ying Zheng Fuxu smiled and handed the letter to Li Si.

"look by youself.

When he took the letter and glanced at it, Liston was shocked.

"A single workshop produces 1000 jin of steel per day? The whole temple produces tens of thousands of jin of steel per day?

'It's better than Daqin's Hundred Steelmaking?

"Young Master Fifteen is really amazing, he even knows how to make steel!"

Seeing the above news, Li Si was so excited that he could not wait to jump off the horse and run all the way back to Xianyang to see what happened to the steel-making method with a daily output of 10,000 catties.

"After hearing this news, Your Majesty can still be so calm, I admire it.""

"Hahahaha." Ying Zheng Fuxu laughed.

He got the news the night before the tour, why wasn't he so excited?

Now it's just a matter of preparation.

But then again...

Thinking of the information in the simulation, Ying Zheng couldn't help but ask: "Zhao Yan, how far is the team from the sand dune platform?

"Your Majesty, there are still three or four days to go.""

"Okay, I understand, you all go down.

Ying Zheng lowered the curtain of the car, lay back out of the patrol driver's bed, bored and started flipping the simulator.

However, after looking around, there was still no option to lift his spirits.

The original does not want to see, it is meaningless.

The new one was able to take a look around, but it turned out that he didn't know as much as Fusu, and he didn't know much about why he went out to sea.

As for those who might know, like Meng Yi, Feng Quji and others, they couldn't even see it.


Another violent cough made Ying Zheng even more restless.

In my heart, I remembered the original simulation for no reason, when I was lying on this luan car and was dying.

"No, I just feel the wind and cold occasionally. 35

"Besides, that poison, I was afraid of an accident on the road, so I took dragon saliva to dissolve it."

"Forget it, get some sleep, maybe you'll be fine. 35

Ying Zheng comforted himself in this way, and then fell into a deep sleep in the swaying and bumpy driving.

The general trend of the world has its own laws and principles.

Even if something goes off the rails, when you return to it again, you will still be affected by the original trajectory.

Now that the tour is out, it is returning to the original track.

How can such a truth be difficult for ordinary people to understand...

In a trance, Ying Zheng seemed to hear urgent voices around him.

"Doctor Xia, Your Majesty is burning so badly, do you think of something?

Xia Wuqi wiped the cold sweat on his head and said anxiously: "I have used all the methods that I can use, but... but there is really nothing I can do!"

"Quick, ask the people accompanying you, who can help!

Li Yan was really in a hurry.

The plan at the beginning was obviously to pretend to be sick, and then use tortoiseum to feign death.

How could this His Majesty still do a fake show?

What if something is really going to happen...

He didn't dare to think about it.

"You...cough...what are you arguing about?

Ying Zheng tried his best to open his eyes.

A blurry scene came into view.

There was also a strong sense of dizziness and aches and pains that filled the whole body.

"I...what's the matter with me."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, you are just wind chill, just wind chill..."

"Zhao Yan, cough...don't lie to me.""

Ying Zheng exhausted all his strength and reached out to grab the collar of the imperial physician Xia Wuqi.

"Wuyou, tell me, what the hell happened to me?"


Xia Wuqi hesitated for a while, but answered truthfully: "Your Majesty, you were just a cold, but now, for some reason, this cold is more and more difficult to restrain.

"This is indeed the dereliction of duty by the minister, please punish your majesty!

"Wuqi... It's not your fault." Ying Zheng let go of Xia Wuqi's sleeves weakly, thinking about the original trajectory of the national fortune again in his heart.

"Maybe, this is life."

Ying Zheng smiled helplessly, with a little understanding in his heart.

But for death, he is no longer as fearful as he used to be.

Now that he has a successor, at least he can keep Qin Jiangshan safe, and even more prosperous.

The Black Ice Platform dispatch token and secret edict were also given, and it was even more foolproof.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng suddenly became enlightened.

"You all go down and leave me alone.

After dismissing the crowd, Ying Zheng called out the simulator interface.

It's a pity that the simulation was done just three days ago, and the simulation of the New National Games option cannot be performed again at this time.

"In the last simulation, I clearly returned to Xianyang safely...ahem, what's wrong? 99

"...|| Life, can't even I escape...cough cough. 95

The thought of not being able to see Zhao Tuo's heroic appearance in the simulation with his own eyes made Ying Zheng feel uncomfortable.

Overnight, Ying Zheng's condition got worse and worse.

A strong hunch is also realized.

The day you may reach the dune platform is the time of your own death.

"There's... three days to go... ahem. 99

Ying Zheng took a few deep breaths and called out Zhao Yan.

"You... ghostwrite for me, I said, you write."


Zhao Yan quickly took out a pen and paper.

"Tuo'er, the father emperor can't escape the destiny, halfway...cough, he fell seriously ill in the middle, and he may not be able to return to Xianyang.

Ying Zheng's voice was weak.

Hearing Zhao Yan's eyes circle the pupils, the hand holding the pen trembled.

After a while, the letter was written.

Ying Zhengqiang insisted: "Send deliver a letter to Tuo'er."


Zhao Yan wiped the corners of his eyes, left Luanjia with Ying Zheng's letter, and went to the entourage in the rear.

A quarter of an hour later, a rider quickly left the patrol team and headed straight for Xianyang.

At night, the door of Mengfu was knocked.

Then there was a flutter of chickens and dogs, which woke Zhao Tuo from his sleep.

"What's up?"

Zhao Tuo opened the door to check the situation, but the soldiers of the Qin army, who were full of wind and dust, walked over quickly.

"Sir! This is a letter that Your Majesty ordered me to send back quickly. 35

"Just take a look, Your Majesty, he's... dying.

"What did you say! Zhao Tuo's hand trembled slightly when he took the letter, and immediately opened the letter.

Looking at the content of Zhao Yan's ghostwriting (is it good) above, a nameless uncomfortable feeling hit his chest.

Zhao Tuo grabbed the soldier's collar.

"Say, when is this! 39

"Sir, this... this was two days ago.

"How long until the team gets to the dune platform?

"At most... half a day.


Zhao Tuo's heart trembled.

Leave it alone?

Anyway, with the black jade tiger talisman and the secret edict in hand, Zhao Gao and Hu Hai couldn't chat.

Change to the previous one, he can do it.

There won't even be any hesitation.

But... Now, can I really watch Ying Zheng die of illness and ignore it?

Zhao Tuo clenched his fists tightly.

I can't help but think of the bits and pieces of getting along with this cheap father emperor during this period of time.

After hesitating for a moment, his heart sank.

"Well, we'll know sooner or later anyway. 99

"Prepare the horse, I'm going out of the city!

Seeing that Zhao Tuo was about to leave, the soldiers hurried to catch up: "Young Master, but Xianyang goes to the sand dunes, it will take two days to travel day and night, you kill"


Ignoring the words of the soldiers, Zhao Tuo walked away.


The loud dragon roar echoed in the night sky of Xianyang City.

In the wilderness outside the city, Zhao Tuo rolled over and tried his best to get up on the horse.

In the next second, a black dragon sprang out from the haze!

After catching Zhao Tuo, one person and one dragon flew straight towards the east horizon...

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