Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 90 Tetanus Bomb! Wait for my halberd to be stained with wolf blood!


The two took a deep breath.

The range of thirty feet? Surely death?

With just such a thing?

Facing the surprise in the eyes of everyone, Zhao Tuo did not explain too much.

Instead, he put the jar in his hand on the ground about twenty feet away.

Turning his back to Wang Ben, a ray of flame appeared in his hand, seemingly inadvertently licking the thin cotton thread that had been soaked in the mouth of the jar...


Sparks erupted in vain, and then quickly ignited into the interior of the jar.


Zhao Tuo was startled, turned around and ran back!

Tenaine's, the dry fuse actually burns so much faster than the half-dried one?

Later, you have to go to the temple workers to inform them and let them lengthen the fuse.

Otherwise it can be a little dangerous.

I complained in my heart, but Zhao Tuo was not slow at all.

That's a full jar of doses.

If you don't run quickly, he will definitely be the first to suffer.

After improvement, the lethality of this thing is terrifying to death.

Seeing that Zhao Tuo was running so fast, the two who were hiding behind the fence in the workshop couldn't help but look at each other.

What the hell is this?

It can make Zhao Tuo panic so much.

The two of them looked at the pottery pot on the ground, and their curiosity became more intense.

"Don't look at it, don't die!"

Zhao Tuo, who rushed back with "Four Five Zeros", jumped into the fence, pushed the crowd back to the back of the city gate with a handful, and hid behind him.

next moment……

“Boom rumble!!!”

A deafening roar rang out on the ground.

Whether it is the wall or the earth, it is shaking violently at this moment.

At the same time, a dense sense of impact came from the wall of the workshop that everyone was leaning against.

Blazing pale orange fire waves, accompanied by countless dark shadows, spewed in from the open workshop door.

Although only fleeting.

But the scorching feeling, the two did not dare to underestimate.

I am afraid that it will only be exposed to this fire wave for a moment.

Either burned by the high temperature fire wave, or pierced by the fleeting black shadow.

The two of them looked at Zhao Tuo, who was excited, with a look of horror in their eyes.

What the hell did this guy do?

It is already more than twenty feet away, yet there is still such a terrifying power.

No wonder he dared to say that this thing could kill all enemies within thirty feet.

The loud rumbling echoing between heaven and earth gradually receded.

It seems that calm has returned to the outside of the city gate.

The two of them cautiously looked out.

I saw that the place where the clay pot was originally placed has turned into a huge dark pit.

As for the pottery, the whereabouts were missing, and not even a fragment was left.

All the plants within a two-foot radius were completely burnt.

The heat wave still lingers outside.

Zhao Tuo took the lead out of the city gate's cover and came to the black pit.

Seeing such an exaggerated effect, Meng Yi asked with lingering fears: "Master, what is this... what is it?

Zhao Tuo smiled: "The scientific name of this thing is called a bomb.

"But he's more than just a bomb now."

In fact, this thing was made by him according to the principle of modern fragmentation grenades.

By the way, another magic change was made.

Among the pots is the high-explosive black powder that he used the most primitive method, using saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal, after experimenting and mixing.

This thing is far more awesome than most people imagine.

Every 4 grams of black powder can produce 280 liters of gas in a very short time after burning.

The volume can expand nearly ten thousand times.

Therefore, once it is ignited in a closed space, it will produce a great impact force and a small range of instantaneous high temperature.

It's called an explosion!

However, it is just an explosion, and its high temperature and shock wave damage are still limited.

So Zhao Tuo used his brain again and made some transformations on its basis.

The grenade uses a high-pressure shock wave to impart kinetic energy to the steel balls or fragments in the outer ring to kill.

Using this principle, he filled the outer ring of a clay pot containing black powder with a large amount of flour and a mixture of waste weapon fragments.

In this way, the flour can play a protective role.

Prevent the clay pot from being broken due to improper operation, exposed to the air, and only deflagrate but cannot explode.

The second reason is to greatly increase the lethality of this "shell".

Fine flour is known to be flammable.

Although piles of flour like this are difficult to ignite because of the oxygen content.

But there are so many things in Zhao Tuo's mind.

He directly increased the proportion of saltpeter powder in the gunpowder in proportion, so that it released more oxygen during the combustion process to provide the conditions for the flour to burn.

With the explosion of gunpowder, a large amount of flour spreads out quickly after being ignited, forming a fire wave of high temperature and high pressure.

The explosion of flour will also form a secondary impact again.

At this time, the scraps of used weapons mixed in the flour will be given amazing kinetic energy with the explosion of the black powder and the double thrust generated by the explosion of the flour, and will be sputtered around.

Within this range, nothing is spared.

The most terrifying part of this bomb is after the rusted weapon fragments enter or even penetrate the human body!

Although the debris is small, it is difficult to kill without hitting the vital position.

But like this kind of rust debris penetrates into the human body, it will inevitably cause tetanus

In this day and age, medical care is scarce.

Once hit, you will almost certainly die!

After listening to Zhao Tuo's explanation, cold sweat broke out on Wang Ben's forehead.

Meng Yi said with lingering fears: "Fifteenth brother, this bomb is so cruel, will it hurt heaven and earth to use it on the battlefield?

Zhao Tuo nodded slightly.

This is why he has been hesitant.

“In the face of outsiders like the Huns who continue to invade our frontiers and torture my people, it doesn’t matter if the weapons are ten times more savage.”66

"But if people with intentions rebel in the future and let our own people beat our own people, this bomb... definitely can't be used.

Zhao Tuo sighed.

Maybe Meng Yi and Wang Ben have been in the battlefield for a long time, but they definitely don't have a better understanding of how inhuman this thing is.

Wang Ben patted Zhao Tuo's shoulder: "Young master, don't worry, this thing is enough to deal with the wolf son of the Xiongnu in northern Xinjiang.

"This time, let them taste the cruelty of our Da Qin!

A few days later, a second newspaper was published.

Unsurprisingly, with the release of Quyuanli's drawings, the image of Xianyang Palace in the hearts of the common people began to take a 180-degree turn.

To this end, Ying Zheng also held a special banquet and invited hundreds of officials in the court.

This time, it was exhausting the few cooks who had been trained by Zhao Tuo before.

"Nowadays, the people all praise my policy of publishing newspapers in Daqin, which is beneficial to the country and the people, and they are full of praise for Tuo'er's tune and plough."5

Ying Zheng raised his glass and stood up, with a slight blush on his face, obviously drinking to the fullest.

"I am very pleased to hear that!"

"Tuoer." 9

"My son is here. Zhao Tuo picked up the cup and got up.

Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Tuo, the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

"Tuo'er, you proposed to publish a newspaper and make a zigzag, plough and aquilegia car, but now I have nothing to reward you.

"Only for the people of the world, a toast to you. 35

"I hope you will guard against arrogance and impatience, and open up a great Qin Dynasty in the future!"


There was an uproar at the banquet below, and the officials looked at each other in dismay.

Leading the Great Qin?

Could it be that……

The father and son were drinking, and Ying Zheng laughed happily.

How long.

How long has it been since you were so happy and happy?

In his memory, it seemed that after Da Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, he had never been so happy.

But now, the traitorous officials in the DPRK have been removed, and the people's hearts have gathered.

Think back carefully.

It seems that since Tuoer appeared in his field of vision, everything has begun to develop in a good direction.

"Come on, with such delicious food and wine, all the Aiqings will accompany me for a drink.


As the delicacies were presented, the singing and dancing music continued, and the atmosphere of the banquet was pushed to a new climax.

All the officials smiled.

However, it was at this moment that a soldier who was in trouble suddenly broke into the banquet.

"Report to Your Majesty, 800 li in the northern border is urgent!"


The originally lively banquet was instantly quiet.

The dance and music stopped, and the noise stopped.

I only heard the sonorous voice of the soldiers: "As the weather gets warmer, the Xiongnu Langzi has repeatedly invaded the Hetao area of ​​my northern Xinjiang."

"Today there are three counties of Yunzhong, Shangjun and Jiuyuan, and more than a dozen villages have been looted by the Huns."

"Hundreds of soldiers on the frontier were killed halfway.

"General Meng has led the soldiers in northern Xinjiang to spread out for defense!"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Ying Zheng.

"Northern Xinjiang... Has it started yet?" Ying Zheng looked at the northern sky with mixed emotions flashing in his eyes.

There is anger, there is excitement, and there is... faint anticipation.

"Okay, I know, let's go down and have a good rest first."


After the soldiers retired, the gazes of Baiguan looking at Ying Zheng became somewhat inconceivable.

They thought that if the good atmosphere just now was disturbed by this bad news, His Majesty would be furious.

But now, it seems that His Majesty had expected it long ago...


0.3 saw Zhao Tuo stand up with a solemn expression, and there seemed to be a hint of fire in his eyes.

"Reporting to the emperor, the Xiongnu wolves have repeatedly violated the northern Xinjiang and disturbed the lives of our people in Great Qin. 99

"Before this, Erchen was too weak.

"Now we are ready to drive away the wolf and the tiger for the people of Daqin! 39

"I also hope that the father and emperor will be fulfilled!"

Ying Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, and the scene of Zhao Tuo gazing up and down on the battlefield flashed in his mind.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "Tuo'er, perhaps compared to here, it is true that Northern Xinjiang needs you more now. 95

"come over."

Ying Zheng waved to Zhao Tuo.

"This is a tiger talisman for dispatching troops, how many soldiers to bring, so you go to dispatch, the father and the emperor support you.

Looking at the tiger talisman that shone with a pitch-black sheen under the sun, the court officials were completely numb.

Logically speaking, the only people who are qualified to hold this tiger talisman in Daqin are His Majesty himself, and generals like Meng Tian and Li Xin.


Zhao Ruo clenched the tiger talisman in his hand and looked at Ying Zheng with a little more determination.

"Father, don't worry.

"My son, I will definitely live up to the high expectations of my father and emperor! I will live up to the high expectations of the people of Qin!"

After that, Zhao Tuo faced the court officials and raised his glass.

"Wait until my halberd is dyed with wolf blood!

"Condolences to the northern border...the border guard!

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