Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 91 Expedition! Three hundred vs three thousand, the dragon scale halberd is stained with blo

A cloud of lead weighs the top, and the north wind howls.

Although it is already the beginning of spring, the sudden coldness of spring has added a chilling atmosphere to Xianyang City.

Outside the city of Xianyang, the people watched and practiced.

All the officials of the dynasty also came here.

Ying Zheng and Fusu stood on the city wall, looking at the only three hundred soldiers not far away.

The leader of these three hundred people is Zhao Tuo!

Fusu couldn't help but sighed: "The fifteenth brother deserves to be the dragon among men. 99

"So heroic, I'm afraid it's enough to make all men feel ashamed."

Ying Zheng smiled and said nothing.

Zhao Tuo at this time, as he saw on the simulator.

He is dressed in black armor with a heavy halberd, and has a dragon horse under his crotch.

The crimson cloak rattled in the wind.

With just one person, there are thousands of troops.

In front of the army below, Zhao Tuo and Meng Yi were making an exhortation before leaving.

"Lao Meng, I don't know how long it will take me to return. If something important happens in Xianyang, you can go to Nuanxiangge to find Mr. Luo, and he will pass the book to me as soon as possible."

"In addition, you must urge the temple workers to speed up the production of the cavalry equipment I told them. 35

“As for bombs, they must be made in a separate workshop outside the city. It doesn’t matter how fast they are, the main thing is to be safe. 35

"Also, the 300 people who went to Northern Xinjiang with me were originally from Jianghu, and they turned to me.

"I'm fighting for Daqin today, I should stand up for them, but time is running out, I have no time to do these things, and now I can only leave them to you.

Meng Yi nodded solemnly.

"Young master explained, this old man should keep it in mind.""

"It's just... on Wan Ning's side.

Mentioning Meng Wanning, Zhao Tuo couldn't help scratching his head.

Since the last time she faked her death and scared the girl enough, her friendship with herself has become more and more obvious.

If the 29th expedition is urgent, I didn't have time to say it yesterday.

This concealment, I am afraid, is enough to give Meng Yi a headache.

"This, I'll leave it to you, Lao Meng, and I'll bring you a gift when I come back, so it's settled.

After explaining everything, Zhao Tuo's horse came under the city wall.

"Father, my son is going to march north, so please pay attention to your health.

"You can rest assured that the Northern Expedition is." Ying Zheng waved his sleeves and said impassively, "Use your spear to kill those Xiongnu wolves.

"The royal father holds a banquet for your triumphant return!

"Here! 99

Zhao Tuo finally bowed his body to make a composition, and immediately pulled the reins, Chifeng came to the front of the three hundred cavalry team.

"All have.

"Let's go!"

"Let's go!!!

There were only three hundred people, but the aura went straight to Xiao Han.

Zhao Tuo took the lead, followed by the 300 Iron Army.

Flying sand bursts, flags hunting.

Under the expectations and blessings of countless people, Zhao Tuo led a team of 300 people to the northern Xinjiang.

Horseshoes hurried all the way.

Because there is already a ready-made gallop between Shangjun and Xianyang.

In less than two days, the team had already arrived within the range of Shangjun.

"Young master, further ahead is Dawa Village." Shi Yu pulled his horse back to Zhao Tuo's side.

As Zhao Tuo's loyal guard for more than ten years.

He will not be absent from this expedition to the Xiongnu.

Looking at the map in his hand, Shi Yu frowned and said, "I heard that it was visited by the Hun horse team that bypassed the Great Wall before, and I don't know what the current situation is."

"It shouldn't be good. 39 Zhao Tuo also frowned.

"Those Huns relied on their excellent riding skills and their horses were better than those of the Qin Dynasty, so they dared to be so arrogant. 99

Touching Chifeng's neck, cold light flashed in Zhao Tuo's eyes.

"If this trip encounters a horse team of the Huns, they must not be able to eat and walk around!"

"Go, keep going!"

Soon, everyone came to the vicinity of Dawa Village.

However, as they got closer to Dawa Village, the expressions of everyone including Zhao Tuo became more and more gloomy.

From a distance, the entire village is scorched.

There are signs of fire everywhere.

Only the blackened rammed earth walls and broken wooden structures are left standing alone in the wilderness.

It was clearly approaching evening, but there was no smoke from the kitchen.

Only the wild wind blew, bringing with it bursts of desolation and loneliness.

Zhao Tuo led his people into the ruins.

A large number of charred and mutilated corpses, and black and red dried blood came into view.

This... what a cruel sight.

"Boom boom...

There was a muffled sound of thunder in the low lead cloud.

Between Zhao Tuo's clenched fists, lightning flashes repeatedly.

"These Hun chops... all be damned!"

Three hundred people, not the slightest sound.

In the heavy breathing, you could hear the anger they were full of.

After a long time, Zhao Tuo's voice sounded faintly.

"Bury the bodies of the villagers and we continue on our way. 35


Soon, the bodies of the people in the village were properly buried.

Taking a last look at the ruins, Zhao Tuo tightened the reins and led the crowd to continue.

I don't know if it was because Zhao Tuo opened his mouth.

This time, I didn't wait long to walk out, and at the end of my vision in the distance, I could vaguely see a burst of smoke rising.

"Master, there is a situation over there, I'll go check it out." After that, Shi Yu was about to leave, but was stopped by Zhao Tuo.

"No, I'll just take a look.

The voice fell, and the clouds above the team's heads stirred.

Vaguely, you can see the black dragon body wandering into the distance...

How strong is the visual ability of the black dragon clone?

Zhao Tuo could see the origin of the other party at a glance.

There were two or three thousand people in the horse team below, all of them were rough in appearance, with machetes on their waists, and their horses were tall.

The corner of Zhao Tuo's body raised a sneer.

"Brothers, in front is the Huns' horse team, about two or three thousand people."

"It's time for revenge."

"Go, go and collect interest from them first!


Zhao Tuo took off the spear behind him, took the lead, and directly accelerated towards the enemy line.

In the rear, Shi Yu led the 300 Iron Army behind him.

Once the Chifeng is released, how fast is it?

Before the Huns over there could figure out the situation, Zhao Tuo had already approached.

"The offal, slaughter my Daqin people, and kill you today! 99

Zhao Tuo shouted and flew up on horseback.

At the same time, thunder roared in the air.

The dazzling thunder light fell directly on the halberd in Zhao Tuo's hand!

"Die me!!!


There was a huge earthquake, and lightning surged.

This heavy halberd directly sent dozens of Xiongnu cavalry flying around.

The lightning that it brought up directly turned it into coke, which was already dead and could no longer die.

"Eat me again!"

I saw the cross wheel of the spear in Zhao Tuo's hand, and for the first time, all the strength of the whole body was released with the slightest disguise.


Accompanied by the numbing sound of bones shattering, several figures flew out.

How terrifying the power of Zhao Tuo today.

Coupled with the exaggerated weight of the Dragonscale Halberd itself.

Under a single blow, the other party didn't even have the slightest reason to lead the horse.

At this moment, the power that Zhao Tuo had been suppressing all along was completely released.

The dragon-scale halberd weighing hundreds of kilograms kept spinning with a terrifying whistling sound.

Every time it can lift several people.

For a time, no one in the entire Hun cavalry team could approach him.

In addition, Chifeng also showed a terrifying aggressiveness.

The horse's hooves like iron and gold on its limbs are like four giant hammers, and it will kick any Xiongnu cavalry who dares to approach him, even kicking the horse and turning it over.

The two or three thousand Xiongnu cavalrymen were caught off guard by Zhao Tuo, who was killed by one horse and one horse.

After they reacted, they found that another 300 cavalry team had killed them.

"It's from Qin! Don't panic, there are only three hundred of them!"

However, as soon as the words fell, they realized that they seemed to be wrong.

I saw that the three hundred iron cavalry led by Shi Yu, although each of them did not wear a piece of armor, but their skills were outrageous.

Every time the sword light flashes, it can take away the life of a Xiongnu cavalry without exception, without the slightest exception.

In the blink of an eye, the three hundred iron soldiers pierced into the three thousand Huns cavalry like sharp swords.

Suddenly, the Xiongnu cavalry screamed in all directions.

They have always been known for being good at fighting right away.

But until today, they didn't know what a crushed battle was.

Three thousand to three hundred.

What should have been a victory without suspense turned into a defeat without suspense.

And what frightened them even more.

The guy who came in at the beginning seems... not an ordinary human at all!


The dragon scale halberd swung in a circle with the firelight

450 Immediately, hot fire waves spread out, turning dozens of people into coke.

After that, Zhao Tuo escaped with a halberd, and the thunder light fell from the clouds, clearing the enemy again.

Such a terrifying sight completely destroyed the fighting spirit of the Huns.

"Run! Run! That man knows magic!

"Get out!

"Hurry up and turn around, Qin people's horses can't catch up with us, hurry up! 35

Seeing that something was wrong, the Xiongnu cavalry turned their horses around and ran wildly.

Not that they are cowardly.

But this is fire and lightning.

This kind of existence is simply not something that humans can contend with.

Seeing the Huns ride away, Zhao Tuo wiped the blood spattered by the enemy on his face and smiled coldly.

"Brothers, get on the horse!"

"Let's show them what a real good horse is!

After saying that, Zhao Tuo leaped onto the Chifeng and led the crowd to chase after the Huns.

Soon, the Huns who had fled for their lives found out.

Not only did the two sides not widen the distance, but the chasing troops behind them were getting closer and closer.

The sneer on Zhao Tuo's face was even worse.


The mounts of these 300 cavalrymen were all carefully selected by the Chamber of Commerce from the horse farm.

Although not a pure-blooded sweaty BMW.

But it is also a hybrid of the sweaty BMW and the Huns, with a very high proportion of blood.

Whether it is speed or endurance, it is far from these ordinary Huns.

Within a quarter of an hour, Zhao Tuo led his men to bite behind the Xiongnu cavalry.

When the cavalry saw this, they bent their bows and shot arrows to stop Zhao Tuo and others.

"Wonderful! Try this!

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Tuo's hand exploded with lightning, and the dragon scale halberd swung round and then threw it out with all his strength.

woohoo hoo...

The dragon-scale halberd wrapped in electric light swept through the grass like a razor.

Everywhere you go, there are lightning flashes, and people turn their backs!

In the blink of an eye, the entire Xiongnu cavalry team was given a pair of clothes.

In the screams, there was another crisp sound.

Dragonscale sword unsheathed!

Zhao Tuo licked the blood of the Huns at the corner of his mouth, holding a dragon scale sword, and charged into the Huns again.

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