Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 19 Chapter 1: My Love

Yeah, Xuangan Cave is too messy.

Although Lu Buqiu said so, he was equally worried that Xuangandongtian was not good, he felt deeply.

Even if it was him, if it was not a good repair, I am afraid it would be destroyed by the jealous fossil. Even if it is not killed, I am afraid there is nothing to end. Even if they fled, I'm afraid they will meet Wan Mozong's autumn wind like Yiyun.

This is a place where you can't move without strength.

Ten years ago, it was said that this was the most chaotic period in the Uro Island. Even the top ten schools of the chaotic world were involved, and the fighting never stopped for a day.

Like Yunqin and their four women, when they came to Xuangandongtian, they had all just broken through to the infancy of the gods. Maybe the dragon would not be stronger, and it was barely worthy of the last monk out of the body. For their part, this is not enough for a small martial artist to sew their teeth here.

Taking a deep breath, he put away this useless worry, Lu Buqiang stared at the landing 珺: "Take me to see your grandpa them!"

Lu Zheng nodded his head: "Knowing that you are okay with your father, everyone will be happy and crazy. But father, you must be mentally prepared for one thing."

Lu did not give up for a moment, he realized that one of his worst concerns also happened.

"Grandma died forty years ago, and grandma ..."

Lu Buqi exclaimed: "How is my mother?"

For Lu Buqi, Zhang Haizhi's death was a condition acceptable to him although he was sad. Moreover, he died 40 years ago, which means that he also lived to 120 years old. As a woman who has not cultivated, this life is already considered to be very long. And with so many children and grandchildren at his side, it is not a pity that he would not give up without him.

But if Luo Hui also died, it would be very difficult for Lu to give up. This is my mother-in-law. As a previous life, Lu Buqi, who did not experience mother's love very well, has overwhelmed her loved addiction on Luo Hui.

If Luo Hui fails to repay this kind of affection, it will be Lu Buqi's biggest regret.

"Don't be excited, grandma is still alive, she is seriously ill."

Lu never gave up, still worrying: "Sickly? How could he be sick?"

It can be said that practitioners cannot become ill. Tiandi Yuanli will continue to train the magazines in the body, and eat less and eat less impurities.

Even though Luo Hui did not enter the path of spiritual practice, but she lived in such a bad environment. There was no shortage of elixir. How could she be sick?

"Grand God of Wealth said Grandma was suffering from heart disease." Lu Ying responded: "Father Emperor should also know that Grandma is old now, and some problems are even more difficult to think about. But now that you are back, I think grandma will be fat and fat of."

Lu Buqi nodded again and again: "Now, take me to see your grandma!"

"Okay, but are you alone? Don't regret your mother-in-law?" Lu Yan apparently received Yunqin's good education, and he called several other wives as mother-in-law.

"She's on Honglian Island!" Lu Buqi agitated slightly.

"Honglian Island? That's not too far away, why don't we take the unregrettable mother first and go back together?" Lu Yan suggested.

Lu Buqi nodded: "I think so too, before we go to Honglian Island, I will take you to see two more people."

Lu Yan raised his brow slightly: "I have a new mother? I know that when I came to Hongdao with my father, there were two women, one calling your righteous father and the other calling your name directly. Should Are they the new people you've met over the years? "

Lu Buqi's expression was a little awkward: "Yes ... she's called Tian Yan Gu Qing, and it's from the Feng tribe; in Shenyou Dongtian, I have another woman named Luoshui, but she didn't leave God with me You Dongtian. "

Lu Buqi, who said these words, suddenly felt like a son, waiting for Laozi to criticize it.

"Father Emperor, what kind of expression are you doing, are you worried that I will have any thoughts?" Lu Yan smiled and looked at Lu Buqi, he suddenly discovered that the legendary Father Emperor was actually very cute.

Lu Buqi smiled bitterly: "After all ... my women are a little more. When your mother kissed them and thought about me hard, I was gentle with other women."

"Although I don't know where they are now after the mother, but I know that if they know that you have loved you in these years, they will be very happy." Lu Yan's eyes recalled with a bit of memory: "I still Remember, the mothers often hang around their mouths because they are worried that you will be a stranger in a foreign country, and they will encounter a lot of difficulties. They worry that you and the regret mother will have no one to rely on, and they will be unable to do so.

Lu never moved his heart, and those who truly love him do not account for these things, they will only worry about your life.

"I've heard the most in recent years, which is what Niang Niang often says. She said that she has no ability to help you. I hope you can rely on beauty outside to attract more powerful women. Take care of you, then you and your unrepentant mother should be able to live better. "

Lu never gave up and smiled: "The second mother you said is beaded yarn?"

Lu Yan repeatedly nodded and smiled: "Only Erniang can talk like this, right? Erniang hurts me most, it hurts more than her sister ... But speaking, they all agree with Erniang's point of view after the mother, they also Speaking of your femininity, there should be no shortage of women, it depends on how you choose. Father Emperor, in fact, your love is also my role model. Do you know how you are depicted in the Dragon King's biography?

Lu did not give up: "Long Huang Chuan Ji?"

"Yeah, the Dragon Emperor is the title that the empire crowned you after you left." Lu Ying responded: "It was written by the mother-in-law to commemorate it, and wrote your experience that cannot be copied for more than twenty years. The post-mother's method is to write history, everything is written very true, including your emotional problems. This is also the book I and my sister-in-law have read the most since childhood. "

Lu Buqi gave up: "How do I say that?"

"Say you are romantic, but not indecent; passionate, but not overly emotional."

"The mother-in-law and several mothers-in-law also said that you are actually emotionally passive, and most of you are passively accepting. Even the mother-in-law said that she is after you! But when you accept their feelings, every emotion You are all guarding your life. The mother said that the most beautiful scenery in her life is to board the nine-storied pagoda with you and wait for it to flow. Every time Er Niang talks about you for her, you can risk heaven. The risk of stealing people from the Nebula Sword School is also endless. "

"Even Grandpa's God of Wealth said that as long as a person can be so responsible for his feelings and not the feelings imposed on others, no one can criticize him!"

Speaking of this, Lu Weiweidun: "I believe that even if the father-in-law has a new love, it is definitely not a passion for selfish desire, and I also believe that the father-in-law does not forget the old love because of the new love. Besides, The regrettable mother is all by your side, she has no opinion, what opinion do I have as a son? "

Lu Buqi laughed and said, "When I have a new love, don't you regret that my mother is not with me?"

"What? Are you carrying a regretless mother? This ... regretful mother has no opinion?" Lu Yan looked at Lu Buqi in surprise, his eyes were incomparable light of worship.

"What do you say ... what does it mean that you don't regret your mother, it's like this ..."

Lu Buqi had to tell Lu Yan first that he and Long did not regret the accident ...

Unconsciously, the two walked back again and returned to the wine cellar.

After knowing that Lu Buqie ’s departure was so rough at the beginning, Lu Yan ’s grievances about Lu Buqie disappeared completely, and he was even happier when he knew that his uncle ’s mother had a brother. Looking forward to meeting Lu Shijie.

Of course, what Lu Yan is looking forward to now is to meet Tian Yan Gu Qing and Lu He Xingxing.

Although the following reports have included descriptions of Tianyan Guqing and Luhe Xingxing, when they saw real people, Lu Ye was also amazed.

Especially when Lu Yan saw the stars of Luhe, his heart that was always arrogant was suddenly moving.

He had never seen such an innocent look, he had never felt such a fresh and refined temperament.

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