Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 19 Chapter 2: the truth of love】

This is the first time that Lu Yan has a heartbeat on a woman.

In Lu Yi's life, there are too many auras.

This makes every woman who is close to him more or less complicated.

More importantly, Lu Yan has a group of extremely good mothers. In his opinion, his wife may not be better than several mothers, but at least not worse than them.

The threshold is already high enough. In addition, when he is an adult, he will be busy ruling the country. He has no thoughts, no love, no suitable object.

This is a bad thing for everyone, but Lu Yan is a person who has a high pursuit of love. He doesn't like the general at all. No matter who comes to persuade him, he just obliterates the past with one word.

Countless women who are so good to others as bubbling, once in front of him, no one can come to his heart.

"I will marry a daughter-in-law to his father when he returns."

This sentence made Lu An'an steadily hit a bachelor for decades, a real hole-level diamond king five.

Every old diamond king is actually eager for love to come, but unfortunately there is no suitable opportunity.

Now the opportunity seems to have arrived.

Both Lu Buqi and Tian Yan Guqing were very surprised that Lu Yan was very frank and directly showed love to the landing river stars.

After giving way, focus on the moment when the two sides meet.

"Hey, this is Lu Xingxing, the righteous daughter collected for your father, and your sister." This is Lu Buqier's introduction.

Then Lu Yan looked at the stars of Luhe, and his eyes were inseparable: "Father, I don't want her to be my sister."

"Ah?" Lu Buqi gave up: "Why? The stars are so flattering."

Lu Hexing looked at Lu Yan in wonder, didn't he like himself? She felt very good about Lu Yan. He felt that he was as handsome as his elder father and elder brother, and his eyes were brighter than his elder father's.

"Just because she is flattering, so I don't want him to be my sister." Lu Yan looked at Lu Hexing deeply: "I want her to be my queen."

The words didn't end, Lu Ye slowly stretched out his hand and looked at Lu Hexing with affection: "Stars, I think I am in love with you, be my queen!"

When Lu Buqi and Tian Yan Guqing were surprised, Lu Hexing replied innocently: "What is the queen?"

Lu Yan froze instantly, blinked his eyes, and did not respond for a long time.

"Haha ..."

Lu Buqi and Tian Yan Gu Qing laughed at each other. At that moment, the goodness of the first love was instantly dissipated and filled with the taste of youth.

Then on the way back to Dragon Island, Lu Yan solemnly explained to Lu Hexing that the queen is not something, but a position, a position that is extremely important to him.

After asking a few questions, thoroughly understanding what it was like to be a queen, and feeling the eagerness of Lu Yan, Lu Hexing didn't even refute him, but said that he could consider it. This undoubtedly made Lu Yan very excited, his face filled with happiness.

Lu Buqi and Tian Yan Gu Qing both watched Lu stubbornly pursue the way all the way and laughed all the way.

As a father, Lu Fuqiu was naturally very happy to see that Lu Yan and Lu Hexing could become a couple. It was also a good thing that the anti-justice daughter-in-law became a daughter-in-law.

And when the dragons didn't regret it, Lu Miejie was surprised when they saw the return of Lu Bujia.

"Don't give up, you look back?"

Lu never gave up and nodded: "Obtained a permanent resident in Red Island, restored to look like ..."

"It's so good ..." Long did not regret being happy.

"There is another good news ..." Lu Buqi laughed and pulled Lu Yan to his side: "Look who is this?"

"I don't regret my mother!" Lu Yan called out actively. For this little mother who had only a vague impression, she saw that kind of intimacy instantly.

When he heard that a man who had known him called her "No Regret Mother", Long did not regret it, and then she was overjoyed.

"Don't give up? Have you found everyone?"

Lu never gave up and nodded: "Yes, but as soon as he met his son, he begged to see you and destroy him first, and then take you home and meet her father and mother."

"Is this the treasure of our family?" Long couldn't help but caressed Xia Lu's face, his eyes full of crickets.

"It's me. Nobody called me that way for a long time." Lu Yan's eyes were slightly moist: "I don't regret your mother, you really look exactly like your aunt, seeing you is like seeing your aunt."

Long did not regret to respond: "Sisters, are they all right?"

"This ..." Lu Yan looked at Lu Buqi aside,

Lu Buqi walked away and embraced the dragon with no regrets: "Don't be excited, my son told me, staying with them is not with them, and they have not seen each other for ten years."

Long did not regret that he was very anxious: "Ah ... Couldn't it be said ... Impossible, sister, they won't be wrong."

"I think so too, so don't let you get excited and don't worry about it." Lu never gave up and said broadly: "I believe we will be reunited as long as we continue to look for."

"Yes, my mother, the Ji people have their own beauty, and their aunts will be fine." Lu Shijie said, "Now they have all found their elder brother. I think they will be able to find them soon. "

Long regret flashed a firm conviction: "Yeah, we have experienced such a difficult thing and eventually we can reunite. No matter what happened to the sisters, they must be working hard and insisting. Don't give up ... you Promise me, we must find my sisters. "

Lightly regretted the dragon and regretted it, Lu never gave up the focus.

At this time, Lu Hexing suddenly grabbed Lu Miejie's hand: "Erotic brother, Meng said that he wanted me to be his queen. Do you agree with me or not?"

"Oh? Is this still the case?" Lu Shijie looked at Lu Yan with surprise. "Brother, haven't you set up a queen yet?"

Lu Yan nodded: "I didn't look down on you. I saw the stars, and I knew that my position as the queen is the stars."

"Destroy brother, do you say I promise or not? You haven't answered me yet?"

Caressing Lu Hexing's forehead, Lu Mingjie chuckled: "What do you think in your heart? Didn't your father teach us? Everything, but ask for your heart."

"But ask for your own heart?" Lu Hexing thought with a crooked neck and thought, "I think Brother Xi is very good. His eyes are very bright, just like you and his righteous father. Being with him is very safe and happy. Ah. But I do n’t know if this is the love that Aunt Qing said, does n’t it mean that love does n’t come so easily? ”

"Actually, love also fell in love at first sight!" Lu Miejie chuckled, looking at the butterfly in the sky.

The sky and rain butterfly smiled and said, "Yeah, my brother and I killed you just fell in love at first sight. At first glance, I think the other person is the one who entrusted her life."

"Is that so?" Lu Hexing muttered, looking at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan nodded again and again, his eyes opened wider, as if this would make him look more sincere. Maybe he is a very good emperor, but in the face of love, he is a hairy boy who has not started.

When Lu Hexing wanted to nod and promised, Lu Buqi suddenly said, "Xingxing, if you are not sure, consider again, first know a little bit about him, and really like him. Promise. "

Lu Hexing blinked his eyes: "I really like my brother now."

While Lu Yan was excited, Lu never gave up chuckling: "While you like it very much, and think that he is completely different in your heart from annihilation, when you agree to it."

"Is that so?" Lu Hexing thought for a while, then focused on: "It's quite righteous."

Lu Yan looked at Lu Bugui in a grievance, "Father Emperor, are you my father-in-law?"

"Begging?" Lu Buqi cursed with a smile.

Lu Yan smiled strangely: "Then you don't help me talk good words, you set a threshold for me."

"Hey, love that can stand the test is love." Long regretted and said gently, "If you don't even have the ability to make stars fall in love with you, how can you give her happiness?"

Lu Yan focused his head: "The regret mother has learned from her. She must work hard to make the stars fall in love with me as soon as possible."

"That's ridiculous!" Lu Buqiu re-shot Lu Yan.

As long as the dragon does not regret, love that can stand the test is love. Lu never gave up believing that Lu Yan's love for Luhe Xingxing didn't happen on a whim, after all, he was definitely not a sloppy relationship, otherwise he should have been a large group of concubines.

But human beings are like this, and things that are too easy to get, they always do n’t know to cherish.

Lu not abandon not only hoped that Lu Yan was with Lu Hexing, he also hoped that the two would last for a long time. If not, it would be better not to start.

Such hopes are shared by those who love landing on the river stars.

Just like Lu Shijie, he said something to Lu Yan in private.

"Brother, you have great vision. The star is a rare girl in the world. She is simple and kind, pure as a piece of paper with no words written on it. If you can make her fall in love with you, she will love you for a lifetime I. "

"Similarly, it is because she is simple, so if you hurt her, it will become the deepest mark of your life. So you must treasure and take care of this love. This is like my father studying."

Lu Yan thought so: "Well, learn from our father!"

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