Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 114 You can’t kill me like this, but it’s easy to kill you (please vote)

call out!

The arrow shot out from Indra's bow in an instant.

The arrow is like light, passing through the clouds.

In an instant, it turned into two arrows and appeared in front of Asura the Horsehead.

The horse-headed Asura's eyes narrowed, and he turned his head to the side. The strong wind hunted him, and he dodged one of the arrows. The other arrow suddenly hit the horse-headed Asura's neck.

His body froze...

The next moment, the arrow snapped and fell downwards.

"Hehehe! Hehehehehe~"

Horsehead Asura laughed.

He lowered his head and stared at the falling arrow. He raised his hand and sucked it in. The white bone arrow instantly flew up and rushed into the palm of his hand.

Crunch! Crunch!

He twisted his neck, looked at the joint arrow coldly, and couldn't help but sneered.

"Aren't these my bones?"

"Do you think you can defeat me just now? You're so naive! You can't break my blessing!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Asura, the horse-headed man, rubbed the slender joints and couldn't help but sneer.

The content of his blessing is simple.

Only a being similar to him can truly kill him!

This bone comes from him and is part of him.

But it's completely different from him!

How could it be possible to kill him? !

He is the only one in this world who has the head of a horse and the human body, the others do not exist at all!

"You can't kill me!"

"Although I don't know how you came out of that cosmic storm, you can't kill me. There is no existence in this world that can kill me!"

"The Vedas are within me!"

"My wisdom is endless!"

Horsehead Asura laughed endlessly and was full of confidence.

He looked sideways at Indra, smiled again, and said: "You seem to like this white horse very much, then I will kill it!"

The next moment, the horse-headed Asura drew the bow string to its full length, and the string was like the full moon.

The target is still the white horse!


Horsehead Asura laughed, and the flaming arrows condensed on his full-moon bowstring.


However, at this moment, a stream of light suddenly struck from behind the horse-headed Asura. With a terrifying strong wind, it rushed past and hit the bow string instantly.

This arrow, which was originally dodged by the horse-headed Asura, turned back and hit the bowstring of the horse-headed man.

collapse! ! !

A thunderous sound instantly echoed in all directions.


The sea of ​​milk shook like thunder, and a dazzling lightning suddenly pierced the darkness.

In the thunder.

This full-moon-like bowstring broke instantly, and the sharp bowstring bounced in all directions, sweeping past the horse-headed Asura's neck in an instant.


The horse-headed Asura stood on the sea of ​​milk, his posture still maintaining the posture of his bow, not moving at all.

Only the neck.

A little bit of scarlet blood was condensing into drops, forming a circle, seeping and rolling down from his neck.

The beautiful Vedic light is like the golden morning glow, shining out from this neck.

Extremely beautiful!

Indra's eyes were dull.

He held the divine bow and took long steps, walking on the sea of ​​milk.

At this moment, the white horse neighed and cried continuously, the sea of ​​milk was turbulent, and the waves splashed in all directions, hitting his feet, but not a trace of wetness. He walked quietly and came to the horse-headed Asura.

"It's true that I can't kill you, but it's not difficult to break a bowstring."

Indra said slowly.

There is still the last trace of wisdom and clarity in the eyes of the horse-headed Asura.

He muttered to himself with a trembling voice.

"The...last question!"

" did you escape!"

Every time Asura said a word, the golden light of the "Vedas" shone brighter and brighter on the scar on his neck, as if it was about to rush out at any moment.

He doesn't understand!

Why did the cosmic storm he obtained from the cosmic wisdom fail, and why did it not trap Indra?

Indra frowned slightly.

He looked at the horse's head with a face full of unwillingness and confusion, couldn't help but shook his head, and decided to fulfill his last wish.

"Because I am also practicing hard!"

Indra was honest.


Outside his body, streaks of golden light from the sun suddenly appeared, and the third layer of the Sun God Armor emerged.

This time, he only used nine hundred years of hard work to condense the third layer of divine armor.

Immune to any damage from the power of [Wind]!

It can be said to be very cheap!

All things in the universe are composed of the five major forces [earth, fire, wind, water, and space]. These five forces make up everything in the world. If you can be immune to these five forces, most of the forces will be immune to them. It hurt him.

Hearing this, Horsehead Asura closed his eyes.

At this moment, his head slowly slid down, and the bright golden light turned into a pillar of light, rising straight into the sky.

On the broken neck.

The four [Vedas] slowly flew out from the pillar of golden light, exuding divine light and dispelling the darkness above the Milky Sea.

Indra stepped forward and raised his hands.


At this moment, the four Vedas floated down and slowly overlapped, and the four Vedas landed in his hands.

Indra bowed his head.

He looked at these four brick-like [Vedas] and couldn't help but feel emotional.

This thing that looks like it is used to hit people is actually the incarnation of the wisdom of the universe. It is true that everything is beyond its appearance.

Indra sighed in his heart.


At this time, four rays of faint golden light floated out from the four [Vedas]. The four rays of light were intertwined and instantly poured into Indra's eyebrows.


The invisible sound of thunder exploded in his mind, echoing over and over again.

Indra's face hardened.

His eyes flickered, and bits of knowledge and wisdom danced in his mind.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something, as if he had comprehended something, but it was as if he was seeing flowers in the fog and could not figure it out.

"I seem to understand something!"


Indra frowned slightly.

He lowered his head and looked at the [Vedas] in his hand, and saw the golden light of the Vedas flashing, emitting condensed light like stars.

It is truly a source of wisdom!

From now on, I will have to think about the Vedas in my sleep during my penance, and maybe I can learn something else.

Thinking like this, Indra glanced at the body of Asura.

I saw the two corpses of Asura with horse head floating in the sea. Under the illumination of the "Vedas", they seemed to be purified, turned into little bits of foam, merged into the sea of ​​milk, and disappeared.

Indra shook his head, then held the [Vedas] and walked quickly.

He got on his horse, pulled up the reins, and began to gallop through the sea of ​​milk, flying towards the Brahma Realm.

Tap tap tap!

The white horse gallops, its tail flowing.

As Indra rushed out, the light of the [Vedas] illuminated the entire world again.


Lord Shiva held the trident, looked far away, and murmured to himself.

Goddess Parvati next to him also smiled, her anger just gone, and she stood beside Shiva happily.

Auspicious music resounded in this auspicious atmosphere.

The sacred cow Nandi and a group of immortals put their hands together. Their eyes were filled with tears, their faces were happy, and they couldn't help laughing.

Brahma's eyes flashed and he blinked, his face full of surprise.

He is the happiest one now!


"came back!"

Brahma was full of surprises and set off quickly, taking one step forward to pick up Veda.

Among the stars.

Vishnu's face was complicated, his eyes were indescribable, and the wonderful divine wheel flew out from his fingertips!


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