Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 115 Uncontrolled fatherly love, poor me (please vote)

The wonderful view of the divine wheel keeps spinning.

The golden flash came in an instant, shot straight out, and landed between Motu's neck, spinning like countless starlight sparks.

But in the rotation of the Wonderful Wheel, Motu remained unscathed.

At this time, Gaidaba picked up the giant pestle, which seemed to be of immeasurable weight, shattering billions of voids, and hit Vishnu hard.


Vishnu's face was neither sad nor happy, his figure flickered, disappeared instantly, and then appeared behind Motu and Gaidabha.

Gadot's divine hammer swings out again!

boom! boom! boom!

Between the three of them, the figures flashed and the shadows of the hammers intertwined, creating a fierce and earth-shattering fight.


As soon as Brahma landed in the starry sky, he was shocked by the shadow of the giant hammer that filled the sky, and almost dropped the kettle in his hand.

He quickly grabbed the kettle, shook his body, and disappeared into the starry sky.


After a moment, Brahma's figure flickered into the distance.

At this time, the Asura generals were very decisive and all retreated immediately after the darkness receded.

Among the stars.

A group of gods gathered here.

The Priest Immortal and Narada Immortal also came here, anxiously waiting for the change in the battle situation.

"The darkness has disappeared, which means that the [Vedas] have been taken back. Now the Lord is fighting those two Asuras. Where is the Emperor of Heaven?!"

The priest-priest immortal said doubtfully.

After the darkness disappeared, he immediately came to the starry sky and wanted to know the specific situation.

"have no idea!"

"I don't know either!"

Agni, the god of fire, and other gods looked puzzled, shaking their heads nervously, wondering what was going on.

Sun God Surya looked around doubtfully.


Where is his horse? !

Fengshen Fayu blinked, and in his memory, he vaguely saw the figure of the Emperor of Heaven. He remembered that the Emperor of Heaven ran so fast that he couldn't react at all, so he said: "I saw the Emperor of Heaven, he should be chasing the horse. The first one is Ashura.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the worshiping immortal and many gods lit up.

The Asuras took away the Vedas.

Since the darkness has now subsided, it means that the Emperor of Heaven has successfully defeated the Horsehead Asura and regained the Vedas.

"So where is he?"

asked the priest-priest celestial being.


The form of Brahma, the God of Creation, flickered, and with a golden light, he suddenly appeared here, among many gods.

“Praise the Lord!”

"Praise to Brahma, the Creator God!"

“Praise the Lord!”

Many gods paid tribute.

Brahma smiled and nodded gently.

"The Emperor of Heaven has already killed Hayakaliva, we just need to wait here!"

The Way of Brahma.

Hearing this, the worshiping immortals and gods were either shocked, surprised, or in disbelief.

"The Emperor of Heaven actually broke the blessing of the horse's head!" Immortal Narada looked puzzled. "how did you do that?"

"Great, I can finally return to heaven!"

Sun God Surya's divine light flashed and he said in surprise.


Fengshen Fayou was excited again and again. "Heaven belongs to us gods!"

Sumo looked excited and breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is really great!"

Sumo smiled.

The Emperor of Heaven succeeded!

Then all they have to do is wait until Lord Vishnu defeats Motu and Gaidabha, and then they can return to the heaven.

For a moment, all the gods looked at the battlefield on Vishnu's side.


A huge roaring sound resounded through the void, as if the world was wailing, bursting into pieces under the divine hammers of these three.

The gods looked at each other from a distance and gave up the idea of ​​coming to help.

It's so intense!

They might be adding to the chaos by going up, so in order for the Lord to take action with greater confidence, they had better watch first!

The gods were thinking.

The God of Creation [Brahma] also slowly turned his head and looked at the three figures in the distance.

Motu! Gaidaba!

"Fortunately, these two are not my sons!"

Brahma rolled his eyes and felt lingering fear.

When Motu and Gaidabha were born, Vishnu gave them the blessing of immortality in the water, and later allowed them to do evil.

This uncontrolled fatherly love brought disaster to the world and led to the theft of the Vedas.

Brahma expressed strong condemnation.

If it were him, he would definitely not bless his son so easily. He would test him no matter what. His son would definitely be filial and obedient and would never beat his old father.

Brahma's mind was full of thoughts.

tread! tread! tread!

A snow-white horse stepped through the void, the divine horse galloped, and the sound of hoofbeats passed through the layers of space and appeared in the starry sky, instantly attracting the attention of Brahma and the gods.


Brahma turned his eyes, his snow-white beard slightly raised, and with a smile, he stared at Indra coming from a distance, and said in surprise.

Indra! Indra! Indra!

The sound of surprise echoed, fluctuated in the starry sky, and reached the ears of the gods.

"Emperor of Heaven!"

"Emperor of Heaven!"

"It's really the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Horsa Asura is dead, and the Emperor of Heaven has returned!"

The voices of the gods echoed in the starry sky. They happily followed the gaze of Lord Brahma. One after another figures slowly stepped forward, raised their heads and looked at the white horse in the distance, murmuring incessantly.

At this moment, the horse gallops.

Indra held the brick-like Vedas, feeling the weight of knowledge, and saw the creator Brahma who came here, and the protector Vishnu who was fighting in the distance.

What a fierce fight!

Motu and Gaidaba had practiced hard in the heaven for so many years before they summoned Brahma and snatched the Vedas.

In the process...

Brahma would not give these two guys any blessings again, right?

Indra blinked, thought about it, turned over and dismounted, holding the Vedas in both hands, and came to the majestic Brahma.

"Praise the Lord!"

"Hayakari is dead, and the Vedas are back!"

Indra held the Vedas in both hands and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Brahma's eyes lit up, his expression was happy, and he raised his hand and waved, and the four Vedas gradually flew up with golden light and fell into his hands.


In an instant, the infinite golden light illuminated the three realms again.

With the Vedas completely restored, the universe finally returned to its original state, and the wisdom of all living beings returned again and reached perfection.

The gods stared at this scene, some were happy, some were shocked, some were happy, and some were unbelievable.

Different faces kept interweaving!

The main priest also put his hands together, shook his head lightly, and looked at this scene with warmth in his eyes.

The Vedas are back!

Indra's eyes were shining.

The Vedas!

The Vedas!

The horse-headed Asura took the Vedas in order to gain the wisdom to survive to the next calamity and not fall into the reincarnation of the world.

"Maybe the Vedas are useful to me!"

"Poor me, I can only live for more than 4 billion years. If I can live to the next reincarnation, I would also like it!"

"I have to study the wisdom that the Vedas give me when I have time!"

Indra thought.

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