Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 116 Indra, the God of Wisdom, I have something to say, my child (please vote for me)

Indra looked at the four 'bricks' and felt sad in his heart.

At this time, Brahma held the Vedas in his hands, and a faint golden light fell down, like the rising sun, with the dawn, illuminating everything in the universe and dispelling the darkness.

Under the power of the Vedas, everything in the universe finally returned to normal.

The creator god Brahma returned with the [Vedas] and couldn't help but smile slightly.

Fortunately there was no trouble!

Nor does the heaven dance the Tandava dance of destruction.


He nodded slightly, looked at Indra with great satisfaction, his eyes filled with admiration, and said.


"You defeated the stupid and evil Hayakariva and protected the safety of [Vedas]. Your wisdom shocked the world. You are the guardian of light! The guardian of Veda! The guardian of wisdom!"

“Whoever chants and worships the guardian of the Vedas will be enlightened with wisdom.”

Brahma said in a deep voice.

In an instant, divine light surged within Indra's body, and divine power surged up, turning into wisps of golden light that shone out.

"So comfortable!"

The thought just occurred to Indra.


These golden divine lights immediately surged out and turned into a huge figure behind him.

This golden figure has the same appearance as Indra, with a majestic figure, dressed in pure white clothes, with four arms, with a Rudraksha on the arm, holding four [Vedas] in the four hands, exuding a light the light of wisdom.

God of wisdom!

Vedic Guardian!


The eyes of the surrounding gods lit up and were moved.

They clasped their hands and looked at Indra sincerely, their eyes full of reverence.

"Hail to the Vedic Guardians!"

"Hail to the Vedic Guardians!"

The praises resounded continuously.

The priestess immortal blinked his eyes, an excited smile appeared on his face. He took out his pen and immediately started writing.

Swish, swish, swish!

[The great Indra, the wise man, broke the evil horse-headed Asura [Hayakariva], protected the [Vedas], dispersed the darkness, and maintained the peace of the world. 】

[Indra the Homo sapiens is the guardian of the Vedas and the god of wisdom. 】

The priest priest continued to write down another glorious achievement in this 'Book of Indra's Past'.

Then he glanced at the gods around him and continued writing secretly.

【The wisest among the gods~】

"Yes, that's it!"

The priest-priest immortal smiled with satisfaction.

"New priesthood!"

Indra felt the power flowing out of his body, and he was overjoyed.

From now on, he is also a civilian employee!

With the title of 'Vedic Guardian' today, no cat or dog sage would dare to curse him in the future.

"Not bad!"

Indra nodded slightly.

At this time, Brahma's face was slightly condensed and his eyes were serious. He pointed at the starry sky in front of him and said.


Indra! Indra! Indra!

A low call came from Brahma's mouth, like the first voice that created the world at the beginning of creation, echoing in the ears of the gods and reaching Indra's mind.

Indra's eyes were focused and he took a closer look.

The next moment, Brahma spoke again.

"Motu and Gaidaba are harming the universe. Now that you have gained wisdom, go help the protector of the world and eradicate these two asuras!"

The Way of Brahma.


Indra tilted his head, and a series of question marks appeared above his head.

What the hell!

It turns out that he was made the God of Wisdom just to let him fight Motu and Gaidaba.

What a bastard!

This calculation is too loud!

“Everything is born because of God and should also end by God. I believe this is cause and effect, this is karma!”

Indra said casually.

The fight there was so fierce that it would be useless for him to intervene. No matter how hard he tried, it would be impossible to break the blessings of Motu and Gaidaba.

These two guys get to choose their own death!

What can he do up there?

No need!

It's really not necessary!

Hearing this, Brahma's eyes turned.

What the Emperor of Heaven said makes sense. The consequences of karma should indeed be resolved individually, but he blessed too many Asuras.

If only an Asura came to find him!

That would be too much trouble!

"The next time an Asura offends him, I will curse him to be killed by the Emperor of Heaven, and the consequences of his karma will reach Indra."

"If the Emperor of Heaven kills Asura, he can also accumulate more blessings!"

"Okay! Everything is fine!"

Brahma rolled his eyes and thought in his mind.

As a retired employee, he just wanted to have fun, so he might as well forget it and end it himself.

"O Vishnu~Vishnu~"

"Motu and Gaidaba have been blessed by the Great Goddess and can choose the moment of their death. This blessing is difficult for the Lord to break. Emperor of Heaven, you are the God of Wisdom. Is there anything you can do?"

Narada Immortal looked nervous.

He held the veena in his arms, clasped his hands together, and bowed.

He felt guilty when he said this. Last time he was cursed by the Emperor of Heaven.

It might be bad if the Emperor of Heaven is angered again this time!

Um? !

Indra turned his eyes and looked at the sage Narada again.

Is this guy speaking so fluently?

Indra thought for a while and felt something in his heart.


"You can use Maya!"

"The brothers Motu and Gaidaba are powerful in martial arts, but they are immersed in darkness and worry, and their hearts are full of desires!"

"The Lord is the Lord of Maya, the Lord of Illusions!"

"All the Lord has to do is use the great illusion of Maya to create a beautiful woman and instigate it, and the death of these brothers will be confirmed."

Indra spoke.

He said this calmly.

As far as he knew, Vishnu finally used the illusion of Maya to transform into a beautiful woman, and used illusion to personally induce Motu and Gaidabha to say words that would lead to their death at the hands of Vishnu.

Only in this way can the blessings of Motu and Gaidaba be broken!

As soon as Indra finished speaking, a faint voice suddenly sounded, echoing in the ears of the gods.

"I see!"

Vishnu's voice suddenly came.

Indra was suddenly startled and turned to look at the starry sky battlefield where fierce fighting was taking place on the other side.

Good guy!

Teacher Pi, while you are fighting, you still have the mind to listen to what others are saying.

"As expected of the guardian of the Vedas!"

Brahma is smiling.

He held the Vedas and shook it slightly, and the golden light shone, causing many gods to close their eyes.

"Praise to the God of Wisdom!"

The priest's eyes shone brightly and he spoke again.

The gods also suddenly realized.

The Lord seems to have thought of a way to deal with Motu and Gaidaba under the reminder of the Emperor of Heaven. They should be able to return to heaven soon.

"Praise to the God of Wisdom!"

"Praise to the Emperor of Heaven!"

The gods clasped their hands together and praised the Emperor of Heaven excitedly, looking forward to returning to heaven.

On the other side, among the stars.

Planets shattered, volcanoes erupted, and horrific disasters spread across the universe.

The battle between the two brothers Vishnu and Motu continues.


"My children, I have something to say!"

Vishnu looked at the rushing Motu and Gaidaba, and already had an idea in his mind. He stretched out his hand towards Motu and said.

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