Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 122 I'm Talking Nonsense, the Birth of Naro Narayan (asking for monthly tickets)

"So that's it, I understand!"

Indra smiled faintly.

There was a smile on his face, but he couldn't help but complain in his heart.

He stayed here well, both able to work and gain strength through hard work, but now he was asked to help Pi LaoShi solve his psychological problems?

Isn’t Vishnu himself a master of psychology!

It was Vishnu who helped the marriage between Shiva and Parvati.

It's the most troublesome thing to persuade people, and Indra won't go!

Don't go!

"I think the Lord can get through this on his own. There is no need for us to interfere. It's better to let nature take its course."

Indra smiled.

At this time, the three people were walking in the heaven.

"Praise to the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Praise to Surya, the sun god, and praise to Garuda!"

Every time the three of them passed by, there would be Gandharvas who were in high spirits and praising them devoutly. As the group kept passing by, they could see the Gandharvas singing hymns. It can be said that they were working very hard.

The Emperor of Heaven has taken the lead in helping, so they have to work harder!

"This is a task given to me by my mistress, and it is also for the Lord!"

Garuda frowned and replied very seriously.

"Have you ever thought that even if we go, it will be useless." After Indra said this, he turned his head and looked at Surya. "Has your son ever died?"

Sulie opened his mouth and said hesitantly: "I died, and then I lived again!"

Ever died?

His son Yama was originally a mortal. After his death, he became the first human being to experience death. He mastered the power of death and became the controller of the underworld.

He did die, but he was resurrected.

Does this count? !

"Can you tell me how you feel?"

Indra asked.

Hearing this, Garuda's eyes also fell on Suriya. Perhaps Suriya could understand the Lord's mood.

Surya opened his mouth slightly.

"It's sad, it's painful."

Surya murmured.

"Is this all there is?" Indra asked.

Sun God Surya lowered his head slightly in embarrassment and said in confusion.


"There is still a thought why only my son should die, and I want others to be buried with him, and destroy everything..."

How to say this?

Too complicated!

Indra opened his eyes wide and glanced deeply at Surya.

What a domineering president!

"Any more?" Indra continued to ask.


For a moment, Sulie fell into silence and was speechless.

There is for sure!

The feeling is indescribable.

Of course, he could also use his divine power to convey his previous feelings to the Lord, but it seemed to be of no use. Maybe the Lord would be even more sad.

Garuda looked puzzled.

He didn't want to figure this out, he just wanted to complete his mistress's mission.

"Let's go quickly!"

"There's no need to talk about this."

Garuda was a little impatient and looked at Indra anxiously, but he did not dare to interrupt the other person's words, so he had to urge him.

Indra glanced at Garuda.

He doesn't want to go, does Garuda still want to hit him?

He's going to talk nonsense!

Indra spread his hands, looked at Garuda, and continued to talk nonsense, trying to find theoretical support for himself.

"Everything is Brahman, everything is Maya!"

"Our feelings are also limited to our own fantasies, limited to our own Maya, and unable to recognize the real Brahman."

"The Lord is the protector of the world, the Lord of Maya, the Lord of illusion, the sun, the starry sky, all things, the universe, Naga, and Garuda..."

Indra continued boasting.

He has always felt that Maya is very simple, it is his own perception of reality, but this perception cannot accurately describe the real world.

"I do not understand!"

"I don't understand!"

Garuda listened to Indra's words, shook his head, and fell into deep thought.

He felt that what the Emperor said made sense.

But it seemed too profound for him to understand what these principles had to do with going to Pigongzha to help the Lord.

"For the Protector of the World, he worries about the world, so the Maya of the Protector of the World may be the whole world, and the Protector of the World must love the whole world!"

"But the Lord still has a human part!"

"He wants to have kids too!"

"Motu and Gaidaba have brought trouble to the world. I feel that this may be the problem."

Indra said.

He glanced at the two people and saw that they were both deep in thought and seemed to be bypassed by him.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but curl his lips slightly.

Just go around it!

He himself was entangled, and he was a little confused. If these two guys were not entangled, he would have to find a secluded place to sleep and practice hard.

Hearing this, Suriya and Garuda froze on the spot, lost in thought.

"Lord, the human part..."


Garuda muttered to himself.

Na Luo!

This word means "person" in Sanskrit.

Sun God Surya lowered his head, thinking about Indra's words, and murmured in a low voice.

"I seem to understand that as the protector of the world, the Lord represents a part of the universe."

"What about Luo Yan?"

Surya muttered to himself.

‘Nara’ is the human being, and ‘Yan’ is the root of life.

[Narayana] is the foundation of all living beings!

Indra listened to the words of these two guys and blinked. If he remembered correctly, these two names seemed to be the incarnations of Vishnu.

"Nara, Narayan?!"

Indra muttered.

Narayana Narayana!

Narayana Narayana!

Narayana Narayana!

His voice was not loud, but it seemed as if it had traveled through heaven, across the void, across the endless sea of ​​milk, and finally reached Pigong Zha.

In the middle of Pigongzha, on the snake bed.


Vishnu's eyes suddenly opened, with a smile in his eyes, and a faint smile reappeared on his face.

Goddess Lakshmi looked surprised.

Although I don’t know what happened, my husband seems to be happy suddenly? !

Vishnu slowly sat up from the snake bed.

There was a slight smile on his face, as if the spring light had dispelled the cold winter.

For a time, the situation in the world changed, the flowers on the trees opened happily, the vegetation grew brilliantly, the green leaves stood high to receive the sunshine, and the world was full of vitality.

Vishnu smiled and clasped his hands slightly.

"Hail to the Vedic Guardians!"

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

As soon as Vishnu finished speaking, bursts of golden light appeared in his clasped hands, and the waves rippled.

The next moment, Vishnu opened his hands, and two rays of golden light instantly floated out from his palms, landed in front of Vishnu's snake bed, and turned into two figures.

The two men clasped their hands together.

Not only the body shape is the same as Vishnu, but also the appearance is exactly the same.

[Nara] on the left is wearing white clothes, with light black hair hanging down; [Narayan] on the right is wearing red clothes, showing strong arms, both of them are very handsome.

It can be said that the features are clear and the eyes are beautiful, and the back is strong and the waist is strong!

"Nara, Narayana?"

Goddess Lakshmi opened her beautiful eyes slightly and looked at this scene in surprise.

Vishnu smiled lightly, his eyes happy and joyful, staring at his two newly born incarnations.

"Nara represents the individual self, and Narayana represents the universal self!"

"They are like hands clasped together in praise, inseparable!"

Having said this, Vishnu's eyes turned slightly.

He looked at Goddess Lakshmi beside him, grabbed his beloved wife's hand, and said with a smile: "My beloved, your concern made all this possible. It is because of your love that these two incarnations were born."

"because I?"

Goddess Lakshmi was puzzled.

"Of course, it was you who sent Garuda to the heaven to find Surya and Indra. Finally, under the narration of the Vedic guardians, Nara and Narayana were born."

Vishnu slowly told this story with a smile in his eyes.

For a moment, Goddess Lakshmi suddenly realized.

"From now on, when all living beings call me by my name, they can use 'Narayan'."

"Praise to the Vedic Guardian~"

Vishnu smiled.

His voice came over and over again, and in an instant it came out like Pigong Zha, like the sea of ​​milk...

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