Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 123 Three Realms Play, My Clothes Will Come Out (Please vote for me)

"Praise to Narayana Narayana!"

Goddess Lakshmi clasped her hands together, stared at her husband with loving eyes, and smiled softly.

Vishnu smiled faintly and looked at the two incarnations that appeared in front of him.

"You have your own mission, go and practice hard!"

Vishnu's eyes twinkled and he smiled.

At this moment, he seemed to see something in the future.

Naluo and Narayan, with warm eyes and faint smiles, looked like spring light. They slowly lowered their heads, clasped their hands together, and then disappeared into the Pigongza.

At this time, Vishnu's voice had already spread out into the Milky Sea.

Brahma world.

Brahma listened to the voice in his ears, with a pleased smile on his face, and silently glanced at the Vedas in his hand.

"Praise to Narayana~"

"Hail to the Vedic Guardians!"

Brahma was delighted and shook his head with satisfaction.

He has become quite popular today!


Joyful music continues to be conveyed in this snow-capped mountain. The snow is white and pure, sacred and noble.

Lord Shiva is sitting on this stable rock.

He crossed his legs.

A faint smile appeared in his innocent eyes, and he spoke slowly.

"Praise to Narayana~"

"Praise to the Vedic Guardian~"

In the human world.

In a forest with green grass.

Narada Immortal slowly raised his head and listened to the name in his ear with surprise.

"Na Luo Yan~ Na Luo Yan~"

The Radha sage shook his head, opened his heart, and recited the name of the Lord with a moved face, as if embracing the Lord.

Then he heard [Vedic Guardian].


Immortal Narada opened his mouth, then froze on the spot.

It's him!


"Praise to the Vedic Guardians..."

Narada lowered his head, rolled his eyes, and opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

And in other retreat forests in the world.

All the immortals also heard the voice of Vishnu, the protector of the world.

These immortals who had not yet entered deep meditation and ascetic practices woke up one after another. Their eyes looked to the distant horizon, their hands clasped together, and they praised devoutly.

"Praise to Narayana~"

"Hail to the Vedic Guardians!"

"Praise to Narayana~"

"Hail to the Vedic Guardians!"

The immortals rejoiced to hear the new name of the Lord, and they were able to compose more hymns.

"Narayan? Guardian of Veda?"

"The Lord has a new incarnation, a new name, and a Vedic guardian. Could this name be the Emperor of Heaven? There must be a story of wisdom in it. I have to go and see."

"The banquet in heaven is about to begin, and I want to attend it. I want to meet the Vedic sapiens!"

"I want to hear these stories too, and I must write them down!"

"I am coming too!"

The immortals jumped for joy.

They were all ready to go to heaven and could not help but search for wisdom within themselves.

In another retreat forest.

Kashyapa Sage sat cross-legged under a lush Jambudvipa tree. He raised his head slightly and looked through the mottled shadows of the trees to the heaven.


"I didn't expect that this child Indra would become more and more wise now."

Kashyapa Sage looked pleased.

From childhood to adulthood, Indra showed courage and courage.

As for wisdom, he really doesn't want to say more...

But now Indra is a late bloomer!

In terms of wisdom, he is already on a further path than he is.

Immortal Kashyapa was so moved that he stood up slowly, picked up the walking stick beside him, and prepared to go to heaven to see his child.

In the human world, in a thatched house.

[Sage Adili] stood in the fence, with light in his eyes, clasped hands, looking at the sky in the distance, and murmuring piously.

"Narayana, the name of the Lord is indeed of great significance."

"Vedic Guardian?"

"Did this title come from the fact that the God of Heaven protected the Vedas?"

[Sage Atili] was curious and impatient, turned around and grabbed the cane placed by the door, took steps, and was ready to go to heaven.

"Husband, where are you going?"

The wife [Anusuya] walked out briskly with small steps and looked at the extremely excited Adili Rishi in front of her with confusion.

"Anusuye, I want to go to heaven."

"I feel the light of the Veda, the light of wisdom shining in the heavens, and I want to attend the party in the heavens!"

[Sage Adili] said happily.


Hearing this, [Anusuye] smiled faintly, and she slowly stepped forward, adjusting the open robe of Immortal Adili with her little hands.

"Don't be anxious, it's still very early. If you go in such a hurry, you'll still have to wait when you arrive."

"Go find Sumo first and stay with him for a while."

"I heard from Lucini that he hasn't been at home lately, so you went to see Somo."

Anusuye raised his head, blinked his eyes, showed a peaceful smile, and gently smoothed her husband's somewhat messy hair.

She organized it very carefully.

[Lucini] is one of Somo's wives, and she was the most beloved wife of Somo.

When Soma took in the twenty-eight daughters of Prajapati Daksha, he favored only Lusini and completely ignored the other twenty-seven wives. A bowl of water was not equal.

As a husband, you should love every wife equally and care about every wife equally.

This is the husband's duty!

Because of this, Prajapati Daksha angrily cursed Soma.

In the end, it was Shiva who took action and made the moon god Soma turn into a moon wheel and hang it on his head, bathing in Shiva's power, so that the moon god could survive.

Somo doesn't seem to be at home very much now.

[Anusuye] is very worried that his son will make the same mistake again and do something bad.

Hearing this, [Sage Adili] stroked his beard and shook his head.

Makes sense!

"Soma should be in the Moon Palace. Then I will go to Soma's place to stay for a while, and then go to the Emperor of Heaven's banquet."

[Sage Adili] smiled happily.


[Anusuye] looked at her husband with relief and felt relieved.

She asked her husband to go to her son Somo, not only because she was worried about Somo, but also because she was worried that [Weiyi] was also in the heaven.

Her husband and this son.

Both of them have bad tempers and are simply more stubborn than bulls. It would be bad if another conflict breaks out.

In a thatched house.

"Praise to Narayana!"

Immortal Weyi listened to the voice in his ears, clasped his hands together, and gave a shallow salute.

But then he heard the praises of the Lord, the Keeper of the Vedas.


"Is the guardian of the Vedas Indra?!"

Immortal Weiyi's brows suddenly changed and he murmured to himself.

He condensed in his heart and decided to go to the heaven to have a look. He wanted to see why Indra could win such an honor.

At this time, the wife of Immortal Wu Yi [He Deli] came slowly with a smile on her face and carried a flower basket.

Immortal Weiyi's expression suddenly changed.

His eyes widened and he yelled angrily.


"You are collecting these sacrificial flowers so slowly, what if you delay the sacrificial ceremony!"

Immortal Weiyi looked displeased.

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